From: AAAI Technical Report WS-96-05. Compilation copyright © 1996, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Using Description Logic for Reasoning about Diagrammatical Notations Volker Haarslev University of Hamburg, Computer Science Department Vogt-KSlln-Str. 30, 2252? Hamburg, Germany hl;tp://kogs-www. InformatIk.unl-hamburg, de/-haarslev/ 1 OO QO (X} Introduction This paper summarizes research [1; 2; 3] about a fully A A A A B 8 8 intersects contains disjoint touches implemented logical framework to develop axiomatizaFigure 1: Primitive relations between A and B tions defining meaningful "constellations" of abstract diagrammatical objects. The proposed framework is based on a spatial logic for describing qualitative spatial relationships between objects and on description logic (DL) C A B as specification formalism. The framework was successpointing_to(C,B) A starting_from(C,A) fully applied to three representative diagrammatic notadirectly_contains(C,A) linked(A,B) tions: simple entity-relationship (ER) diagrams, placeFigure 2: Higher-level relations transition petri nets, and a visual language for concurrent logic programming. Thislogical framework formsthebasisforthegeneric amples of particular notations. Supported primitive obobject-oriented editorGenEdthatsupports theformal jects are points, (directed) line segments, line segment designandanalysis of visualnotations. Prominent fea- chains, and (spline) polygons. These objects can be used turesofGenEdare(I)itis gener/c, i.e.domain-specific to composeother objects (e.g. circles, ovals, etc). syntaxandsemantics of drawings arespecified as TBox 2.2 Spatial Relations expressions; (2) built-in parser for actual drawings that creates ABoxassertions in accordance to our spatial GenEd recognizes seven primitive spatial relations logic; (3) reasoning capabilities about diagrams and their (disjoint, touches, intersects, contains/contained_by, specification by utilizing the classifier and realizer of DL covers/covered_by) that may hold between objects (see systems. Figure 1). It also computes the dimension of the inThe next section sketches our theoretical foundation tersection, if applicable. The semantics are defined in for this approach. It is followed by an example session analogy to a proposal by Clementini et al. [5] and are applying our framework to entity-relationship diagrams based on point-sets and topology. The relations have a and giving a short overview of GenEd’s user interface. parameterized ’fuzziness’ compensating for inexact posiAfterwards we report on our experience with two mationing of objects (caused by users or scaling factors) and jor DL systems. Weconclude this paper with a short floating-point arithmetic. In contrast to several other discussion of related work and future research. approaches for spatial relations (e.g. see [2]) GenEdcan also deal with concave objects. Additionally, an arbi2 Theoretical Foundation trary collection of objects may be grouped together and treated as a composition object. Analogous semantics Our approach is based on a fully formalized theory [2] for composition objects were defined. for describing visual notations that consists of three comHigher-level relations were implemented with the help ponents. Each component is defined by precise semanof the above mentioned seven relations (see Figure tics. Objects and relations are defined by point-sets and 2). GenEdcurrently recognizes specialized containment topology. DL can be based on model-theoretic seman(directly-contains/inside), connectivity (linked-with), tics using a compositional axiomatization with set thedirection of line segments (starting-from, pointing-to), ory. GenEd implements these three components in acand partonomies (has-part/part-of). These relations are cordance to our theory. also applicable to composition objects. 2.1 Geometrical Objects 2.3 Description logic The implementation of geometrical objects and recogniDescription logic is used to combine geometrical objects tion of spatial relations uses well-knowncomputergraphand spatial relations. GenEdsupports a predefined upics techniques for reasons of efficiency. The semantics per model resembling built-in geometrical objects and of these algorithms are still specified within our theory computedrelations. Objects are represented as a hierar(see [4] for a complete treatment). GenEdoffers a set chy of (primitive) concept definitions and relations as predefined geometrical objects (similar to other objectoriented graphic editors) that can be used to design exset of (primitive) role definitions also partly organized - 124- circle, diamond, line, text)usedinourERdia hierarchy. We consider visualnotations as a subclass (rectangle, agram language. In the following, primitive concepts are of formallanguages. Language elementsarespecified typeset in a slanted style. as defined concepts thatrepresent meaningful constellationsof geometrical objects. We decided to bypassthe Connectors aggregation problemand alwaysselectonegeometrical object froma constellation thatrepresents thisaggregationwiththehas-parts role. In thefollowing we describe thesemantics of ourDL in the usualmanner.LetC be the setof concepts and A relationship-entity connection is a line that touches thesetof rolesin a DL theory. A modelis a set7:) exactly one text label (expressing cardinality) and two v, and an assignment function~ such that~ : C ~ 2 2 , other regions (rectangle or diamond). cardinality is a : T£ ~ 2v where2v is the powersetof the domain text string with values chosen from the set {1, m, n}. I),where:D2 = (7:)x ~))andwhere~ mustsatisfy following conditions (concept namesare denotedby relationship_entity --androlenamesby r): (line A (3=3 touching) A (3=1 touchingtext) A (:1=2 touching(rectangle V diamond))A ~[concept name]C ~) (:1=1 touching rectangle)A (3=~ touching diamond)) ~[rolename] C_~) × ~[(cI A... Ac~)] = n~n_-l~[Ct] cardinality ¯ ,’[(clv .. v c.)]=U,=l~[C~] (text A (V touchingrelationship_entity) ~[(3>. r)] =(=1II{(x,y)l(x,u)¯ ~[r]}ll (:1=~ touching)A (V text_value{1, m, n})) ~c[(:l>n r C)]]= {X[II((x,Y)l (X,y)¯ A U¢[¯c}] 11-> n} ~[(3_<. r)]]= {xI II((x,Y)l (=,Y) ¯ ~[r]}ll ~[(:1<. r c)] = {xI II{(x,Y)I (=,Y) ¯ ~[r]^y¯ ¢[c]}11 -< ~[(:1..r)]] : {=lII((x,Y)I(~,Y) ¯ ~[r]}ll~} ~[(3=° r c)] = {=1II{(x,~)l(=,Y)¯ ~[r]^y¯ ~[c]}ll ~c[(Vr c)] = IVy: (x,y) ¯ ~[r] =~y ¯~[c] ~[(=r i)] ={=1vy: (=,y)¯ ~[r]~ y= ~[(r. c)] = ~[r] n {(x,y)l v ¯ ,~[:]} ~[rlo r2] = {(x,y)l 3~.(x,z) ¯ ¢[~1] A(~,y)¢[~=]} 3 ExampleSession:ER Diagrams An attribute-entity connection is a line that touches only two regions (circle or rectangle) and no text string. attribute_entity ---(line A (:1=2 touching)A (V touching(circle V rectangle)) (:1=ztouchingrectangle)A(:1=~touchingcircle)) Entities We appliedour framework to threeexemplary diagrammaticnotations: simpleentity-relationship (ER)diagrams,state-transition petrinets,visualprogramming languages, andevaluated itsfeasibility in thedomain of geographical information systems (see[I;3] formore An entity is a rectangle that contains its name. It details). touches at least one relationship-entity and optionally some attribute-entity connectors. It is linked with at 3.1 Knowledge Base least one diamond. In thefollowing we outline thespecification of ER diagrams.Our taxonomy of concepts is designed in a way named_region =-thateveryelement of an example drawing hasto be clas(region A (:1=1 containing)A (V containingtext)) sifted as an instance of a conceptthat is a leaf in the taxonomy. Elements that violate this property are an indientity -cation for a bug occurring either in the example program (rectangleA named_region A or in the KB. Figure 3 shows a screen shot of GenEd’s (:I>i touchingrelationship_entity) A user interface displaying a subpart of a larger example (V touching(attribute_entity V relationship_entity)) modeling relationships in an airline company. Weas(:1_>1 linked_with diamond)A sume a few primitive concepts and spatial relations from (V linked_with (circle V diamond))) GenEd’s upper model that represent geometrical objects - 125- reasoning process is invoked to automatically analyze drawings after every modification and to give the user an immediate feedback. If the batch mode is set drawings are always analyzed from scratch and the user has to start the reasoning process manually. Relationships A relatioemhip is a diamond that contains its name. It touches one relationship-entity and optionally some attributeentity connectors. It is linked with two entities. 4 relationship (diamondA named_regionA (3=2linked_with)A (V linked_withentity) (3=2 touching)A (V touchingrelationship_entity) (3_<2touching(= (touching o text_value) 1)) (::I_<i touching(= (touching o text_value) m)) (3_<itouching(= (touchingo text_value)n))) Attributes An a~tribute is a circle that contains its name. It touches one attribute-entity connector and is linked with an entity. attribute (circle A named_region A (:1=1 linked_with)A (V linked_withentity)) 3.2 Implementation GenEd is implemented in CommonLisp using the Common Lisp Object System (CLOS) and the CommonLisp Interface Manager(CLIM)as interface toolkit. The classification of concepts and individuals takes place by using the lisp implementation of Classic [6; 7] as DLsystem. GenEdconsists of 28 modules with a total of about 300 KBsource code (without CLIM, CLOS, and Classic). 3.3 User Interface The general procedure for working with GenEdis as follows. The user loads a domain-dependent knowledge base (KB) into GenEd. This KB has to comply GenEd’s upper model. A new drawing may be created in the workspace (center windowin Figure 3) or an existing one loaded. The built-in spatial parser analyzes a drawing in accordance to the upper model and creates ABoxindividuals and assertions resembling the elements of the drawing and their spatial relationships. Afterwards GenEdinvokes the DL system. A protocol of the classification process can be displayed in GenEd’srightmost vertical window. GenEdoptionally shows the concept membership of drawing elements and several other useful information (see center window). GenEd supports two reasoning modes. While in incremental mode GenEdrecords differences to previous states and reports these differences to the ABox. The Experience with DL Systems The first prototype for our framework used Loom[8] (version 2.1) as DL system. The logic implemented Loomis quite powerful and was sufficient to express static semantics of a visual language for concurrent logic programming(see [1; 9] for examples). In case of transitive or recursive roles we escaped the standard DLby using rules or Loom’s’satisfies’ feature. It turned out that numberrestrictions for role fillers, role value maps, qualified roles, union of concepts (OR), and an implicit closedword assumption (CWA)for selected concepts and relations are very important features of a DL suitable for the diagrammatic reasoning domain. Our second and current prototype (GenEd) uses Classic (version 2.2) instead of Loom. A major advantage of Classic is its stable, bug-free implementation and the support of a fully implemented explanation facility for TBox and ABox reasoning. However, Classic implements only a subset of the logic supported by Loom. Classic allows only the definition of primitive roles and of role value maps that are restricted to attributes. It does not support qualified or domain/range restricted roles or the union of concepts. Closed-world reasoning is only available by explicitly closing roles for individuals. Wealso missed Loom’s powerful query facilities about the state of its ABox. Since we decided to ’live with Classic’ we had to escape Classic’s standard DLand to partially emulate or work around the missing features with the help of Classic’s rule facility. The union of concepts was accomplished by the definition of a new primitive concept representing an ’OR-concept’ and by a set of rules each associated with one ’OR-part’ as trigger concept. A corresponding rule fires whenever an individual is classified as memberof an OR-part and it asserts the ’OR-concept’ membership for this individual. This solution was sufficient for our domain since we needed these OR-concepts mostly at the bottom of the subsumption tree. for instance, a term (or circle diamond) is replaced by circle-or-diamond as name for a new primitive OR-concept. The second major problem of emulating qualified roles was muchharder to solve. A range-restricted or qualified role is defined as a primitive subrole of a proper parent. The new subrole and its parent are required to have an inverse role since only the range restriction is known as trigger concept. Each new subrole is associated with a ’filler rule’ that computes fillers for the inverse of this subrole. The filler rule is trig- - 126- GlobalDlsplmy Options: obJa~DisplayOptions: i object Handleoptions’, Global DisplayScaling: Concept LabelOptions: Others: Figure 3: GenEd’suser interface with an ERdiagram modelingairlines gered wheneveran individual is classified as memberof the ’qualifying concept’ and this individual is already known as filler of the parent’s inverseof this newsubrole. For instance, a term (at-least 1 touching circle) is replaced by (at-least 1 touching-circle) where touching-circle namesthe new primitive subrole. rules and role closing. In general, a top-down,breadthfirst approachfor closing the role hierarchy is safe if it complies to the implicit dependenciesbetweensubroles and their qualifying concepts. The third problem is strongly related to the second one and causedby Classic’s approachto closing of roles. Our domaindepends heavily on inferences about ’all’ and ’at-most terms’ that are only possible with a CWA about the involved role and its fillers. Therefore,every role has to be closed for every knownindividual in order to get these inferences. Usuallyour solution for qualified roles results in a large set of subroles and worsensthe time complexityof role closing. Moreover,the ordering of role closing is critical since filler rules maydepend on the result of classifications triggered by other filler Our approachis mainly intended for the design and evaluation of diagrammaticvisual notations/formalisms. We are not aware of any other approach using DLfor diagrammatic reasoning. The understanding of diagrams can be considered as a subproblemof imageinterpretation and is related to similar approachesin this area. The first treatment in this area was the MAPSEE approach [10]. However,their specifications rely on first-order predicate logic and cannot gain from the advantages of our DLapproach. Wealso argue that DL notation -featuring concept and role definitions with inheritance 5 - 127- Related Work andwitha possible extension to concrete domains-is [7] R.J. Brachman, ""Reducing" CLASSICto Pracmuchmoresuitableforhumanand evenmechanical intice: Knowledge Representation Theory Meets Respection. Thisis an important issuesincevisualforality", in Principles of Knowledge Representamalisms arestilldesigned by humans. Another approach tion and Reasoning, Third International Conferforthelogical reconstruction ofimageinterpretation [11; ence, Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 25-29, 1992, Oct. 12] uses DLas framework. A survey of related work for 1992, pp. 247-258. visual languages can be found in [21. "The Evolving Technology [8] R.M. MacGregor, of Classification-based Knowledge Representation 6 Conclusion and Further Research Systems", In Sowa[14], pp. 385-400. We presented a framework for diagrammatic reasoning [9] V Haarslev, R. MSller, and C. SchrSder, "Comaboutvisual notations thatis basedon DL.We successbining Spatial and Terminological Reasoning", in fullyapplied thisapproach to specify formal semantics of KI-94: Advances in Artificial Intelligence - Proc. several representative visual notations. We arecurrently 18th GermanAnnual Conference on Artificial Intelintegrating an approach [13]to combine object-oriented ligence, Saarbriicken, Sept. 18-23, 1994, B. Nebel programming and DL by offeringa genericCLOSlayer and L. Dreschler-Fischer, Eds. Sept. 1994, vol. 861 forprogramming withClassic. We are planning to inof Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 142corporate concrete domainsoverthealgebraof simple 153, Springer Verlag, Berlin. reals, i.e.extending ourframework forreasoning about [10] R. Reiter and A.K. Mackworth, "A Logical Framesystems of (in)equalities over(non)linear polynomials. work for Depiction and Image Interpretation", ArReferences [I] V. Haarslev,"FormalSemanticsof VisualLanguagesusingSpatialReasoning", in 1995IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages, Darmstadt, Germany, Sep. 5-9. Sept. 1995, pp. 156-163, IEEE Computer Society Press. [2] V. Haarslev, "A Fully Formalized Theory for Describing Visual Notations", in International Workshop on the Theory of Visual Languages, May 30, 1996, Gubbio, Italy, May1996. [3] V. Haarslev and M. Weasel, "GenEd - An Editor with Generic Semantics for Formal Reasoning about Visual Notations", in 1996 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages, Boulder, Colorado, USA, Sep. 36. Sept. 1996, IEEE Computer Society Press, in press. [4] M. Wessel, "Development of a concept-oriented Generic Graphic Editor in CommonLisp (in German)", Jan. 1996, Studienarbeit. [5] E. Clementini, P. 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