The Model Class Discovery Dilemma in Computer-Supported Work Environments

From: AAAI Technical Report WS-94-04. Compilation copyright © 1994, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
The Model Class Discovery Dilemmain Computer-Supported Work Environments
--From Critical Incidents to Metrics of Coordination
by RodneyFuller
Departmentof Psychology
Claremont, Ca 91711 USA
Givenlimited resources the mainproblemin designing tools for computer-supportedworkenvironmentsis to
quicklyfind both a level of representationanda level of analysisthat effectivelyexplainsthe uncertaintythat exists
within the resulting "electronic space". This is also knownas "the modelclass discoverydilemma":the problemof
findinga fit betweendesignandenvironmental
variability. Thetraditional designparadigm
for the field of computersupportedcooperativework(CSCW)
has proposedthat modelersuse either critical incidents or somesort of design
rationale to guide the users of these systemstowardproductive synchronousand asynchronousworkbehaviors. A
critique of the critical incident and design schemamethodsis presentedbased on a case study of mydesigninga
distributed CSCW
systemin the customerservice departmentof a large health maintenanceorganization. A third
alternative that looks at designingbased on morefundamental"metrics of coordination"is also presented. The
implications that computationalsystemsutilizing newcoordinationmetrics mighthaveon the sociotechnical work
structureof the future is also presented.
Groupwork environments are constrained by time,
motivation, and the availability of and strategies
related to the use of internal andexternal information
processingresources. If the groupstructure remains
relatively stable over time then there will be the added
complexityof within groupvariations in expertise and
This paper looks at the problemsrelated
to creating computermodelsand tools that try and
support the above complexsocial, cognitive and
technical environment.
Giventhat groupsof agents will alwaysbe constrained
by both internal and environmentalfactors designers
need to find ways of constructing modelsof group
workthat do not result in the breakdown
of workflow
or communicationbetweenthe actors. This reality
requires that modelers deal with what has become
knownas the "representationproblem"within the field
of Artificial Intelligence andthe "level of analysis"
problem within Organizational Behavior. Both of
these problemsare seen as fundamentaltradeoffs with
their respective fields, but within the field of
Statistical Mechanicsthese problemsare combined
into the "Model Class Discovery Dilemma"and
several solutionsexist for resolvingthis dilemma:
modelclass discoverydilemmais that dilemmathat all
designers face of determining when they have
represented enough of the variability in the
environment so that a formal design of that
understanding will result in a useful system. A
system that tries to do too much is slow and
while a system that does not do enough
is equally worthless becauseactors are not able to
obtain, manipulateand producesolutions that reduce
the variability within the model. Jim Crutchfield
examines this dilemma from a more theoretical
"The epistemologicai problem of nonlinear
modelingis: Havewediscovered somethingon
our data or have we projected the new found
structure onto it? This wasthe mainlesson of
attempting to reconstruct equations of motion
from a time series: Whenit works, it works;
Whenit doesn’t, you don’t knowwhatto do; and
in both cases it is ambiguouswhat you have
learned. Eventhoughdata wasgeneratedby wellbehaved, smoothdynamicalsystems, there was
an extreme sensitivity to the assumedmodel
class that completely swamped’model order
estimation.’ Worsestill there was no a priori
wayto select the class appropriateto the process.
This should be contrasted with what is probably
one of the moreimportant practical results in
statistical modeling: within a modelclass a
procedureexists to find, givena finite amountof
data, an optimal modelthat balances prediction
error against model complexity. Despite
representationsto the contrary, this ’modelorder
estimation’ does not address issues of class
inappropriatenessand whatto do whenconfronted
with failure" (Crutchfield1992a,p. 68).
Traditional designers of Computer-Supported
Work (CSCW) systems have
the use of both critical incidents and
design rationales for constructing modelsof user
behavior. Both of these recommendationsfail to
consider the complexity of the work environments
that they hopeto modelandthus axe likely to be only
partially successful. Usingexamplestaken from my
ownexperiences designing a small groupwaresystem
for the customerservice departmentof a large health
maintenance organization (HMO)this paper will
discuss the problemsrelated to the "modelclass
discovery dilemma" as they relate to building
distributed CSCW
systems utilizing the following
design representations: 1) critical incidents as
proposedby sociotechnical design and participatory
design, 2) designscenarios,and 3) present a research
proposalfor designing"metricsof coordination"that
allowfor a moreadaptiveapproachto the modelclass
discovery dilemma. Finally the sociotechnical
implications that metrics of coordination have in
regard to the future of automatedworkenvironments
will be discussed.
The Case: A CSCWsystem in a large
Health Maintenance Organization:
I recently completedleadinga designteamin building
a simple groupwaresystem that would support the
customerservice departmentof a very large health
maintenanceorganization in Southern California.
Themainrole of the systemwasto support the frontline employees in documenting and researching
complaintsfromcustomersand possible legal issues
related to poorhealth care or service. Asecondgoal
for the systemwasto vastly improvethe quality and
timeliness of the workload statistics that the
managersof these front line employeeshad to work
with. These two system "goals" were incompatible
because the nature of the work that needed to be
supportedwasmainlycooperativein nature, while the
nature of the goal that supported the managerial
systemwasprocedural(informationwasto be used to
schedule employees and insure compliance with
Thebasic systemallowedfor front line employeesto
log complaints and track performanceand collect
information related to that complaint. There were
162 employees that used this system and about
100,000 complaints were logged into this system
every year. The complaints varied widely (from "I
can’t find a place to park" to "youtook out the wrong
kidney")and resources had to be managed
in each of the 13 local medicalcenters with customer
service departments.The ability to distribute work
based on the workload and experience of each
employee was as a major motivation to use the
system in those offices wherethe most experienced
employeesweresent out to satellite offices to work
alone (they could handlemorevariety, but they were
too valuableto be left idle becauseof lack of work).
A generic complaint might enter the system in the
following way: At any time someonemight call (or
walk into) the customer service department and
complain. Often several separate issues were
delivered in one "complaint."To better predict the
workloadof each office the managershad classified
these issues into categoriesof severity (potential cost
to companyand potential cost in employeestime).
In order to support the front line worker these
connectedissues had to be bundledtogether to give
context to the complaintas a whole(muchas they
wouldbe presentedin a court of law). Tosupportthe
managerseach issue had to be processedseparately.
Attempts to determine howthe issues should be
processedfor each group of "users" resulted in too
manysolutions to implementeffectively. The main
problemwasone of perspective--to do their job best
the front-line staff hadto be left aloneto coordinate
with the other departmentswithin the organization-while the managersneededhourly updates regarding
the workload(both short term andlong term) of their
employeesto makethemmoreproductive.
In designing the prototypes and evaluating the
usablity of the system I used two different
that other researchersin the field of
designing effective CSCW
have used: the use of
critical incidentsandthe use of designrationales. The
advantages and disadvantages that each of these
paradigmspresented are summarized
Using Critical Incidents as Metrics of
In ComputerSupported Cooperative Work(CSCW)
there mustbe a meansfor justifying the rationale of
any work involving distributed decision makingm
especially decision makingthat involves several
levels of processeonlrol. Onewaythat designerscan
capturethese rationales is by usingthe participatory
design techniques described by Greenbanm(1993):
"these techniques stress the need for system
developers to learn from the experiences of people
using computers, not just from formal system
descriptions of work. In addition, cooperative
approachesargue that workplacelanguageand daily
experienceof users needto be placedcenter stage in
an effort to enableusers"(p. 31).
Designers whorely on user feedback (Normanand
Draper,1986) or participatory design(Greenbaum
Kyng,1991) to structure or justify rationales are
likely to find that the usabilityof their designwill be
limited by a failure to include considerations of
coordination costs betweenpeople, technologyand
process controls. Techniques for knowledge
elicitation based on ethnographicmethodswill most
likely extract examplesof behaviorsand rationales
that are highly situational. Designerswhorely on
only this type of knowledgewhenstructuring their
design environment will build systems where the
flow of behavior from one incident to another does
not occur without breakdown.
In designingthe groupware
systemI wentto three out
of the 13 offices andheld a three day participatory
designsession. Mostof the first day wastaken up in
defining the basic nature of the task andconstructing
some paper prototypes of howthe system should
work. The basic structure of the overviewmeeting
followed Spradley’s (1979) grand view model
ethnographic questioning. In these meetings each
office was asked to generally describe howthey
collect andprocesscomplaintsreceivedby customers.
Oncean overall structure had been elicited I then
askedmoreand morespecific questions regardingthe
behaviors that neededto be performed.Oncemostof
the behaviors had been identified I asked the
participants to draw a picture of howthey wanted
their screens to look and act. These drawingswere
convertedinto a simple prototypefor the secondday
wherefurther domainelicitation andthe start of user
testing occurred. Basedon the informationobtained
from the secondday further functionality was built
into the system and all those people whohad not
participated in the design process were trained on
using the system. In ever office that did not
participate in the design process users were
encouragedto makesuggestions on howthey might
havestructuredthe designdifferently. In manycases I
was able to makethe changes while they waited
(changesin the order in whichdifferent fields were
selected, or howinformationappearedin those fields)
but deeper recommendations
regardingthe structure of
informationcaptured and the nature of process flow
for further versions.
The second prototype resulted from the need to
combine the 13 different systems into one
supportablesystem.In doingthis I first identified all
those areas wherethe individual office system were
different and questioned the offices that differed
regardingthe rationales they usedfor those processes.
Theresulting systemwasinstalled andaccepted(i.e.
used) in all of the offices about 7 monthsafter the
first prototype was installed. In resolving the
differencesbetweenthe different systemsI noticedthat
the quality of informationI got regardingrationales
from each office varied widely. Specifically the
rationales obtained from offices that had a more
autocratic structure tendedto focus on incidents that
were uncommon
and high profile while the more
democraticoffices provideda morebalancedview of
the workenvironment.This difference in perception
(and henceelicitation of designspace) wascaused
the different ways that each office reviewed the
productivity of their employees--autocraticoffices
tended to emphasize those events that were
outstanding with praise and raises, while the
democratic offices were perceived as rewarding
consistent performance.
In summary
the elicitation of critical incidents using
ethnographic and participatory design paradigms
allowed me to quickly prototype a system for
documenting work. But in addition to the many
benefits that these techniquesbring there is also the
dangerthat other factors within the office (but still
outside the participatory analysis) can influencethe
quality of the informationobtained. Theelicitation
of critical incidents is mostlikely to build a domain
modelwherethe only possibilities considered are
those that are currently being used. Theintegrity of
this designspacewill be influencedby anyfactor that
couldartificially increasethe distance betweenthese
incidents. It would be muchmore beneficial to
designfor situational use rather than try andsupport
the clusters of elicited (and somewhat
behaviors. This problem is also present when
modelersof businessprocesses(e.g. business process
re-engineering)try and modelthe future possibilities
of an organizationaldesignbasedon an understanding
of present practices. Theuse of design scenarios is
one example of howone can implementthe use of
scripts and plans into designs that support
at differentlevels.
Design Rationales as Streams or Networks
of Incidents:
Oneof the problemswith the use of critical incidents
is that the incidents become
islands of representation
within the design space of all possible work
procedures.Theincident is not balancedby measures
of likelihood, and dependingon whetheror not the
design team is interdisciplinary the information
extracted mayor maynot lack perspective. The
inability to use knowledge
representationsto support
multiple layers of interaction can becomea serious
problem in systems that support complex work
environments. Such was the case with mysystem.
In the later prototypes I started using previous
histories of incidentsto determineif the cost of not
includingthat incident wouldsignificantly affect the
flow of work. Usingthis simple methodI was able
to determineif there shouldnot be a complaintcode
for somethingthat had happenedonly once seven
yearsago, regardlessof the fact that the issue received
local mediaattention. But this problembecamemore
complexwhenother informational tools were added
into the final system.
The mainframesystem included several other tools
that hadnot beenavailableon-line in the prototypes.
These tools included access to the clinical
appointmentdatabase, the billing and accounting
databases,the databaseregardingspecial benefits and
programs,the databaseregardingthe past history of
complaintsandaccessto the complaintsthat the other
offices were currently workingon. Theseadditional
tools madeboth the management
of on-line tools and
the managementof employeesworkflowmuchmore
difficult. In order to give the managersa wayof
tracking the workloadof each employeeit became
necessary to give every employeethe capability to
immediatelylist and managetheir unfinished work.
Theability to pull up a list of all of their outstanding
cases wasmost successful in those offices that had
previously required employeesto managetheir own
work, but the added capability of letting the
employeesprioritize their outstandingworkincreased
the usability of the systembasedon employee’s
selfreports, analysis of workflowandmeasuresof general
The morecomplexproblemwas that the productivity
of the system seemed to fluctuate depending on
highly situational factors. There seemedto be a
critical bandof inputs (the numberof service issues
logged) between whichthe system was productive,
but beyondwhichthe productivity dipped belowthe
company standard. One possibility
that was
investigated wasthat whenvery few complaintswere
being loggedinto the systemthat the employeeswere
using the systemto train themselvesby exploringthe
full functionality of the system. For example:they
mightinvestigate every unpaidbill for someonewho
was complaining about there not being enough
parking places. This training in times of few
complaintswouldlead a employeeto try and use all
of the tools available to themwhenthey had a full
queueof customerswaiting to complain.Interviews
with and observation of employeesshowedthat users
were not returning to check previous work. Two
alternatives for dealing with this problem were
proposed:1) that either the employeeswerenot able
to remember
to go back and resolve complaintsafter
their current screen had disappeared, or 2) that in
times of high use some of the more esoteric
of the system should be made
"temporarily unavailable." Both of these problems
required the construction of complexmodels of
behaviorsthat wouldlink critical incidentstogether-something which is also called using design
TheproblemI found related to constructing design
scenariosfor strings of complaintsthat wouldeither
A) automatically set a priority on any unfinished
issue andthen "ficHe"the user to go backandfinish
their work,or B) to limit the functionality of the
systemin times of high use, wasthat the situational
applicability of the scenario was not stable. Even
thoughthe range of possible issues wasclear, the
numberof waysthat these events could combineinto
a complaint and the number of organizational
resourcesthat neededto be contactedwerefar beyond
the power of the system to model. It was thought
that a moregeneral theory of coordinationneededto
be developed. TomMalone(1988) proposes that
small set of semanticbusiness processes be modeled
and that CSCW
systems take advantage of the
coordination costs between these processes when
guiding users and designers. DesignScenarios seem
particularlyill-suited to this becausetheyoffer a nonadaptivestructure fromwhichto predict interaction.
Callan et. al. (1991aand 1991b)and others (Sycara
1993; Holsapple, Pakath, Jacob and Zaveri 1993)
have shownthat adaptive architectures that use
machinelearning algorithms to set the numberof
levels of analysis lookedat are moreproductivethan
moretraditional based methodsof analysis. In the
next section I will discusswhatit mightmeanto take
this idea evenfurther into a theory basedon "metrics
of coordination".
Constructing "Metrics of Coordination"
Whatis neededis a modelof design that allows for
the followingassumption:That there is no a priori
meansto determine with absolute certainty which
factor[s] will explain the mostvariancesurrounding
any given event or set of events. As discussedabove
there are two types of general problemswhythis is
true--a problemrelated to the representation of
informationand a problemrelated to the analysis of
multiple levels of meaning.These two problemsare
The problem of scale is well knownin AI as the
representation problem, but this problemis not as
widely recognizedin OrganizationalBehavior. This
problem can be viewed as that decision making
processwhichselects the criteria whichwill be used
later to define the final product[s]. For examplein
the field of artificial intelligence(AI)it is important
to engineerinto the data representations slots that
will hold all of the informationthat could possibly
influencethe computed
products, and in organizations
it is importantto determine,not only whataspectsof
the availableresources(material, capital, information
and human) should be managed, but also what
combinationof criteria should be used as business
processindicators (to measurequality, productivity,
The second problem is that of scope. While AI
researchershavelong understoodthat the selection of
a scale limits the scopeof the resulting model,many
AI researchers seemto haveignoredthe fact that the
selection of such a scale also adds an indeterminate
amountof uncertainty into the process as well as
limits the ultimate complexityof the system. This
issue is well knownin Organizational Behavioras
"the level of analysis problem" where the basic
premiseis that the fundamentalnature of the problem
changesdependinguponthe numberand nature of the
participants or perspectives involvedin the process
(Katz & Kalm1978, Morgan1986, Weick1979).
essence the problem becomes: If one is able to
determine a scale from whichto operate then this
scale imposesboth upper and lower limits uponthe
type and quality of processes that can be performed
usingthis scale. In other words,the selection of any
type of scale of measurement
predeterminesthe future
success and minimum
performanceof that unit, but
these limitations also dependon the both the number
and type of units includedin that level of analysis.
This problemhas also beendescribedin situations of
uncertainty and decision makingby James March
(March and Olsen, 1976; March 1990), and
informationtheory by ClaudeShannon(1963).
Recent advances in information theory have shown
somepromiseto offering alternatives to these two
related problems.Shannon’sinformationentropy is a
measure of information content that inherently
contains both an upper and lower limit on the
complexity of the resulting products. Onecan use
theory of complexityto determinethe
mostappropriatelevel of analysis for anygivenscale.
Accordingto Kolmogornv’s
theory there exists one
explanationfor event (possible occurrenceor sequence
of occurrences) which will explain more of the
uncertainty than any other explanation (Cover and
Thomas1992). By using information entropy one
can determinewhatthis is, andthus select the scale
and scope to matchthe event (Crutchfield 1992a,
1992b, 1990; Lutz 1990). But it is important to
distinguish betweensimple deterministic systemsand
complexdeterministic systems, becauseaccordingto
Crutehfield(1992a)"there appearsto be a wayout
the modelclass discovery dilemma.Theanswerthat
reconstructiongives is to start at
the lowestlevel of representation,the givendiscrete
data, andto build an adaptiveseries of modelswithin
a series of modelclasses of increasing computational
capability until a finite causal modelis found.
Withineach level there is a model-order-estimation
inference of optimal models, just as indicated. And
there is an induction from a series of approximate
modelswithin a lower ’inappropriate’ class to the
next higher modelclass" (p. 68)
Shannon’s model is based on the amount of
informationneededto explainor differentiate between
the numberof choices available. "That information
be measuredby entropy is, after all, natural whenwe
remember that information, in communication
theory, is associated with the amountof freedomof
choice wehavein constructing messages.Thusfor a
sourceone can say .... "l~is situation
is highlyorganized,it is not characterizedby a large
degreeof randomness
or of choice-that is to say, the
information (or the entropy) is low" (Shannon
Weaver,1963, p. 13). If the probability of each
is equalthen wecan say that the selection of
any one outcomeexplains an equal amountof the
uncertainty within the decision makingprocess. You
could also say that each outcomecontributes exactly
the sameamountof information (or entropy) to the
The amountof entropy contained in a communication
becomes important when the total number of
outcomes is unknown (uncertainty)
or when
determiningif the informationis specific enough(the
ambiguity of the message). Thus the information
content of an infinite non-repeatingsuing, like that
found in the numberg (pi), according to Shannon’s
theory wouldbe as long as the suing itself (because
no information repeats within the suing), and the
entropy(or informationcontent)of an infinitely long
suing of repeating numberswouldbe trivial. This
example also shows that what maybe close to
impossibleto explainat onelevel (the infinitely long
suing of the numberg), can be easily explained at
anotherlevel (the written symbol"~"), and that the
informationentropyexplainedat these various levels
of symbolsvaries widely. Information entropy, or
the information content of any communicationthat
can be transmitted, "is ... approximately the
logarithmof the reciprocal probability of a typical
long sequencedivided by the numberof symbolsin
the sequence"(Shannonand Weaver,1963,p. 54).
The complexityof decision makingbehavior can be
explainedin the sameway:"Thesuccessat each stage
in hierarchical reconstruction is controlled by the
amountof given data, since this puts an upper bound
on statistical accuracy,andan error threshold,which
is largely determined by the observers available
computationalresources. Thegoal is to find a finite
causal modelof minimalsize and prediction error
while maximizing
the extraction of informationfrom
the givendata"(Crutchfield,1992a,p. 68).
Kolmogorov’s process in creating meaning for
complexdata streams is to calculate the information
entropy(the degreeof uncertainty) in every possible
chunkfrom the data stream. In this wayKolmogorov
also frees the nonlinearmodelingprocessfroma preselected data representation, as well as the many
problemsthat a priori selection brings. The"chunk"
with the lowest entropy will be that data
representation that explains the mostuncertainty in
the given modelat that level of analysis..Shannon’s
theory allowsfor the modelingof multiple levels of
through the idea of calculating the
entropyof a string at different levels of analysis, or
"morphs"and then calculating the minimum
for the suing. This allows for a single stream of
information to be used in mannerthat provides
adaptivebetweenlevel representationof the semantic
content of a message.
An example of this process that shows howthe
differences in information entropy can determine
meaningin strings based on letter probability and
wordprobability is as follows: if weassumethat the
total numberof possible outcomes(or in this case
symbols)are all equally likely, and that these 27
will be labeledas the letters ’a’ through’z’
and space. Theprobability of a trigram (a string of
three symbols)such as "and"given that each outcome
is equallylikely is 3 timesthe probabilityof anyone
single event (or 3(1/27) = .11). If welook at
probability that the word "and" would occur
independentof the letter probabilities then wefind
that the probability of that wordoccurring is .028
(27873 occurrences out of a possible 1,000,000
words, Johansson and Hofland, 1989). Thus the
lowest entropy wecould calculate for the trigram
"and"is also the mostsemanticallyrelevant "morph"
or representation.
This example of how information theory can be
appliedto streamsof informationto find the level of
analysis that provides the most meaning has
important implications in how conflict can be
resolved within organizations. Onewaythat conflict
can exist is betweenmis-alignedor poorlystructured
processesor business units. Currentlythere are two
business process restructuring fads that propose
alternatives for resolvingthis type of conflict. The
first fad is "businessprocessreengineering’,or BPR,
(Ham-merand Champy1993) which proposes that
business should undergoa "fundamentalrethinking
and radical redesignof businessprocessesto achieve
dramatic improvements" (p. 46). It should
obviousthat the proposedsolution is circular to the
degreethat the feedbackinto the systemoccursat the
samelevel as the "fundamentalrethinkingand radical
redesign". And traditional BPRtries to push
solutions that will result in redesign and feedback
occurringat the samelevels. Theprobableresult is
that the organization of the future will be a
horizontally closed system rather than a vertically
closed system with control over information access
determiningwhatpowerand authority nowdetermine.
The second fad is the application of open systems
theory, or sociotechnical systems (STS), to the
design of business processes. Taylor and Felton
(1993) recommend
that the overall purpose of STS
was to "empower" people using a continuum of
"information, knowledge,skills and control. These
build on one another. Stress is greatest when
information is high, but control is low" (p. 7).
Accordingto information theory formal control of
information will always be low wheninformationis
high (and the entropy is evenlydistributed). Another
considerationof situations wheninformationis high
is that the application of knowledgeand skills, and
ultimately control, is likely to be influenced by
highly situational factors--like the size and makeup
of the group.
Theuse of metrics of coordination (the modelingof
information at several different morphs)can also
provideresolutions to several of the problemspresent
in electronic media and group decision support
systems. Early theorists in "communicationand
organizationtheory" concludedthat it wasnecessary
not only to study communication
at multiple levels
within the organization (Thayer, 1967), but that
modelsof small groupbehaviormustinclude analysis
of communicationat the "organizational", "interpersonal" and "intrapersonal" levels. Accordingto
Eisenberg(1984)the expectationthat organizations
individuals workas "boundedrational" agents is
unrealistic because"peoplein organizationsconfront
multiple situational requirements,developmultiple
and often conflicting goals, and respond with
communicative strategies which do not always
minimize ambiguity, but may nonetheless be
effective" (p. 228). Onewayto study differences
between the intra- and interpersonal levels of
organizationsis to look at organizationalbehaviorsas
equivocal communications.
Communicationalways involves a sender, some
content, a receiver and a context. Bavelas, Black,
Chovil and Muller (1990) proposethat "the data
communicationcan be the messagesthemselves and
that the explanation of a messagecan be sought in
the immediate,observableinterpersonal situation in
which it occurs" (p. 28). John MaynardSmith
(1972) has proposedseveral possible algorithmsfor
related to conflict behavior.
Oneof the interesting things aboutthese strategies is
that theyare not effectiveuntil a critical percentage
the population has adopted them--MaynardSmith
(1972) foundthat oncethe "retaliator" programwas
predominantwithin the populationnone of the other
"Oneof the principal problemswith previousmodels
of the communication
processis that they universally
neglect the way in which multiple levels of
informationare exchangedamong
sender, receiver, and
environment"(Targowskiand Bowman,
1988, p. 10).
In recent years several theories have proposed
solutions to the problemof modelingcommunication
between multiple levels. These theories have
proposed models for solving the multiple level
communication problems in dynamic cognitive
environments(Crutchfield, 1992a and b) and for
collaborative human-computer
Hurdand Kasper,1992).
Theapplication of metrics of coordination to group
decision support environmentscan be mosthelpful in
situations of high uncertainty. Withinorganizational
behaviorrecent studies haveshownthat the decision
makingprocesses (both social and cognitive)
uncertain tasks are recursive (Cohen, Marchand
Olsen, 1972; Morgan, 1986; Masuchand LaPotin,
1989;March1990; Beach1991):. participants return
to the samestatements and processesuntil they have
beenrefined or clarified. This recursive processalso
allows for a modelof the outcomelikelihood to be
developed for group decision makingprocesses.
Metricsof coordinationcan then be used to calculate
the entropy of any one outcomewithin the decision
Researchers can also use measures of mutual
information and information distance to modelsuch
complexbehaviorsas "brainstorming"and "consensus
making." In traditional
decision theory the
alternatives that will be consideredare generatednear
the start of the processes.Thesealternatives are then
considered and narrowedand somemeansof consensus
makingbehavior is applied (usually by vote).
uncertain environmentsresearchers foundthat groups
wouldkeep returning to the "brainstorming" stage
after they had started evaluation and consensus
making(Mintzberg, Rasinghani, and Th~oret 1976;
Nutt, 1984)---participants found that their problem
space was too confining or that they ran out of
alternatives. Usingmeasuresof mutual information
and informationdistance (Shannonand Weaver,1963)
the decision makingprocess can be modeledso that
participants can monitor the scope of the problem
space throughthe stages of alternative generationand
consensus making. In decision making tasks
ambiguity is where one level of knowledge or
description seemsmoreaccurate than a lower level
even though that level mayhave multiple meanings.
In information theory ambiguity of this sort is
handled by using Kolmogorov’s theorems of
complexity to model the categorization process.
"Kolmogorov[defined] the intrinsic descriptive
complexity of an object ... [also knownas] the
algorithmic(descriptive) complexityof an object
be the length of the shortest binary computerprogram
that describes that object" (Coverand Thomas,1991,
p. 144).
In summarymodelers of decision makingprocesses
can avoid manyof the problemsrelated to designing
systems to support decision makingbehaviors when
sufficient complexityexists. Uncertaintycan be used
to providedesigners andcomputationalmodelerswith
problem environments that reflect the cognitive
subjectivity and social biases of both humanand
cognitive agents. Any attempt to explain the
variability withinanyorganizationmustdeal with the
two problems of scale and scope. Andthese two
problemscan be most effectively dealt with in terms
of information entropy modeledaccording to the
measuresof Kolmogorov’s
complexity or someother
adaptivemetricof coordination.
Future Implications for Metrics of
Coordination in Organizational Theory:
Organizational theorists have proposed several
alternative futures for the interdependenciesthat
people and newtechnologywill share in future work
environments. The differences between these
theorists can be simplistically stated as those who
proposethat informationwill be transformedto adapt
to the skills of an individual (Peters, 1992), those
who think that the individual will become as
specialized as the informationthey manage(Drncker
1993aand 1993b), and a third whothinks that the
workplace of the future will require complex
informationtools that can track informationtransfer
between variously committed membersof teams
(Handy1993 and 1994). While each of the above
predictionsdiffer significantly in their implications
and assumptions, it is also possible that some
combinationof all of these alternatives is likely.
Oneof the reasonsfor this is becauseall three of the
authors deal with the issue of whatrole information
mightplay in relation to job competence
(taking into
consideration both the job complexity and the
employeesskill and experience) without taking into
considerationthe implicationsof the scale and scope
problemsin technological information tools. The
issues of scale andscopepreviouslydiscussedrelate
directly to howone might try and support these
Hirschhorn and Mokray(1992) summarize their
research on manufacturing
automationas it relates to
and the reciprocity of the role systemby
offering three possible alternatives for future
automatedsystems:First, that automationcan create
an environment
of reciprocal interdependencies(what
they call a "vicious circle") where a breakdown
in the circle of interdependentcompetencies
will result in an imbalanceof inputs andoutputs as
well as a loss of productivityandcontrol. Whileit is
unlikely that once a group descends into such a
viciouscircle it can get out on its own,there maybe
the possibility that a changein the metric used to
coordinatethe groupswill result in morecooperation.
This possibility has been proposed by Maynard
Smith(1972) and summarized
by Beniger(1986).
The second alternative that Hirschhornand Mokray
(1992) offer is one where the automation is only
partially integratedinto the factory. In this scenarioa
small core of individuals or tasks are automatedand
the resulting inability to transfer information(in the
form of communication,
ideas about howto innovate,
andschedulingissues) results in "successivelysmaller
and smallerincrementsin the level of integration and
control, so that at somepoint neither group can
stimulate the other group to improve. This is the
point whereorganizational learning stops" (p. 37).
This alternative impacts Handy’s (1993, 1994) view
of managingperformance outsiders and
insiders based on their commitmentto the project.
This might only be possible in environments where
innovation and learning are not considered important.
And finally, the third option that Hirschhorn and
Mokray(1992) propose is that of a "virtuous circle"
within which indirect personnel can introduce
innovations and direct labor can exert enoughcontrol
over the system to eliminate bottlenecks before they
becomeproblematical. The conditions that makethis
alternative possible is "a process of sustained
reciprocity, whereby information and communication
flow freely" (p. 37). Recently research on sustainable
cooperation has shownthat maintaining cooperative
styles in complexenvironmentsis moredifficult than
merely providing sufficient bandwidth to allow for
communication. Glance and Huberman(1993, 1994;
Huberman and Glance 1993) have shown that an
individual agent’s tendency to cooperate can dependon
the recent history of decisions madein the group, the
size of the group, the length of the individuals
horizon, and the amount of uncertainty that exists
within the system. Further research that will
continue exploring this dynamic has been proposed
(Fuller 1994). But designers of information tools
should not assume that simply increasing the
communicationsbandwidth will be enough to sustain
cooperative activity.
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