Electronic Commerce is an

Electronic Commerceis an
Intriguing Domainfor AI Learning Theory
0 Statement of lnteres
Leona F. Fass
From: AAAI Technical Report WS-99-01. Compilation copyright © 1999, AAAI (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.
Cyberspace Learning
As a theoretician confronted with cyberspace we do not ourselves build systems or implementapplications but we black
box experiment with them as an informed and sometimes
surprised user. Our specific interest in the area of Artificial
Intelligence for Electronic Commerce
comesfrom this "experimenting user" mode.As we employECsystems that nowexist,
we cannot help but analyze them. Basedon our workin behavioral modelingand learning, we maycelebrate ECsystemsuccesses or detect whatwe hopeto be correctable systemflaws.
Adaptationand learning, and criteria for assessing results
obtained, are issues we have consideredin our theoreticallyoriented research. Withinthat context wehaveinvestigated the
representation and construction of complexsystems and informational domains.Wehave sought to identify necessary components that might interact to producea specified behavioral
goal. At f’ast we expected"perfect" implementations
and strove
to determineprocesses and processors for behavior that would
be "correct". But our current workis more(realistically) concerned with achievementof goals and results that are feasible.
Wedo not expect perfect results (whichmaynot exist), and
maybe satisfied to test a processor systemand determineit is
incorrect. Discoveryof (inevitable) errors and adaptivecorrection is just anotherapproachto learningand intelligence.
EC Learning: (Potentially)
Reactive agents with goal-oriented behavior exhibit just such
the intelligent activity that we havedescribed, above. Weourselves haveobservedthis in our daily interactions with EC.
ExampleI. Wehave successfully trained and retrained
the speech recognition component of an electronic
stock-brokering systemto understand our oral requests
for information about the stocks we own. Whenwe
began our efforts the system could not distinguish
from "Assist Technologies", but nowit can.
By considering such exampleswe have cometo believe that
our theoretical researchinto positive, constructiveapproachesto
learning indeed is applicable in the very practical ECdomain.
There massesof information must be represented, analyzed and
processed,withresults (stock sales, plane ticket issuance,dinner
orders .... ) obtained. SuchECconsiderationsare just like the
issues wehavedealt within the field of learning.
Applicationsto ECthat are related to our learning research
include data mining and knowledgediscovery (as in link
analysis); intelligent user modeling;informationretrieval and
integration (especially inference and machinelearning); and
intelligent agent development,as we just noted. Weexpect
our research to be applicable to the design of reactive EC
agents that learn from experience, and to designingcooperating agents and federated agent systems, that decomposeEC
problems and solve their components (as needed)
or interaetively.
Example2. Such an ECinstance we have encountered
is an airline systemthat makesreservations, issues electronic tickets, bills credit cards, and orders special
meals. Uponrequest the systemconfirms all of the foregoingby fax to the user.
Practical ECagent deploymentmost certainly has similarity to our theoretical construction-of-behavioral-realizations
Adversarial EC Learning: Identifying
Correctable Problems and Perils
Ouroriginal constructive learning research was extendedinto
the "adversarial" approachof error detection, and so too can
this research be applied to ECsystem design. A complex
process(or) is expected to have defects, and their discovery
should lead to creating a better, "less flawed"system. In our
"experimentinguser" modewe have inadvertently discovered
some EC problems and perils in deployed systems. These
could be alleviated throughthe use of AI learning techniques.
Wehave identified a need for adequate testing to resolve
premature deployment problems:
Example 3. Wehave found that the "cutting edge"
voice-broker system for a major mutual fund company,
rather than positively impressing shareholders, almost
never works. It requires almost constant humanintervention and loss of staff/customer patience and time,
possibly doing more harmthan (its intended) good.
Wehave identified a need for development of protection-,
back-up- and integrity-preserving-agen~
Example4. A well-knownbrokerage house that features
electronic trading lost all records of security-trading
orders madebefore 10 a.m. last September28, due to a
"system upgrade". As an AI system analyzer, we were
amused,although as a stockholder, we were not.
Example5. Whenthe airline system discussed in
Example2 works, it works very well. But whenone of
its "cooperating agent" componentsfails, so maymost
others. Wehave lost our ticketing record, seats and meal
orders, all at the sametime.
Wehaveidentified privacy, security andlegal issues raised
by an ECsite’s planting of"smart cookies", and similar issues
for "too smart" browsers:
Example6. Wehave permission to engage in electronic
Web-trading of securities via a discount brokerage
house, and can access our ownaccount, using our own
password, from any public machine. Wedid so, from a
public library computerone day, shortly after a new
"remembering" browser version was installed. Nine
hours later, we returned to a library workstation and
began to type in the URLfor a site whose URLbegan
with the same few symbols as that of the brokerage
house. Weimmediately found ourselves ’transported"
erroneously, not just into the homepage of the brokerage house but, without a password, directly into our
account! Anyoneusing that machinethroughout the day
could have done the same: accessing our account, trading and makingbank transfers and cash transactions.
The tech support person we contacted at the brokerage house told us that the "cookie" planted that day to
"help us" (i.e., to track our Web-page
activities) should
haveexpired in 15-minutesof use. But it did not.
Weconcluded that a really smart cookie should be
developed to recognize its environment and to "know"
whenit should not implant. A "browsingagent" should
be developedto recognize and honor secure areas, particulady when it finds itself within a multi-user
Fass, L. E, 1992. Software Design as a Problemin Learning
Theory. In Notes of the AAA1-92Workshopon Automating
Software Design, San Jose CA,July 1992, 48-49. Notes also
released as Technical Report FIA-92-18, NASAAmes
Research Center AI Branch.
Fass, L. E, 1994. Modeling Perfect Behavior: a MachineTheoretic Approach.In Proceedingson Summaryof the Joint
Conference on Information Science: ComputerTheory and
lnformatics, DukeUniversity/Pinehurst NC, November1994,
Fass, L., E, 1999. Establishing Software "Correctness" by
Logical and Algebraic Means. In Notes oftheAAA/-99Workshop on Intelligent Software Engineering, OrlandoFL, July
1999. Forthcoming.
Jensen, D., and Goldberg, H., eds. 1998. Papers from the
AAAI Fall Symposiumon Artificial Intelligence and Link
Orlando FL, October 1998, AAAIReport
Kiernan, V., 1998. Use of "Cookies" in Research Sparks a
Debate over Privacy. The Chronicle of Higher Education,
September 25, 1998, A31-A32.
Special Issues
AI Magazine,1997. Special Issue on Intelligent Systemson
the Internet, Vol 18, No2 (Summer1997).
AIMagazine, 1998. Special Issue on Agents, Vol 19, No 2
CommunicationsoftheACM,1994a. Special Issue on Intelligent Agents, Vol 37, No7 (July 1994).
It was the positive discoveries, and the identified problems
and perils such as those discussed above, that have led our
generally theory-directed thinking into considering the issues
that arise in the very practical ECdomain.As a user we may
be pleased or frustrated by ECsystems. As an AI learning
theorist, we should be able to design and improvethem.
Anonymous, 1998. Private communications between a
prefers-to-remain-anonymouselectronic-trading brokeragehouse technical support staffer and the author, September28,
1998-November4, 1998.
Bienkowski, M., 1998. A Reader’s Guide to Agent Literacy.
SIGARTBulletin,Vol 9. No2 (Fall 1998), 23-29.
Cherniavsky, J.C., 1987. ComputerSystems as Scientific
Theories: a Popperian Approachto Testing. InProceedingsof
the Fifth Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conferenc~
Portland OR, October 1987, 297-308.
CommunicationsoftheACM, 1994b. Special Issue on Internet Technology,Vol 37, No 8 (August 1994).
IEEEExpert, 1995. Special Issue on Intelligent Interact Services, Vol 10, No4 (August 1995).
Jermings, N., Sycara, K, and Georgeff, M., eds, 1998.
AutonomousAgents and Multi-Agent Systems, Premier Issue,
Vol 1, No 1. Boston MA:1998 KluwerAcademicPublishers.
LeonaF. Fassreceived a B.S. in Mathematics
and ScienceEducation fromCornell Universityand an M.S.E.and Ph.D.in Computer
andInformationSciencefromthe Universityof Pennsylvania.Prior
to obtaining her Ph.D.she held research, administrative and/or
teachingpositionsat PennandTemple
University.Sincethen she has
beenon the faculties of the Universityof California, Georgetown
Universityandthe NavalPostgraduateSchool.Herresearchprimarily has focusedon languagestructure and processing; knowledge
acquisition;andthe generalinteractionsof logic, languageandcomputation. Shehas had particular interest in inductiveinference
of inferenceresults to the
practical domain.She maybe reachedat
Carmel CA93921