From: Proceedings of the Eleventh International FLAIRS Conference. Copyright © 1998, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Prototype Selection from Homogeneous Subsets by a Monte Carlo Sampling Marc Sebban F~uipe RAPID Reconnaissance, Apprentissage et Perception Im.elligente ~ partir de Donn&~ L-FR Sciences, Ddpartement de Mathdmatiques et Informatique, Univcrsitd des Antilles et de la Guyane, 97159 Pointe-~-Pitre (France) marc.sebbanc.~,un iv-ag, fr Abstract In order to reduce computatiomd ald storage c~stsof learningmethods,we presenta protot.,~T)e selection algorithm. Thisapl)roach usesil,formation contained in a connected neighborhood graph.It determines the numberof homogeneous subsetsin the Rp space,and usesit to fix the numberof prototypes in advance.Oncethisnumberis determined, we.idcntii~," prototypes applyinga stratified MonteC~rlosampling algoritl,n,. We. prc~ent an application of our algorithm olla simulat(xl example, comparing results witilthose obtainedwith othermethods. Introduction Sel(x.tion of relevant prototype subsets has interested mlmerous se’~rehcrs in pattern recognition for a long time. For example, non parametric classification methods such as k-nemwt-neighbors (tIart 1968), Parzen’s ¯ u~indou,s (Parzen 1962) or more generally methods ba~d on geonmtrical models (Seb~mn t996), (Preparata and Shamos 1985), have the reputation to have high computational and storage costs (Jain 1997), (’~Vatson 1981), (Devijver 1.082). Actually.. the belonging class determitmtion of a new instance often rcquire~ distanoc calculations with all points stored in memory. Neverthcless, the simplicity of these approach(~ encourages searchers in pattern re(u~gnition to build strategies to r(xluce the size of the learning sample, kec~fing cla.~sification accuracy (Hart 1968), (Gates 1972), (Ichino Sklansky 1985) and (Skalak 1994). Intuitively, we think that a small number of protocypes can have comparable performanc~ (and perhaps higher) to those obtained with a whole m~mplc. We justin’ this id~x with two re~asons : I. Some noises or repetitions 2. in data could be deletcxl, ~t(’h prototype can be viewexl a~s a supl)lementary dcgrcx ~, of freedom. If we rex|uce the mmlber of prototype~, we can sometimes avoid overfitting situations. °Copyright ~) 1998, American Association for Artificial Intelligence ( All rights reserved. 250 Sebban Figure. 1: Point pruning by the rectangle method : 2 points are linked by an edge if the rectangle covering them does not contain an)" point ; points l and 2 are then deleted because the are not linked to any poiut of the set. To reduce storage, costs, some approachc~ us( r algorithms ~leeting misclassified instances such ~-~ the condensex/ nearest neighbors (Hart 1968) which a/low.s find a consistent subsel, i.e. by correctly classifying all the remaining points in the sample set. In ((.lares 1972), the author propos~ the rexl.uced ncare..~t neighbor rule which improves the previous algorithm finding the minimal consistent ~ub~et if this one 1)elon~,~ to the Hart’s consistent subset. Among lhe other available algorithms, lchino and Sklansky, in (Iehino and Sklansky 1985), propose take into account empty r(x’tangles linking points belonging to different classes to select prototyl)cs (figure 1). In (Skalak 1.994), the author suggcsls two diiferent prototype sekx:tion algorithms : the first one is a Mon!c Carlo sampling algorithm ; the second one applic~ randora mutation hill climbing, where fitness fu.nctio.n is the classification SllC(’(~.~s rat(: on the lc,’trning .~ample. Our approach presented in this article is derived from the first one. This is the reason whywe briefly review in tim next section the useful aspects of the Skalak:s ~lection algorithm. This method being limited to simple problems where clasps of patterns are easily" separable, we propose in section 3 an extension of the principle which determines in ad~ance the number of prototypes from a connected neighborhood graph. In order to show the interest of our approach, we apply the algorithm on ~,n examplein section 4. The Monte Carlo Sampling Algorithm Thc principle of the Monte Carlo method is based on rcpcated stochastic trials (n). This way to proceed allows to approximate the solution of a givcn problem. In (Skalak 1994), the author suggests the following algorithm to determine prototypes. The number of prototypes (m) is fixed in advance as being the number classes to learn. I. Select. ’n random samples, each sample with replacement, of m instances from the training set. 2. For each sample, compute its classification accuracy on the training set, using a 1-near~qt neighbor algorithm (Cover and Hart. 1967). 3. Select the sample with the highest (:htssification accuracy on the training set. Homogeneous Subsets Extraction and Prototypes Selection Wethink that performances of a learning algorithm, whatever the algorithm may be, depends necessarily on geometrical structures of classes to learn (figure 2). p, Thus, we propose to characterize these structures in R called homogeneoussubset.s, from the construction of a connected neighborhood graph. Definition 1 : A graph G is composed of a set of verticea noted ~ linked by a set of edgez noted .4 ; they a~? thus the couple (VZ,A ). Definition 2 : A graph is considered conne~:tc~ if, for any couple of point,~ {a, b} E E’~, there exists a s<a’ies of edges joimng a to b. Wcautomatically deternfine the number of prototypes applying the following algorithm : 1. Construction of the minimumspanning tree. This neighborhood graph ks connected and toni ains the nearest neighbor of each point (figure 3). 4. Cla.ssi~. the test set using as prototypes the sample with the highest classification ac~curacy on the training set. This approach is simple to apply, but. t.o fix m as being thc numberof classes is restrictive. Actually, it is limit, ed to simple problemswherecla.-~ses of pat! erns are easy to separate. Wecan imagine some problems where the m classes are mixtxi, and where m prototypes are not sufficient. In the next section, we propose an improvement of this algorithm, searching for the number of protot~2~es in ad~ncc, and applying afterwards a stratified MonteCarlo sampling. Figure 3: Mininmm Spanning qYee (MST) : in this graph the edge len~h sum is minimum. Froln n points. thc MSThas ~dwavs n-I edges. 2. Construction of homogeneoussubsets, deleting edges connecting points which belong to different, chtssc,~ (white and black). Thus, a homogeneoussubset is a connected sub-graph of the MinimumSpanning Tree (figure 4). ® Figure 2: Examples of geometrical structures : on the one trend, the first example (a) shows a simple probleln dealing with 2 classes (black and white). These classes arc represented by two main structures of points belonging to the same class ; on the other hand, the second example (b) shows mixed classes, with numerous geometrical structures. ¯ ® - .-?’J .... Figure 4: Homogeneoussubsets MachineLearning251 Tile number of homogeneoussubsets seems to characterize the complexity to learn classes of patterns. Thus, the more this number is high, the more the number of prototypes must be high. Actually, when the problem is simple to learn (figure 2.a), a small number of prototypes is sufficient, to characterize all the learning set.. On the contrary, when the problem is (x)mplex (figure 2.b), the numberof prototypes converges on the number of learning points. Thus, we dcx:ide to fix the mnnber of prototypes in a(l~nce as being the number of homogeneoussubscls. Afterwards, we search for the best instan¢x~ of each homogeneoussubset, to identi~’ its protot.~33e. To do t.hai, we apply a stratified Monte C.arlo sampling. ¯ ¯ ++ . ] Success Rate Yl% 55% ]wholeset 73% ] ] m----32 ]m--2 Table l : Results obtained on a ~diclat.ion set : the first. columncorresponds to the sucz.e.~s rate obl.ain(xl with our procedure ; the second corresponds to t, hc. Skalak’s method, and the third one to the succc,~s rate o})tained wit.hout reduction of the learning set Results In order to show the interest of our approa(’h we want to verify that the rexluction of the learning set ¢1o~ not reduce significantly the revognit.ion perforntance~ of the model built on this new learning sample. Wenmst verify that the success rate obtained wit h the sub.set is not significantly weakert.han Lhe ont: obtained wit h the whole sample. Applying our algorithm of homogent.~ms sub~,t extract:ion, we obtain m = 32 structures (figure 6). l{e,sults are presentedilL tit(; table 1, with ’n = I(X) t.rials. This experiment shows that our algorithm allows to obtain a large reductkmin sl orage, and results are (’lose t.o those obt.ained with the wholelearning ~;t.. The al)plicat, iol, of a frequency(xmlparison test doc~not. show a significant difference between the two rates (7"1%vs 73%). On the contrary, we bring to thc fore. with tt,is example the limits of the SLalak’s algorithm, where the numberof prototyl)cs is fixed in advance~mt.h(" number l"igure 5: Example with two classem and 100 points Example Presentation Wcapply in this section our prototype selection algoril hm. Our problemis a simulation, with two classes (’q and C2 (figure 5), where: I. (Ti contains 50 black points : VXi E Ct,Xi = N(p, a~ 2. (."2 contains F~ white points ; VXi E C..2,Xi =N(p, a.2), where crI > a~. With th(~e parameters we. wanted to avoid two cx! remesitua!ions : 1. Ihe 2 ¢’la.~es are linearly separal)le. In this (’~L~(: (loo simple) 2 prototypes are sufficient. 2. the 2 classe,~ are totally mixed. In this ease (too complex) the tmmberof prototypes (?n) converges on number of points (n). The validation set is (’Oml)(rsed of 100 new ca~s, extually chtxsen amongthe t~l~tr() clas.~ C1 and C.~. 252 Sebban Figure 6: .MininmmSpanning tree built on the training sample ; edge~ linking points which belong to difforem classes are deleted ; |hen, we obtain 32 holnogt’ll(~tnls sulx~et.s. Conclusion D.B. 1994. Prototype and feature selection by sampling and random mutation hill climbing algorithms. In Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Machine Learning, Morgan Kaufmann, 293301. SKALAK, Wethink that the reduction of storage costs of a learningse¢is close~" related to themixingof classes. In thisarticle we haveproposed to characterize thismixing by searching forgeometrical structures (called homogeneoussubsets) thatlinkpointsof thesameclass.The smaller thenumberof structures is,themorethereduction of storage costsis possible. Themaininterest of ourapproach is to establish a priorithereduction rateof the learning set.Oncethe numberm of prototypes is a priori fixed, numerous methods to select them are then available : stochastic approaches, genetic algorithms, etc. Wehave used a Monte Carlo sampling algorithm to compare our approach with other works. Nevertheless, we think that the I-nearest neighbor rule is not always adapted to classes with different, standard deviation. Then, we are working on new labeling rules which take into account, other neighborhood structures : Gabriel structure, Delaunaypolyhedrons, Lunes, etc. (Preparata and Shamos1985). 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