DISSERTATION PREPARATION APPROVAL FORM Title of Dissertation: ______________________________________________________________________________

Title of Dissertation:
I. To be completed by the student:
I certify that this dissertation meets the preparation guidelines as presented in the Style Guide
and Instructions for Typing Theses and Dissertations.
(Signature of the Student)
II. To be completed by the Dissertation advisor:
A. I certify the Dissertation is not in violation of the United States copyright laws.
(Signature of Advisor)
B. This Dissertation is suitable for submission.
(Signature of Advisor)
III. To be completed by the Director of the School or Chair of the Department:
I certify, to the best of my knowledge, that the required procedures have been followed and
preparation criteria have been met for this dissertation.
(Signature of the Director/Chair)
Note: This form is to be submitted with the signature pages of the Dissertation to the Arts
& Sciences Graduate Affairs Office AFTER the student has passed the final Oral Defense.