TrIAs - An Architecture for Trainable Information Assistants

From: AAAI Technical Report WS-98-14. Compilation copyright © 1998, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
TrIAs - An Architecture
for Trainable
& Dietmar
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
66123 Saarbriicken, Germany
Software agents are intended to perform certain tasks
on behalf of their users. In many cases, however,
the agent’s competenceis not sufficient to produce
the desired outcome. This paper presents an approach to cooperative problemsolving in whicha software agent and its user try to support each other in
the achievement of a particular goal. As a side effect the user can extend the agent’s capabilities in a
programming-by-demonstrationdialog, thus enabling
it to autonomouslyperformsimilar tasks in the future.
Software agents are intended to autonomously perform
certain tasks on behalf of their users. In manycases,
however, the agent’s competence might not be sufficient to produce the desired outcome. Instead of simply giving up and leaving the whole task to the user, a
muchbetter alternative would be to precisely identify
what the cause of the current problem is, communicate it to another agent who can be expected to be
able (and willing) to help, and use the results to carry
on with achieving the original goal.
The user of a system can certainly be expected to
have some interest in obtaining a useful response, even
at the cost of having to intervene from time to time.
As a consequence it seems rational to ask him for help
whenever the system gets into trouble. By enhancing the communication between user and agent by a
training phase, the agent’s capabilities can 5e extended
such that similar problems in the future can be prevented and the problem-solving process becomes more
This paper presents an approach to cooperative problem solving in which a software agent and its user try to
support each other in the achievement of a particular
goal. By demonstrating the solution of a subproblem,
the user extends the agent’s capabilities and thus enhances its usefulness for all potential users. As this
training mode based on the paradigm of programming
Figure 1: The TrIAs/ITA Architecture
by demonstration supports various levels of expertise,
even naive users can add to the overall performance of
the system such that a flexible adaptation to a rapidly
changing environment can be achieved.
In the case presented here, a trip planner tries to
satisfy a user’s requests using information from various web sites. The central challenge of this system is
the question of how to extract the desired data--like
of a hotel room--from HTMLdocuments
with possibly unknownstructure.
The Architecture
In the following, we will introduce our agent architecture for a Trainable In/ormation Assistant (TrIAs)
which has been instantiated by an application plugin to an Internet Travel Arrangement Assistant (ITA)
(see Figure 1). In this tour arrangement scenario the
user and ITA cooperate in planning and assembling a
trip. There is no limitation whether the user is an individual person or a tour operator agent in a traditional
travel agency.
The three core components of the architecture are
the application module instantiated by the trip planner and its knowledge sources, the information broker responsible for satisfying the requests for and controlling the access to information, and the information
extraction trainer (IET) helping the broker to bridge
potential gaps in its knowledgeabout howto gather requested information. The planner and IET share the
same user interface which is a standard Web-browser.
The architecture supports interchanging the roles of
the user as an information consumer and an information provider which is associated with the broker’s current abilities.
Regarding the consumer role the user
specifies the desired trip using the specific interface
(e.g. HTML-forms)provided by the trip planner. The
planner is realized as a constrained-based process able
to handle different meansof transportation (flight and
train schedules including fare tables and currency conversions, car rental services), able to integrate appropriate accommodations, etc. Using all these data it
incrementally refines the trip specification considering
the user’s preferences.
Whenever the trip planner has an information
gap that cannot be filled using its current domain
knowledge--because the data are highly dynamic and
currently out-of-date or are locally not available--it
sends appropriate information requests to the broker. This module maintains a rich domain model
that basically contains descriptions of possibly heterogeneous information sources and mapping algorithms
which realize a refinement from a high-level request to
WWW-queryexpressions. 1 These are expressions in
our SQL-style query language HyQL which provides
amongother things flexible concepts to support detailed WWW
as well as document content
access in a homogeneous and robust way. The information broker’s interface to the Webis implemented
by the interpreter for HyQL.If the currently relevant
HyQLscripts can be successfully evaluated the broker
hands over the results to the application module, thus
satisfying the original information request.
But what if the broker is not able to extract the
required information, e.g. because the layout of a web
page has changed? In such a case the broker passes the
relevant request to the information extraction trainer
which starts a programming by demonstration (PBD)
dialog with the user, that is the roles of information
provider and consumer are exchanged. IET loads the
relevant web pages to the browser2 and starts a PBDsession by first communicatinga problem description.
The user either simply marks the required piece of
information--e.g, the price of a hotel room--thus satisfying the current request or trains the system to perform this task autonomously in the future. The latter
will be discussed in one of the subsequent sections. At
the end of this training phase, the broker either obtains the missing information or the method to extract
it from the given document. In any case the trip planner can continue its work.
There is a number of approaches concerned with
query languages, where each single approach
has nice and useful features. But, none of these has
satisfied all our requirements in the context of trainable
information assistants. The language must support:
¯ detailed specification of WWW
navigation and programmed search,
¯ detailed and flexible access to document structure
and content,
¯ flexible referencing and selection schemeto reach robustness of queries against layout changes of documents,
¯ specification and use of user-defined abstractions
¯ homogeneouslanguage definition fulfilling the needs
of naive as well as expert users.
Our approach of a WWW
query language called HyQL
provides all of the desired features. Its main purpose
is to operationalize information gathering processes,
those which are already known and abstractly specified, but more interestingly those which are new and
defined by the user in cooperative interaction with the
system. E.g., the user can define a parameterizable
abstract action of the kind "select the partial city map
for city X which covers the location of hotel Y’. The
abstract specification is then given by:
hotel_location(+C, +N, -I)
pre: city(C)
post: street(hotel(C, N) )
3I : citymap(C, I)
1Thebroker’s task is also to maintain statistics about
connectedand visited sites in order to adapt its heuristics
for future information gathering.
2The pages are non-visibly augmentedwith special features in order to support the PBD-process.
HyQLis a WWW
query language, designed to implement the operationalization of actions of this kind. It
is on one hand a means for the domain expert who
specifies e.g. the information gathering tasks associated with a trip planner. On the other hand, it is the
target language used in PBD-sessions to represent the
intermediate and final hypotheses about the user’s intended information selection concept.
In the following, we will discuss important features
of HyQLsupporting the realization of the aspects of
information gathering just sketched.
HyQL considers
the WWW
as a computable dynamic graph structure where the nodes are static or
dynamically generated documents and the edges are
the links between them. The documents themselves
are represented as HTMLtree structures in a canonical form, which means that some obvious faults in
documents are repaired and optional start or end-tags
are introduced. HyQLis an SQL-style query language
which provides a lot of functions for the exploration
and selection of labeled graph and tree structures.
Now, we explain the most important concepts of
of Documents
The basis for the selection of document parts is the
XML(xml 1997) linking and referencing concept operating on a labeled ordered HTML
parse tree. Let T be
such a parse tree, E a tag in T, i.e. a terminal subtree
of T, and P the path from the root of T to E. There
are manyways to characterize a specific element E in
T: by specifying constraints on P, the content or other
properties of E, by specifying a context of E and E’s
relative position to this context, etc. Collections a play
a key role in the specification of a position. There are
collections of subtrees where the root is a specific tag,
has specific attributes, the attributes are set to specific
values, or the leaves match specific patterns. There are
collections of children, ancestors, descendants,.., of a
node. All collections can be accessed as a complete list,
or indexed forwards or backwards. In addition to the
single element and all-collections, selections of intervals are also possible: fetching a prefix or suffix of an
all-collection, or specifying two single border elements
and automatically all elements between them.
Example 1: The following sample expression is able
to select the first four rows of the last table in the
current document:
select interval
first element TR in last elementTABLE
aCollectionsare sets of elementsof a specific type, specific structure or content, or with specific attributes. All
collections share the same access methods.
startingat root to
fourthelementTR startinghere
A shorter form without syntactic cougar is given as:
(-I,table)( 1, TR)..
next(3 ,TR)
canbe definedby
a selection
S, on each item resulted by the evaluation of an expression $2. The next example shows an application
of mapin order to select the second columnof a table.
Example 2:
map second elementTD
on select all elementTR
in first elementTABLE
Selection of Documents
for the explorationand selection
of specificpartsof the WWW.
* select ... from document d
such that d in URLI,...,URLn
of thisexpression
boundsthatdocumentto thevariable
d whichis firstcompletely
fetched within a certain timeout 4. The HyQLinterpreter performs a parallel pull on the n documents
characterized by their Url.
¯ select ... from all document d
such that d in URLI,...,URLn
of thisV-quantification
all documentsURLi,i = l,...,ncan be fetched
within a certain timeout.
¯ select ... from all reachabledocument d
such that d in URLI,...,URLn
This is a weak form of the V-quantification, which
fetches all documents reachable within the timeout.
A subgraph of the WWW
to be explored
searched for a specific documentcan be specified by the
use of path regular expressions. Therefore, we classify
links as local (on the sameserver as the source), global,
or empty (source equals target). Regular expressions
built upon these categories can describe a more or less
restrictive set of paths between the source and the potential target document. The search space associated
with the path expressions can be further restricted by
adding constraints on the nodes to be traversed. This
can be extended to the concept of a dynamically computed path where the node to be reached next is a result
of a function applied to the current document:
d --~ fl(d) --4 f2(fl(d)) f3(A(fl(d))) --~
4If not set, a default value is taken.
here, d is the source document and -* denotes a local
Example 3:
selectcontentfrom documentd3
such that documentd in http://...POST ...,
d2.url = select HREF in first A
in last TABLE from d
match(d3.t itle,’ News’
a simplesearchprocedure,
mightbe thedocument
by accessing
of a search
parametersusingthe POSTmethod.Documentd2 is the
by a globallinkto d. In
a locallinkis searched
document’stitlematchesthe keyword’News’.The
couldbe usedto findthe Newssectionof somecompany’s
of the companyis known.
HyQL-expression above demonstrates another feature
of HyQL:test or constraint predicates integrating
structural properties of documents can be defined on
the fly using the ’applicable to’ operator. A constraint ’El applicable to E2’ evaluates to true if the
evaluation of the expression E1 succeeds in the context
of the value of E2.
Amongothers HyQLprovides some primitives
produce output, i.e. to generate HTMLand plain
text, which let the HyQL-interpreter work as a CGIprogram.
The Training
There exist at least two scenarios in which the user
might want to teach the system how to extract relevant
information from a web page. He either wants to create
a new personal information service that integrates various sources from the WWW
or the information broker
came up with an unsatisfied information request from
Specifying and Using Macros
an application system like the the trip planner ITA. In
the latter case the user is presented a short description
HyQLallowsthe definition
of macroswhichare paof this request (e.g. "the price for a single room").
of HyQL-expressions.
Before the training process starts, the HTML usedto specify
givenin thefollowing
Example 4:
are used to better characterize the user’s navigation
through the document text--as well as features extendas root,descendant
ing the interactive functionality of the page. 5 Parsing this modified document yields a tree that serves
selectall elementrow_in_first_table
as the main data structure for the training process.
from documentd ...
The user’s selection of text portions can be uniquely
the PBD-scenario
as described
in more
mappedonto this parse tree. Learning the concept hiddetailin thenextsection
macroscanbe usedto wrap
den in the examples given then amounts to translating
of documentparts.Taking
the corresponding subtrees into operational access prothetableshownin Figure3 as thecurrent
cedures in terms of HyQL.
usercoulde.g.applytheabovemacroto characterize
The rest of this section is organized as follows. The
a new element type message. Successfully completing
next section briefly characterizes the user’s interacthe training phase the system for example has addition with the system during a training session. Subtionally derived a macrodefining a filter to select the
sequently two learning tasks and their respective sorelevant messages:
lutions are presented before further aspects like dealExample 5:
ing with hyperlinks, applying recognizers, and defining
macros are addressed.
as first elementFONT with
The Interaction
ch ($1)
The basic goal is to make the training process as painless as possible for the user. That is, the user should
selectall element m message
not be bothered with learning a programming language
from documentd ...
or even a protocol requiring some fixed interaction patwhere important(’Telekom’)
terns. Instead, both trainer (user) and apprentice (info
The filteris heredefinedas a large-sized
5It is important to note that these changes remain inportion which contains a substring matching a spevisible to the user, that is, the appearanceof the document
cific keyword. The application of the filter in the
within his browser will remain the same.
broker) can take turns in initiating further iterations
in a very natural kind of dialog in which the trainer
¯ provides examples (and possibly counterexamples)
of the concept to be learned,
¯ gives additional hints facilitating its unique identification,
¯ asks the system to present its current hypothesis,
¯ criticizes
its performance.
¯ identify the next positive examplewithin the current
documentby itself,
Figure 2: User’s selection
¯ classify the user’s selection using recognizers, 6 and
within the document parse
The algorithm for the construction of a HyQLquery
then works in two phases. First the root nodes of "interesting" subtrees of the documentparse tree are identified. A subtree is considered interesting if it covers
parts of the user-selected text. The second step then
consists of translating the paths leading to these nodes
into HyQLstatements.
Phase 1: Starting at the root of the parse tree, find
the minimal number of subtrees completely covering
the text selected by the user. For each of these subtrees
the same search procedure is invoked. Iteration stops
as soon as the complete leaf word~ is contained in the
current selection.
For the example of Figure 2, the first subtree found
is the one originating
at <TABLE>.While it completely covers the selected text, it also contains irrelevant portions (in this case the contents of the other
table columns). Restricting the context to this tree the
next iteration yields the subtrees corresponding to the
various rows of the table (with root nodes annotated
by <TR>). In the next round the <TD>subtrees are
reached and the search stops.
Phase 2: A HyQL statement representing
an operational description of extracting the selected text is
generated by retracing the above search in reverse order. As an important substep the system tries to identify regularities in the resulting expressions that can be
simplified using the map instruction (see Example2).
In the above example, this is the case for the final
step where the second <TD>element of each row has
to be accessed. The complete HyQLexpression derived
of the
As will becomeclear in the subsequent sections, the incorporation of user-defined macros enables the system
to adapt this translation to the user’s owncategories.
The Learning
The apprentice, on the other hand, can offer to
¯ present a simple natural-language translation
HyQLscript forming its current hypothesis.
Twobasic learning tasks influencing the underlying algorithms have to be distinguished. The concept to be
learned can either describe a single piece of information that is contained exactly once in the document
under consideration, or the user intends to teach the
system howto extract a number of similarly structured
pieces of information. An example of the first kind of
single-occurrence concepts (SOCs)is the price of a single room given on a hotel web site. Multiple-occurrence
concepts (MOCs)can be found wherever elements of
similar syntactic structure are enumerated, e.g. in a
As the algorithms used differ in both cases, the user
can greatly simplify the learning process by initially
indicating what type of concept (SOC or MOC)is
be learned.
Learning of SOCs Assume the user marks a certain
portion of an HTML
document, e.g. the second column
of a (TABLE>as depicted in Figure 2. Note that the
selected text is split in several non-cohering parts, the
respective contents of the various <TD>tags.
6Recognizers are simple procedures that can identify
pieces of information using their syntactic structure (like
zip-codes or phone numbers). Their role will be discussed
7Theleaf wordof a tree is the string containing all its
terminal nodes.
map second element TD on
select all elementTR in
first elementTABLE
from documentd in http://...
The HyQLstatement for finding the second instance
of the above example s is
map second elementTD on
select all elementTR in
first elementTABLE next
from documentd in http://...
Whenlearning an SOCit is often hard to decide
howto describe the context, i.e. the syntactic features
enabling the unique and robust identification of the
relevant text portion even if the document itself was
slightly modified. To this end, a number of heuristics
were implemented that guide the learning process. If,
for example, the selected text is found within a table,
its column and row structure is used to address the
selected area. In unstructured documents the system
tries to detect graphical elements like horizontal lines
("... the second sentence after the first <HL>")or particularly formatted text (headers, bold-face words, ...)
that can be used as "landmarks" for navigating within
the document. The expressive power of HyQLincluding various addressing schemes--e.g, from the beginning or the end of a document--supports this search
for discriminating features.
The user can additionally give hints by pointing at
particular elements of the document (like images or
lines) and tell the system to use them in constructing
the context of the access script to be learned.
Remark: Note that the HyQLscript (1) is very robust
against modifications of the sample document as long
as they do not directly affect the context (the first table
within the document).
Learning of MOCsThe task of characterizing
MOCusing HyQLcan be split in two subtasks.
By addingmoreandmorenextstatements
at thisposition,thisscript
Dealing with Hyperlinks
so faronlyinvolved
of relevant
fromonesingledocument.In manycases,however,
is dispersedon a numberof websitesinterconnected
The newstickerfromFigure3 is a typicalinstance
forthiskindof information
an indexfilewiththeheadings
of variousnewsitemswitha hyperlink
to thecorr~
9 Figsponding
in separate
ure4 displays
of suchdocuments
D is the parse tree of the index file. The dashed lines
represent hyperlinks to the associated documents D1
through Dn.
¯ Find the first occurrence of the unknownconcept in
the document.
¯ Q¯
¯ Starting from there, find the next one.
Assume the document under consideration contains
more than one table of the above-mentioned structure
and the second column of each of them contains interesting information for the user.
In order to learn a unique characterization of MOCs
the user has to identify at least two positive examples.
After searching for corresponding subtrees in these examples, the system tries to find the first occurrence of
the unknownconcept in the given document. The user
can facilitate this process by indicating that one of his
examplesactually is the first one.
Using this examplean SOCexpression like (1) is generated. Searching for regularities in the corresponding
parse tree structures of all positive examplesavailable
then enables the system to find out which part of the
context of this expression is crucial for switching from
one occurrence to the next.
Figure 4: Parse trees of complex documents.
Treating hyperlinks as a special kind of parse tree
edges the same mechanismsas described in the discussions of how to learn SOCsand MOCscan be applied.
Note that HyQLprovides all the operators required
to navigate through sets of documents connected by
The Integration
of Recognizers
As already mentioned, recognizers are simple procedures that can classify text according to their syntactic
SThat is, the second column of the next table to be
found in this document.
9After clicking on the rectangle at the beginningof each
line, the messagetext is displayed in the lower frame.
I NeuregelungmumLauschingriff hat Bund~atpmicrt
br~tst Wet~b an alien Ft~
Netanjahubel KohhKanzle¢"zunehm~d
~ r~,,,.
~ ...........
beharrtauf 0,5-Promllle-Grenze
Bonn(dpa) - DerBundesrathat sich mlt der SPD- Mch~clt
d~u" ausgesp~chen,
an der Absenk~g
der Proml]]egrenze
soll schon~b0,5 Prom/lieeJnFahn,erbotausg~proc.hen
abet im Btmdest~g
mitder sogenanntcn
wiedmr~ Fall br~$¢~SIC,wmbed 0,$ pron~¢ill
undpunktein F/ensburg,
gl~bees wit: bishererst ab 0,8 Prorate,dpasd lg
Figure 3: Newsticker of a Germanpress agency.
¯ improve the communication between the system and
its user.
structure (cf. (Kushmerick, Weld, & Doorenbos1997)).
That is, given some string they can decide whether
it contains a phone number, a zip code, a city name
or whatever (depending on the application,
domaindependent recognizers have to be defined).
During the learning process they are used to characterize patterns within the selected text portions and
produce more robust HyQLscripts by performing a
kind of "type check" on the extracted pieces of information. Being able to guarantee certain properties of
the data found is particularly important when other
system components--like the travel planner ITA--use
them as their input. In case of ambiguities--e.g, some
Germanzip codes can be mixed up with telephone city
codes--the system can ask the user to give the correct
Assumethe table column accessed by script (1) contains city codes. Integrating a corresponding type
check yields the following expression
If, for example, the user wants to extract several
items from a block of text containing the address of a
hotel, he can first train the system to reliably identify
this portion of the document. Extraction of the more
specific items like street name, zip code, and city name
can then be addressed by first using the address script
as a macro that determines the context of the scripts
to be defined. Then the training phase continues as
usual within this significantly restricted search space:
selectsecond element x WORD in
first elementADDRESS
from documentd in http://...
map second elementx TD on
select all elementTR in
first elementTABLE
from documentd in http://...
where city_code(x)
thatfiltersoutany tableentrythatdoesnot form
a validcitycode(according
to the testprocedure
serve the purposeto producemore compactHyQL
scriptsthatcanbe easilycommunicated
to the user
using"hisown words’--the
ADDRESSas the namefor thisparticular
Depending on the user’s expertise, the system can
present its scripts in a straightforward natural language translation or in the actual HyQLcode.
by the User
The user can support the identification of the selected
text by pointing at specific text portions serving as
"landmarks". Examples include words in titles or
graphical items like horizontal lines.
Assumethat in the above example the relevant text
part is preceded by the phrase "Contact Information".
Using this landmark for navigation within the document the learned HyQLscript can look like
The Role of Macros
The HyQLlanguage allows for the definition of macros.
Within the context of training an information seeking
agent, they can be used to
¯ efficiently synthesize more than one script for the
same document and
Particularly the user interaction part of the PBD
mechanism was inspired by work like (Manlsby 1994)
where the requirements of a training dialog are described and various instantiations of instructible agents
are presented.
select second elementx WORD in
first element ADDRESS
after first B matchingCContact
from documentd in http://...
Additional robustness can be gained by adding
structural constraints (using the applicable to construct of HyQL)as was demonstrated in Example 5.
With an increasing interest in building software agents
that use information available on the Webas one of
their main knowledge sources the problem of learning
how to handle these sources at least semi-automatically
The wrapper induction method (Kushmerick, Weld, & Doorenbos 1997) aims at automatically
constructing content extraction procedures for Web
sources. The system inductively learns a wrapper generalizing from example query responses. Opposed to
our approach the information sources considered (and
also the wrapper class intended) are limited to have
a very specific structure. Since their approach also
requires more than a few examples to work, a userinteractive approach with online integration of new information sources like our TrIAs architecture is not
adequately supported.
(Ashish & Knoblock 1997) aims at inducing a structure on the documents of interest by identifying potential headings, determining the hierarchical nesting
of the various sections, and finally generating a parser
that allows the extraction of structural units from the
document. The user can support the system by pointing out mistakes.
In ILA (Perkowitz & Etzioni 1995) the category
translation problem is concerned, i.e. howto translate
information from Websources into internal concepts
of the information broker. Weextend ILA’s approach
of using a fixed ontology in that we additionally allow
the integration of a user-specific ontology.
The HyQLlanguage incorporates some ideas from
other approaches: both WebSQL(Arocena, Mendelzon, & Mihaila 1997) and W3QL(Konopnicki
Shmueli 1995) provide sophisticated constructs for
navigation on the Web, but they lack an integrated
modelof parsing documentsand selecting specific parts
of them. SgmlQL (SgmlQL 1997) is a nice SQLstyle programming language for manipulating SGML
(HTML) documents but lacks any navigation constructs. XML(xml 1997) allows with its linking concept based on XMLparse trees a precise specification
of resource locations, especially within documents.
This paper presented the TrIAS architecture for trainable information assistants. It described how a problem solver making use of information available on the
can be trained to extract useful data from
HTMLdocuments. Using programming by demonstration the user selects the relevant portions of a document and makes the system synthesize a HyQLprocedure that enables it to autonomouslyrepeat this selection for future tasks.
The expressiveness of the Webquery language HyQL
as well as the incorporation of structural and semantic constraints in the characterization of relevant information and the use of recognizers make the access
procedures learned this way very robust against modifications of documentlayout and structure.
Arocena, G.; Mendelzon, A.; and Mihaila, G. 1997.
Applications of a web query language. 6th Int. WWW
Conference. see also www.cs .utoronto. ca/ websql.
N., and Knoblock,
C. 1997. Semiautomatic Wrapper Generation for Internet Information Sources. Proc. of the 2nd IFCIS Conference on
Cooperative Information System.
D., and Shmueli, O. 1995. W3qs:
A query system for the world-wide web.
Proceedings of VLDB Conference.
see also
www.cs. technion,
ac. il/konop/w3qs,
N.; Weld,D.; and Doorenbos,
R. 1997.
for information
IJCAI’97, 729-735.
Maulsby, D. 1994. Instructible Agents. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Calgary, Canada.
Perkowitz, M., and Etzioni, O. 19~5. Category translation: Learning to understand information on the
internet. IJCAI’95, 930-936.
SGML Query Language.
ect s/SEmlQL.
XML: Extensible markup language Part 2. 1997.
W3CWorking Draft, www.w3, org/TR/WD-xml-link.