From: Proceedings of the Twelfth International FLAIRS Conference. Copyright © 1999, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Satisfiability Frank D. Anger* Univ. of W. Florida in Nonlinear Time: Algorithms and Complexity Debasis Mitra Morgan State Univ. dmit Abstract Most work on temporal interval relations and associated automated reasoning methods assumes linear (totally ordered) time. Although checking the consistency of temporal interval constraint networks is known to be NP-hard in general, many tractable subclasses of linear-time temporal relations are known for which a standard O(ns) constraint propagation algorithm actually determines the global consistency. In the very special case in which the relations are all ~pointizable," meaning that the network can be replaced by an equivalent point constraint network (on the start and finish points of the intervals), an O(n21 algorithm to check consistency exists. This paper explores the situation in nonlinear temporal models, showing that the familiar results no longer pertain. In particular, the paper shows that for networks of point relations in partially ordered time, the usual constraint propagation approach does not determine global consistency, although for the branching time model, the question remains open. Nonetheless, the paper presents an O(na) algorithm for consistency of a significant subset of the pointizable temporal interval relations in a general partially ordered time model. Beyond checking consistency, for the consistent case the algorithm produces am example scenario satisfying all the given constraints. The latter result benefits planning applications, where actual quantitative values cam be assigned to the intervals. Keywords: Temporal Reasoning, Constraint Satisfaction, Non.linear Time, Complexity 1 Introduction Temporal reasoning applications are often treated as constraint satisfaction problems in which a qualitative temporal constraint network is constructed with incomplete information represented as a disjunctive labeling on the arcs. Nodes in the network represent temporal entities (points or intervats) and arcs are labeled by the known relations between the entities. If a solution to the given constraints exists, one can be found by selecting one atomic (or unambiguous) label from each label set and testing the consistency of the choice using a table of compositions of the temporal relations. If most or all labels are ambiguous, this approach is exponential in the number of arcs in the network and hence highly intractable. A much more attractive alternative is the use of a Constraint Propagation (CP) algorithm such as presented in (Allen 19981. Although this algorithm, running in O(n~) time, determines only path consistency, which is, in general, weaker than (global I consistency, CPis often used for approximate reasoning. Thus, if CP detects path *Currently at the National Science Foundation, Computer and Information Science and Engineering Directorate. Rita V. ltodriguez* Univ. of W. Florida rrodriguQnsLgov inconsistency, the network is inconsistent, while if it finds no inconsistency, confidence is raised in the consistency of the information. CP, in addition, reduces the disjunctive label sets on the arcs, discarding relations ~.hat cannot participate in a~ty path consistent scenario. ~’- .~ a consequence, CP is often used together with incremental guessing (alternately run CP and select an atomic relation from a remainiltg nonatomic arc label until all labels are atomic) to create a complete algorithm for consistency that, although exponential in worst case, appeaxs to run in time O(na) on average (see for example Ladkin and Reinefeld 1997). For some situations, however, path consistency and consistency are the same, and in these cases a CP algorithm checks the global consistency in O(n~l time. Such cases include, in linear time, the point algebra, ~4, pointizable interval relations, and a whole host of other subalgebras of the complete interval algebra, Z.A [see (Nebel ~.nd Buerkert 1994), (Drakengren and Jonsson 1996), (Ligozat 1996), (Drakengren and Jonsson 1997)]. (More recently, these same researchers have extended our knowledge of the tl actable Mgebras and subalgebras to a number of spatial models as well (Renz and Nebel 1997), (Jonsson and Drakengren 19971, (Drakengren and Jonsson 1999/. Even more efficient, in the case of 7>,4 or the pointizable interval relations, sn algorithm given in (van Beek 1990) checks global consistency in O(n21 time, producing at the same time one consistent scenario for the network. For some applications, such as analysis of distributed systems, cooperating robots, and some fanning systems, linear time does not constitute the mo~.: appropriate model (Emerson and Halpern 1986), (Dean and Boddy 1988), (Anger 1989), (Emerson and Srinivasan 19891. (Winskel 1989); notwithstanding, the complexity of deten~xining consistency in nonlinear modelsis not as well studied as in linear time (Anger and Rodriguez 1991). Clearly the .’omplexity in nonlinear time equals or exceeds that in linear time, but the lineal-time constraint propagation algorithm generalizes easily to branching time and other partially ordered tempored models. In these models, then, path consistency can still be determined in O(n~) time, but as fax as the authors know, no one has determined when path consistency implies global consistency. (Comparewith the references cited in the preceding paragraph for extensive recent work on this question for linear 2) time.) Moreover, there are no parallels for van Beek’s O(n algorithm in the more complex temporal models. This paper explores these questions with perhaps ~:trprising results and presents an O(n3) slgorithm for the special case of partially ordered time in whichall relations ar~’ ~ointizable i eq~fivalent to a network of disjunctive point relations) and do not give rise to either of two excluded relations As a side effect of the inherent data-structure of the algorithm, a quantitative scenario for such a network may be generated once shown consistent. These features could benefit the chosen applb Copyright t~1999. AmericanAssociation for Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved. { 406 ANGER cation areas. In this paper, we describe the algorithm and prove its correctness. In addition, we show that the usual constraint propagation method for determining path consi¯tency of ambiguous constraint networks extends to partinily ordered time, but does not determine global consistency even in the case of point relation¯. 2 The Partially Table l." = < II > Ordered Time Model The temporal modeling literature utilizes many non-linear temporal models. Branclfing time most often refers to ~lure branching time, in which the past is unique and linear whi/e the future has multiple branches, usually representing multiple possible futures. In some cases, such as diagnostic systems, time may branch into the past, indicating possible causes of a known present. For modeling distributed systems, event¯ may be seen to take place in a collection of parallel world¯, representing the different processors, with differing assumptions about relations between these worlds (Lamport 1978). Researchers in distributed system¯ and mobile networks (Lamport 1986), (Rodriguez 1993), driguez and Anger 1993) have also found relativistic spacetime of interest. Finally, time may also be treated as an arbitrary partially ordered set in which some points are related and others not. As an example in which partially ordered time is appropriate, consider a collection of date-stamped data collected at various site¯, such as sightings of animals or vehicles. At each site, the data is reported in a linear order but only the date is recorded, so that it is impossible to tell the actual order between two sightings on the ¯ante day at different location¯: such sightings could be considered =unrelated." In reasoning about such data, if sightings $1 and $2 are unrelated but S~ is before Ss, we knowthat $1 cannot be after Bs (In this application, =after ~ means recorded later at the same site or on a later dam at a different site.) If a lineartime model were used, we would be forced to say that the relation between $1 and S~ is =unknown,z which would leave the relation between $1 and S~ likewise unknown, since no information can be derived from an unknown relation. Another application of the same order structure, although the interpretation is not temporal, would be in a document retrieval system. Two documents could be considered to be either the same, one a subdocument or superdocument of ~ the other, or unrelated documents. (This use of =unrelated must include the case of 2 documents that contain a common subdocument, such as anthologies that contain some of the same articles. If we distinguish the two relations =disjoint s and %verlapping, ~ we obtain the equivalent of the spatial model RCC-5 (P~ndell and Cohn 1989) discussed later.) The relation algebra and satisfiability problems that arise in this application axe in a strong sense equivalent to those of the temporal model we will discuss. To develop more precisely the rules for reasoning with a partially ordered temporal model, begin with a partially order set (T, <) of time points, T, where =<s is a strict partial order (transitive, irreflexive). The notation =1[" (unrelated or parallel) indicates that two point¯ are not temporally related to one another: zll y iff not(z < y) and not(z = y) not(z > ~/). The Point Algebra, ~,4 (po), for point relation¯ in partially ordered time, consists of the 24 = 16 (ambiguous) relations that can be specified between two point¯ in paxtially ordered time. For ambiguous relations, we either ~ juxtapose the basic relations, so =less or equal or greater becomes =<=>,n or use standard notations for others, such Table of Compositions Orde_-ed T-~me Table 2: in Partially = < II > = < II > < < <II 1 II <II z II> > z II > > Table of Compositions Time in Branching - > < II < II > < II > < <II[ /i II zI II > 1 II > as _< or ~. =1s is used for unknownor the universal relation. Wewill also discuss (future) branching time, in which the condition is added that (intuitively) prohibits any joining different temporal branches: any two possible futures are disjoint. ¯ Branch: No two unrelated bound. The Branch condition relations as time points have an upper can be written in terms of point s Branch: /1 z[] y and y < z then all z. The algebra of point relations in branching time will be called 7>.4 (br). Under these definitions, the table of compositions of the point relation¯ {<, I[, >, = ) differ¯ from general partially ordered time to branching time, as given in Table¯ 2 and 3 respectively. (Composition refer¯ throughout to the usual mathematical composition of relations, although the composition table equates to what Allen refers to as the transitivity table.) The difference stems from not allowing branches to rejoin, expressed by setting the composition of I[ with < to H, rather than < [] as found in the more general model. (Note also that the composition of with > is J~rather than 1 .) This distinction between the past and the future also has the rather unpleasa,tt result of making the composition of point relations non-commutative in branching time. In these models, we are also interested in temporal interval relations. Definition: An interval in (T, <) is a pair o/ points (t, u) with t < u. The definition of interval doe¯ not concern itself with what is "between" the two endpoints, so we assume that the temporal interval relations I r J between two intervals are completely determined by the possible point relation¯ between the pairs of endpoints of the tw.~ intervals. (See, for example, (Anger, Ladkin, and Rodrigl.ez 1991) for a more complex approach to branching-time relations.) While linear time has the well-known 13 temporal interval relations given in (Allen 1983), there are 29 possible atomic temporal interval relations between two intervals in partially ordered time and 24 in branching time (Anger and Rodriguez 1993). SPATIOTEMPORALREASONING407 b _ _< <> Figure Figure 3 1: A Path Consistent, Network in Partially and Constraint Propagation (CP) algorithms have been widely used in temporal reasoning, as well as for other constraint problems, as a means of determining consistency, or at least partial consistency, of a collection of constraints. For temporal reasoning of this nature, one begins with a network whose nodes represent temporal entities (points or intervals or a mixture of both), and whose arcs are labeled by temporal relations between the two nodes joined by the arc. There is a hierarchy of consistency conditions: node consistency, arc consistency, 3-cousistency (or triangle consistency), path consistency, and, more generally, k-consistency for any k _< the number of nodes in the network. Since all temporal constraint networks are node and arc consistent, we will not discuss them here. Three consistency says that every triangle (i, j, k) in the network is consistent, meaningthat given 2 temporal entities I~ and Ik (points or intervals, as the case may be) that satisfy the relation r(i, k) given between nodes i and k, there exists an lj satisfying the other two relations of the triangle: I, r(i,j) Ij and i r (j, k ) I ~. A le mma of Ugo Montanari (Montanari 1974), asserts equivalence between 3-consistency and path consistency. The latter imposes a similar demand for finding entities along may path vl, aa,..., eL in the network: if two temporal entities 11 and lk can be found satisfying the relation on the arc vl --> vk, then entities In..., lh-1 can be found satisfying the other k - 1 relations along the path. Because path consistency does not, in general, imply global consistency (Mackworth and Fteuder 1985), (Freuder 1978) and others have studied k-consistency, referring to the consistency of all subnetworks on k nodes. K-consistency will not be pursued beyond k =3. Ladkin and Maddux (Ladkin and Maddnx 1988) show that path consistency determines consistency for a network of point relations (in linear time). This result extends easily to pointizable interval relations, which include all the atomic interval relations. Pointizable relations also form a closed algebra under composition, conjunction, and converse. Theorem1: For point relations in partially ordered time, path consistency does not imply global ~onsistency. Proof: The point network in Figure 1 is path consistent but not consistent. Moreover, Constraint Propagation will not reduce the labels on the arcs, even though the minimal feasible label set is empty. ANGER Forbidden Subgraph Inconsistent Point Ordered Time Consistency, Path Consistency, Constraint Propagation 408 2: Van Beek’s Thecomposition <> o [[ is ~, whichdoesnotreduce<>, while the compositions <> o <> and [[o[[are both 1, which cannot reduce anything. Therefore the network is path consistent. On thc other hand, ,lny consistent ~ccnario must set a < b or a > b. Assuming a < b. the composition < o II in the triangle (a, b, e) and [I o < in the triangle (c, a, both yield < ][, implying a < e and c < b. Repeating this in triangles (d, a, e) and (c, b, d) implies d < e and c < d. then c < d < ¯ implies c < e, contradicting ell e. D The foregoing proof can be generalized to show that a complete (a~d path-consistent) network on n nodes with one cycle of length n labeled entirely by "<>" while all other relations are "ll ~ will be inconsistent whenevern > 3 is odd but can be reduced to a path-consistent atomic network if n is even. Simply note that if two consecutive arcs in the cycle labeled with "<>" were chosen to be bo!h "<:" thcir composition would also be ~<~ contradicting that it is given to be "ll." Therefore, the arcs going around the cycle must alternate <, >, ... This is clearly impossible if n is odd and provides a path-consistent atomic network if n is even. A number of other interesting examples can be constructed from this example indicating a rocky road from path consistency to consistency in 7)A (po). Firstly, replacing one "<>" relation by "< [[" produces a consistent network which CP will not reduce even though any consistent scenario must choose "ll ~ for the altered arc; on the other ~ relation hand,replacing instead one"II by "<II" produces another consistent network whichCP willnot reducebutin which"<" mustbe chosenfor thatarcfor consistency. If g= " is addedto all the~<>~relations, converting allto "J~," applying CP willsimplyreducethe network backto thatin FigureI. Thus,thenetwork is stillpathconsistent andinconsistent. Finally, adding "----"" toallthelabels of Figure1 produces a consistent networkwhichCP will not reduceandin which"= ~ mustbe chosenforall labelsto obtaina consistent scenario. The moredifficult problemof findingthe set of minimal feasible labelsof a network(Vil~,in, Kautz~and van Beek1989),(Loganantharaj, Mitra,and Naidu1991)clearly worsensin P J[ (po).Van Beek(van Beekand Cohen1990) showsthatin lineartime,if CP applh:d to a pointrelation network doesnot produce the minimal labels, thenthereis a subnetwork isomorphic to hisforbidden ~ubgraph shownin Figure 2. Thesituation inpartially ordered timeisquitedifferent, as seenin the consistent examples given~tboveby modifyingFigure1. All thoseexamples areirreducible by CP but, as commented, do not have minimal labels because at least one label has one consistent choice and other inconsistent choices; nevertheless, none of these examples contains van Beek’s forbidden subgraph as a subnet. (Of course, the forbidden configuration itself remains non-minimal in partially ordered time as well, where the ~" label could be interpreted as <> or < [I >.) In conclusion, whereas constraint propagation constitutes an effective O(ns) technique for determining (global) consistency of point relations in linear time, CP does not perform this task in partially ordered time. Interestingly, in the branching time model, the example of Figure I is shown to be inconsistent by constraint propagation! This happens since in that model, <> o [[ is < [I, making the subnet on any 4 nodes connected by <> inconsistent. Thus the question of the relation between path consistency and consistency in ~.A (br) remains open. Another direction of recent research activity has been to look for subAlgebras of the interval algebra (in linear time) for which consistency can be determined in polynomial time (Nehel and Buerkert 1994), (Drakengren and Jonsson 1996, 1997), (Renz and Nebel 1997). Literally hundreds of such (tractable) subalgebras have been determined, in all of which the standard constraint propagation algorithm determines consistency in O(ns) time. Alien already recognized in his 1983 paper that any path-consistent network with atomic linear-time interval labels is also consistent. We remarked in Section 2 that the pointizable relations in linear time enjoy the same property and that they contain the atomic relations. In the case of partially ordered time, since even the po~nt (hence pointizable) relations are not a tractable set, there are likely to be manyfewer interesting tractable sets; nonetheless~ the next section describes such a set and provides an O(na) algorithm for determining consistency of any network in partially o~lered time with labels in that set and for producing a consistent scenario modeling the network. 4 Section 4: Partially Ordered Temporal Network Algorithm In the foregoing section, Figure 1 illustrated a pathconsistent, inconsistent constraint network over the point ~1. gebra, ~.A (po), demonstrating an inherent increase in comp|exity when passing from linear time to partiAny ordered time. The next task undertakes the definition of a subalgebra of ~,4 (po) which is tractable in the sense that path consistency implies consistency. This subalgebra, which we will call ~.4tra¢ (po) (for tractable 7~.4 ), is obtained by simply excluding the two relations "<>" and ~" (’<=>’). A straightforward check shows that ~.At~c (po) is closed under composition, converse, and conjunction. These two excluded relations insist that the two points are related to each other in the partial order but do not determine the order between them. Wehave also seen examples with each of them that form path consistent but inconsistent networks, so the subaigebra is the maximal tractable subset. In fact, a much stronger result can be stated based on the work of Jonsson and Drakengren (Jonsson and Drakengren 1997), ( Jonsson 199g). Theorem 2: The consistency problem over ~.A (po) NP-comldete. ~Atrac (po) contains 1~ of the 16 relations and is the -nique mazimal tractable subalgebra of ~.4 (po) which contains all #he atoms (<, -- , >, 11). There are, however, 8 other maximal tractable snbalgebras ,,ith and 9 relations, respectively: 10, I0, 1. The 8 linear.time relations together with ~ and 1 . 2. The 8 relations containing 1]" along with -- and ~. 3. The 8 relations containing ’~ " along with 0. Proof: (Follows (Jonsson 1998).) The spatial algebra RCC-5consists of the most basic possible relations be! ween two sets or "regions": subset (pp), equal (eq), superset (ppi), disjoint (dr), and partially overlapping (po). The satisfiability (and consistency) problem in RCC-5was recently shown to be NP-complete (Jonsson and Drakengren 1997). In the same paper, Jonsson finds all maximal :ractable subaigebras of RCC-5, which he names R~s, R~°, R~7, and R~4. KCC-5 contains 2~ = 32 relations, while the superscript on the subalgebras indicates the number of relations in the subalgebra. A mapping ~r: ~’.4 (po) --> RCC-5is defined by the most natural association: o(<)= pp, o(>) = ppi, if(-- )= and o(]]) = dr+po. It can be shown that a (finite) collection of time points satisfying a constraint problem over any subset ~ of ~’.A (po) can be translated into a collection sets satisfying the ~r-image constraint problem over or(R), and conversely. Thus the complexity of consistency over 7~.A (po) and its subalgebras is the same as that of their images in RCC,-5under ~r. Since cr(7>.A (po)) notcontained in any of the maximal tractable subalgebras of RCC-5identified by Jonsson, consistency is NP-hard over o(P.4 (po)) and hence over ~.A (po). The maximal tractable subaigebras of ~.A (po) will be the 4 algebras which are the inverse images under ¢r of the for maximal tractable subalgebras of RCC-5. These can be determined from Table 2 in (Jonsson and Drakengren 1997) to be those stated in this theorem. It is also clear that only the largest of the 4 subalgebras contains all the atoms. D The algorithm developed below will determine the consistency of any constraint network with n nodes over the subalgebra ~’Atra¢ (po) in O(, a) time using truly operations that depend on path consistenc~. Moreover, with the saane asymptotic complexity, one consistent scenario is determined if the network is consistent. As a side effect, therefore, the algorithm shows that path consistency implies consistency in such networks. Assumptions: s (T, <) is a partially ordered temporal model s ~.A~rac (po) the algebra of point relations over (T, excluding the relations ~<>" and’~J~ ." Network N consists of nodes v~,v~,...,v, and arcs vi --> ~j for all i, j labeled by relations r(i,j) i:t ~.Atrac (po). Without loss of generality, we assume r(j,i) is the converse of r(i,j). (> is the converse of <, while "-----" and "i] axe both self-converse.) A consistent scenario in linear time would consist of a totally ordered set of n points satisfying all the relations r(i, ]). For partially ordered time, a consistent scenario can be given in the simplest form by a directed at.relic graph (DAG), G, on n nodes representing the successor graph of a partially ordered set. Such a graph has an arc t,~--> vj exactly when ’~i is the immediate successor of v;: i.e., iff [r(i,j) = "<" and there exists no k with r(i, k) = r(k,j) ~<"]. Partial-Order Consistency (POC) Algorithm: The algorithm to find a consistent scenaxio proceeds in 3 stages: SPATIOTEMPORAL REASONING 409 1. Eliminate all atomic u=" relations (by identifying any pair of nodes that are joined by an ~=" arc). An inconsistency is detected whenidentifying vi with vi if there is a k with r(k,i) & r(k,j) = ~; otherwise this junction forms the label for the new arc vk--> vi. Assume that n represents the number of resulting nodes. 2. Form the graph G on {1, 2 .... n} with an arc from i to j iff r(i, j) is u<, or ~<." Formthe transitive closure, C(G), of this graph by adding an arc i--> j whenever there is a k with i--> k and k--> j. When adding the arc, replace r(i, j) by r(i, j) (r (d, k) o r( k, j) ). If newlabel is ~----~(as will be the case if the former r(i, or "ll =’), both ,(i,k) and r(k,j) must have was been ~_~," ~nd hence are forced to be ~-." Repeat step 1 for the triangle (i,j, k), possibly detecting an inconsistency. On the other hand, if this newlabel r(i, j) empty, an inconsistency is detected. Otherwise, r(i, j) must be ~<" or ~_.~ At the end of this step, if no inconsistencies were detected, C(G) is tr ansitively cl osed di rected ac yclic graph (DAG) satisfying i-->j iff r(i,j) is < or <_. There are no atomic "=" labels in the network, so each r(i, j) for which (i, j) is NOTan arc in C(G) is one of <il, <ll =, II, II =, <li >, or 1 (or the converse). At this point, we claim that the network is consistent because all arcs not in C(G) allow ~[[ ." Replacing all such labels by [] and all ~ labels by < produces a network consistent with the original network but with a consistent scenario of the partially ordered set defined by C(G): i < j iff i--> j. This relation is a partial order (transitive, antisymmetric) by construction and relates no points i and j that have r(i,j) = 3. Form the successor graph S(G) from C(G) (or f~om G) by deleting any arc i--> j if there is a k with arcs i--> k and k--> j (just the opposite of the transitive closure construction, eliminating implied < relations rather than adding them). The resulting graph represents a consistent scenario for the original network in the simple form desired. The complexity of this algorithm is the maximumcomplexity of any of its 3 parts. Part 1 searches through the arcs. For each "= ~ found, it collapses a numberof pairs of arcs: specifically, for the kth a=, arc found, the algorithm will collapse 2 nodes into 1 and n - k - 2 pairs of arcs into n - k - 2 new arcs. The total complexity is therefore, in worst case, ~-~:ffi~(n- k - 1) O(n2). Part 2 forms the transitive closure on a graph with n s) nodes, which can be done with standard algorithms in O(n time. Once again, there may be some collapsing of arcs and nodes due to ~=" labels, but the sum of the time spent in Part I and in this part on this activity cannot exceed O(n2). Part 3 is essentially the same algorithm as in Part 2, except it removes rather than inserts arcs. Starting with the topologically sorted G, it also requires O(n3) time. The overall complexity is therefore O(n3). Theorem 3: Algorithm I correctly solves the consistency problem and produces a consistent scenario (in the consistent case) for any constraint network of point relations in partially ordered time provided the network labels are in ~.Atm¢ (po): i.e., the network does not contain either the labels "<>" or "<=>." The algorithm has asymptotic time complezity O(na). 410 ANGER Note that if instead of point relations we begin with a network of polarizable interval relations that do not utilize "<>" or ~<---->~ in their point representations, the algorithm would have to start by translating into a point network, thereby turnin§ an n-node network into a 2n-node network in time O(n ). After finding the point solution, translation back into original intervals could take place, but whether there is some appropriate representations of the interval scenario other than the successor graph of the points is not clear. Corollary: Algorithm 1 plus translation solves the consistency problem and produces a con.~i~lent ~cen,rio (il~ the consistent case) for any constraint network of pointizable interval relations in partially ordered lime provided the associated point-relation network does not contain either of the labels "<>" or "<-->." The algorithm has asymptotic time complezityO( n Z ) Weremark that there should be no difficulty in extending this result to hybrid networks containing point-point, interval-interval, and point-interval relations, provided all are pointizable and give relations in 7~.Zltrac (po). 5 Conclusion For applications such as distributed systems which require a non-linear temporal model, we have shown that although standard temporal reasoning techniques such as constraint propagation can still be used, the complexity increases in a way not solely attributable to the increase in the number of temporal relations. In particular, the general consistency problem for point relations in partially ordered time was shown to be NP-complete, and an ex~ mple of aa inconsistent, path consistent network of temporal point relations in partially ordered time was provided. All (4) maximal tractable subalgebras of the algebra of point relations in partinily ordered time were identified, and an O(na) algorithm was developed for finding a consistent scenario, or showing none exists, for the largest of these subaigebras: only <> and <=> are excluded. These algebras of relations provide further examples of the general rule (to which the authors knowno exceptions) that the "algebra i., tractable if and only if path consistency implies consistenc~, which means that constraint propagation suffices to determine consistency. With a consistent network, the graph generated by the algorithm additionally contributes to the development of a plausibh quantitative scenario based on the qualitative input information, which is being parsed by the algorithm. Whenquantitative information is available a priori about some of the end-points of the intervai~, as found in many problem domains such as the geological one, a more accurate quantitative scenario may be developed. Our approach’ also easily handles hybrid information involving point relations together with interval relations. Acknowledgments: One of the authors was partially supported by grant NCC3-437 from NASA. References [1] Allen, J. 1983. Maintaining Knowledge aboul Temporal Intervals. Comm. of ACM26(11):832-843. [2] Allen, J. 1984. Towards a General Theory of .kction and Time. Artificial Intelligence 23:123-154. [3] Anger, F. 1989. On Lamport’s lnterprocessor Comnmnication Model. A CMTrans. on Prog. Lang. and Systems 110):404-41r. 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