From: AAAI Technical Report WS-96-05. Compilation copyright © 1996, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Object-Oriented ProgrammingSupport for CLASSIC Ralf M~iller University of Hamburg,ComputerScience Department Vogt-KOlln-Str.30, D-22527Hamburg,Germany moeller@in formatik,uni-hamburg, de Abstract:Themainthesis of this paperis that in order to useDescriptionLogicsinpractical applications,a seamless integration with object-oriented systemdevelopment methodologiesmustbe realized. It presents an object-oriented programming layer for CLASSIC. 1. Introduction tional programmingpoint of view it is irrelevant whether a result of a function call is defined by merely looking up a set of instances in a relation table or by actually computinginstances with complex algorithms and auxiliary data structures. Second, using genetic accesser functions for retrieving the objects that are directly set into relation to a specific individual allows a lot of error checkingcodeto be automatically generated. A unified interface for accessing the services that an object provides hides manyrepresentation details whichare irrelevant from a moreabstract perspective. Althoughthe logical semantics of Description Logics (DL)modelingconstructs is a big plus, to ensure decidability of the subsumptionproblem, the expressiveness of the logical language must be limited. The consequenceis that in a real application without toy problems, currently not all aspects can be formally For example,in a graphical user interface, the drawmodeled with DL constructs. This means that proing function for an object might depend on the grammingis still necessary. As a DL we use the object’s concepts. User interface programmingis one CLASSIC system [9]. Reducing CLASSICto practice of the best examplesfor the application of object-ori[1] means that the DL can be integrated into the ented programmingtechniques. For rapid user interwhole system development approach which, at the current state of the art, uses object-oriented modeling. face development however, an existing UIMSmust In this paper, the CLOSOOPperspective will be used be reused. UIMSsprovide powerful programming [10]. Thepaper presents an object-oriented programming abstractions which are modeledwith the object-orilayer for CLASSIC. It assumes basic knowledgeabout ented representation techniques (e.g. for CLOSthe 1CLOS[3]. UIMSCLIMmight be used [7]). There is no way to rebuild these software libraries with CLASSIC or The integration of CLASSIC and CLOSrequires that any other DLin a reasonable time. So what can be genetic functions and methods can be written for done? Copying information associated with a DL CLASSICindividuals. The procedural parts of an object into a CLOSobject which is used for UI part application should be able to use CLASSIC individuof an application is inadequate as well. Unfortuals just like CLOSinstances. The "services" of an nately, managing multiple "copies" of the same object are accessed only by the use of generic funcobject is a direct contradiction to the principles of tions. This meansthat the relational part of CLASSIC object-otiented programming.Thus, for rapid applishould be hidden behind a functional layer because, cation development, object-oriented programming from a software engineering point of view, dealing techniques must be madeavailable to CLASSIC indiwith individuals and relations earl be quite cumberviduals. The next chapter discusses an approach that somefor at least two reasons: First of all, froma funcdemonstrates how this can be achieved with an extension to CLASSICthat uses CLOS-like genetic 1. Thispaperis a shortened andrewrittenversionof a paperpre- functions to access information about an individual. sentedat OOPSLA’96 [5]. Theextensionsfor the CLASSIC sysIt will be shownthat the implementation of CLAStempresented in this paperare availablefromthe author[6]. SIC methoddispatch can be surprisingly simple. - 170- 2. Integrating ated. If they do not already exist, corresponding 2generic functions are automatically generated. OOPand DL Generic functions for Description Logics have also been developed in the LoomSystem [2]. Methoddispatch for individuals is provided by specific genetic functions which dispatch on ABoxobjects but not on CLOSobjects. Loomalso supports CLOSclasses for the implementation of ABoxindividuals but only a limited sort of reasoning is implemented on these instances (no dynamic reclassification by forward inferences). The first role option :single-value-p specifies whether a single value or a set of values should be returned by the role reader function. The other option :error-if-null is used to insert code for error checking to avoid an empty set to be returned. The following example illustrates the use of defineaccessor. For concept and role declarations the KRSSsyntax is used [8]. Theapproachpresented in this paper clearly separates CLASSICand CLOSbut provides a unified way to access the services of both systems. 2.1. Accessors: A Functional Interface to a Knowledge Base CLASSIC itself provides a relational interface for retrieving and addingrole fillers. Givenan individual and a role, the set of fillers can be retrieved: (clfillers<ind><role>). In manycasesonlyone filler is returned. However,the result will alwaysbe a set (actually a list) and the function first must applied to get the list element itself. To hide the repeating access to the first element, an additional function will have to be written. Furthermore,in some circumstances,it will be considered as an error if the filler is not known.Unfortunately, additional code mustbe written to checkthis. If nil (the emptyset) returned, an error is likely to occur in subsequent function calls whenan individual is expected. Again, code must be written to avoid this. Instead of writing this code manually, a more general mechanismis advantageous. The way to access individuals should be declaratively defined using generic functions and corresponding low-level code for methods should be automatically generated. The declaration form defineacces sors has been introduced to specify the access to individuals in that way. (define-accessors<concept-name> (<role-name><accessor-name> [ :single-value-p<boolean> ] [ :error-lf-null<boolean> ] ) (define-primitive-concept ship classic-thing) (define-primitive-role has-position-xnil) (define-primitive-role has-position-ynil) (define-accessorsship (has-position-xposition-x : single-value-p t :error-if-nullt) (has-position-yposition-y : single-value-p t :error-if-null t) As in CLOS,for accessing information of an object, define-accessors defines methods for generic functions. Additional methods might be written by the programmer(e.g. around methods or after and before methods). CLASSICindividuals require another dispatch mechanismwhich is realized by extended generic functions. 2.2. Generic Functions and Methods The extended generic functions presented in this paper can dispatch on CLASSICconcepts or CLOS classes or both. The form define-generic- function is used to define a generic function with dispatching extended to CLASSIC individuals. The argument list of define-generic-function indicates which arguments expect CLASSIC dispatch and which arguments use standard CLOSdispatch. (define-generic-function <function-name> (<dispatched-argument-description> ... [ <other-argument>... ] ) [ <option>...] ) A description for a dispatchingargumentis a list consisting of an argumentnameand a dispatch indicator ...) For each role description mentionedafter the concept name, a reader method and a serf writer method for the generic function <accessor-name> is gener- 2. Theexplicit declaration of a generic aeeessor function is neeessary, for instance, whena special methodcombinationthat differs from the standard methodcombinationis to be used [10]. - 171- (either :clos or :classic). Just as defgeneric CLOS,define-generic-function alSO supports ordinary argumentswithout specializer (called other-arguments). The optionsfor definefrom generic-function are the same as for defge- function can be defined as follows (comparethis to initialize- instance from CLOS). (define-methodinitialize-individual:after ((ind <concept-name>)&rest initargs) ., ,) Initialization arguments can also be given to create-individual. The list of "initargs" is a sequence ofrolenames andcorresponding setsof iniMethodscan be definedwith the form definetial fillers) neric. Note that methodcombinations are also supported. method. (define-method<function-name>[ <qualifier> ( <dispatched-argument> ... [ <other-argument>... ] ) 2.4. Computation of the Concept Precedence List The TBoxdefines a partial order relation between The syntax of a dispatched argument in a method concepts (subsumptionrelation). In order to define parameterlist is identical to the syntax of arguments howmethoddispatch is handled, the multiple inheritfor defmethod of CLOS. The <qualifier> indiance lattice must be serialized by a concept prececates the kind of methodcombination. In addition to dence list which represents a total order between names for CLOSclasses, CLASSICconcept names concepts. A concept precedence list is used for the can be used as specializers. same purposes as a CLOSclass precedence list, it The following declarations continue the example defines howan effective methodfor a specific function call is computed(see the detailed introduction in from above. [3]). A valid concept precedence list is any total (define-generic-function pos ( (ship :classic) ordering that obeys all partial orders defined by the (deflne-method pos ( (s ship) (values(position-xs) (position-ys) TBox.However,by this requirement only a small set of constraints are defined. There are still several dif(define-generic-function draw ((ship :classic) ferent approaches to serialize a concept lattice. In (stream :clos))) CLOS the notational order of superclasses in a class (deflne-methoddraw ((ship ship) (stream graphic-stream)) definition defines a set of additional order constraints. , ,,) However,from the viewpoint of Description Logics, Ship is a CLASSICconcept(see above) and the direct superconcepts (the least general subsugraphic- stream is a CLOSclass. mers) are unordered. Therefore, in the approach presented in this paper, the relation of parents with 2.3. Individual Creation and Initialization respect to methoddispatch is left undefined. ProceCreating individuals using the primitives supplied by dural code must not depend on any notational order between concept parents. CLASSIC (or KRSS)is somewhatcrude. From a software engineering point of view, a protocol for indi3. Implementation of Method Dispatch vidual initialization is needed. For individual creation, a function create-individual with A straightforward implementation for method disparameters(concept-name &optional ( indpatch with individuals can be provided. CLASSIC name (gensym)) &rest initargs) has dispatch is reduced to CLOSdispatch. supplied. ¯0 0 ) Whenan individual is created with create-individual, the generic function initialize-individual is automatically called. A method for this 3. Theset of initial fillers for a role is representedby a list. If a non-list is used, a singleton list is automaticallycreated. - 172- 3.1. Reducing CLASSIC dispatch dispatch to CLOS (DEFMETHOD F-METHOD ( (A (# : TYPE6807 <CONCEPT-NAME>) (B <CLOS-CLASS>) The implementation of generic functions and method dispatch for CLASSICis quite simple. 4 The form ...) define-generic-function is used to declare which parameters are handled as ordinary CLOS The methodis defined for the "real" generic function with suffix METHOD. In the example, the specializer instances and which parameters are CLASSICindiship has been "moved" to the second parameter. For viduals. As a side effect of this declaration, a new the original parameter no specializer is defined. It function is created (a simple Common Lisp function). This "wrapper" function calls another function with specializes on t, the most general type in Common the same nameconcatenated with the suffix METHOD. Lisp, and therefore, this parameter has no "discrimiThis function internally represents the generic func- nating power". Nevertheless, the original instance tion and implements the method dispatch. For must be passed as an argument. In the body of the method, the CLASSICindividual must be bound to instance, the macroform: IND.The corresponding additional parameter is used (define-generic-function only for dispatching (its system-generated nameis ( (a :classic) (b :clos))) unintemed).Since the substitute specializer must be CLOSclass (here the class A is used), for every expands into named CLASSICconcept a corresponding CLOS ( PROGN (SETF (GET ’F :ARGUMENT-SIGNATURE) class is automaticallycreated. The set of superclasses ’ ( :CLASSIC:CLOS) of such a class is computedon the basis of the TBox (DEFGENERIC F-METHOD (A # :TYPE6806 B) classification process. Note that the list of super(DBFUN F (A classes of a class might dynamically change whena (FUNCALL (FUNCTION F-METHOD) A defined concept is automatically inserted into the (COMPUTE- TYPE-ARG A) subsumptionhierarchy by TBoxclassification. B))) The internal function F-METHOD is applied to the same argumentsas the wrapperfunction, but for each parameter, which uses CLASSIC dispatch, an additional parameter is inserted (for a this will be #:type6806). For each CLASSICindividual, an associated CLOSinstance is computed with compute-type-arg. In a method definition, the additional argumentsare used for the "real dispatching". Note that normal CLOSarguments are treated as usual. The methoddefinition The function compute-type-arg (see the expansion of define-generic-function) computesa CLOSplaceholder fora CLASSICindividual. The ideabehind compute- type- arg is to get the concept of a CLASSIC individual (classic:cl-indparents), to derive a corresponding CLOSclass, andtousetheclass prototype ofthisclass. Oneproblemis thata CLASSIC individual maybe subsumed by more than one named concept, i.e. classic : cl- expands into ind-parentsreturns a list of concepts. Whenthis happens, a new anonymousCLOSclass with corresponding superclasses must be created on the fly. The prototype object of this class will then be used. A memoization scheme (with a hash-table *classtable*) is used to avoid inflationary class creation. 4. Themain~eaisinspiredby~eimplemenmfion ~p~senmfiontypedispamh M CUM(define-presentationgeneric-function ~ddefine-presentationmethod). (defun compute-type-arg (ind) (or (classic: :di-clos-instance ind) (let ( (class-names (mapcar # ’ classic : cl-name (classic:cl-ind-parentsind) ) (if (null (rest class-names)) ( find-class -prototype (define-method ( (a <concept-name>) (b <clos-class>) ,,,) - 173- (find-class(first class-names) (let ((class (gethash class-names *class-table* )) ( if class (find-class-prototype class) (let* ( (class-name(gensym)) (class (find-class class-name) ) (ensure-clos-class : name class-name : superclassesclass-names) (setf(classic: : di-clos-instance ind) ( find-class-prototype (find-class type-name)) (setf (gethash class-names *class-table*) class) (find-class-prototype class)) ) ) three times slower than directly using CLASSIC’s retrieval functions on the sameprocessor. 4. Summary The mainthesis of this paper is that in order to use Description Logics in practical applications, a seamless integration with object-oriented system development methodologies must be realized. 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