Using a Multi-Layered Approach to ... Tort Law Cases for Case-based Reasoning

From: AAAI Technical Report WS-93-01. Compilation copyright © 1993, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
Using a Multi-Layered Approach to Representing
Tort Law Cases for Case-based Reasoning
Barbara B. Cuthill
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Division 872, Bldg 225, RoomB266
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899
email: bcuthill@
Robert McCartney
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT 06269
significant elements of a case whether they are facts,
underlying themes or some combination of the two.
Possiblyportions of several past cases, rather than entire
past cases, maybe useful for addressing the problemsin
the newsituation. Exactlywhichportions or whatcriteria
to use in judgingthe relative significanceof the facts and
themes present in a case should dependon the domain
theory (Hafner, 1990;McCarty,1991).
Oursolution to this problemis a multi-layered
case representation.Multi-layeredrepresentationsrepresent
the facts of the case andseveral types of abstractionsfrom
the facts. Anabstraction is any themeor principle the
domaintheory uses to classify or compareproblems.Types
of abstractions include interpretations of or viewpointson
.the facts, conflicts between
those conflicts andunderlyingthemes.
This representation makesusing domaintheory to
analyze, compareand select cases easier by supporting
reasoning about the application of domaintheory to
specific cases. A multi-layeredcase representation allows
the case-basedreasonerto represent portions of a case as
of several different domainabstractions. Thecasebasedreasonercan isolate the portions of the case usedto
supporta specific abstraction and compare
themto portions
of another case. Thecase-basedreasoner can reflect the
domaintheory’s partition of the case elements by their
abstraction from the facts or their relationship to a
particular theme.Thecase-basedreasonercan also use the
abstractionsclassifying the underlyingproblemsin the case
as indices for case retrieval allowingit to select related
cases basedon the underlyingproblemin the newcase.
This paper presents background to the case
representation problem(See. 2); CHASER
(Cuthill, 1992),
a case-basedreasoningsystemin the tort lawdomainwhich
uses a multi-layered case representation (See. 3);
exampleof CHASER’s
operation (See. 4) and conclusions
This paper presents a multi-layered case
representation for addressing the problem of
comparing and indexing cases in a case-based
reasoning system using both the facts and the
underlying themesassociated with those cases. In
manydomains,experts discuss problemsin terms of
multiple layers of abstract principles, classifying
problemsby conflicts, strategies, or themesimportant
to the domain. For example, whenlawyers compare
cases, theycompare
the facts, eachside’s interpretation
of the facts, eachside’s arguments,anddisagreements
about those arguments. Representingthe case as a
single flat framedoesnot supportreasoningaboutthe
underlying themesin the case because it does not
represent interconneetionsamongthe facts andthemes
of the case. Insteada case-basedreasonershoulduse a
multi-layeredrepresentationincludingboth these facts
and interconnections. This representation has
implications for muchof the case-based reasoning
process including case comparison, selection and
retrieval mechanisms.The paper will describe the
case-based reasoning system which uses a
multi-layeredcase representation approachto reason
abouttort lawcases.
1.0 Introduction
A case-basedreasoner comparesproblemsin new
situations to selected past experiencesor casesanduses the
results of that comparisonto address those problems.
Usefulpast cases are similar to the currentsituation but the
similarity maybe surface (in the facts) or deep(based
someunderlying theme). Therefore, one problemin casebased reasoning is that of representing and using the
(Ashley, 1991; Rissland and Ashley, 1988) is a good
example of a single frame representing a case with a
selection of linear features or dimensions. This
representation is convenientfor comparingand organizing
entire cases. Casesare close to the degreethat they match
on these features. CABARET
(Rissland and Skalak, 1990)
has demonstratedthe usefulness of this representation in
Alternatively, McCarty(1989) and Branting
(1991) emphasizethe importanceof representing all the
facts of the newsituation. McCarty(1989) addressed the
problemof creating a knowledgerepresentation language
allowing common
sense categorization and the application
of legal reasoningrules. Hiscriteria for a solutionare that
the language be formal, have a compositionalsyntax, a
precise semantics,and a well-definedinference mechanism.
McCartyprovides his solution to this problem in his
for LegalDiscourse(LLD).Heuses variations
(McCarty, 1977) and EPS
(Sholbohmand McCarty,1989). Branting uses a variation
of this approachin GREBE
representing decisions in legal
cases with an event networkillustrating the functional
dependenciesamongfacts. This representation provides a
structure for comparing
clusters of facts withincases.
aboutthe advantagesof a multi-layeredcase representation
drawnfromthis research(See. 5).
Background to the Problem
Theresearch discussedhere addressesthe problem:
Howcan a case-basedreasoner select, compare,and index
cases usingthe significant features of the domainwhether
they are surface facts or underlyingthemesof the domain
theory. The goal of selecting, comparing,indexing and
partitioning cases using underlying themesrequires the
solution systemto use the sameabstractionsto characterize
cases involvingdifferent facts if the domaintheory does
underthe samecircumstances.In general, the significant
features of a case are the problem,the domaintheory’s
characterizationof the problem,and the components
of the
case supporting that characterization.
While the
representation and use of multiple abstraction levels of
knowledgeis not newto AI or case-based reasoning (for
example, Sacerdoti, 1973; Alterman, 1986; Kolodner,
1987), we are proposing to use a multi-layered
representationas a meansboth to organizeandpartition the
casesandto accuratelyreflect the acceptedstructuresin the
2.1 Tort law domain
Whilethere are manypossible domainsfor this
research, wechosethe tort law domainbecauseit provides
good examplesof exports discussing cases in terms of
definedabstractions. Torts includea broadclass of harmful
actions involving compensationfor deaths, maimings,and
mental anguish from sources such as medicalmalpractice
and product liability. Lawyersuse precedent cases to
support a desired resolution of a legal dispute drawing
parallels betweenthe reasoningused in a previousdecision
andeventsin the current case. This use of cases stemsfrom
the commonlaw tradition obliging judges to explain
rulings that apparently deviate frompast application of
legal principles.
Ourcase representation reflects tort law domain
theory as foundin judicial opinionsand legal text books
(Prosser, 1988).Lawyers
describetort casesusingthe facts,
the duty defining the plaintiff and defendant’s legal
relationship, the cause-of-actiondefining the plaintiffs
interpretation of the facts, the defensesor the defendant’s
responses, the issues or the conflicts between the
interpretations, andthe holdingsor the judge’sdecisionson
issues. The duty, cause-of-action, defense, issue and
holdingare the constructsof tort law.
CHASERdemonstrates the usefulness of
representing and comparingstructures of cases as domain
experts would.It uses a multi-layeredapproachto analyze
the facts in a newsituation, providethe potential legal
casesarising fromit andidentify the closest precedentcases
to the issues presentin thosecases.
3.1 Overview of CHASER’sFunctions
2.2 Past approaches to case representation
There have been two major approaches to
representing legal cases for case-based reasoning:
representingthe entire case as a single frameandproviding
a formalrepresentationfor all the facts of the case. Each
approachhas its strengths andwedrawon both to arrive at
a representation for the structure of legal cases. HYPO
is a system based on a multi-layered
case representation (depicted in Figure 1) performingtwo
functions associated with lawyers: issue spotting and
precedent selection. Issue spotting is the process of
identifying the conflicts betweenlegal argumentsa court
must address in deciding a legal case. Issue spotting
requires the creation of potential legal cases consistingof
the facts, componentsof legal arguments derived by
applyinglegal principlesto the facts, legal arguments
fromthose components,and the legal issues generatedby
the conflicting legal arguments. CHASER
builds each
layer of the case representation by applying the domain
theory to the facts and the previouslayers generating an
increasinglyabstract picture of the problemsaddressedin
the case.
Precedentselection is the processof identifying
the best past cases for supportinga particular resolutionof
a legal issue. To be a useful precedenta past case must
address the sameissue as that foundin the newcase, the
judge’sreasoningin the past case mustbe applicableto the
newcase, andthe issue shouldhaveresulted froma similar
conflict in legal interpretations. Precedentselectioncan use
the multi-layeredstructureof legal cases to identify closely
related past cases since the closer the legal constructsand
facts of the past case are to those of the newcase, the
strongerthe argument
basedon the past case.
Facts of New Legal Constructs& MostClosely Related
Past Casesfor Case(s) fromNewSituation
Legalj..] Preceden~
ConstructsrI Finder|
Support~ r Support Support Supports
gal & Common
I Relati°nship
Figure 2: Layers in the Case Representation
accepts the facts of a newsituation in
predicate calculus form. Theuser can specify only those
plaintiffs and defendants interesting to him or allow
to generate all possible tort cases from the new
situation. The case analyzer accepts the facts and
constraints andperformsissue spotting providingthe legal
constructsof the tort cases arising fromthe newsituation.
Theprecedentfinder uses the constructs anddisputedfacts
as indicesto find the closest past cases addressingthe legal
issues. Theprecedent finder can select only the single
closest case or continue searching as long as the user
continuesto request morecases. Thecase analyzerand the
precedentfinder use a knowledge
base of past legal cases,
legal knowledge,and world knowledgeavailable througha
¯ deductiveretriever. Thelegal knowledge
consists of rules
describing the circumstancesin whicha legal principle
applies. CHASER’s
outputs are the legal constructs for the
newcases andthe closest past cases for resolvingthe legal
issues and judging the strengths and weaknessesof the
current case-baseconsists of 35 cases.
Eachcase is a multi-layeredstructure consistingof between
30 and100propositionsrepresentingthe facts andat least
oneduty, cause-of-action,defense,issue andholding.
3.2 Case Representation
Toanalyze newsituations and find relevant past
cases, CHASER
uses a case representation allowing it to
classify the case’s constructs, relate the constructs to
supporting facts, classify cases and comparecases or
portions of cases. CHASER
represents newand past cases
as slructures with six layers: facts, duty, cause-of-action,
defense,issue andholding.Figure2 illustrates these layers.
Eachlayer of the case builds on the previous
layers and uses the facts of the case to support the
applicationof the legal principle containedin the construct
for that layer. Theduty constructrefers to someof the facts
to support applying a specific duty. Thecause-of-action
construct refers to the duty and the facts to support
applyinga specific cause-of-action.Thedefenserefers to an
elementin the cause-of-actionand, possibly, the facts to
support applying a defense. The issue refers to the
challengedelementin the cause-of-actionandthe defenseto
support the construction of a specific legal issue. The
holding refers to the issue and the facts in the case to
supporta specific conclusion.Eachconstructpartitions the
facts into thosesupportingthe applicationof the construct.
The basis of the Case representation is the
representation of the facts; facts are also the basis for
domainreasoning in the tort law domain.CHASER
uses a
predicate calculus notation to represent the facts in a
situation. Thelegally relevant items and events include
actions, actors, objects, relationships amongactors and
objects, actors’ knowledge, and temporal and causal
relationships amongactions, states, and state-changes.
represents facts in a language similar to LLD
(McCarty, 1989). Like LLD,CHASER
treats events and
relationships as separate objects to facilitate reasoning
about importantcase elements.Since state-changessuch as
changesin the health or physical integrity of actors and
objectsare critical to tort law, these are reified allowingthe
representationof causal andtemporalrelationships between
represents tort law constructs as frames.
Eachframeis a general templatewith type constraints on
the slots and can be instantiated for a particular fact
situation using legal knowledge encoded as rules.
organizes legal classifications, therefore legal
constructs, in a taxonomicstructure similar to (Hafner,
1987)andbasedon acceptedjurisprudential classifications
(Prosser, 1988). For example,Figure 3 showspart of the
cause-of-actionclassification hierarchy. Thehierarchical
organization of these frames allows CHASER
to easily
relate correspondingframeson the basis of their common
taxonomicancestry. The precedentretrieval process uses
this taxonomicinformation.
of Action
,, .......--~
the plaintiff anddefendantandprovidesa descriptionof the
potential resulting tort cases. Theinput descriptionof the
facts is in predicate calculusform. Theoutput description
contains the potential plaintiffs, defendants, causes of
action, duties, defenses, and issues characterizing each
possiblecase derivablefromthe facts. Figure5 depicts the
"’" Failure-to-Aid
Figure 3: Partial Cause-of-ActionNetwork
represents the legal knowledgeused to
generate the frames as rules. Weterm these legal
interpretation rules. The rules connect two types of
definitionsof legal principles,explicit definitionsof legal
principles representedusing propositions and sections of
past cases used to support the application of legal
principles. Figure4 illustrates a legal rule definingharm.
Explicitdefinitionsclearly indicatea fact or groupof facts
meetingthe definition of a legal principle. Typically,these
are common
sense definitions. In Figure 4, death is an
explicitly defined type of harm. The second type of
definitionfor a legal principlesuses the legal principleto
index unusualinstances of the principle foundin the case
base. In Figure 4, Hainesv. TempleUniversity Hospital
(Post, 1986) contains an unusual type of harm, loss
the rule for findingharmindexesthis
case to define this harm. The rule comparesonly those
facts from the past case supporting the specific legal
principle or classification to the new case. These
definitionsreflect the needto find supportingprecedentsfor
the applicationof legal principles in unusualcases but not
in typicalcases.
Figure 5: Output of the Case Analyzer
Physical HarmMental HarmI
.,. _,L-Loss-of-Psychic-Abilities
Death ]ec
~ mc’~
Physical Injury|
Facts in Hainesv
(state ?actordead)
~emple University Hospital
Figure 4: Illustration of Rule Defining Harm
includes knowledgeof 6 types of legal
duties, 12 types of causesof action, 10 types of defenses
and 8 types of issues. Thecase-basecontains at least one
exampleof each.
3.3 Case Analyzer
case analyzer accepts a description of
the facts of a newsituation with any user constraints on
case analysis mechanism
is consistent
with the issue spotting method that Gibbons (1990)
describes lawyersas using for newcases. Gibbons’lawyer
first identifies whosuffered an injury. Thelawyerthen
traces the events causing the injury backwardto find a
series of potential defendants. Thenthe lawyerconsiders
howeach defendantmightrespondto the plaintiff and what
the likely resulting legal questionsor issues are. CHASER
mimicsthis methodby applyinglegal interpretation rules
using an algorithmderived from Gibbons(1990) to supply
the informationto create the legal constructs for the new
case. See Figure6 for the algorithmand the rules applied
to fill in the constructs.
builds a case representation by building
and classifying legal constructs at each step of the issue
spotting process using the legal interpretation rules.
applies the rules to the facts of the case and the
previously generatedlegal constructs. Eachrule compares
the facts to explicit definitionsof andsectionsof past cases
used as examples of legal principles. Like CABARET
(Rissland and Skalak, 1989), CHASER
tests explicit
definitions first and uses cases whenthe rules run out
(Gardner, 1987). For example, if someonesuffered
physical injury, CHASER
does not seek unusual examples
of harm.However,
if no facts meetthe explicit definitions,
comparesunusual examplesof facts supporting
a legal principleto the newsituation.
Therule guidedcomparisonof past cases and the
newsituation used in issue spotting considers only those
facts in the past case actually cited to support the
application of a legal principle. CHASER
by checkingif the propositions for the facts contain the
samepropertiesor onesthat are potentially specializations
of each other. CHASER
presents the facts of the previous
caseusedto justify the applicationof a legal principle and
the corresponding
facts in the currentcase.
The case analyzer both generates the legal
constructs used in the multi-layered case representation and
takes advantage of that representation when determining
what classifications apply to the constructs in the new
Identify harmedactor
Identify harmaction
the same duty, the match between the arguments is
stronger. Finally, if the disputed facts are the same, the
cases are very similar. However,if lawyers argued two very
similar fact situations differently, the different resulting
arguments and issues will prevent one case from being a
useful precedentfor resolving the issue in the other.
The precedent retriever
receives the legal
constructs describing the problem. Eachconstruct provides
an index into a hierarchy of legal principles. These
hierarchies relate the legal principles to each other and
organize the past cases. By partitioning the case-base using
the most abstract description of the problem, then
partitioning the remaining closest matches using each
successively more specific classification
down to the
disputed facts, CHASER
partitions the case-base until it
arrives at the closest precedentcase(s). Thelast step of the
process selects the most recent case from among the
equally close cases. If at any point the combination of
produces no related past cases, CHASER
generalizes the last classification considered using the
hierarchies of legal principles and continues partitioning
the case-base. Figure 7 illustrates partitioning the case
COA Duty
Foreach potential plaintiff,
Until no moreactions or
Identify next action Causation
leading to harm
Id. actor responsible Defendant
Id. actor responsible Defendant
for 1st actor
involved DUTY
Is defendantacceptable7
For each causeof action,
Find defenses challenging
-Anyexamplesof similar cases?
For each defense, identify
Typeof defense
Support for CoA
Ask User
Breach Defense
Check Cases
Closest Defense
Closest Issue
Figure 7: Illustrating
Precedent Retrieval
This methodpreserves the relative importance of
the various indices by generalizing the indices describing
the details of the problem first thereby preserving the
classification of the overall problem. This corresponds to
varying the context or surface facts before reclassifying the
underlying problem.
After finding the closest precedent case, CHASER
can continue searching the case-base at the user’s discretion
for the next most closely related cases by varying the last
index applied to the case-base.
Issue Def.
Figure 6: Algorithm for Analyzing Cases
3.4 Precedent Retrieval
precedent retriever selects the closest
past cases to a specific issue in the new case using the
relative importance of the constructs as assigned in the
domaintheory. In the tort law domain, the actual issue is
the most important element since it is the problem to
resolve. The competing arguments giving rise to it are
next, since if the lawyers argued the newcase and precedent
case the same way, the cases are closer examples of the
same problem. Similarly, if the causes-of-action refer to
4.0 Example
This section provides an extended example of
processing a new situation. The example case is
Hicks v. L.S. Ayres (Prosser, 1988). The facts of the case
are that whensix-year old Albert Hicks’ mother took him
to the L.S. Ayres store, he got his hand caught in an
escalator which the manager initially refused to stop
causing further injury to Albert’s hand.
case analyzer receives the facts of the
case with no constraints on whothe plaintiff and defendant
should be. CHASER
begins identifying the components of
the cause-of-action by applying the legal interpretation rule
for harm. The definition for physical injury includes
Albert’s injuries making him the potential plaintiff.
then applies legal interpretation rules for the
cause of the harm, whowas responsible (the defendant) and
the breach action or defendant’s action causing the harm.
applies commonsense causal rules to trace the
events back from the injury finding the manager’sfailure to
stop the escalator responsible for aggravating the injury,
and the store the potential defendant because it is
responsible for the manager’s action. Next CHASER
applies the legal interpretation rules for identifying the
plaintiff and defendant’srelationship and the applicable duty
finding Albert and the store in a business host-invitee
relationship with the store owing Albert the duty of a
business host. Last, the legal interpretation rule classifying
the cause-of-action uses the componentsto find this causeof-action matches the definition of an aggravate-injury
If the store is a satisfactory defendant, CHASER
applies legal interpretation rules defining challenges to each
componentof the cause-of-action. CHASER
finds only one
defense the store can use to challenge the cause-of-action.
This is the defense the store actually used, that stopping
the escalator was not within the scope of store’s duty to
Albert:beeause no past cases required a store to stop an
escalator. After generating the defense layer of the case
representation by instantiating the defense frame, CHASER
uses the classifications for the cause-of-action and defense
to arrive at the classification
for the issue. CHASER
identifies the challenge to the classification
of the
defendant’s action as a breach of his duty as the underlying
dispute. The resulting issue is: Whatwas the extent of the
store’s duty to Albert Hicks?Figure 8 illustrates the output
of the case analyzer.
I Issue: Extent of Du~l
Not WithinDuty
Bre~h Caussafion Harml
Figure 8: Hicks v. L.S. Ayres Represented
After the precedent finder receives the case
representation, CHASER
partitions the case-base using the
initial classifications provided beginning with the issue.
However,the combination of issue, defense and cause-ofaction yields no cases. CHASER
generalizes the cause-ofaction from aggravate-injury to failure-to-aid.
yields several cases; however, further
partitioning the case-base using the next layer of the case
representation, the duty, yields one case, Depuev. Flatau.
returns this case to the user whocan ask for the
search to continue or stop at that point. Figure 9 illustrates
precedent selection in Hicks v. L.S. Ayres.
Hicks v.
L.S. Ayres
Figure 9: Illustrating
Precedent Selection
5.0 Conclusions
This research has explored the use of a multilayered case representation in a case-based reasoning
system. In addition to reflecting howthe domainexperts
discuss cases, a multi-layered representation allows for
reasoning about how the domaintheory applies to a case.
Since the different abstractions classify specific case
elements, a multi-layered case representation can isolate the
elements supporting a particular abstraction creating a
definition of that abstraction. Thesedifferent classifications
for different
portions of the case allow for the
representation of different viewpointson the facts. A multilayered case representation also makesindexing the casebase easier since each layer of information can provide a
separate index ordered according to its significance in
describing the overall problem or the piece of the problem
under consideration.
Knowing the importance of the
elements of a case and the abstraction hierarchy for each
element type can provide a method for systematically
retrieving cases in the order of their similarity.
One advantage
of such a multi-layered
representation is that it allows the case-based reasoner to
incorporate the methodology of the domain theory in
analyzing, selecting and comparing cases. The domain of
this research, tort law, formalizes discussion of abstractions
in the domain as discussion of legal principles. Legal
experts, not just tort lawyers, tend to use a layered
representation of legal cases as their domainmodel of a
case. Our case-based reasoner, CHASER
represents and
uses the domainmodelmost legal experts use for reasoning
about and from cases in the tort law domain.
Future work in this area could generalize the
multi-layered case representation to support reasoning
about other domains.Anydomainincorporating multiple
conflicting viewsof the facts to arrive at the underlying
is a suitable onefor this representation.
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