INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION Radiocommunication Bureau (Direct Fax N°. +41 22 730 57 85) Circular Letter 9/LCCE/61 9 June 2001 To Member States of the ITU and Radiocommunication Sector Members participating in the work of Working Parties 9A, 9B, 9C and 9D of Radiocommunication Study Group 9 Subject: Meetings of Working Parties 9A, 9B, 9C and 9D Working Party 9A: Performance and availability, interference objectives and analysis, effects of propagation and terminology Working Party 9B: Radio-frequency channel arrangements, radio system characteristics, interconnection, maintenance and various applications Working Party 9C: Systems below 30 MHz (HF and others) Working Party 9D: Sharing with other services (except for the fixed-satellite service) Introduction The meetings of Working Parties 9A, 9B, 9C and 9D were foreseen in the programme of the Radiocommunication Study Groups by the meeting of Study Group Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen in June 2000 (see Administrative Circular CA/82). Date and place of meetings The meetings will take place in the ITU Headquarters, Geneva. Services directly connected with meeting activities, such as delegate registration, document distribution, etc., will be located in the vicinity of the meeting rooms. Registration will commence at 08:30 hours on the opening day of each meeting. The meetings are scheduled as follows: Group Meeting dates Opening session Working Party 9A 1-8 October 2001 14:00 hours Working Party 9B 1-9 October 2001 09:30 hours Working Party 9C 8-10 October 2001 09:30 hours Working Party 9D 2-10 October 2001 09:30 hours Place des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland Telephone +41 22 730 51 11 Telefax Gr3: +41 22 733 72 56 Gr4: +41 22 730 65 00 Telex 421 000 uit ch Telegram ITU GENEVE E-mail: -2- Programme of the meetings The draft meeting agendas of the concerned groups are given in Annex 1. The assigned Questions are listed in Annex 2. Working language The Working Parties will conduct their work in English. Other meetings Other relevant Group meetings to be held in Geneva are listed below: Group JRG 6S-9D Title Meeting dates Opening session Remarks Sharing between FS and BSS (sound) 27-28 September 2001 09:30 hours Fixed Service 11-12 October 2001 10:00 hours See CACE/218 WP 4-9S Frequency sharing between the fixed-satellite and the fixed services 15-23 October 2001 09:30 hours See 4/LCCE/66 9/LCCE/62 Joint Study Groups 4 and 9 Frequency sharing between the fixed-satellite and the fixed services 24 October 2001 14:00 hours See CACE/219 Wireless access issues 22-26 October 2001 15:45 hours See 8/LCCE/97 9/LCCE/60 SG 9 JRG 8A-9B See 6/LCCE/9 9/LCCE/59 Contributions Contributions in response to the work of Working Parties 9A, 9B, 9C and 9D are invited. Contributions will be processed and dispatched in accordance with Resolution ITU-R 1-3, and posted on TIES/ITUDOC. One copy of each contribution should be sent to the Secretariat, Radiocommunication Bureau, for processing, to the Chairman of the relevant Working Party and to the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of Radiocommunication Study Group 9. The pertinent addresses can be found in Annex 3 to this Circular. Participants are encouraged to submit contributions by electronic mail as outlined in Revision 2 to Administrative Circular CA/17 of 16 April 1999 to: D:\612869081.DOC -3- Documents received up to six weeks in advance of the meeting are dispatched, as far as possible, before the meeting in their original language. Later contributions, received up to seven days in advance of the meeting, are made available at the opening of the meeting in the original working language and, if possible, in English. The Secretariat cannot guarantee that documents received after seven days before the opening date of the meeting can be made available for the opening of the meeting. Submissions later than 12:00 hours (Geneva time) on the working day preceding the opening of the meeting are not accepted. Resolution ITU-R 1-3 provides that contributions which are not available to participants at the opening of the meeting shall not be considered. Visa requirements We would remind you that citizens of some countries are required to obtain a visa in order to enter and spend any time in Switzerland. The visa must be requested and obtained from the office (embassy or consulate) representing Switzerland in your country or, if there is no such office in your country, from the one that is closest to the country of departure. If problems are encountered, the Union can, at the official request of the administration or company you represent, approach the competent Swiss authorities in order to facilitate delivery of the visa. Any such request must specify the name and functions of the individual(s) for whom the visa(s) is/are requested and be accompanied by a copy of the approved registration form approved for the ITU conference or meeting in question. Participation In order to make the necessary arrangements, it is requested that the intended participation of your representative(s) be advised no later than one month before the opening of the meeting by means of the annexed form (Annex 4) (to be photocopied as required). Robert W. Jones Director, Radiocommunication Bureau Annexes: 4 Distribution: – – – Member States and Radiocommunication Sector Members participating in the work of Working Parties 9A, 9B, 9C and 9D of Radiocommunication Study Group 9 Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of Radiocommunication Study Group 9 Secretary General of the ITU, Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau D:\612869081.DOC -4- ANNEX 1 DRAFT AGENDAS Draft agenda for the meeting of Working Party 9A (Geneva, 1-8 October 2001) 1 Opening remarks 2 Approval of the agenda 3 Chairman’s report of the March 2001 meeting (Doc. 9A/56) 4 Preparatory work for the CPM-02 5 Review of Questions assigned and its categorization 6 Liaison with other fora 7 Introduction of other input documents 8 Establishment of Sub-Working Groups and assignment of documents 9 Any other business M. SPINI Chairman, Working Party 9A D:\612869081.DOC -5- Draft agenda for the meeting of Working Party 9B (Geneva, 1-9 October 2001) 1 Opening remarks 2 Approval of the agenda 3 Chairman’s report of the March 2001 meeting (Doc. 9B/84 + Add.1) 4 Preparatory work for CPM-02 5 Report on the activity of JRG 8A-9B on wireless access issues 6 Report of Correspondence Groups (CG): 6.1 CG on HAPS systems 6.2 CG on spectrum vision (Question ITU-R 221/9) 6.3 CG on FWA frequency bands 7 Review of Questions assigned and its categorization 8 Liaison with other fora 9 Introduction of other input documents 10 Establishment of Sub-Working Parties and assignment of documents 11 Any other business A. HASHIMOTO Chairman, Working Party 9B D:\612869081.DOC -6- Draft agenda for the meeting of Working Party 9C (Geneva, 8-10 October 2001) 1 Opening remarks 2 Approval of the agenda 3 Chairman’s report of the September 2000 meeting (Doc. 9C/11 dated 24 October 2000) 4 Handbook on adaptive HF systems and networks and review of relevant Recommendation ITU-R F.1110 5 Joint activities on simulation of HF transmission through an ionospheric channel 6 Preparatory work for next CPMs 7 Review of Questions assigned and its categorization 8 Liaison from other fora 9 Presentation of other input documents 10 Establishment of Sub-Working Groups and assignment of documents 11 Any other business N.M. SERINKEN Chairman, Working Party 9C D:\612869081.DOC -7- Draft agenda for the meeting of Working Party 9D (Geneva, 2-10 October 2001) 1 Opening remarks 2 Approval of the agenda 3 Chairman’s report of the March 2001 meeting (Doc. 9D/66) 4 Preparatory work for CPM-02 (see Doc. 9D/66, pages 169-170) 5 Review of Questions assigned and its categorization 6 Report on the activity of JRG 6S-9D regarding sharing between FS and BSS (sound) 7 Report on the activity of the Correspondence Groups a) CG on 32 GHz band issues (Question ITU-R 224/9) b) CG on protection of passive services c) CG on improvements to Recommendation ITU-R F.758 8 Liaisons from other fora 9 Presentation of other input documents 10 Working structure and attribution of documents 11 Any other business K. MEDLEY Chairman, Working Party 9D D:\612869081.DOC -8- ANNEX 2 LIST OF QUESTIONS* List of Questions assigned to Working Party 9A Question ITU-R 102-3/9 Question ITU-R 122-3/9 Question ITU-R 127-3/9 Question ITU-R 159/9 Question ITU-R 161-3/9 Question ITU-R 203/9 Question ITU-R 210-1/9 Question ITU-R 228/9 List of Questions assigned to Working Party 9B Question ITU-R 107-1/9 Question ITU-R 108-1/9 Question ITU-R 119-1/9 Question ITU-R 125-5/9 Question ITU-R 136-1/9 Question ITU-R 140-4/9 Question ITU-R 142-2/9 Question ITU-R 160-1/9 Question ITU-R 204/9 Question ITU-R 211/9 Question ITU-R 212-2/9 Question ITU-R 220-2/9 Question ITU-R 221/9 Question ITU-R 229-1/9 List of Questions assigned to Working Party 9C Question ITU-R 145-1/9 Question ITU-R 147-2/9 Question ITU-R 158-1/9 Question ITU-R 205-1/9 Question ITU-R 213-1/9 Question ITU-R 222/9 ____________________ * See Document 9/1 + Add.1, available on: D:\612869081.DOC -9- List of Questions assigned to Working Party 9D Question ITU-R 110/9 Question ITU-R 111-3/9 Question ITU-R 113-2/9 Question ITU-R 118-3/9 Question ITU-R 133/9 Question ITU-R 163/9 D:\612869081.DOC Question ITU-R 202-1/9 Question ITU-R 216/9 Question ITU-R 223/9 Draft revision of Question ITU-R 224/9 (see Doc. 9/55) Question ITU-R 225/9 Question ITU-R 230/9 - 10 - ANNEX 3 List of Chairman and Vice-Chairmen Chairman, Study Group 9 Mr. V.M. MINKIN Radio Research and Development Institute (NIIR) 16 Kazakova Street 103064 MOSCOW Russian Federation Tel.: Fax: or E-mail: E-mail: +7 095 2619307 +7 095 2619307 +7 095 2610090 Vice-Chairmen, Study Group 9 Mrs. K. MEDLEY NTIA – Department of Commerce 1401, Constitution Ave., N.W. Room 4606 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20230 United States of America Tel.: +1 202 4821896 Fax.: +1 202 5018189 E-mail: Mr. A. HASHIMOTO NTT DoCoMo, Inc. Wireless Link Dev. Dep. Sanno-Park Tower, 39F 2-11-1 Nagata-cho TOKYO 100-6150 Japan Tel.: +81 3 51561760 Fax: +81 3 51560285 E-mail: Mr. H. MAZAR Tadiran Electronic Systems Ltd. 29 Hamerkava St. P.O. Box 150 HOLON 58101 Israel (State of) Tel.: +972 3 5577551 Fax: +972 3 5564536 E-mail: D:\612869081.DOC - 11 - Chairman, Working Party 9A Mr. M. SPINI* Telecom Italia Lab. Via Reiss Romoli 274 10151 TORINO Italy Tel.: +39 011 2287213 Fax: +39 011 2285085 E-mail: Chairman, Working Party 9B Mr. A. HASHIMOTO (See above) Chairman, Working Party 9C Mr. N. M. SERINKEN Communications Research Centre 3701 Carling Avenue P.O. Box 11490 Station H OTTAVA, ONTARIO Canada K2H 8S2 Tel.: +1 613 998 2289 Fax: +1 613 990 7987 E-mail: Chairman, Working Party 9D Mrs. K. MEDLEY (see above) ____________________ * Mr. M. Spini has to resign as Chairman of Working Party 9A due to other commitments, as announced at the March 2001 meeting. Study Group 9 is due to nominate a new Chairman for WP 9A at its October 2001 meeting, if required. D:\612869081.DOC - 12 - ANNEX 4 RADIOCOMMUNICATION BUREAU ITU-R BLOCK MEETINGS GENEVA - SWITZERLAND, 17 SEPTEMBER – 16 NOVEMBER 2001 I wish to participate in TG 6/7 17-19/9 WP 6P 19-21/9 WP 6E 19-28/9 WP 6S 19-28/9 WP 6M 20-26/9 WP 6D 20-28/9 WP 6R 24-28/9 WP 6Q 26-28/9 SG 6 1-2/10 WP 9A 1-8/10 WP 4B 1-8/10 WP 9B 1-9/10 WP 9D 2-10/10 WP 4A 3-12/10 WP 9C 8-10/10 SG 9 11-12/10 SG 7 15-16/10 SG 4 15-17/10 WP 4-9S 15-23/10 WP 7E 17-19/10 WP 8A 22-30/10 WP 8D 23/10-2/11 SGs 4&9 24/10 WP 8B 24/10-2/11 JTG 1-6-8-9 1-7/11 SG 8 5-7/11 WP 1A 5-13/11 WP 1B 5-13/11 WP 1C 5-13/11 TG 1/7 5-13/11 SG 1 14-16/11 Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss: .................................................................. ................................................................................................. (family name) (first name) Accompanied by: ...................................................................... ................................................................................................. (family name) 1. (first name) REPRESENTATION FOR MEMBER STATES (to be completed by representatives of Member States only) Name of Member State: ............................................................................................................................................................... Head of Delegation for the following Group(s): ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... Deputy for the following Group(s): ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... Delegate for the following Group(s): ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... D:\612869081.DOC - 13 - 2nd page for Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss: ................................................................................................................................................. 2. REPRESENTATION FOR SECTOR MEMBERS Name of Sector Member: ............................................................................................................................................................. 3. Recognized Operating Agencies Scientific or Industrial Organizations Other Entities dealing with Telecommunication matters Regional and other International Organizations Regional Telecommunication Organizations Intergovernmental Organizations operating Satellite Systems United Nations and its Specialized Agencies Associate Members OFFICIAL ADDRESS Name of the Company: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Street address: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... City/State/Code/Country: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Business tel.: .............................................................................................. Fax: ........................................................................................................................... E-mail: ........................................................................................................ In case of emergency: ............................................................................................. 4. DOCUMENTS (for Study Groups only) English French Spanish Date: ........................................................................................................... Signature: ................................................................................................................. For BR Secretariat use only Approved (if applicable) D:\612869081.DOC Personal Section Meeting Section Pigeonhole