Radiocommunication Bureau
(Direct Fax No. +41 22 730 57 85)
Circular Letter
13 December 1999
To Administrations of Member States of the ITU and
Radiocommunication Sector Members participating in the
work of Radiocommunication Study Group 8
Adoption of 3 draft new and 1 draft revised Recommendations by Study Group 8 in
accordance with § 10.2.2 of Resolution ITU-R 1-2 (Adoption by a Study Group by
At the meeting of Radiocommunication Study Group 8, held from 10 to 12 November 1999, the
Study Group decided to seek adoption of 3 draft new and 1 draft revised Recommendations by
correspondence, according to § 10.2.2 of Resolution ITU-R 1-2 (Adoption by a Study Group by
correspondence). Enclosed with this letter are the English versions of the draft Recommendations,
as modified at the meeting of Radiocommunication Study Group 8.
In accordance with the provisions of § 10.2.2 of Resolution ITU-R 1-2, the consideration period will
extend until 13 February 2000. If no objections are received from Member States during the
consideration period, the draft Recommendations will be considered as being adopted and will be
submitted for approval at the forthcoming Radiocommunication Assembly. However, any Member
State who objects to the continuation of the approval procedure for a draft Recommendation is
requested to advise me of the reason and to indicate possible changes to the text in order to resolve
the problem.
Robert W. Jones
Director, Radiocommunication Bureau
Annexes: 4 (Docs. 8/115(Rev.1), 8/116(Rev.1), 8/126(Rev.1) and 8/128(Rev.1)).
Administrations of Member States and Radiocommunication Sector Members participating in the work of Study Group 8
Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of Radiocommunication Study Group 8
Secretary-General of the ITU, Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, Director of the Telecommunication Development
Place des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 20
Telephone +41 22 730 51 11
Telefax Gr3: +41 22 733 72 56
Gr4: +41 22 730 65 00
Telex 421 000 uit ch
Internet: itumail@itu.int
X.400 S=itumail; P=itu
A=400net; C=ch
Summary for Draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT.HAPS] - Minimum
performance characteristics and operational conditions for high altitude platform stations
providing IMT-2000 in the bands 1 885-1 980 MHz, 2 010-2 025 MHz and 2 110-2 170 MHz in
Regions 1 and 3 and 1 885-1 980 MHz and 2 110-2 160 MHz in Region 2 (Doc. 8/115(Rev.1))
This Recommendation provides guidance to Administrations evaluating the probability of
interference from High Altitude Platform Stations (HAPS) IMT-2000 systems. The bands under
consideration can be used differently by neighbouring Administrations as they have primary
allocations to the fixed service and the mobile service. Notwithstanding No. S5.388 of the
Radio Regulations, Administrations can use these bands for systems in the mobile service other than
This Recommendation provides a co-channel spectral power flux-density (spfd) limit on HAPS
emissions at an administration’s borders. This limit is independent of the exact use of the band by
the neighbouring Administration. However, as this limit represents a trigger value for co-ordination
purposes, this Recommendation also provides co-ordination distances at which the interference
level is permissible, depending on the HAPS coverage area and on each of the possible uses of the
band by the neighbouring Administration.
This Recommendation also provides out-of-band spfd limits on HAPS emissions on the Earth’s
surface, as well as HAPS performance requirements to protect mobile earth stations and fixed
stations operating in bands adjacent to transmissions from HAPS. It also addresses protection for
space stations in the space science service.
Summary for Draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R M.1079 - Performance and
quality of service requirements for International Mobile Telecommunications-2000
(IMT-2000) (Doc. 8/116(Rev.1))
This Recommendation defines the speech/data quality and performance requirements for IMT-2000,
including the satellite aspects.
This Recommendation lists the basic Recommendations essential for:
a) achieving speech quality comparable to the fixed network by specifying natural speech, free, for
example from excessive delay and echoes, that will enable users to converse easily using the
IMT-2000 network, taking account of the full range of impairments like transcoding and
environmental noise that are to be expected and;
b) acceptable data quality and performance requirements.
This Recommendation also defines the connection/session performance, concerning issues like call
set-up time, delay characteristics and handover probability, to be achieved in the IMT-2000 network
that the user will expect in a network of comparable performance to the fixed network.
Summary for Draft new Recommendation ITU-R [IMT.RSPC] - Detailed
specifications of the radio interfaces of IMT-2000 (Doc. 8/126(Rev.1))
This Recommendation identifies the IMT-2000 terrestrial and satellite radio interface specifications,
based on the key characteristics identified in Recommendation ITU-R [IMT.RKEY] and output of
activities outside ITU.
These radio interfaces support the features and design parameters of IMT-2000, including the
capability to ensure worldwide compatibility and international roaming.
Summary for Draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[MSS.TREQ] - Essential technical
requirements of mobile earth stations of geostationary mobile-satellite systems that are
implementing the GMPCS-MOU arrangements in parts of the band 1-3 GHz
(Doc. 8/128(Rev.1))
The type approval of equipment forms a part of the authorization for the use of mobile earth station
(MES) terminals. The mutual recognition by administrations of type approval of MES terminals for
geostationary mobile-satellite service systems is a key element in facilitating the circulation of MES
terminals. To achieve mutual recognition of the type approval of MES terminals on a global basis it
is necessary to have common global technical requirements.