From: AAAI Technical Report WS-96-01. Compilation copyright © 1996, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Inference of Local Rainfall Using Qualitative Reasoning Satoru OISHI and Shuichi IKEBUCHI Disaster Prevention ResearchInstitute Kyoto University Gokasho Uji, Kyoto 611, JAPAN tetsu Abstract -A new method, which is based on Qualitative Rea soning, for severe rainfall forecasting whichoccurs on a relatively small scale is presented in this paper. First, the overview of existing numerical weather forecasting methodsare shownwith their relating scales. Second,qualitative inference of local windis presented. In this scheme,the partial differential equation is modeledqualitatively and diagnostically. Finally, a qualitative cumulusmodel is discussed. This cumulusmodel is designed to simulate cumulus development process with consideration of cloud microphysicalprocesses and is expectedto infer the time series variation and distribution of severerainfall. Introduction Weatherforecasting is important for preventing disasters caused by extreme weather such as severe rainfall, severe drought, severe heat and severe snow. In Japan, severe rainfall is one of the most well-knowncauses of disaster. Here, a disaster whichoccurs from severe rainfall in northern region of Japanlast year is shownas an exampleto discuss the characteristics of Japanese flood: A severe rainfall caused the flood in the northern region of Japan from July 11 to July 12, 1995. Duringthis flood a life waslost and 68 houses were swept away(Asida &Tsujimoto 1996). Figure 1 shows the hyetograph(time series variation of rainfall intensity) one of the observation points along the flooded river. As shown in the figure, characteristicsof the rainfall are its shortduration (about two days), its amountof rainfall (almost 200mm),and its multiple peaks. These characteristics are well-knowncharacteristics of severe rainfall in Japan, making the forecast of severe rainfall difficult and the experience of the river authority has beenthe mosteffective source of knowledge for disaster prevention. Thedifficulty of forecasting severe rainfall stemsfromlocality of rainfall caused by the unique topographical characteristics of Japan. More precisely, mountains in Japan normally consist of complex topography, while also in close proximity to large water 18hr July 11th ~ Time 6IT July 12th Figure 1: Hyetographat Akagawain Niigata Prefecture, JAPAN bodies. To break the difficulty of forecasting, the mechanismof severe rainfall is investigated and observation systems for rainfall are continuously being developed. Then weather forecasting over a relatively large scale is accomplished. However,severe rainfall in Japan typically occurs suddenly over relatively small areas makingforecasting of rainfall oversmall areas difficult. Rainfall in small areas, wheremany people live near easily flooded rivers, can cause severe disasters. Qualitative Reasoning(QR),we think, is an effective way to forecast the atmospheric phenomenafound typically on relatively small scales. This paper showsthe forecasting methodof severe rainfall over relatively small areas using Qualitative Reasoning. Forecasting a Severe Rainfall Scale of AtmosphericPhenomena The scale of weather whichis related to the methodsof observation and forecast is explained in Table 1. Atmospheric phenomenaare classified into a numberof scales and are thought to be effected by factors averaged in each scale. The largest scale is called the synoptic scale having more than a square width of 2000kin. The mesoscale is the middle Oishi 181 Table 1: Classification of AtmosphericPhenomenaConsidering the Scale Scale Synoptic, Meso-a Scale (200 km- Phenomena Typhoon Front Cloud Band Meso-,B Scale Cloud Cluster (20kin- 200kin) Rain Band Severe Rainfall Tornado Meso7 Scale (2 km-20kin) Thunderstorm Cumulus, Cumulonimbus scale and is further classified into three classes; the meso-a scale having a square width of 2000 - 200km,the meso-/$ scale having a square width of 200 - 20kin and the meso-y scale having less than a square width of 20 km. Typhoon and front are classified in the meso-a scale phenomena. Cloud band and rain band, in which a numberof cumulus makea line and heavyrainfall continues, are usually classified into the meso-/] scale phenomena.The cumulus, cumulonimbus,thunderstormand tornado are classified in the meso-ysealephenomena.A severe rainfall whichis usually caused from cumulus, cumulonimbus or rain band is classified in the meso-fl to yseale phenomena. The upper-air observation, whichobservesprofile of temperature, humidityand windspeedand direction at the point that is located every 250kin, and meteorologicalsatellite observation is an observation methodof weather in the synoptic scale and the meso-ascale. The data obtained by these observation are accumulatedinstantaneously and is adjusted spatially and temporally uniformby using a physical diag182 QR-96 Observation Forecasting System Satellite observation 1. Distribution of Cloud Numerical Model and Snow 2. Distribution of temperature of see and Analysis of GPV land surface Upper-air observation 1. Profile of temperature, humidity and Weather Forecasting pressure 2. Wind speed and direction ± ± Radar 1. Rainfall area 2. Rainfall intensity Observation Result of Rader and AMeDAS (Autometed meteorological data acquisition system) Observation 1. at the groundlevel including AMeDAS 2. at the surfaceof the Nowcast(extrapolation) sea 3. on airplain ± nostic model. This adjustment is called four dimensional data assimilation and the adjusted data are used as the initial condition of the weather forecasting model. NumericalWeatherForecasting Weatherforecasting is usually based on the result of a numerical atmospheric model. The numerical modelconsists of the partial differential equationswhichare usually solved by the spectral method. The Japan Meteorological Agency had three types of weather forecasting model: the GSM (Global Spectral Model), which calculates world wide weather information, the ASM(Asian Spectral Model), which calculates more detailed weather phenomena than that of the GSMthroughout Asia using the result of the GSM, and the JSM(Japan Spectral Model), whichcalculates more detailed weather phenomenathan that of ASMin Japanese regions using the results of the ASM.Recently, these models have changedand the two types of weather forecasting model, GSMand RSM(Regional Spectral Model) are used. Table 2: Outline of GPV Forecasting Time Scale Grid Size GlobalGSMSynoptic Scale 1.125" (-110kin) Synoptic Meso-ct ASM Scale (350kin -) 75 km 48hr Meso Scale JSM (150Kin -) 30 km 24hr 72hr, 192hr, 360hr However,the modelsof three types are considered in this paper. At the sametime, the result of a weatherforecasting modelcalled GPV,which means the Grid Point Value, is relayed to the river authority. Table 2 showsthe data type of GPV.The GPVincludes information from synoptic to the meso-cxscale. As mentionedabove, severe rainfall is often classified in the meso-fl to 7scale. Weatherof the meso-fl to 7scale is difficult to forecast numerically because of limited cOmputationalresources, stability of calculation, time and cost for computationand exactness of computation that each phenomenonof this scale, such as cloud developmentand local front generating, requires. The short term rainfall forecast, whichaims at forecasting rainfall having a lead time of one to six or one to twelvehours in the meso-flto 7scale, is usually based on the linear extrapolation of rainfall area movement and its intensity, howeverthe linear extrapolation methodis effective only whenless than three hours of forecasted rainfall is required since non-linear rainfall area movement is distinctive in the frameover three hours. Forecast havinga lead time of more than three hours must consider physical processes of cumulus. According to (Sower 1966), important factors which should be considered in the physically based forecasting methodof severe rainfall of the meso-7scaleare: 1. initial condition of cumuluswhichis the mainsource of severe rainfall, 2. effect of topography on cumulusdevelopment, 3. cloud micropbysics. In the following section, a methodto forecast the amount and location of severe rainfall with considering these factors are shown. Forecasting Severe Rainfall Using QR Inference methods,which is another forecasting methodthan the existing numericalmethods,can be an effective forecasting methodthrough consideration of the three importantfactors mentionedin the previous section and can break the computational difficulty since weatherforecasters makeforecast of severe rainfall by inference with taking care of these factors qualitatively. Therefore, forecasting severe rainfall by using QRis reasonable since QRis the most effective when inferring physical phenomena. Anotheradvantage of ORfor forecasting severe rainfall is the possibility of real time explanationof inference processes to the river authority whenemergencycontrol of dams and levees are needed. Real time explanation increases the reliance of a forecasting systemsince the river authority decides control policy only after a forecasting systemoutput is understood. A numerical forecasting methodneeds an analysis for explanationof the results; howeverit is difficult for the river authority to analyze these numericalresults during an emergency. Therefore, we first showa wayto obtain vertical wind occurrenceby solving the continuousequation qualitatively. In essence, this methodcreates a qualitative modelfrom the existing numerical model. In this method,we propose a diagnosticanswerto the problemof the partial differential equation (the continuous equation) by transforming the coordinate systems. Second, the concept of Qualitative Cumulus Modelis shownas a methodto obtain the time series variation and distribution of severe rainfall. Inference of Vertical WindOccurrence Overviewof the Inference Thereare three factors whichare importantfor initial condition of cumulus; the stability of atmosphere, the updraft caused by topography and the water vapor supply, as shown in figure 2. The stability of atmosphereis determinedfrom profiles of temperature and humidity. Unstable atmosphere rise due to its buoyancy, becomingcumulus. Presence of updraft acts as a trigger of cumulusand also suspendscloud particles in the air. Watervapor supply, whichprovides the energy for cumulus, is determinedby amountof water vapor and horizontal wind strength. Water vapor provides energy for cumulus,whichis created by these three factors and continues to develop, ultimately causing severe rainfall. As indicated in figure 2, inferring updraft is one of the important factors for forecasting severe rainfall in a small area. Therefore, the inference methodof updraft occurrence caused by topography averaged in the meso-7scale is designed and implemented.The inference flow is: 1) obtain speedand direction of horizontal windof the meso-a scale from GPVdata as well as the topographic informationof the samescale, Oishi 183 I NumericalResult larger than I Mesoa Scale (from GPV) I Inference of the Condition of Atmosphere of Meso 7Scale using Q~ ~~h. ! [ Stability of Atmosphere [ I Updraft Caused by Topography I [ Water Vapor Supply [ Initial CumulusI Inference velopment of Cumulus De-/ TimeSeries Variation and by Using QR ~=m Distribution of Severe Rainfall Figure 2: ImportantFactors for Forecasting Severe Rainfall in the Meso/~to7scale 2) infer the horizontal movement of windconsidering the effect of mountainoustopography of the meso-Tscale, 3) infer the effect of slope and the effect of convection, 4) infer the vertical windoccurrenceconsidering both effect of slope and convection. Inference Scheme First, the inference of horizontal movement of windis explained. Anassumptionis used for representation of horizontal wind movementeffected by the mountainoustopography averaged in the meso-Tscale. The assumptionis that wind will blow around a mountain, which is represented by, [. *]-[.] =-[K][~/o~]. [. *], -[.] [v *] - [v] = -[K][ah/oay] , (1) where,the valiables in brackets meansqualitative variables, the x axis is set along the direction of windof the meso-~x scale, given from the numericalinformation, u and v represent the x and y componentof horizontal windspeed of the meso-o~scale, u* and v* represent the x and y componentof horizontal windspeed effected by mountainoustopography, h represents topographyand K represents a coefficient having a positive value. Empirically, this assumptioncan be considered reasonable. 184 QR-96 Second, inference of vertical wind occurrence is explained. The basic equation of inferring the updraft caused by topographyis based on the well-knowncontinuous equation of wind, o (p.,).o ~(p.,).~(p.w) (2) where,u, v andw are windspeedsalongthe x-, y- andzaxis, respectively,andPois the air density.Forrepresenting the topography,a transformationof the z-axis to a saxis is used for the axis of height. The s-coordinate transformation is represented by, s= z-h (3) H-h" where,h is the topographical height and H is the height of the tropopause, whichis the upper boundaryof the troposphere (lowest layer of the atmosphere). Equation (2) transformed to equation (4) by introducing the s-coordinate, ~(o.~0)=-o. +H-hL o. ._~.~ ~ (4) where,(o is the vertical windrepresented in s-coordinates. Thefirst termonthe right-handside of equation(4) repre- ¯ sents the effect of convergence,while the secondterm represents the direct effect of slope. Toinfer the occurrenceof updraft, the effect of convergenceand topographyis inferred first, then occurrenceof updraft is inferred by addition of these effects. Usingequation(4), presenceof updraftis qualitatively inferred since o~ at the groundlevel is zero. Consequently, equation (4) is transformedto qualitative equation (5), Ou Ov Oh Oh i.e. updraft occurswhenthe left-hand side of equation(5) [+1 and downdraftoccurs whenthe left-hand side of equation (5) is [-1. Exampleof" Inference Withthe aid of figure 3, an exampleof inferring the occurrence of updraftis presented.First, the notationis explained. In figure 3, the point whereupdraft is inferred is markedby a triangle and the curved lines are contours of topography averaged in the meso-yscale. Windaveraged in the meso-o~ scale is represented by the thick arrow, U, and the wind averaged in the meso-yseale is represented by the thick dotted arrow, U*.The x-axis is set in the direction of the meso-ascale wind, while the x*-axis is set in the direction of the meso-Tscalewind. The meso-~zscale wind is given and the horizontal windof meso-Tscaleis inferred by equa- tion (1) in the x coordinate system. Thenthe occurrence updraft, w, is inferred using equation(5) in the x*-coordinate system. Next, we explain the inference process in figure 3. Since in this example,Oh/~yis [+] and the y-component of the mesoscale windis [0], the qualitative value of the y-component of the meso-yscalewind is inferred to be [-]. Onthe other hand, since Dh/Dxis [+] and the x-componentof the meso-~ scale wind is [+], the x-componentof the meso-gscalewind is inferred to be smaller than that of the meso-o~scale wind. Consequentlythe wind effected by the topography averaged in the meso-gsealeis represented by the dotted thick arrow, U*.Now,the x*-axis is set in the samedirection of the mesoyscale wind. The updraft is inferred by using the meso-Tscale wind, the x*-coordinate system and equation (5). Both Dh/ Dx*and Dh/Dy*are increasing in the x*-coordinatesystem, so the topographiceffect of updraft is [+]. Thereis no effect of convergencesince the topographyis strictly increasing along both the x*-axis and the y*-axis. Consequently, occurrence of updraft, w= [+], is inferred at the inferencepoint. The case for non-strictly increasing topographyis explained using figure 4. This inferenceis the case whenupdraft is blowing along a valley. Themeso-~,scalewindis inferred by followingthe sameprocess as was used in figure 3. Toinfer the effect of convergence,the meso-yscalewind is inferred at twopoints other than the inference point; one is along the x*axis and the other is along the y*-axis. Du*/Dx* is inferred as [-] by comparingthe windat the inference point and the wind at the other point along the x*-axis. Dv*/Oy* is inferred as [-] [Ov*/c)Y*]=[-],500 \ [ah/ax*]=[+], j [8h/Oxl=[+.], 700 \ / Dh/aX]=[+], [atyax,]=[+], 5O0 Tx 700 X’"" [awaY*l=[+] y. [Ou*lOX* ]=[-] Figure 3: An Exampleof Inference of WindEffected by Topography Figure 4: AnExampleof Inference of WindEffected by Topography(a case along a valley) Oishi 185 by comparingthe wind at the inference point and the wind at the other point along the y*-axis. Consequently,the effect of convergenceis inferred as [+]. Thenthe effect of topography,also inferred similarly to figure 3, is [+]. Using these two inferences, the occurrenceof updraft is inferred at the inferencepoint. Scale of Topography for Inference Obtaining ~hl~x from numerical topographic data is one hurdle of this methodin whichthe partial differential equation is solved using qualitative reasoning. Topographyis obtained by grid data having meshscales from 50mto lkm. Using Ikm mesh topography data seems appropriate since the meso-Tscalecumulusis thought to be larger than lkm. However,variation of high frequency appears in lkm mesh topographydata since the height of the meshdata is not the averageover the meshscale. The low pass filter is used for removingthis variation of high frequency. The equation of the low pass filter is shownfrom (Doswell1977)in equation (6), (7). w(x. -x,.y.-y,),(6) + y2 ] wCx, y)=exp(, x2 4~ )’ (7) where,(x, y) is the grit point wherethe filtered topographyis obtained, h is unfiltered topographyand ~ is a parameter for the filtering scale. The 100mmeshtopography is filtered and variations whosewavelength is less than lkm is almost removed. Then the filtered topography is adjusted to a lkm meshscale. Consequently,the value for ~h/3x is obtained by comparingthe filtered meshdata of lkm meshscale. The inference methodof obtaining Updraft caused by topography has been shown. The cumulus appearance is inferred after the other twofactors in figure 2 are inferred qualitatively. Developmentand movementof the cumulus mustbe inferred to obtain the severe rainfall distribution. ...................... ~ -- r’7 I Groupel ¢ sndw . L........ .. "-, 1~t ~Yes I..[ ............ No "--8< o.71" .e~.~ ,~,,, betw~n I hallandlarger / [’T ......... "/ ,-"" "--,/ Second.roT ~ Initial ~.__...~/)<201~.~ ice particms ! ice cv,stal ~ ~’~oilision h ( Explanatorynote D:Diameter H:Height p :Density ] Frozen probability / i’l Collision between large / dropletsandsmall particles :I Condensed-~¢~’ droplet Droplet .~ "] Initial Clouddroplet Cloulnucleus Figure 5: Microphysical Prcesses of CumulusModel QR-96 J I ~cCoOndensati "~ llection A- ......... lee cr rstal nucleus 186 h Qualitative CumulusModel General Description Development and movementof the cumulus have been modeled numerically. The model of cumulus development is called a microphysical model. The model of cumulus movementwhich is mainly caused by wind is called the dynamicmodelor the meteorological primitive model. The microphysical model consists of the physical processes shownin figure 5, (Oishi et al. 1994), and the meteorological primitive modelconsists of the equation of continuity, the momentum equations, the thermodynamicequation, the Poissonequation to solve pressure distribution. Here, the conception of the Qualitative CumulusModel (QCM)which simulate cumulus development processes using Qualitative Reasoningis shown. In QCM,existence, occurrence, developmentand variation of qualitative variables whichrepresent precipitation particles, wind, water vaporetc. are inferred qualitatively. This inferenceis based on the qualitative microphysicalprocesses and the qualitative dynamicprocesses. These processes are represented by the following format; whenconditions A and B are satisfied then a process C occurs and a result D is created. Inferring the processes, the QCM simulates the physical aspect of cumulusdevelopmentand interaction processes of each cumulusand then the distribution of rainfall is obtainedqualitatively. Consequently, QCM will provide real-time forecast of the occurrenceand variation of severe rainfall from cumulus or cumuloninbus. Structure of the QCM The QCM consists of the initial condition, boundarycondition, the variables and microphysicalprocesses. Theinitial condition includes the profile of temperature, humidityand horizontal windspeed. It is obtained from the GPVof the JSM.Usingthe meso-~scale information as an initial condition of the meso-yscalemodelis the most customaryand practical wayto start. Theatmosphere,(only the troposphere is considered),is classified into four elevation types: lower layer, lower-middle layer, upper-middle layer and upper layer. This classification is basedon the temperatureshown in figure 6. Height of cloud base is the boundarybetween the lower layer and the lower-middlelayer. The height of 0 °C is the boundarybetweenthe lower-middlelayer and upper-middlelayer. Finally, the height of-40 °C, wherewater does not exist as liquid underany circumstance,is the boundary betweenupper-middlelayer and upper layer. Cloudparticles exist as rain drops(relatively large waterdrops)in the lower layer, cloud drop (relatively small water drops) and rain drops in the lower-middle layer, ice drops (sphere shapedice) in the upper-middlelayer and ice crystals (plate shapedice) in the upperlayer. The topographic information is used as boundarycondi- The Upper Layer Anvil The Upper-Middle Layer The Lower.Middle Layer Cloud Base The Lower Layer Ground Figure 6: Classified Elevation Type in QCM tion. The topography is obtained as the methodmentioned above. The variables consist of dynamicvariables and microphysical variables. The dynamicvariables consist of temperature variation, humidityvariation, horizontal windspeed variation and vertical wind direction. The microphysical variables consist of the presence of precipitation particles whichincludes cloud drop (relatively small water drop), rain drop (relatively large water drop), ice drop and ice crystals at each elevation of atmosphere. The microphysical processes in the QCM are nucleation, condensation, freezing, sublimation and melting. Eachprocess is explainedas follows; Nucleation:nucleation occurs if the stability of atmosphere is unstable, a trigger exists and enoughwater vapor is supplied. Whennucleation occurs, cloud drops exist. Condensation:cloud drops develop into rain drops by condensation. Condensation occurs when enough water vapor is supplied and cloud drops exist. Freezing: cloud drops and rain drops freeze whenthey are brought into upper-middlelayer. Sublimation:whenthe upper layer is saturated, sublimation occurs and ice crystals are created. Melting: melting occurs whenice crystals or ice drops fall into the lower-middlelayer. The remaining processes consist of dynamicand thermodynamicprocesses including advection, atmosphereraised by buoyancy,fairing, dragging,supportingprecipitation particles, divergence, convergence,suspendingof ice crystals and releasing of latent heat. Eachprocess is explained as Oishi 187 Ice crystal Advection Ice drop Cumulus] Melting Buoyancy Cloud Cumulus I Divergen/e ~"~ . Severe Rainfall Figure 7: CumulusDeveloping Processes Inferred by QCM follows; Adveetion:precipitation particles are blownhorizontally by wind. Atmosphereraised by buoyancy: when temperature of an air patch is higher than temperatureof the surrounding air, the air patch is raised by buoyancyand updraft occurs. This rising process continues until the level of free convection (LFC). Falling: precipitationparticles exceptice crystals fall without support from updraft. Dragging:if the precipitation panicles fall, downdraft occurs by dragging. Supporting:precipitation particles are supported by updraft. Horizontal divergence: whenupdraft and downdraft occur at the sameelevations, horizontal divergenceoccurs. Horizontal divergence also occurs whendown-draft occurs at the lowerlayer. Vertical convergence: whenlocal wind collides against each other, vertical convergenceoccurs updraft. Suspending:ice panicles are suspendingsince their density is small (0.1g/cm3) and the shape of ice panicles (often plate like) disturbs their fall. Releasingof latent heat: latent heat is released and temperature of the air patch increase whennucleation, sublimation and condensation occur. Forecasting Severe Rainfall Using QCM Figure 7 illustrates the expected phenomenainferred by QCMafter implementation. Expected phenomenaare explained as follows: nucleation occurs and cloud drops are 188 QR-96 created in the lower-middlelayer. Temperatureof the air patch increases and the air patch rises since it is buoyant. Clouddrop can be supported and then raised; the air patch rise up to the level of free convection. Cloud drops becomerain drops, ice drops and ice crystals as it rises. Each precipitation panicle flow horizontally by advectionr As a result of advection,precipitation particles are not supported by updraft and tend to fall. The area whereprecipitation particles fall is wheresevere rainfall and downdraftoccurs. Downdraft tends to diverge at the groundlevel. Horizontal windthat is a result of this divergencecreates an updraft where it blowsagainst the topography. In the QCM, interaction betweencumulusis represented by two phenomena;one is a trigger of cumulusand the other a combination of cumulus. Downdraft caused by dragging tends to diverge at the groundlevel, then horizontal wind blows. This horizontal wind might cause updraft in mountainous topography and forms another cumulus. Combinationis represented by advection, which transports precipitation particles to other colliding cumulus. Finally, the growingpotential of the QCM for forecasting is discussed. The QCM must growby obtaining qualitative and/or quantitative information of cumulusand atmosphericphenomena.To obtain such information, investigation of cumulusby using cumulusnumerical models, data analysis and observations must be continued. The QCM will grow by taking the information qualitatively. Interaction processes betweencumulus,except the two processes mentionedaboveparagraph, are most important processes for further growth of the QCM.Growthof the QCM by including the qualitative information reflects development of meteorology, (especially cumulusmicrophysics), for river management. Conclusions Numericalmethodsare important to forecast and to investigate the weather for professional atmosphericscientists and forecasters. However,Qualitative Reasoningis effective to forecasting the severe phenomena which might cause disasters. In this paper, we first presented the inference methodof occurrence of updraft caused by the topography averagedin the meso-yscale,which is one of the important factors neededto forecasting severe rainfall in a small area. In this method,an answerto the problemof the partial differential equations is proposed. Second, the concept of Qualitative CumulusModel(QCM)is explained. The QCM forecasts the time series variation of distribution of severe rainfall by tracing the physical processes. Finally, we must implement the QCMmust be implemented and run to discuss the possibility of forecasting rainfall in real-time while addressing the problems of the QCM. Acknowledgements This research is foundedby a schalarship of scientific research (representation: Satoru Oishi) from the Ministry Education. References Ashida, K. and Tsujimoto, T. 1996. Characteristics of Disaster Caused by H-7.7.11-7.12 Severe Rainfall in Hokuriku Region of Japan. In Proceedings of the Symposiumon River Disaster 1996. 37-58. Japan Society of Civil Engineering. Doswell, C.A. 1977. Obtaining Meteorologically Significant Surface DivergenceFields Throughthe Filtering Property of Objective Analysis. Monthly WeatherReview 15: 885-892 Forbus, Kenneth D. 1981. Qualitative Reasoning about PhysicalProcesses. P. S. I. J. on A. I. 326-330 Kuipers, Benjamin. 1994. 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