MMET'98 Ilroceedings I9 k Galer in methods in solving integral equations with applications t o scattering problems A. Chakrabasti Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore - 560012, India ethods of obtaining approximate solutions of integral equations and their applications to e examined . Two typical problems, one propagation of two dimensional surface boundary value problems (see Sneddon [6]),of Mathematical Physics ucing them to those of solving integral equations of various types and me specially simple situations that exact closed form solutions of the be determined completely, and, in the cases of integral equations with "4 01: otherwise, only approximate solutions of certain types can Uy. Of all such approximate methods for solving integral equations, see Jones [4], Evans and Morris [2],[3],Banerjea and Mandal [I], others) appear lo be extremely powerfd, in the sense that certain ccuracy can be recovered with appropriate choice of certain sets of be described in section 2 of the present paper. ajor mathematical ideas behind the Galerkin methods in section 2. n 3, ic__wo_ diaer ent mathematical problems of scattering, occurring and in the theory of water waves respectively, and have reduced problenis to those of solving & a integal equations of first kind, with &r 4, we have presented the approximate soiutionrs of the intea-ai ated in section 3, by employing just or,e term Galerkin approximations and ave derived approximate results for certain special quantities of practical the problems considered in section 3. nes considered in the present work, the principal of solving some linear operator equations (linear red here) of the type ( U ) ( z )= qz), x E A, (2.1) where L is (B linear operator from a certain inner product space S to itself and A c IR (can be Etn,in general), where f and 1 are real valued functions. It may also be required (as in the problems considered here) to determine the inner product : Kharkov, Uklaine, Vllth International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory 80 MMET’98 Proceedings Whenever the mathematical problems at hand are expressible in the forms of the two relations (2.1) and (2.2) we can resolve them, approximately, by utilizing the following senses and :A---. LUGCXD. Definition: A real valued function F ( z ) E S is said to solve the equation (2.11, approximately, if and only if [LF,A] =: [A, LF] R i [A, E ] , (2.31 where the symbol sense that M means ”approximately equal to” and we shall write: Wf,4 f M F , in the ILK 4 for all X(z) E S. Then, using the approximate solution F of the equation (2.l), we can derive an imate value of the inner product [ f ,11, as given by the relation (2.2),in the form: Cf,4 = [ K I ] . In the Galerkin methods which can be successfully utilized for many problems (especially for the p~-obIemsconsidered here), we express the approximate solution F ( z ) , in the form: (2.6) where {$?(x>)~+ denotes a set of n linearly independent functions (not necessarily orthogonal) in S and c3’s are n constants to be determined. as desired below. Using the relation (2.6) in the relation (2.3), after choosing X(x) = $k(z), €or a fixed k (I 5 k 5 n,),we obtain the following set of approximate linear relations (2.7) Treating the above approximate relations (2.7) as a set of n linear equations, we can determine the constants ej’s ( j = 1 , 2 , . . . , n) and then the determination of the approximate solution F ( z ) , can be completed by using the relation (2.6). Also, the approximate evaluation of the inner product [ f , l ] can be completed and we obtain 12 As an example, by taking n = 1 only, we obtain It is obvious from the above discussion that varieties of Galerkin methods can be developed by varying $ j ’ s and n. Kharkov, Ukraine, VIIth International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory 81 M M E T 9 8Proceedings ~ concentrate only on " single-term" Galerkin approximations. we sha.1 now make the followkg observations: We have 4, (4 + [.f,21 = [461 = 11, f l [l,f - PI, ( i ) [F: LF]M i4;: ( i i i ) [E, f - F ] w [J,f, f j - 2[LF:F ] [F, L F ] , (by using (2)) (i?]) [.f - F, L ( f - F ) ] Fz [ L f ,f ] - 2 [ W , F ] [F,L F ] . + + By using t ne results (iii)and ( i v ) we find that a, 11, .f' - P I = [f - F, L(.f - (2.10) and then cne of the following two cases hold good. Case (2.): If L is 3 positive semi-definite linear operator, i.e. if [h,Lh] 2 O , for all h E S , then [I, q 5 p, s:, (2.11) an Case (L): E L is a negative -_ semi-definiie linear c~pemtor,i.e. if [h,Lh] 5 0 . for all h E S, I - with (i) < IC? such that (1) = 0, on LU = O and (e-ixz (iii) 4) + x = a, Re"%) sin (ii) a& -= 0 , dY (7j , as x , as x --+00, ony=Oandy=b -+ X -00, >0 x > o (a known constant) (a known constant) I Kharkov, C[kraine, VIIth International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory __ 82 MMET’98 Proceedings (Note that R and 7’ are unknown complex constants to be determined). along with the edge condition that ~4 possesses a square-root singularity at the edge y = d. Note: The forms of # as given by (zzz), suggest that -A 2 - - T+2p = o _,A2= a2 along with the equation (2.1). Reduction to two integral equations. Setting (-1 7r.z 4(x,y, z> = qi(g7z> sin \ a (3.2) with according as z > 0 x < 01, with (3.4) conditions of the problem1 are met with? except the two conditions ( A )and ( B )of (iv),which lead to the following DUAL SERIES RELATIONS, for the determination of the constants a, : and -KO + 00 K,,u, cos (y) = 0, for d < y < b. (3.6) n=Q These dual relations can be easily reduced to two intes-a1equations, in the following manner: i Firstly, setting the left side of the relation (3.6) as equal to -aoK&g(y), and noting that 2 g(y) = 0, for d < y < b, we can easily determine the Fourier coefficients, in terms of g(y) and then the relation (3.5) easily gives rise to the integral equation: Kharkov, Ukraine, VIIth International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory MMET'S with CO nny n-1 We also f 3 that a quantity N tan be defined as : tend approach, setting the lek side of the relation (3.51, as equal to __.- zf% (1 2 -- ,nd noting that S I ( ~ )= 0, for 0 < y < d , we can again determine the Fourier easily in terms of gI(y) and then the relation (3.6) gives rise to the following iation: with We also f 5- that (3.12) such that Kq5+--0, a4 ay ---CO o n y = O a n d -mcox~t:m, < z < 00, ( K > 0, a known constant) (ii) Kharkov, I: aine, VUth International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory M M E T 9 8 Proceedings 84 e- K Y + ~ P Z(e-imz + Rei-), as LI: --+CO, ~ ~ - K y + i p z- i m x e , asx-+co, where p = K sin(a),m = K cos(a),(0 < Q < 5) ( R and T are unknown complex constants tobe determined). d, (222) (4 4, vd 0, 8s Y + CQ along with the edge conditions that 0 4 possesses a square root singularity at the edge y = a, ensuring uniqueness of the solution of the problem. Reduetian to inteErd equations (3.14) with (3.15) where k l = (k2 pz)t and R = (1 - T ) and b ( k ) are unknowns, we find that all the conditions of the problem are satisfied, except the conditions ( A )and (C) of ( i i ) ,givislg rise to the following "DUAL INTEGRAL EQUATIONS" for the determination of the function + b(k): __ /" b(k)(k cos(ky) - K sir;(ky)) ---- d k A + M2 + im(R - 1)e-"g = 0, (0 < y < a), (3.16) and (3.17) in which R is also an unknown constant. separate integral equations, by The above dual integral equations can be seduced to employing a trick, similar to the one used for the problem 1, along with the use of the Havelock's expansion theorem (see Ursell [7]). In fact, this has already been done by Evans and Morris [2]. ?rR 2 Firstly, setting the left side of the relation (3.16), as equal to -f(y), and noting that f(y) = 0, for 0 < y < a, we can determine b ( k ) in terms of f(y), by using Havelock's expansion theorem, and then the relation (3.17) gives rise to the integral equation: (3.18) where ( k c o s ( k y )- Ksin(ky))(kcos(kt) - Ksin(kt)) dk' 0 kl(k2 K 2 ) along with the defining relation: L(Y't) = J M + (3.19) (3.20) Kharkov, Ukraine, VIIth International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory 'roceedings 85 ;he relation (3.23) d d of the first of the relations (2.9). r,we assume a "sing1e-term" galerkin approximation to the solution of the integral IO), as given by (4.3) 1 aine. VIIth International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory MMET'98 Proceedings 86 Again, for the solution of the integral equat'ions (3.18) and (3.21), we assume the following "single-term" Galerkin approximations ( see Evans and Morris [a]) : and where 6 1 and Ci are to be calculated by using the first of the relations (2.91, giving and 5 . Some approximate resdts In this section vie shall explain about the derivation ~f some approximate results for the quantities H and A associated with the two problems I and 2. considered in section 3 , which represent important quantities of practical interest in the thtr?ary of dectr-omagnetism (see Jones[4]) and in surface water wave theory (see Evans amid Monk iZ]), respectively. y using the relations (3-9)and the approximate solution for g(y) as given by the relations (4.1) and (4.2). we can easily determine H czppmximatelgi. We find that in the particular b situation, when d = - and p,, 2 n 7 T (i.e when b M -- << E ) , we obtain (5.1) Similarly, by tising the relation (3.12), along with the approximate solution for gl(y> as given by the relations (4.3) and (4.4), we can determine an approximate value for the quantity H . b nK We find that when d = - and pn = -, we have 2 b From the theory that has been explained in section 2, we find that the two results in the relations (5.1) and (5.2) provide some upper and lower bounds respectively, for the quantity 7r H , and, we find that the average of these two bounds gives the value -0.73--, which, &Ob .n; ac-cording to Jones 141, is very near the actual value -0.71-. &Ob Kharkov, Ukraine, YIIth International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory 87 MMETAS Proceedings Also, by using the approximate solutions as given by the relations (4.51, (4.6), (4.7) and (4.82, ink(> the relations (3.20) and ( 3 . 2 3 ) , we can determine two values of A , approximately, which prcwlde some upper and lower boiinds, AI and A2 respectively, for this quantity. Then, with the aid of the defining relation (3.20), we find that The rpxnerical values of 1121 have been worked out, by Evans and Morris 121, by using the two tsounds for AI and A, of A as described above, and we give below a representative tabie for ot == 30°qfar the purpoce of completion of this article. The table clearly shows the closeness of the boiinds of /HI, i.e. 1H1/ and I&/, which must be attributed to the particular choice of the " single-term" Galerkin approximations as suggested in the relations (4.5) and (4.6). Ssneqea s. and :da:;daI B.N.," S C e4 vaves by 8 srrbn1erged 3vans D.11.and Mcxri~C,A. IY "The effect of a k ~ e vertical d barrier cobl~q~ely incident surface waves in deep water-' 2~I ~ s t .I V a t h ~ Applies. . pp. 198-204, (1972 a) Evans D. V. and Morris C. A. N., "Complementary approximations to the solution of a problem in water waves", J . Inst. Makhs. Applies, 18, pp. 1-9, (1972 b) Jones D. S., Theory of Eleetrc;emagnetisrrm,Pergamon Press, ( 1964) Mandal B. N. aid. Das P., " Oblique diffraction of surface waves by a submerged vertical plate", J. Engng. Math., 30, pp. 459-470, (1996) Sneddon I. IS. Mixed Boundaqy Value Problems, North Holland, (1966). I Ursell F., "The effect of a k e d vertical barrier on surface waves in deep water", P ~ Q cCamb. . Phil. SOC., 43,pp. 314-3232, (1947) Kharkov, likraine, VIIth International Conference on Alathematicd Methods in Electromagnetic Theory