Clinical Experience Advisory Committee Spring 2011 Meeting 4:30-7:00

Clinical Experience Advisory Committee
Spring 2011 Meeting 4:30-7:00
March 10 2011
KSU Student Center Conference Suites
1. Welcome and Introductions @ 5:30
2. Transforming Teacher Education Thorough Clinical Practice: Summary and Comments. (This
was sent to you with meeting announcement). How do we actualize shared responsibility? See
discussion questions (ATTACHMENT 1)
The idea of a yearlong placement IN SOME AREAS was still viewed as a possibility by both
Ravenna and Bedford. One thing that was brought up was a place (job board) that districts
could log onto and post what service learning needs they have and then we could see how we
might help in terms of volunteer service or field experience. (E.g. homework helps)
3. The Draft of the Student Teaching Assessment as prepared by KSU Committee for the
purpose of aligning student teaching assessment to the Ohio Standards. (ATTACHMENT 2)
Not much discussion on this other than to make sure it’s valid and has inter- rater reliability.
Liked that it would flow into the residency documentation and terminology.
4. New Ideas on Supervision of Student Teachers:
Students record their lesson presentation and upload to KSU Tube (secure site) for
viewing by a supervisor. Would our students have to bring a camera or could ones be
available? Permission?* (see back of this agenda) The next day, supervisor, cooperating
teacher and student have a SKYPE conference call/video chat to review the lesson.
Supervisor visits in person only for initial meeting, midterm and final. What do you
think of this model?
A Cooperating Teacher Wiki could be established with a discussion option for posting of
information and opportunities for discussion and problem solving. Our tech folks are
looking for an application for this that would be easy to use.
Both Bedford and Ravenna liked having the supervisor physically present for observation and
interaction and not just remotely .Since the meeting, Jim has met with our tech folks who are
Partners in Educating the Teachers of Tomorrow
researching a platform that would be secure and accessible outside the KSU firewall for
cooperating teachers to use to share ideas on working with student teachers.
5. Revised Professional Disposition Assessment for 2011 and beyond. (ATTACHMENT 3&3a)
We highlighted the consolidation of items and the addition of one relating to social media
and other uses of electronic devices.
6. Placement Outlook for 2011-2012. What are the staffing plans in the districts?
Both districts present are still accepting student teachers for 2011-12 and Bedford would
welcome more KSU students in field or ST if available.
7. Other Items
Thanks to all of you for your service on this committee. Our next meeting will be October_13__
at 4:30 here in the Kent Student Center. More details to follow later this summer
Members Present
Joanne Arhar
Leah Travis
Jim Knapp
Julie Healey
Connie Collier
Bea Flarida
Janice Hutchison
Julie Dorff
Connie Collier
Becky Morsefield’s (GA)
We Missed Your Input.
Hope to see you at our October 13 Meeting at 4:30.
Deb Eli
Lori Slattery
Karen Gegick
Deb Siegel
Mark Leventhal
Angela Desai
Gail Martino
Paula Snyder
Susan Grogan Johnson
Andrea Shearer
John Sheets
Cynthia Symons
Partners in Educating the Teachers of Tomorrow
KSU Video Permission:
Permission for Photographs/Videotapes/Audiotapes of Children
Teacher Candidate Name: _________________________ Phone No.: ___________________
Email Address: ________________________________
Child’s Name: _________________________________ School: ________________________
Teacher’s Name: ______________________________________________________________
Name of Parent(s)/Guardian(s): __________________________________________________
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of ________________________________:
I am an undergraduate student in the ______________________________ program at Kent State University. One of the requirements for my
coursework is to document my work in the classroom.
I would like to work with your child this semester including photographing, videotaping and/or audiotaping, when necessary. Please review this
permission form, and if you agree, sign and return the form to me.
The photographs and/or tapes will not be used in any publication or other public usage such as posters, advertising, or other media. All tapes,
prints, and/or negatives will be destroyed after the purpose for the photographing and/or taping has been completed except for personal
portfolio use.
If you have any further questions about the requirements, you may contact my course instructor, _________________________________.
_____ Yes, I give permission for my child to participate in this work.
_____ No, I do not give permission for my child to participate in this work.
_____ Please return any photographs, negatives and/or tapes to me.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Teacher Candidate Signature
Cooperating Teacher Signature
I:\OCE\ST Misc\Photo Permission.doc
Partners in Educating the Teachers of Tomorrow