Margaret P. Calkins, Ph.D.

Margaret P. Calkins, Ph.D.
8051 Euclid-Chardon Rd. – Kirtland – OH – 44094-9580
General Background Information
9/97 - 5/98
United States
Case Western Reserve University
Weatherhead School of Management
Professional Fellows Program
9/91 - 5/96
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
School of Architecture and Urban Planning
Ph.D. in Architecture
8/83 - 5/86
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Masters of Architecture
8/77 - 5/81
Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio
A.B. Psychology
1/80 - 1/81
Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
Special Visiting Student
Ohio Association of Gerontology Education
Researcher of the Year
Center for Health Design
Evidence-based Design Accreditation and Certification (EDAC)
National Association of Home Builders
Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS)
Alzheimer’s Association, Cleveland Chapter, Eastern Counties Office
Volunteer of the Year
Alumni Association, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Awarded in recognition of
substantial contributions made by recent graduates of the University.
GOLD recipient (Graduate Of the Last Decade)
Environmental Design Research Association
Second Place, Student Paper Competition: Dementia in the community: Role of
home modifications in caregiver burden
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, West Central Regional Student
Research Competition
First Place: A Design Guide for Special Care Units for People with Alzheimer's
Disease and Related Disorders.
7/85 - 6/86
American Hospital Association/American Institute of Architects
Graduate Fellowship in Health Facilities Design Research
Center for Architecture and Urban Planning Research, University of WisconsinMilwaukee
First Place Research Award: A Design Guide for Special Care Units for People
with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders
Margaret P. Calkins, Ph.D.
6/11- Present
Lecturer, Kent State University, College of Architecture and Environmental
Courses taught
Evidence-based Design
Designing for Patient Populations
9/10 – 5/11
Lecturer, Erickson School, Masters of Aging Services, University of Baltimore,
Maryland County
Course taught
1/88 - 6/89
Kent State University, College of Architecture and Environmental Design
Part-Time Assistant Professor
Course co-taught (with Paul Westlake)
Environments for Aging
Student Supervision
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, School of Architecture and Urban
Dissertation Committee Member
Addie Abushousheh. Organizational and Environmental Complexity:
Evaluating Positive Deviance in Long Term Care.
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, School of Architecture and Urban
Outside Reader for Dissertation
Meldrena Chapin. Creating Innovative Places: Organizational and
Architectural Care Studies of the Culture Change Movement in LongTerm Care.
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Master’s Thesis Reader
Sara Bennett-Steele. Altering the environment on an Alzheimer’s
Special Care Unit: The creation of multi-sensory interactive art
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, School of Architecture and Urban
Master’s Thesis Committee Member
Mark Harshfield. Mixed Use Community for Seniors.
Margaret P. Calkins, PhD
1. Brush, J., Calkins, M., Bruce, C., Sanford, J. 2012. Environment & Communication Assessment
Toolkit for Dementia Care. Baltimore: Health Professional Press
2. Briller, S., Proffitt, M. Perez, K. Calkins, M. (2001) Creating Successful Dementia Care Settings, Vol
1: Understanding the Environment through Aging Senses. Baltimore MD: Health Professions
3. Briller, S., Proffitt, M. Perez, K. Calkins, M. Marsden, J. (2001) Creating Successful Dementia Care
Settings, Vol 2: Maximizing Cognitive and Functional Abilities. Baltimore MD: Health Professions
4. Perez, K., Proffitt, M. Calkins, M. (2001) Creating Successful Dementia Care Settings, Vol 3:
Minimizing Disruptive Behaviors. Baltimore MD: Health Professions Press.
5. Marsden, J., Briller, S., Calkins, M., Proffitt, M. (2001) Creating Successful Dementia Care Settings,
Vol 4: Enhancing Identity and Sense of Home. Baltimore MD: Health Professions Press.
6. Calkins, M.P. (2001). Producer of CD/VHS training videos accompanying Creating Successful
Dementia Care Settings.
7. Calkins, M.P. 1988. Design for Dementia: Planning Environments for the Elderly and Confused
Owings Mills, Md.: National Health Publishing
8. Calkins, M. & Keane, W. (2008) Tomorrows assisted living and nursing homes: The converging
worlds of residential long-term care. In S. Golant and J. Hyde (Eds) The Assisted Living Residence:
A Vision for the Future. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Pp86-118.
9. Calkins, M., Szmerekovsky, J. & Biddle, S. (2007) Effect of Increased Time Spent Outdoors on
Individuals with dementia residing in Nursing Homes. In S. Rodiek & B. Schwarz (Eds)
Outdoor Environments for People with Dementia. New York: Haworth Press. Pps 211-228.
10. Calkins, M.P. (2007). Environment Modifications-Institutional in Capezuti, E., Siegler, G., &
Mezey, M.D. (Eds.). The Encyclopedia of Elder Care (2nd ed.). New York: Springer Publishing
11. Calkins, M.P. (2007). Technology in Capezuti, E., Siegler, G., & Mezey, M.D. (Eds.). The
Encyclopedia of Elder Care (2nd ed.). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
12. Connell, B.R., & Calkins, M.P. (2007). Environmental Design. In A. Nelson & D. Algase (Eds). Safe
and Ethical Approaches for Wandering Behavior: A Practical Guide. NY: Springer Publishing
13. Calkins, M., Szmerekovsky, J. & Biddle, S. (2007) Effect of Increased Time Spent Outdoors on
Individuals with dementia residing in Nursing Homes. Journal of Housing for the Elderly.
14. Calkins, M.P. (2007). Environment Modifications-Institutional in Capezuti, E., Siegler, G., & Mezey,
M.D. (Eds.). The Encyclopedia of Elder Care (2nd ed.). New York: Springer Publishing Company
15. Calkins, M.P. (2007). Technology in Capezuti, E., Siegler, G., & Mezey, M.D. (Eds.). The
Encyclopedia of Elder Care (2nd ed.). New York: Springer Publishing Company
16. Day K., & Calkins, M.P. (2002). Design and Dementia. In R. Bechtel & A. Churchman (Eds.)
Handbook of Environmental Psychology. John Wiley & Sons. 2-53
17. Calkins, M.P., Sanford, J., Proffitt, M. (2001) Design for dementia: Challenges and lessons learned
for Universal Design. In W. Preiser and A. Churchman (Eds) Universal Design Handbook. McGrawHill Publishers. 22.1-22.24
18. Calkins, M.P. (2001) The physical environment of the bathing room. In J. Rader, A.L. Barrick, B.
Hoeffer and P. Sloane (Eds.) Bathing without a Battle. Springer Publishing. 94-101
19. Marsden, J. P., Meehan, R. A., and Calkins, M. P. (2000). Therapeutic kitchens: Features that can
benefit residents with dementia. Monograph published by the Institute on Aging and
Environment, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
20. Calkins, M.P. & Weisman, G.D. (1999). Models for Environmental Assessment. In R. Brent and B.
Schwarz (Eds.) Aging, Autonomy and Architecture: Advances in Assisted Living. Baltimore, M.D.:
Johns Hopkins University Press. 130-140
21. Calkins, M.P. (1998). Housing and Dementia. In W. van Vliet (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Housing. New
York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
22. Calkins, M.P. (1998). Recent Trends in Long Term Care Environments. In P. Windley (Ed.) Housing
the Elderly. Westport CT: Greenwood Publisher Group
23. Calkins, M. & Sloane, P. (1997). Environment. In Key Elements of Dementia Care. Chicago, IL:
Alzheimer’s Association. 67-80.
24. Lawton, M.P., Weisman, G.D., Sloane, P.D., Calkins, M.P. (1997). Assessing environments for older
people with chronic illness. In J. Teresi, M.P. Lawton, D. Holmes and M. Ory (eds.) Measurement in
Elderly Chronic Care Populations. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
25. Sloane, P, Mitchell, M., Zimmerman, S, & Calkins, M. (2000) Light and Noise Levels in
Alzheimer’s Disease Special Care Units. Alzheimer’s Disease Special Care Units. New York:
Springer Publishing Company 241-249
26. Calkins, M.P. (1996). Environments to support late-stage people with dementia. In C. Kovach
(Ed.) End-stage dementia care: A basic guide. Washington: Taylor & Francis.: 101-112.
27. Calkins, M.P. & Chafetz, P.K. (1996). Structuring Environment for People with Dementia. In
Weiner (Ed.) The Dementia: Diagnosis and Management (Vol. 2). Washington D.C. American
Psychiatric Press.
28. Weisman, G, Lawton, M.P., Sloane, P., Calkins, M. & Norris-Baker, L. (1996). The professional
environmental assessment protocol. Milwaukee, WI: School of Architecture and Urban Planning,
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
29. Calkins, M. P. (1995). The Corinne Dolan Alzheimer Center. In S. Marberry, (Ed) Innovations in
Healthcare Design. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
30. Calkins, M.P. (1991). Physical Environment as a Treatment Modality. In Davidoff, A., Kessler, H.R.,
and Venna, N. (Eds.) Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Management and Treatment of
Alzheimer’s Disease. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Press.
31. Calkins, M.P. 1991. Design for Dementia. In W.E. Preiser, J.C. Visher, and E.T. White (Eds.) Design
Innovation: The Challenge of Change. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
32. Calkins, M.P., Namazi, K.H. et al. (1990). Home Modifications: Responding to Dementia. The
Research Center of the Corinne Dolan Center at Heather Hill.
Peer Reviewed
33. Calkins, M. (2013). Senior Environments: When We Become Them. HERD: Health
Environments Research and Design 6(2): 3-6.
34. Bruce, C., Brush, J. Sanford, J., Calkins, M. (2013). Development and Evaluation of the
Environment and Communication Assessment Toolkit with Speech-Language Pathologists.
Seminars in Speech & Language. 34 (1): 42-51.
35. Brush, J., Sanford, J., Fleder, Bruce, C., & Calkins, M. (2011) Evaluating and Modifying the
Communication Environment for People with Dementia. Perspectives on Gerontology, (16),
36. Calkins, M. (2009). Evidence-based Long-Term Care Design. Neurorehabilitation 25(3). 145154
37. Calkins, M.P. (2008) Contemporary Issues for Environmental Research in Long-Term Care
Settings. Health Environments Research & Design Journal.1 (1).
38. Brush, J. Calkins, M. (2008). Environmental Interventions and Dementia. ASHA Leader. 13
(8): 24-25.
40. Calkins, M. (2007). Private Bedrooms in Nursing Homes: Exploring the Relative Benefits,
Disadvantages, and Costs of Private versus Shared Rooms. Paper published in the conference
proceedings for the EDRA 28th Annual Conference: Building Sustainable Communities,
Sacramento CA. May 30-June 3.
39. Calkins, M., Szmerekovsky, J. & Biddle, S. (2007) Effect of Increased Time Spent Outdoors on
Individuals with dementia residing in Nursing Homes. Journal of Housing for the Elderly. 21
(3/4), 211-228.
41. Calkins, M.P., & Cassella, C. (2007) Exploring the cost and value of private versus shared
bedrooms in nursing homes. The Gerontologist. 47 (2), 169-183.
42. Slaughter, S., Calkins, M., Eliasziw, M., Reimer, M. (2006) Measuring Physical and Social
Environments in Nursing Homes for People with Middle to Late Stage Dementia. JAGS:
43. Freedman, V., Calkins, M. VanHaitsma, K. (2005) An exploratory study of barriers to
implementing technologies in U.S. residents long-term care settings. Journal of
Gerontechnology (October) 4 (2); 86-100.
44. Saperstein, A., Calkins, M., Van Haitsma, K., Curyto, K. (2004). Missed opportunities: the
disconnect between physical design and programming and operations. Alzheimer’s Care
Quarterly. 5 (4): 324-331.
45. Calkins, M.P. (2004). Ten tips for changing culture. Alzheimer’s Care Quarterly. 5 (4): 289295.
46. Calkins, M.P. (2004). Articulating environmental press. Alzheimer’s Care Quarterly. 5 (2):
47. Calkins, M.P. (2003) Research impacting design impacting research. Alzheimer’s Care
Quarterly. 4 (3): 172-176.
48. Calkins, M.P. (2003) Coming to consensus on “therapeutic”. Alzheimer’s Care Quarterly. 4
(2): 158-159.
49. Calkins, M., Brush, J. (2003) Designing for dining. Alzheimer’s Care Quarterly. 4 (1) 73-76.
50. Brush, J., Threats, T., Calkins, M. (2003) Influences on perceived function of a nursing home
resident. Journal of Communication Disorders 36: 379-393.
51. Calkins, M. P. (2003). Powell Lawton’s contributions to long term care settings. Journal of
Housing for the Elderly. 17 (1/2): 67-84.
52. Marsden, J., Calkins, M. & Briller, S. (2003). "Educating LTC staff about therapeutic
environments." Journal of Architecture and Planning Research 20(1): 68-74.
53. Brush, J., Meehan, R., Calkins, M. (2002). Using the environment to improve intake in people
with dementia Alzheimer’s Care Quarterly 3(4): 330-338.
54. Calkins, M.P. (2002) What is your building saying? Alzheimer’s Care Quarterly. 3 (2): 179180
55. Calkins, M.P. (2002). Design a better bathroom: Relaxing and comforting. Journal of
Dementia Care. Vol 10 (3): 26-28
57. Sloane, P., Mitchell, C.M., Weisman, G., Zimmerman, S., Long, K., Lynn, M. Calkins, M., Lawton,
M.P., Teresi, H., Grant, L., Lindeman, D., & Montgomery, R. (2002). The therapeutic
56. Calkins, M.P., & Brush, J.A. (2002). Designing for Dining: The secret of happier mealtimes.
Journal of Dementia Care 10 (2): 24-26.
environment screening survey for nursing homes (TESS-NH): An observational instrument
for assessing the physical environment of institutional settings for persons with dementia.
Journal of Gerontology B Psychological Science/Social Science Mar. 57(2): S69-78.
58. Calkins, M.P. (2001). The physical and social environment of the person with Alzheimer’s
disease. Aging and Mental Health. 5, Supplement 1: 126-130.
59. Marsden, J., Meehan, R., & Calkins, M. (2001). Therapeutic Kitchens for residents with
dementia. The American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias. 16(5): 303-311.
60. Calkins, M.P., & Marsden, J.P. (2000) Home is Where the Heart Is: Designing to Recreate
Home. Alzheimer’s Care Quarterly. (1) 1: 8-16.
61. Briller, S. & Calkins, M.P. (2000) Defining Place-Based Model of Care: Conceptualizing Care
Settings as Home, Resort or Hospital. Alzheimer’s Care Quarterly. 1(1): 17-23.
62. Lawton, M.P., Weisman, G., Sloane, P., Norris-Baker, L. & Calkins, M (2000). Professional
environmental assessment procedure for special care units for elders with dementing
illnesses and its relationship to the therapeutic environment screening schedule.
Alzheimer’s Disease and Associated disorders Jan-Mar, 14(1): 28-38.
63. Kovach, C., Weisman, G., Chaudhury, H., Calkins M. P. (1997). Impacts of a therapeutic
environment for dementia care. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. 12(3): 99-110.
64. Calkins, M.P. (1995). From aging in place to aging in institutions: Exploring advances in
environments for aging. (Book review of 7 books) The Gerontologist (35) 4: 567-571.
65. Weisman, G.D., Calkins, M.P. & Sloane, P.D. (1994). The environmental context of special
care. Alzheimer's Disease & Associated Disorders. 8 (supplement 1): 308-320.
66. Namazi, K., Whitehouse, P., Rechlin, L., Calkins, M. Johnson, B. Brabender, B., & Hevener, S.
1991. Environmental modifications in a specially designed unit for the care of patients with
Alzheimer's Disease: An overview and introduction.” The American Journal of Alzheimer's
Care and Related Disorders & Research. 6 (6): 3-9
67. Calkins, M. P. 1991. Proper environment may be therapeutic to influence dementia patients'
behavior. Group Practice Journal. 40 (4): 58-67
68. Calkins, M.P. & Namazi, K.H. (1991). Caregivers perceptions of the effectiveness of home
modifications for community living adults with dementia. The American Journal of
Alzheimer’s Care and Related Disorders & Research. 6(1): 25-29.
69. Namazi, K.H., Rosner, T.T., Calkins, M.P. 1989. Visual Barriers to Prevent Ambulatory
Alzheimer's Patients from Exiting through an Emergency Door. The Gerontologist 29
71. Calkins, M.P. 1987. Designing Special Care Units: A Systematic Approach. Part two. The
American Journal of Alzheimer's Care and Research. 2(3): 30-34
70. Calkins, M.P 1987. Designing Special Care Units: A Systematic Approach The American
Journal of Alzheimer's Care and Research. 2 (2): 16-22
72. Calkins, M.P. (2012) Design Strategies to Support Active Lifestyles. International Council on
Active Aging Developer’s Guide 2012. 14-21
73. Calkins, M. (2011) Ten Senior Living Design Innovations. Long-Term Living for the
Continuing Care Professional 60th Anniversary Special.
74. Calkins, M. (2011) Evidence-Based Design for Dementia. Long-Term Living for the
Continuing Care Professional. March Design Supplement. P116-118.
75. Calkins, M. (2011) Evidence-Based Design for Dementia: Findings from the Past Five Years.
Long-Term Living for the Continuing Care Professional. 60 (1): 42-45.
76. Calkins, M. (2011). Margaret’s top 10 design innovations of the past decade. Long-Term
Living for the Continuing Care Professional. March DESIGN Supplement. 119
77. Calkins, M., Kator, M., Wyatt, A., Halliday, L., (2009) Culture Change in Action Long-Term
Living for the Continuing Care Professional. 58 (11): 16-19
78. Brush, J., Calkins, M. Kator, M. Wyatt, A. Miller, H. (2008) Creating Home and Building
Community II: The Urban Experience. Long-Term Living for the Continuing Care
Professional. 57 (9): 56-62.
79. Calkins, M. (2007). Private Bedrooms in Nursing Homes: Benefits, Disadvantages, and Costs.
American Institute or Architects Design for Aging Blueprints for Senior Living. Summer
2007 Newsletter.
80. Calkins, M. (2006). Home Modifications for People with Dementia. MAX: Maximizing Human
Potential 13 (4): 4
81. Calkins, M. (2005) Whose Right (or Who’s Right) to Design? Advances in Patient and Family
Centered Care. (Summer): 11-13.
82. Calkins, M.P. (2005) Designing bathing rooms that comfort. Nursing Homes Long-Term Care
Management Magazine. 54 (1): 54-56.
83. Calkins, M.P. (2003). On getting our terms straight. Nursing Homes and Long-Term Care
Management 52(3) 17-20.
84. Calkins, M.P. (2002) More than carpeting and chintz: Creating a place to live. Nursing
Homes and Long-Term Care Management Volume 10, Issue 6, Pages 19-21 (Nov/Dec 2002).
86. Perez, K. & Calkins, M. (1999). When residents want to leave. Nursing Homes and Long-term
Care Management. 48(11): 26-32.
85. Calkins, M.P. (2002). The nursing home of the future: Are you ready? Nursing Homes and
Long-Term Care Management Magazine 51 (6): 42-47.
87. Calkins, M.P. (1995). The Corinne Dolan Alzheimer Center. In Marberry S. (Ed.) Establishing
a new healthcare paradigm: Selected presentations from the first five symposia on healthcare
design. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
88. Calkins, M.P. (1995). Homelike: It's more than carpeting and chintz. Nursing Homes
Magazine (44)6: 20-25.
89. Calkins, M.P. (1993). Collaboration in Research and Design: The Corinne Dolan Alzheimer
Center. Design Research News. XXIV (1): 8-9.
90. Calkins, M.P. (1989). Designing Cues for Wanderers. Architecture 78 (10): 117-118
91. Calkins, M.P. (1989). Design Strategies to Curb Unsafe Wandering. Provider 15 (8):7-10
92. Calkins, M.P. (2007) Creating Home in the Nursing Home: Fantasy or Reality. White paper
prepared for Creating Home in the Nursing Home: A National Symposium on Culture
Change and the Environmental Requirements. Sponsored by Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services (CMS) and Pioneer Network. Available at
93. Calkins, M.P. (2007) Envisioning your future in a nursing home. White paper prepared for
Creating Home in the Nursing Home: A National Symposium on Culture Change and the
Environmental Requirements. Sponsored by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
(CMS) and Pioneer Network. Available at
Alzheimer’s & Dementia
Journal of Psychiatric Research
The Gerontologist
Editorial Board
Journal of Housing and the Elderly
Editorial Board
Environment and Behavior
Nursing Homes and Long-Term Care Management
Editorial Advisory Board
Alzheimer’s Care Quarterly
Associate Editor
Guest Editor for Winter 2002Issue
Margaret P. Calkins, PhD
Invitation to testify before the Congressional Select Committee on Aging on codes
and code reform in long term care.
"Creating Therapeutic Environments for People with Dementia." Invited
presentation before The National Institutes on Health. Bethesda, MD.
Keynote Addresses – United States
“Low Cost Environmental Modifications to Support Culture Change” Invited
Keynote LALeader Conference. Baton Rouge, LA.
“Designing to make the moments count” Keynote address, Connecticut
Assisted Living Association. Hartford, CT.
“Environmental strategies for staying at home” Keynote address, Aging Your
Way Conference, sponsored by the Benjamin Rose Institute, Cleveland OH
“Culture change in Long-Term Care Facilities” Plenary session, Now is the
Future for Health Care Design and Construction, sponsored by The Agency for
Health Care Administration. Orlando FL.
“Building Environments: Creating Home” Plenary session, Growing Home: The
First Annual Green House® Meeting and Celebration. St. Louis, MO.
“Preparing for the Future: Does your Environment Support Resident-Directed
Care?” Keynote to the National Retired Religious Organization Property
Planning workshop, Baltimore, MD
“When Building New Isn’t an Option: Strategies to Meet the Future with Your
Existing Building.” Invited Plenary Speaker, Arizona Health Care Association.
Tucson, AZ.
“Preparing for the future: Culture change in long-term care” Special Guest
Speaker at the Gerontology Institute of New Jersey Long-term Care institute
Center for Social Work Practice conference. Moorestown, NJ.
“Design Forum: The state of the art and visions of tomorrow.” Plenary
presentation at the American Association of Aging Development Corporations’
Finance and Development Conference. Chicago, IL.
“Honoring the Life of M. Powell Lawton.” Plenary presentation at the
Environmental Design Research Association 33rd annual conference.
Philadelphia, PA.
“How the Physical Environment Impacts Persons with Dementia” Keynote
address, Southwest Michigan Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association Schreiber
Conference. Kalamazoo, MI
“Successful Design for Older Adults: Perspectives for a 21st Century” Keynote
Address to the SAGE/Wisconsin Alzheimer Institute Symposium 2000.
Madison WI
“Environmental Design and Dementia: A Facility Focus--Both Research and
Application.” Keynote address at the Lutheran Affiliated Services/Aging
Research & Education Center, Pittsburgh, PA.
“Getting old and Confused: Design from the User’s Perspective” Keynote
address, Design for Aging: The New Need, sponsored by the American Institute
of Architects, Iowa Chapter. Des Moines, Iowa.
“Enhancing the capability of people by enhancing the environment” Keynote
Address for the Missouri Gateway Geriatric Education Center Ninth Annual
Saint Louis University Summer Geriatrics Institute.
“Key elements of dementia care: From good practice to good policy.” Plenary
Address at the National Alzheimer’s Association Public Policy Forum.
Washington, D.C.
"The Therapeutic Role of the Architectural Environment" Keynote Address,
Alzheimer's Disease: Never Alone. Conference sponsored by the Central
Indiana Alzheimer's Association, Indiana Alzheimer's Disease Center and
Indiana State Department of Health. Indianapolis, Indiana.
"Design interventions for the cognitively impaired older adults" Keynote
Address, Wisconsin Alzheimer's Information and Training Center Annual
Conference. May 17,19-, 1992. Appleton, WI.
"Recent research in home modifications. "Keynote Address. On with the Dance.
Marianhill Health Care Centre, Pembroke, Canada.
“Key elements of dementia care.” Keynote address at DEMENTIA: A Bureau of
Healthcare Standards and Quality Training Conference, Division of Quality
Assurance, Ohio Department of Health. Columbus, Ohio.
“Conceptualizing your Care Settings As Home, Hospital, or Resort.” Keynote
address at The Aging Spectrum: Addressing Tomorrows Issues Today, the
Eastern North Dakota Statehouse Conference on Aging, sponsored by North
Dakota Governor’s Committee on Aging, AAPR Foundation, Alzheimer’s
Association and Bethany Homes. Fargo, N.D.
Keynote Addresses – International
“Evidence Based Design for People with Dementia” Invited Plenary Session,
Pan-Asian Alzheimer’s Disease International Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
“Promoting Self-Directed Care: Creating a Sense of Home” Invited Keynote
Address, Alzheimer Society of Manitoba Annual Conference. Winnipeg,
Manitoba Canada.
“Living environment and quality of care.” Invited workshop keynote,
Alzheimer’s Disease International 25th Annual Conference. Kyoto, Japan.
“Environment, Design, and Architecture in Dementia.” Keynote Plenary at the
18th international Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International. Barcelona,
“When it looks like home but acts like a hospital: Contradictions in care
settings.” Keynote address to Fifth Annual Scottish conference Dementia Care
2001, sponsored by The journal of Dementia Care, Dementia Services
Development Centre and Alzheimer Scotland. Edinburgh, Scotland.
“Why Reinvent the Wheel: Lessons Learned from a Decade of Dementia
Design” Keynote address, Alzheimer’s Designs for Quality of Life, sponsored by
the Ministry of Health of Ontario, Canada, The Alzheimer’s Society of Ontario,
and the MAREP, Toronto Canada
“Risk management in environmental design” Keynote Address, Biannual
International Dementia Conference, sponsored by the Dementia Services
Development Centre. Sydney, Australia.
“Dementia: Who is at Risk?” Keynote Address, Biannual International
Dementia Conference, sponsored by the Dementia Services Development
Centre. Sydney, Australia.
“ Environmental Influences on Behavior and Well Being” Presentation at the
Pennsylvania Alzheimer’s Association 2014 Spring Conference, Mars PA.
“Contribution of the Built Environment to Falls in Healthcare” Preconference
presentation at the 28th Annual Ohio Professional and Student Conference on
Aging. Dayton, OH.
“CSI- Creative Spaces Investigation” presentation at By Design, hosted by
SFCS, Roanoke VA
“Contribution of the Built Environment to Falls in Elder Environments”
Presentation at a Pre-conference event for the Ohio Association of
Gerontology in Education’s 34th Annual Professional and Student conference
on Aging: The Faces of Aging Resilience. Dayton OH
Invited – United States
“Can You Afford (Not) to Renovate for Person-Centered Care?” Presentation at
the American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living 64th
Annual Convention and Expo. Phoenix AZ.
“Evidence-Based Designs and Low-Cost Solutions for Reinventing Traditional
Care Settings” Part of a full-day intensive developed and led by Dr. Calkins, at
the Pioneer Network Annual Conference. Portland OR.
“What’s the ROI of PCC?” Presentation at the Ohio LeadingAge/Ohio
Healthcare Association Joint Conference. Columbus OH
“Why Person-Centered Care Matters” Presentation at Look Who's Aging:
Person Centered Services and a Strategic Look at the New Normal, a
conference sponsored by The Erickson School, University of Maryland
Baltimore County. Fort Meyers, FL
“Surplus Safety: Assessment” Presentation with Anne Vanderbilt, at Surplus
Safety, a conference co-sponsored by the Hulda B. and Maurice L. Rothschild
Foundation and the Erickson School, Baltimore, MD
“Existing and Emerging Technologies for Staying Independent” Presentation
at the University of Kentucky’s 29th Annual Summer Series on Aging.
Lexington KY.
“Don’t Forget to Remember” Presentation with Melissa Pritchard at By Design:
Visioning for the Future, a conference sponsored by SFCS Architects.
“Considerations and Comparisons in Business Models for Dementia Care”
Beyond Bricks and Mortar: The Business and Future of Memory Care in
Seniors Housing. Conference sponsored by The Erickson School at the
Universoty of Maryland Baltimore County and Long-Term Living.
“Green House, Small House, HouseHold, Neighborhood: Which is Right for Me”
Presentation at the LaLEADER conference. Baton Rouge, LA.
“Social, Physical and Organizational Aspects of Specialized housing for Older
Persons with Physical or Cognitive Impairments” Presentation with Paula
Carder and Zorica Ljaljevic. American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry. San
Antonio, TX
“Lower Cost Design Solutions to Support Person-Centered Care” Connecticut
Assisted Living Association. Hartford, CT.
“CMS Interpretive Guidelines and Life Safety Code Update” California Culture
Change Coalition, Garden Grove, CA
“It’s not just about Independence: Modifying ADA Accessibility Guidelines”
Presentation at Ohio Association of Gerontology in Education’s 34th Annual
Professional and Student conference on Aging: The Faces of Aging Resilience.
Dayton OH
“CMS Interpretive Guidelines and Life Safety Code Update” California Culture
Change Coalition, San Francisco, CA
“Modifying your environment to support culture change” California Culture
Change Coalition, San Francisco, CA
“Technologies for staying at home safely” Edna Gates 20th Annual Conference.
Flint, MI
”Modifying your Existing Environment to Support Culture Change.” Maine
Health Care Association Fall HealthCare Conference & Expo, Rockport, Maine
“It’s OK for “them” to share a room, but I want a private room: Exploring the
life cycle costs of private versus shared bedrooms.” Maine Health Care
Association Fall HealthCare Conference & Expo, Rockport, Maine
“Senior-Friendly Hospital Design” Webinar hosted by NICHE: Nurses
Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders
“The top 10 environmental correlates of person-centered care” University of
Kentucky, 26th annual Summer Series on Aging, Lexington, KY
“Technology integration into home environments” University of South Florida
10th Annual Conference: Transforming Fall Management Prevention Practices.
St. Petersburg, FL
“Creating person-centered care in your existing environment.” Kansas
Association of Homes and Services for the Aging. Kansas City, KS
“Private Rooms” Invited Speaker, Creating Home in the Nursing Home: A
National Symposium on Culture Change and the Environmental Requirements.
Sponsored by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and Pioneer
“Creating Home” Invited Speaker, Creating Home in the Nursing Home: A
National Symposium on Culture Change and the Environmental Requirements.
Sponsored by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and Pioneer
“Creating Person-Centered Environments for your Existing Building” Invited
Presentation at the Life Services Network 2008 Annual Convention. Chicago,
“Dementia Care environments: Tools for Well-Being” Invited Presentation at
the Life Services Network 2008 Annual Convention. Chicago, IL
“Environmental Impact on Communication: Evidence-Based Strategies”
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention. Boston
“Modifying your environment to support culture change” California Culture
Change Coalition, Garden Grove, CA
“Exploring Life-Cycle Costs of Private vs. Shared Bedrooms in Nursing Homes”
First Look Seminar, Texas A&M First Look Research Colloquium, HealthCare
Design 07 Conference. Dallas, TX.
“Evidence-Based Design and the Latest Technologies for Alzheimer’s” Major
Address, 3rd Annual Alzheimer’s Association Greater Pennsylvania Chapter
Education Conference. Erie, PA.
“When Building New Isn’t an Option” 3rd Annual Alzheimer’s Association
Greater Pennsylvania Chapter Education Conference. Erie, PA.
“Theoretical Approaches to Nursing Home Design: A Look into Your Future”
Invited paper presentation at the Topics in Geriatric Medicine Lecture Series,
Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center, Cleveland OH.
“Evidence-based Design and the Latest Technologies for Alzheimer’s” Invited
presentation at Reflecting on 100 Years of Alzheimer’s: The Global Impact on
Quality of Lives. Cleveland OH.
“Mealtime Matters” Invited Presentation at the Maine HealthCare Fall Health
Care Conference and Expo. Rockport, ME.
Preparing for the Future: Does your Environment Support Resident Directed
Care?” Invited Presentation at the Maine HealthCare Fall Health Care
Conference and Expo. Rockport, ME.
“Caring for Those who are On the Move.” Invited presentation Alzheimer
Society of Manitoba Annual Conference. Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada.
“Past, Present and Future :Exploring Design Trends in Nursing Homes.” North
Carolina Health Care Facilities Association Annual Convention & Expo.
Greensboro, NC.
“Architectural design features when building a CCRC: The consumer
perspective” Paper presentation at the Margaret Blenkner Research Institute,
Benjamin Rose Community Forum. Cleveland, OH
“Dealing with aging physical plants” with St. Hilaire, H., Vetter, J., & Elliot, J.
Paper presentation at the AHCA/NCAL Fall Regional Multifacility CEO
Conference. Scottsdale, AZ
“Some place like home: New models of housing and care” with Hilton, R.R., &
Jenkins, R. and Moderators Caliendo, G., & Muir, J. Paper presentation at the
Grantmakers in Aging Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD
“Physical Environment as a Treatment Modality: Modifications for Safety,
Independence and Quality of Life.” Presentation at the 14th Annual Statewide
“More than Just a Disorder: Promoting Personhood in Adult Treatment”
Invited Special Seminar, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Annual Convention. Boston MA.
“Defining resident-centered care and creating resident-centered long-term
care environments” Presentation with Green, D. at the 1st International
Conference of the Institute for Family Centered Care. Boston, MA
“Building Appropriate Environments for Individuals with Dementia.”
Presentation at the 28th Annual California Association of Long-Term Care
Medicine Seminar. Los Angeles, CA.
“Evaluation of an Innovative nursing Home” Pre-conference workshop for the
National Citizens Coalition for Nursing Home Reform 25th Anniversary Annual
Meetings. Washington D.C.
Get Old and Confused: Seeing the world through their eyes.” Presentation at
The Aging Spectrum: Addressing Tomorrows Issues Today, the Eastern North
Dakota Statehouse Conference on Aging, sponsored by North Dakota
Governor’s Committee on Aging, AAPR Foundation, Alzheimer’s Association
and Bethany Homes. Fargo, N.D.
“Home Sweet home: Home Safe Home” Presentation at The Aging Spectrum:
Addressing Tomorrows Issues Today, the Eastern North Dakota Statehouse
Conference on Aging, sponsored by North Dakota Governor’s Committee on
Aging, AAPR Foundation, Alzheimer’s Association and Bethany Homes. Fargo,
“Place-based Models of Care” Presentation at the Better Environment for
Aging: Re-forming Design and Regulation, sponsored by SAGE (Society for the
Advancement of Gerontological Environments. Kansas City, MO
“Creekview: The development and evaluation of a demonstration nursing
home which was significantly impacts by the creative and collaborative spirit
of SAGE” with David Green. Presentation at the Better Environment for Aging:
Re-forming Design and Regulation, sponsored by SAGE (Society for the
Advancement of Gerontological Environments. Kansas City, MO
“Architectural and Design Implications of Marketing” 2nd Annual Marketing,
Public Relations and Fundraising Conference, sponsored by the Association of
Ohio Philanthropic Housing and Services for the Aging. Columbus, OH
“Ethics in the Trenches: Managing Everyday Challenges” Southwest Michigan
Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association Schreiber Conference. Kalamazoo, MI
“HIV and HAD Caregiver videos: Repetitive Questioning” Focus group
discussion at the Association of Nurses in AIDS care conference. San Diego, CA
“Nurturing your caregiving staff: Training in the trenches” 4th Annual Edna
Gates Conference on Assisting People with Alzheimer’s Disease. Detroit, MI
Geriatric Medicine conference “Caring for Older Adults”, sponsored by the
Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine.
"Design: What's New and Different?" Sharing the Success--Building
Community Conference sponsored by Massachusetts Assisted Living
Association. Boston, Mass.
"Whose facility is it, anyway?" Presentation at Moving from reaction to
innovation: Revising nursing home codes to respond to the OBRA philosophy
and mandate. Conference sponsored by SAGE: Society for the Advancement of
Gerontological Environments. Chicago, Ill.
"Creating therapeutic environments for those with dementia." Presented at
the Healthcare and Senior Living Forum. Minneapolis, MN.
"Creating therapeutic environments for loved ones with Alzheimer's and
related dementias." Presented at Design of Healthcare Environments
conference, sponsored by The University of Kentucky. Lexington, KY.
"Creating Long-term Care Settings for People with Dementia: Putting the
Pieces Together." Alzheimer's Disease: Never Alone. Conference sponsored by
the Central Indiana Alzheimer's Association, Indiana Alzheimer's Disease
Center and Indiana State Department of Health. Indianapolis, Indiana.
"Environmental modifications for care of dementia patients" Alzheimer's
1993: A Conference for Health Care Professionals and Caregivers. SUNY Health
Sciences Center at Syracuse. Syracuse, N.Y.
"The nuts and bolts of designing for dementia" Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease
and Information Training Center Seventh Annual Conference. Stevens Point,
"Physical layout" Dementia specific care units: Putting the pieces together.
Sponsored by the James A Haley Veterans'' hospital, Alzheimer's Association,
Tampa Bay Chapter and University of South Florida, College of Medicine. April
28-30. St. Petersburg, Fla.
"Home sweet home-Home safe home: Home modifications for community
dwelling adults with dementia.." Mid-American Congress on Aging. Nov. 4-7,
1992. Chicago, Ill.
"Design of the physical environment: Modifications and adaptations for
dementia care." Alzheimer's Association First Annual Conference. July 12-15,
1992. Chicago, Ill.
“Case Study Presentations: Dementia Units.” Executive Forum, Symposium for
Health Care Design. San Diego, CA.
“Home Modifications: Research and Implications.” Ohio Diocese Committee on
Long Term Care. Cleveland, Ohio
“Dementia supportive environments in residential settings.” Presentation at
the Statewide conference on Alzheimer’s disease United in our knowledge:
Unique in our Care. Princeton, N.J.
“Social and Physical Environmental Modifications in lieu of Restraints.”
Presented with Elizabeth Schenk at the Ninth Annual Florence Cellars
Conference for Gerontological Nursing, Cleveland, Ohio.
“Environmental and Architectural Issues" Alzheimer's Special Care Units:
Innovative Approaches in Long Term Care. Sponsored by the Alzheimer
Disease Research Center, Washington University School of Medicine at
Washington University Medical Center.
"Enhancing the physical environment of the home." Promoting the Art of the
Possible. Annual Conference of the Cleveland Chapter of the Alzheimer
Association. Cleveland, Ohio.
"Design for the Aging: Focusing on the latest concepts" Aging and
Architecture: Creating Excellence in Senior Living. San Diego, CA
"Common Problems/Real Solutions: forming a partnership between architects
and sponsors" Aging and Architecture: Creating Excellence in Senior Living.
San Diego, CA
"Designing Therapeutic Environments for Confused Older Adults.” Seventh
Annual Missouri Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias.
Kansas City, Mo.
"Design for dementia: Understanding the potential therapeutic effects of the
environment.” Alzheimer's Association of Puget Sound Fourth Annual
Conference. Seattle, WA.
"What makes a special unit special?” Alzheimer's Association of Puget Sound
Fourth Annual Conference. Seattle, WA.
"Modifying the home environment.” Alzheimer's Association of Puget Sound
Fourth Annual Conference. Seattle, WA.
"Alzheimer Units in Long Term Care.” The Western Reserve Geriatric
Education Center, Rootstown, OH.
"What's special about special units: Environmental Features.” Alzheimer's
Disease and Related Disorders Association. Cleveland, OH.
"The habitation of the Alzheimer's patients.” Western New York Geriatric
Education Center. Buffalo, N.Y.
“Evidence-based Design: Separating the Myths from Knowledge” Invited
Presentation, Alzheimer Society of Manitoba Annual Conference. Winnipeg,
Manitoba Canada.
Invited Presentations – International
“Design for dementia” Paper presentation at the Alzheimer’s Australia Design
for Dementia Symposium. Perth, Australia
“Environments for people with dementia: From research to practice” Invited
presentation at the 18th international Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease
International. Barcelona, Spain.
“Acquiring skills to adapt the environment.” Invited workshop at the 18th
international Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International. Barcelona,
“Homelike is more than carpeting and chintz” Workshop presented to Fifth
Annual Scottish conference Dementia Care 2001, sponsored by The Journal of
DementiaCare, Dementia Services Development Centre and Alzheimer
Scotland. Edinburgh, Scotland.
“When it looks like home but acts like a hospital: Contradictions in care
settings.” Keynote address to Fourth Annual conference Dementia Care 2001,
sponsored by The journal of DementiaCare, Dementia Voice and Oxford
Dementia Centre. Oxford, UK.
“Homelike is more than carpeting and chintz” Workshop presented to Fourth
Annual conference Dementia Care 2001, sponsored by The journal of
DementiaCare, Dementia Voice and Oxford Dementia Centre. Oxford, UK.
“Get Old and Confused: Design from the User’s Perspective” Alzheimer’s
Designs for Quality of Life, sponsored by the Ministry of Health of Ontario,
Canada, The Alzheimer’s Society of Ontario, and the MAREP, Toronto Canada
“The Importance of a Therapeutic Environment: Understanding
Environmental Implications of Cognitive deficits: Translating Needs into
Design: Alternative Residential Environments" Sponsored by Alzheimer
Society of Kingston. Kingston, Ontario.
“Lessons Learned from a Decade of Green House Design” Presentation with
Susan Frazier, COO of the Green House Project at Environments for Aging.
Anaheim, CA
“What’s the ROI of PCC?” Presentation at Environments for Aging. Anaheim,
“Rothschild Regulatory Task Force Update” Presentation with Rob Mayer,
President of the Rothschild Foundation at Environments for Aging. Anaheim,
Peer Reviewed – United States
“A Household Design for Memory Support” Presentation Melissa Pritchard at
the Leading Age Annual Convention & Expo. Dallas TX.
“Forget Ne Not: Designing for Persons Living with Dementia” Presentation
with Melissa Pritchard and Sue Warren, Pioneer Network Annual Conference.
Portland OR.
“Regulatory Change and Culture Change: The Journey Continues” Presentation
with Rob Mayer at the Environments for Aging Conference. New Orleans, LA.
“So You Are Not A Researcher—Understanding and Applying the Evidence”
Presentation with Anjali Joseph at the Environments for Aging Conference.
New Orleans, LA.
“Creating and Elder-Friendly Regulatory Environment” Presented with Rob
Mayer at the 2013 Aging in American Annual Conference. Chicago, IL
“Crucial Information: Websites for Technology and Aging” Presentation at the 2013
Aging in American Annual Conference. Chicago, IL
“Person-Centered Care: It’s Been a Long Time Coming” Presentation at the
Gerontological Society of America’s Annual Conference. San Diego, CA
“Regulatory Barriers to Person-Centered Care: 2012 Update” Presentation
with Rob Mayer at Leading Age Annual Convention and Expo. Denver CO.
“This is my house: What it takes to create households in long-term care”
Presentation at Leading Age Annual Convention and Expo. Denver CO.
“Show ’em that you Program Works” Pioneer Network Conference.
Jacksonville, Fl.
“Regulatory Change and Culture Change: Working Together” Presentation
with Rob Mayer at the Pioneer Network Conference. Jacksonville, Fl.
“Let's Do It Outside—A SAGE Panel Discussion on the Benefits of Going "Au
Naturel" Part of a Panel Presentation with members from SAGE: Society for
the Advancement of Gerontological Environments. Pioneer Network
Conference, Orlando FL.
“Using the environment to support dressing and continence: results from
recent research” Presentation at Leading Age PA. Hershey PA.
“Using the Environment to Support Effective Communication in Residents
with Dementia” Presentation at Leading Age PA. Hershey PA.
“Lower Cost Design Solutions to PCC” Presentation at the Ohio PersonCentered Care Conference, Columbus OH
“Evaluating the Social Life Template for Dementia Residents Living in an
Assisted Living Facility” Presentation at the 2014 Annual Conference of the
American Society on Aging. San Diego, CA.
“Contribution of the Built Environment to Falls in Healthcare” Health Design
Conference, Nashville, TN.
“Challenging Regulatory Barriers to Person-Centered Care” Presentation with
Robert Mayer. Leading Age Convention and Expo. Washington DC.
“Supporting effective communication in residents with dementia” Leading Age
Convention and Expo. Washington DC.
“Not Your Grandmother’s Codes” Pioneer Network Annual Convention. St.
Louis, MO
“Barriers to Technology Adoption” Environmental Design Research
Association Annual Conference. Atlanta GA
“What constitutes Evidence-Based Practice: Reconciling Researchers and
Practitioner’s Views” American Society on Aging Annual Conference. San
Francisco, CA.
“Evidence-based Design for Individuals with Dementia—What’s New in the
Last 5 Years?” Environments for Aging, Atlanta GA.
“Pre-Design Planning to Ensure a Successful Renovation or New Project that
Supports Culture Change” Presentation with Larry Schneider, Environment for
Aging ’08. Tucson, AZ
“Beyond Tying a String Around your Finger: Cognitive Training to Improve
Memory in Persons HIV/AIDS” with Jennifer Brush. Presentation at the 13th
Annual Association of Nurses in AIDS Care conference. San Juan PR.
“Recruiting and Retaining Staff in a specialized Alzheimer facility.”
Alzheimer’s Association Nation Education Conference. Indianapolis, Ind.
“Dementia Care: A Sampling of Best Practices.” American Association of Homes
for the Aging Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA.
“Not Your Grandmother’s Codes” Pioneer Network Annual Convention. St.
Louis, MO
“Barriers to Technology Adoption” Environmental Design Research
Association Annual Conference. Atlanta GA
“What constitutes Evidence-Based Practice: Reconciling Researchers and
Practitioner’s Views” American Society on Aging Annual Conference. San
Francisco, CA.
“Translational Research Efforts: Dementia & Physical Environments”
Preconference Intensive at the Gerontological Society of America Conference.
Boston MA.
“Evidence-Based Design for Individuals with Dementia- What’s the Latest
Evidence?” Environments for Aging 11. Atlanta, GA.
“It takes a Village to Age in Place” Environments for Aging 11. Atlanta, GA.
“ The National Long-Term Care Life Safety Task Force: Working together to
enhance the quality of life of nursing home residents through recommended
NFPA 101 revisions.” National Fire Protection Association, Las Vegas, NV.
“Grant-Makers Forum: What you need to know to put together a successful
proposal” American Society on Aging, Chicago IL
“Where can I find it and how and why should I use it? Technology Resources
and Barriers to Adoption” American Society on Aging, Chicago IL
“Not to be Overlooked: The importance of the physical environment for people
with dementia” Gerontological Society of America, Atlanta GA
“Using multiple qualitative methods for exploratory research” Gerontological
Society of America Atlanta GA
“Weinberg Terrace: A post-occupancy evaluation.” AAHSA Annual Convention
and Exposition, Chicago, IL
“The Role of the Environment in Person-Centered Care.” Pioneer Network 9th
Annual Conference Little Rock, Arkansas
“Environmental modifications to assist individuals with dementia: Current
research. Environmental Design Research Association, Kansas City, MO.
“Culture change and the physical environment: Design as an agent of change”
Environmental Design Research Association, Kansas City, MO.
“Private vs. shared bedrooms in nursing homes.” AAHSA Future of Aging
Services Conference and Exposition. Washington DC.
“The Green House Design Charrette” presentation with Anna Ortigara and
Robert Jenkins. Environments for Aging 09, Boston MA.
“Connected households versus free-standing houses: Pros and Cons”
Environments for Aging 09, Boston MA.
“What constitutes research?” Environments for Aging 09, Boston MA.
“Linden Ponds at Hingham: A post occupancy evaluation.” Environments for
Aging 09, Boston MA.
“Healthcare Technologies: The ethics of monitoring technologies.” American
Society on Aging, Las Vegas, NV
“Low Cost Environmental Modifications to Support Culture Change” Invited
Keynote LALeader Conference. Baton Rouge, LA.
“Comparison on Classroom vs. Online Learning for Older Adults” Poster
session at the Gerontological Society of America’s 61st Annual Scientific
Meeting. Baltimore, MD
“Pre-Design Planning for Environmental Transformation” Presentation with
David Green, Gaius Nelson and Kaye Browne, American Association of Homes
and Services for the Aging. Philadelphia PA
“Environmental Modifications to Manage Continence in People with Dementia”
Presentation at the Alzheimer’s Association 16th Annual Dementia Care
“Meal Time Matters” Presentation at Aging in America: 2008 Annual
Conference of the American Society on Aging and National Council on Aging.
Washington DC.
“The Evidence-based Truth about Private Rooms for the Aging” Presentation
with Jeffrey Anderzhon and Ingrid Fraley. American Institute or Architects
Annual Convention. San Antonio, TX.
“The Household Models: Variations on a Theme” Presentation with David
Green and Steve McAlilly. Environment for Aging Conference. Baltimore, MD.
“More than Just Privacy: Justifying the Additional Costs of Private Bedrooms.”
Paper presentation at the American Society on Aging/National Council on
Aging Annual conference. Chicago, IL.
“Lessons Learned from Developing Online Courses on Home Modifications for
Older Adults” Workshop with Jon Sanford, and Jon Pynoos at the American
Society of Aging/National Council on Aging Annual conference. Chicago IL.
“Private vs. Shared Bedrooms in Nursing Homes: Exploring Life-Cycle Costs”
Paper presentation at the American Association of Homes and Services for the
Aging Annual Meeting and Exposition. San Francisco, CA.
“Transforming the Nursing Home Through Variations in the Household Model”
Paper presentation at the American Association of Home and Services for the
Aging Annual Meeting and Exposition. San Francisco, CA.
“Dementia Care: A Real Transformation to a Homelike Environment”
Presentation with Michael Hull at Pennsylvania Association of Non-Profit
Philanthropic Homes for the Aging, Hershey PA
“Interior design Principles for Tomorrow’s Elders: Creating Warmth, Comfort
and an Inviting Environment” with Ingrid Fraley. 1ST international Design for
Aging Symposium. Kansas City, KS.
“Culture Change in the Field: Analysis of the Creating Home Building
community Initiative”. Paper presented at the Gerontological Society of
America’s 61st Annual Scientific Meeting. Baltimore, MD.
“Examining Life-cycle Costs of Different Bedroom Configurations in Nursing
Homes.” Presentation at the Environment Design Research Association 37th
Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA.
“Everyday Ethics in the Trenches: Dealing with Life’s little Quandaries.”
Presentation at the American Society of Aging/National Council on Aging
Annual conference. Los Angeles, CA.
“Universal Design Approaches to home Modifications for People with
Dementia” Presentation at the International Conference on Aging, Disability
and Independence. St. Petersburg, FL.
“Will assisted living and nursing homes converge?” with Keane, W. Paper
presentation at the 58th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society
of America. Orlando, FL
“Creating a sense of home” Paper presentation. Life Services Network Annual
Convention. Chicago, IL
“Image annotation as a method to assess environmental knowledge” with K.
Van Haitsma & U. Raman. Paper presentation at the 57th Annual Scientific
Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. Washington DC
“Implementing physical environment interventions in four older nursing
homes” with Connell, BR, McConnell, E.,& Snow, T. Paper presentation at the
57th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America.
Washington DC
“Finding the Meanings of Home” Presentation a the Pioneer Network 5th
National conference, Overland Park, KS
“Outdoor spaces for people with dementia: Lessons learned for design efficacy
and E-B research” with Connell, BR. Presentation at the 35th annual conference
of the Environmental Design Research Association.
“Conceptualizing Culture Change” with Mayer, R. Presentation at the 2004
ASA-NCOA joint conference. San Francisco, CA
“Translating research and practice into design: An environmental lexicon for
dementia care environments.” Presentation at the HealthCare Design .03
Conference Advancing & Transforming the Built Environment. Miami, FL
“”How are facilities defining culture change?” with R. Mayer. Paper presented
at the 56th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America.
San Diego, CA
“Assistive Technology for Seniors: Comparing online and Classroom Teaching
Formats.” Presentation at the Environment Design Research Association 37th
Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA.
“Trends in long-term care design – Using environment as a therapeutic tool”
with Alden, A., Levinson, M., Maddox, J. Peck, R. & Proffitt, M. American
Association of Homes and Services for the Aging Annual Meeting and
Exposition. Denver, CO.
“Environmental design promoting person-centered care.” Presentation at the
pre-conference seminar on The Environment and Culture Change: Pioneers
and Architects Partnering to Move from Vision to Reality. American
Association of Homes and Services for the Aging Annual Meeting and
Exposition. Denver, CO.
“Preparing for the Future: Culture Change as Proposed by Over 40 Nursing
Homes” with Dr. Rob Mayer. The 11th National Alzheimer’s Disease Education
Conference. Chicago, IL.
“Developments in Environment-Aging Theory” 34th Environmental Design
Research Association conference. Minneapolis, MN.
“Bathing Without a Battle: Techniques and Technologies” 2003 Joint
Conference of the National Council on the Aging and American Society on
Aging. Chicago, IL.
“Research Informing Design Informing Research: What Research Does and
Doesn’t Tell Us About Dementia Design” 2003 Joint Conference of the National
Council on the Aging and American Society on Aging. Chicago, IL.
“Mary Mary Quite Contrary: How Do You Get People to Use Your Garden?”
2003 Joint Conference of the National Council on the Aging and American
Society on Aging. Chicago, IL.
“Ideas for a Better Visit” 2003 Joint Conference of the National Council on the
Aging and American Society on Aging. Chicago, IL.
“Monitoring Technology: Making the Transition between Long-Term and
Home Based Care” 2003 Joint Conference of the National Council on the Aging
and American Society on Aging. Chicago, IL.
“Assessing on-line learning for HIV caregivers” Paper with Jennifer Brush. 55th
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. Boston,
“When it looks like home but acts like an institution.” Presentation at the
American College of Health Care Administrators. Orlando, FL.
“Seeing is Eating: Using the Environment to Improve Intake.” With Jennifer
Brush. Presentation at the 2002 Joint conference of the National Council on
Aging and the American Society on Aging. Denver, CO.
“Home or Hotel: nursing Home and a Life-style Choice” with Green, D., Nelson,
G. & Ortiz, C. American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
Annual Meeting and Exposition. Denver, CO.
“Is the latest always the greatest: Examining new technologies for long-term
care.” Presentation at the 2002 Joint conference of the National Council on
Aging and the American Society on Aging. Denver, CO.
“Powell Lawton’s Contributions to Long-Term Care settings.” Paper presented
at a Plenary Session at the 54th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological
Society of America. Chicago, IL.
“Turn the lights on! Using the environment to improve intake for clients with
dementia” Poster presented with Jennifer Brush and Rebecca Meehan at the
54th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America.
Chicago, IL.
“Validation on place-based models of care.” Paper presented with Rebecca
Meehan and Sherri Briller at the 54th Annual Scientific Meeting of the
Gerontological Society of America. Chicago, IL.
"HIV-Associated dementia: Strategies for Caregivers". Poster presentation
with Rebecca Meehan, Jennifer Brush and Chari Weber at the 10th National
Alzheimer's Disease Education Conference. Chicago, IL.
"Empowering staff the make long-term care Institutions more like home"
Workshop with Chari Weber at the 10th National Alzheimer's Disease
Education Conference. Chicago, IL.
“Ethics in the trenches: Managing Everyday Dilemmas.” Presentation at the
first joint conference of the American Society on Aging and the National
Council on Aging. New Orleans, LA.
“Rapid Ethnographic Assessments of Dementia Care Settings.” With Sherylyn
Briller and Chari Weber. Paper presented at the 53rd annual Scientific Meeting
of the Gerontological Society of America Meetings. Washington D.C.
“Preliminary development of the SPERS Assessment for Dementia Care
Settings.” Poster presented at the 53rd annual Scientific Meeting of the
Gerontological Society of America Meetings. Washington D.C.
“The Environment and SCUs”. Presentation during a pre-conference intensive
at the Gerontological Society of America Meetings. Washington D.C.
“Video series on Caregiving for the Person with HIV: Caring for the Caregiver”
with Rebecca Meehan. Presentation at the 13th Annual Association of Nurses in
AIDS Care conference. San Juan PR.
“Results of Video Based Caregiver Training” with Rebecca Meehan. Poster
presented at the 13th Annual Association of Nurses in AIDS Care conference.
San Juan PR.
“Place-based model of care: Empowering staff to facilitate the change to
homelike settings.” With Chari Weber. Presentation at the 2002 Joint
conference of the National Council on Aging and the American Society on
Aging. Denver, CO.
“Assisted Living within an Urban CCRC: Post Occupancy Evaluation of Hazel
Cypen Tower” Presentation at the 39th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the
American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging. Miami, FL.
“Integrating Models of Design and Philosophy of Care” Presentation at the
World Alzheimer’s Congress. Washington D.C.
“Why Reinvent the Wheel: Lessons Learned from a Decade of Dementia
Design” Presentation at the World Alzheimer’s Congress. Washington D.C.
“Research to Evaluate a Cluster-design Nursing Home” 31st Annual Conference
of the Environmental design Research Association. San Francisco, CA
“Understanding Why They Want to Leave” 46th Annual Meeting of the
American Society on Aging. San Diego, CA
“Design Makes a Difference: Impact of a Household Design on Resident, Staff
and Family Outcomes” with Peggy Bellin. 46th Annual Meeting of the American
Society on Aging. San Diego, CA
Therapeutic Kitchens for Residents with Dementia: Design Features and
Attributes” with John Marsden. 46th Annual Meeting of the American Society
on Aging. San Diego, CA
“Why Reinvent the Wheel: Lessons Learned from a Decade of Dementia
Design” 46th Annual Meeting of the American Society on Aging. San Diego, CA
The Physical and Social Environment of the Person with Alzheimer’s Disease”
The Contextual World of People with Alzheimer’s Disease: Social and
Behavioral Perspectives. Sponsored by the National Alzheimer’s Association.
Chicago, IL
“Nursing home environments: Organizational structure, Management
Philosophy and Use of Technology” Paper presented at the 52nd Annual
Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. San Francisco, CA.
“The impact of a neighborhood unit design on resident health and well-being
outcomes” with Dr. Meehan. Paper presented at the 52nd Annual Scientific
Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. San Francisco, CA.
“From Pen and Paper to Bricks and Mortar: Designing and Building a
Dementia-Specific Care Center.” with Russell McLaughlin and Sharon Roth
Maguire. Presentation at The American Association of Homes and Services for
the Aging 38th Annual Meeting and Exposition. Chicago IL
“Cluster Design Nursing Home Improves Resident Outcomes” with David
Green and David Soanes. Presentation at the 39th Annual Meeting and
Exposition of the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging.
Miami, FL.
“Low Cost Solutions for Creating Supportive Dementia Environments.”
Presentation at the Eighth National Alzheimer’s Disease Education conference.
Long Beach, CA.
“Mechanisms for Recruiting and Retaining Staff in a Specialized Alzheimer’s
Facility.” With Chari Weber. Presentation at the Eighth National Alzheimer’s
Disease Education conference. Long Beach, CA.
“AIA Design for Aging Open Forum: SAGE Presentation” American Institute of
Architects National Convention and Expo. Dallas Texas
“Methodological considerations for the future of Environment-Behavior
Research.” Gerontological Society of America 51st Annual Meeting.
Philadelphia, PA.
“Evaluation of a project to re-engineer nursing homes.” Gerontological Society
of America 51st Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.
“Designing a staff completed environmental assessment protocol.”
Gerontological Society of America 51st Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.
“Therapeutic goals for people with dementia: An empirical methodology.”
Gerontological Society of America 51st Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.
“Creating resident center environments through partnership of providers,
regulators and researchers.” American Association of Homes and Services for
the Aging Annual Meeting. Los Angeles CA.
“Creating philosophy, program and design for places that work.” Alzheimer’s
Association National Education Conference. Indianapolis, Ind.
“Developing line staff empathy and understanding for residents with
dementia.” Interactive presentation at the Life Services of Illinois Conference:
Oceans of opportunity: Make a Splash. Chicago, Ill.
“Moving from theory to impact: Applied research in the real world.” Paper
presented at the 28th Annual conference of the Environmental Design
Research Association. St. Louis, Mo.
“Therapeutic garden and courtyard spaces in long term care settings.” Paper
presented at the 28th Annual conference of the Environmental Design
Research Association. St. Louis, Mo.
“Environmental sensitivity training videos on caring for person with
dementia.” Video presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the
Gerontological Society of America. Cincinnati, Ohio.
“Leaving the Unit: Assessing, Diagnosing and Solving Your Problems” with
Kristin Perez. Presentation at The American Association of Homes and
Services for the Aging 38th Annual Meeting and Exposition. Chicago IL
“Developing Line Staff Empathy and Understanding for Residents with
Dementia” American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging Annual
Meeting and Exposition. New Orleans, La.
Home vs. Home-like: Making the Most of Your Setting” American Association
of Homes and Services for the Aging Annual Meeting and Exposition. New
Orleans, La
“Retaining and Supporting Staff” Alzheimer’s Association Nation Education
Conference. Chicago, Ill.
“Conceptualizing and assessing environmental press in special care units.”
49th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America.
Washington D.C.
“Environmental research in aging: Where do we go from here?” 49th Annual
Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. Washington D.C.
“REMODEL: Report of field testing of a new environmental tool for special care
units.” 49th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America.
Washington D.C.
"The Impact of Stimulation on People with Dementia." Presentation at the
Fifth National Alzheimer's Disease Education Conference. Chicago, Ill.
"Assisted Living Facilities: An Agenda for Design Research." Presentation at
the 27th Annual conference of the Environmental Design Research
Association. Salt Lake City, Utah.
"Conceptualizing Environmental Press." Presentation at the 27th Annual
conference of the Environmental Design Research Association. Salt Lake City,
"Riding the Fourth Wave to New Heights of Health and Human Beings and the
Environment." Presentation at the 27th Annual conference of the
Environmental Design Research Association. Salt Lake City, Utah.
"The effects of Design on Behaviors of Residents with Dementia: What do we
really know?" Presentation at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the American
Society on Aging. Anaheim, CA.
"Evaluating the Effectiveness of Behaviorally Relevant Design Interventions."
Presentation at the Fourth National Alzheimer's Disease Education
Conference. Chicago, Ill.
"Advances in Assessing Long-Term Care Environments for Frail and Impaired
Elderly." Presentation at the 26th Annual conference of the Environmental
Design Research Association. Boston, Mass.
“Assisted living: Step down nursing home or resource rich independent
living?” Paper presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological
Society of America. Cincinnati, Ohio.
"The Kensington Cottages Model of Residential Services for People with
Dementia" Poster presented at the 47th Annual Scientific Meeting of the
Gerontological Society of America. Atlanta GA.
"Emerging Models of Residential Care" Presented at the Third National
Alzheimer's Disease Conference. Chicago, Ill.
"Architectural Modifications to Ameliorate Caregiver Burden in Residential
Settings." Presented at the Annual Scientific Conference of the Gerontological
Society of America. New Orleans, November 19-23, 1993.
"Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Special Care Unit Research"
Presented at the Annual Scientific Conference of the Gerontological Society of
America. New Orleans, November 19-23, 1993. Presented with G.D. Weisman
and P.D. Sloane.
"Adapting environment and program to patients changing needs." Alzheimer's
Association Second Annual National Conference. Chicago, Ill.
"Dementia in the community: Role of home modifications in caregiver
burden." Environmental Design Research Association. Chicago, Ill.
"The multi-dimensional process model of environment-behavior systems: A
brief introduction." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Gerontological Society of America, Nov. 18-22, 1992. Washington D.C.
"Long-term Memory to reduce visuospatial disorientation in Alzheimer's
Disease." By Tena T. Rosner, Kevan H. Namazi, Margaret P. Calkins, and Linda
Grotke. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological
Association, Boston, Mass.
"The Therapeutic Role of the Architectural Environment" 28th Annual Meeting
of the American Association of Homes for the Aging. Baltimore, MD
"Environmental design for people with dementia: from research translation to
design applications.” Environmental Design Research Association. Pomona,
“A Process model for developing special care units" American Association of
Homes for the Aged. Washington, D.C.
“Improving care through environmental interventions.” American
Association of Homes for the Aging. N.Y., N.Y.
"The effects of the physical environment on wayfinding and socialization: A
case study.” The American Institute of Architects. Toronto.
"Exploring Innovations in Long-Term Care Settings Using Case Study
Analysis." Presentation at the 26th Annual conference of the Environmental
Design Research Association. Boston, Mass.
“Applications of research to the design of alternative housing for older adults.”
Environmental Design Research Association. N.Y., N.Y.
Peer-Reviewed Presentations – International
“Exploring the life-cycle costs of private versus shared bedrooms in nursing
homes” International Association of Homes and Services for the Aging,
London, England
“Environment-aging research: Developing a new agenda” with Diaz-Moore,
K., Hanenburg, A., & Wells, N. Paper presentation at the 36th Annual
Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association. Vancouver, BC,
“Lessons learned from a decade of dementia design.” Paper presented at the
17th Alzheimer’s Disease Conference. Christchurch, New Zealand.
"What you need to know to make intelligent interior design decisions"
Presentation at the 10th annual meeting of Alzheimer's Disease International.
Edinburgh, Scotland.
"Designing responsive environments for people with Alzheimer's disease"
Ninth Annual Alzheimer's Disease International Conference. Toronto, Canada.
"Special care units in the USA.” IVth International Meeting of Alzheimer's
Disease International . Brisbane, Australia.
“Designing for people with Alzheimer's Disease: Towards more responsive
environments.” IVth International Meeting of Alzheimer's Disease
International. Brisbane, Australia.
“Housing the Elderly: An international perspective.” Environmental Design
Research Association. Ottawa, Canada.
“Bringing Technology into the Nursing Home: Barriers and Opportunities”
Discussant. 55th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of
America. Boston, MA.
Discussant for the Research in Quality of Care Interest Group Symposium:
Culture Change I: Beyond case studies to major research initiatives. Presented
at the 56th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America.
San Diego, CA
“Challenges in Planning and Operationalizing Environmental Interventions in
Geriatric Research” Discussant, Gerontological Society of America’s 61st
Annual Scientific Meeting. Baltimore, MD.
Discussant on Peer-Reviewed Sessions– United States
“Lighting: Partner in Quality Care environment” Discussant, Gerontological
Society of America’s 61st Annual Scientific Meeting. Baltimore, MD.
“The physical environment as intervention in aging research: Challenges and
opportunities” Discussant for Symposium, at the 57th Annual Scientific
Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. Washington DC
“Cultural Diversity, Cultural Competence and Quality of Care” Convener and
discussant for symposium at the 57th Annual Scientific Meeting of the
Gerontological Society of America. Washington DC
“Culture Change in Long-term Care: its Definition and Outcomes” Discussant.
55th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America.
Boston, MA.
“Case Studies in Environmental Gerontology” Discussant for four papers.
52nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. San
Francisco, CA.
"Impact of the environment on quality of life of older people." Moderator for
two-part symposium, at the Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of
America, Nov. 18-22, 1993. Washington D.C.
“Am I where I want to be?” Featured Speaker at the Bettye Rose Memorial
Lecture Series. Atlanta GA.
“Are you designing for the future?” Paper presentations at Hillsboro County
Department of Aging Services Seminar. Tampa, FL
“The Environment” Workshop given as part of the Person-Centered Care
Essentials Training Conference to the NRRO. Organized by Mather Lifeways.
Chicago IL.
“Every day ethics in the trenches” Lecturer at Cuyahoga Community College,
Center for Applied Gerontology. Cleveland, OH
“Resident living space-Overview of the issues and current research” Paper
presentation at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill conference.
Baltimore, MD
“Creating successful dementia care settings”. Paper presentations at Hillsboro
County Department of Aging Services Seminar. Tampa, FL
“Technologies for the cognitively impaired: Cognitive prosthetics &
compensatory apparatus” Paper presentation at the Washington State
University colloquium ‘Alzheimer’s & Aging: Developing a community
research agenda’. Spokane, WA
Invited Presentations at Other than Conference– United States
“Environmental modifications for older adults.” Presentation to the Physician
Assistant Program/Primary Care and Surgical Assistant Program, Western
Reserve Geriatric Education Center. Cleveland OH
“When Best Practice Meet Urban Realities” Presentation at the Philadelphia
Corporation on Aging Conference Honoring the vision of M. Powell Lawton.
Philadelphia, PA
“Improving the lives of older adults: Research applications for both in- and
out-door gardens, stress and depression.” Workshop for the Healthcare
Garden Design Certificate, Sponsored by the School of the Chicago Botanic
Gardens. Chicago, IL
“Coping with Caregiving” Internet Radio Program Interview
“Maximizing Your Independence as You Age: Age-proofing Your Home”
Women’s Health Connection. Toledo, OH
“Same Home or New Home: Simple Modifications to Help You Stay at Home”
Suddenly Senior: An Educational Adventure in Aging. Cleveland OH.
“Intergenerational Design” Design Symposium, part of the Intergenerational
Learning Center Design Competition. Chicago, IL
“Mapping the Journey: Phase 2: Design.” Presentation at Becoming a Champion
of Change, sponsored by the Pioneer Network. Chicago, IL.
“Assisted Living Design” Paper presented at the Many Faces of Assisted Living:
2002 update, sponsored by Cuyahoga Community College
“Therapeutic Environments and Caregiving Philosophy.” Workshop at Issues
in Aging, sponsored by Institute of Gerontology, Wayne State University.
Detroit, MI.
“Designing the Care Environment.” “Presentation at New Directions in
Dementia Care: Assessment, Treatment and Environmental Approaches,
sponsored by Akron Tri-County Alzheimer’s Association. Canton, OH.
“Designing a Physical Environment that Supports the Alzheimer’s Resident.”
Presentation at Navigating the Assisted Living Maze, sponsored by Cuyahoga
Community College. Cleveland, OH.
“The Planning Process for Design” Presentation at the DHP-University.
Cleveland OH
“There’s No Place Like Home” Senior Housing for the New Millennium, Part II.
Sponsored by the Western Reserve Geriatric Education Center. Cleveland OH
“Dementia: Managing Agitation in Elders” Workshop for the Center for
Applied Gerontology, Continuing Education Programs for Gerontology
Professions, Cuyahoga Community College, Cleveland OH
“”Design from the users perspective: Get old and confused.” Akron AIA
chapter Design Awards Program and Annual Meeting. Akron, Ohio.
“Innovative Design for Dementia.” Presentation at the Edward and Esther
Polisher Research Institute of the Philadelphia Geriatric Center conference:
Long-term care: strategies for the future. Philadelphia, PA.
“Design for Dementia: Strategies for Interventions” Mental Health and the
Older Adult. Lorain County Community College. Lorain, Ohio.
"Environmental Design." Creating the Future of Geriatric Care: Acute Care for
Elders. Western Reserve Geriatric Education Center. Cleveland, Ohio.
"Environmental Interventions for People with dementia." Presentation at
Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias: Strategies in Care and Research.
Philadelphia Geriatric Center. Philadelphia, PA.
"Home Sweet Home, Home Safe Home: Creating a safe and supportive
environment" Presentation at Coping with Alzheimer's Disease: Interventions
to Assist Family Caregivers conference, sponsored by the Center for Practice
Innovations, Case Western Reserve University. Cleveland Ohio.
"Designing for the dementia population" Presentation at Healthcare Design
and the Alzheimer's Population Seminar and Design Charrette. Sponsored by
the Otterbein Home Gerontology Center and Miami University. Lebanon, Ohio.
"Alternative Care Models" Wisconsin Geriatric Education Center Intensive
Training Program. Marshfield, WI.
"Partners in care: You and the environment" Under One Roof conference,
sponsored by Abilities OT Services and the Maryland Office on Aging.
Baltimore, MD.
"Toward an integrative approach to programming and design of environments
for people with dementia." Therapeutics Environments Project. Institute on
Aging and Environment, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Milwaukee, WI.
Therapeutic Environments in Long Term Care. Sponsored by The Institute on
Aging and Environment and the School of Allied Health Professions, University
of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Milwaukee, WI.
“Designing Therapeutic Environments for Frail and Confused Older Adults.”
Western Geriatric Psychiatric Institute and Clinic Staff Development Training
Program. Pittsburgh, PA.
"Home modifications to assist the confused resident at home." Adult Care
Homes in the 1990's, sponsored by Service to Adult Care Homes. Cleveland,
“Philosophy, Model of Care, Care Practices and Physical Environment: The
Role of Congruence” Presentation to the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center
of St. Louis.
"Design for Dementia: Planning Environments for the Elderly and the
Confused. Sixth Annual Lou Lewis Memorial Symposium in Gerontology.
Houston, Tx.
"Environmental Design for Special Needs.” The Holden Arboretum, The
Garden Center of Greater Cleveland. Cleveland, Ohio.
"Environmental Design to Manage the Difficult Resident.” Daughters Of Jacob
Geriatric Center. New York, N.Y.
"Translating Ideas into Design" Health Care Design: Creating36 and Keeping
the Competitive Edge.” Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation and Health
Consultants International. Scottsdale, Arizona.
"Alzheimer Units in Long Term Care.” The Alzheimer Center and University
Hospitals of Cleveland, Western Reserve Geriatric Education Center, and
ADRDA . Cleveland, OH.
"Effective design of special care units.” New Jersey State Department of Health
Gerontology Program and UMDN School of Osteopathic Medicine. Cherry Hill,
“Alzheimer's Disease and long-term care: Dynamics of treatment: Design and
Environment.” School of Continuing Education, Wittenburg University.
Springfield, OH.
“Alternative housing for older adults: Policy, planning, services and design.”
Center for Adult Development- Continuing Education, University of WisconsinMilwaukee Milwaukee, WI.
“The latest evidence-based design on environments for individuals with dementia
and culture change and the design of long-term care facilities” Kent State
University College of Nursing, guest lecture. Kent OH.
“Thoughts from an Environment-Behavior/Aging Studies Researcher in the Field.”
Erickson School of Health Care Management, University of Maryland Baltimore
Campus, Baltimore, MD
“Miscellaneous thoughts from a researcher in the field.” Cleveland State University
Occupational Therapy Program. Cleveland OH
“An Introduction to Environment and Aging Research” Introduction to EvidenceBased Design, School of Architecture, University of IL, Chicago IL.
“Environments for People with Dementia: Design Trends, Research and a View
from the Trenches” Presentation at the Scientific Seminar Series, University of
Alabama Center for Mental Health and Aging, Tuscaloosa, AL.
All Day Workshops – United States
Technology and Aging: All Day Special Track. Session Convener and
Moderator. American Society of Aging/National Council on Aging Annual
conference. Chicago IL
“The top 10 environmental correlates of person-centered care” Full day
workshop presented to the New Jersey Society of Licensed Nursing Home
“Creating Successful Dementia Care Settings” Full day workshop with Jennifer
Brush CCC/SLP for Vetter Health Services. Omaha, NE.
“ Designing a world by seeing it through their eyes” Full day workshop for the
Centralina Area Agency on Aging. Charlotte, NC.
“Making do with what you’ve got” All day workshop sponsored by the
Alzheimer’s Association of Western New York. Buffalo, NY
“Making do with what you’ve got: How to train staff and modify the
environment to provide supportive dementia care” All day workshop
sponsored by Catholic Charities of New Orleans.
Full Day Workshops - International
“Innovations in design for dementia.” Seminar sponsored by the Research and
Design for Ageing Network, School of Architecture, Queensland University of
Technology. Brisbane, Australia.
“Environmental Correlates of Person-Centered/Self-Directed Care” Full day
workshop, sponsored by the Taiwan Alzheimer’s Association.
“Development of a Toolkit to Improve Communication Environments in Long
Term Care Settings” Poster presented with Jon Sanford, The Gerontological
Society of American Conference. Boston MA.
“Self-Study versus Interactive Online Home Modification Courses for
Professionals Working with Older Adults.” Poster session with Anna Nguyen,
Jon Sanford and Jon Pynoos. Gerontological Society of America 60th Annual
Scientific Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
“Private vs. shared Bedrooms: Evidence based literature review and
construction cost analysis.” Poster Session, Gerontological Society of America
60th Annual Scientific Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Poster Sessions – United States
“Environmental Correlates of Falls in Healthcare Settings” Poster with Dr.
Betrabet Gulwadi. Building sustainable Communities, 38th Annual Conference
of the Environmental Design Research Association. Sacramento, CA.
“Teaching Home Modifications to Professionals via the Web” Poster session at
the Alzheimer’s Association 12th National Alzheimer’s Disease Education
conference. Philadelphia, PA
“ HIV-Associated dementia and the older adult: Efficacy of video-based
caregiver training.” Poster presented with Drs Meehan and O’Grocki at the
52nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. San
Francisco, CA.
“Developing a typology of models of care for dementia” Poster presented with
Dr. Briller and Ms. Weber at the 52nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the
Gerontological Society of America. San Francisco, CA.
"Environment and Behavior models: The Next Generation" Poster presented
at the Annual Scientific Conference of the Gerontological Society of America.
New Orleans, November 19-23, 1993.
"Dementia in the Community: A brief analysis of the role of home
modifications on caregiving burden" Poster presented at the Annual Meeting
of the Gerontological Society of America, Nov. 18-22, 1992. Washington D.C.
“Design for dementia: A systematic approach to creating and supporting
environments for people with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders.”
Poster presentation. The Gerontological Society of America. Washington, D.C.
“Best Practices Showcase.” Poster presentation. The American Association of
Homes for the Aging. Louisville, KY.
“SAGE advice on using design to enhance quality of life” Paper presentation at
the MAHSA 37th Annual Conference. Battle Creek, MI
“Mary Queen of Angels Assisted Living Community: A Post-occupancy
evaluation sponsored by AAHSA And the Society for the Advancement of
Gerontological Environments.” Nashville, TN
“Identifying trends in senior living environments: A retrospective of the
Nursing Home Magazine/SAGE Design Competition.” With Jane Dailey, Jerry
Maddox, Mark Proffitt. Association of Ohio Philanthropic Homes for the Aging
67th Annual Conference. Dayton, OH
Non-Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations, United States
“Nursing Home Magazine and SAGE’s Design Competition” Michigan
Association of Homes and Services for the Aging Annual Conference. Lansing,
“Why Reinvent the Wheel: Lessons Learned from a Decade of Dementia
Design” Assisted Living Federation of America Spring 2000 National
Conference and Expo. Orlando, FL
“Bringing Together Research and Design: Alzheimer’s Care Facilities”
Presentation with D. Hoglund at the National Symposium on Healthcare
Design. Orlando, FL
“Creating a 21st Century Vision with 20th Century Codes” with David Green
and Laverne Woodford. Presented at the American Health Facility Surveyors
Association annual conference. New Orleans, LA.
“Design Solutions for Alzheimer’s Assisted Living” with Gene Guszkowski and
Douglas King. Presented at the Assisted Living Federation of America
Conference and Expo Arlington, VA.
“The physical environment and dementia care.” Ohio Assisted Living
Association Annual Conference. Columbus, OH.
“Ethical Conflicts in Nursing Home Care: Helping our staff to understand and
mange ethical dementia care issues.” Presentation at the Ohio Health Care
Association Annual Convention and Exposition.
"The Therapeutic Role of the Architectural Environment." Presentation at the
Ohio Health Care Association Annual Meeting. Columbus, Ohio.
“Case Study Presentations: Dementia Units.” Fourth Annual Symposium for
Health Care Design. Boston, MA.
“Contribution of the Designed Environment to Fall Risk in Senior Living”
Sponsored by Long-Term Living.
10/24 13
“The ROI of PCC” Sponsored by the Pioneer Network.
“Mitigating Fall Risk in Hospitals: Contributions of the Designed Environment”
Webinar hosted by the Center for Health Design.
“Just the Design Facts: Evidence-Based Design that Works” Webinar for VA
Community Living Centers Mental Health Providers.
“Research in Practice Settings: How to get Started” Sponsored by American
Society on Aging.
Home Modifications for Safety. Guest speaker on Senior Solutions, a weekly
radio program hosted by the Detroit Area Agency on Aging
Margaret P. Calkins, PhD
Determination of Grab Bar Specifications for Independent and Assisted
Transfers in Residential Care Settings.
Co-Principal Investigator, with Jon Sanford. Georgia Institute of
$280,000, Funded by the Hulda B. and Maurice L Rothschild
This on-going research project is designed to develop dimensional
specifications for bi-lateral grab bars to be used in creating a Senior
Environments Exemption to the ADA Accessibility Guidelines. We have met
with the Access Board and ANSI A117, and they have conceptually agreed to
such an exemption, but are waiting for us to complete the research in order to
know what specifications should be used. Project is being done in
collaboration with Jon Sanford at Georgia institute of Technology.
Independent Home Life.
Co-Principal Investigator, with Deborah Nells-Porter, Debutante Inc.
$100,000 SBIR Phase I. Funded by National Institute on Aging.
The goal of this project was to develop a companion site to, which IDEAS developed in 2011, but geared for
individuals who are still living at home.
Assessment Protocol to Identify Environmental Barriers to Communication.
Principal Investigator
$100,000 SBIR Phase I; $751,452 Phase II . Funded by the National
Institute of Deafness and Communication Disorders.
This project evaluated how the built and interpersonal environment either
supports or creates barriers to effective communication of elders in long-term
care settings. Outcome of the project was the book Environmental
Communication Assessment Toolkit.
9/06 – 8/11 Bringing Assistive Technologies LTC
Principal Investigator
$100,000 SBIR Phase I; $759,172 Phase II. Funded by National
Institute on Aging.
This was the final in a series of grants that created the website, which provides unbiased information about products
that are used by long-term care providers. No products are sold on the site,
but there are links to vendors, and a wealth of other important information to
know before making a purchasing decision.
Environmental Modifications to Improve Continence in Homes, ALs and NHs”
Principal Investigator
$237,491Funded by the Alzheimer’s Association.
The GREEN HOUSE® Design Charrette Project”
Principal Investigator
$56,294 Funded by The Green House Replication Project and National
Cooperative Bank
We developed a Design Charrette to design a Green House® home. Twenty
three architectural firms entered, and the best proects were showcased at the
Leading Age conference in 2008.
MealTime Matters at Home
Principal Investigator
$20,000. Funded by The Home Instead Foundation
Follow-on to a previous project where we developed training materials for family
members providing care to a loved one at home. Mealtime Matters at Home
includes a CD and DVD with video footage to help care partners understand the
eating process and how to provide assistance safely.
9/03 – 8-08
An Assistive Wardrobe to Support Dressing Independence
Principal Investigator
$99,996 SBIR Phase I ; $722,749 Phase II. Funded by the National Institute
on Aging
Partnered with a contract furniture manufacturer (Claflin) to create an
Assistive Wardrobe with a variety of accessibility and safety features. Results
of research demonstrated that the Assistive Wardrobe was safer and easier to
use by residents. The IDEAS Assistive Wardrobe by Claflin is now
commercially available.
3/07 – 3/08
Creating Home & Building Community II: The Urban Experience
Principal Investigator
$35,633. Funded by the Hulda B. and Maurice L. Rothschild
This is the second of a 2 part grant to support an individual care community
that wanted to modify its existing environment to better support person
centered care. Isabella Care Center, a nursing home in Manhattan for 873
residents received $50,000 to help with the design process for major
10/05 – 9/06
Environmental Correlates of Falls: Implications for the Design of Health Care
Co-Principal Investigator (with Dr. Betrabet-Gulwadi)
$20,000 Funded by The Coalition for Health Environments Research.
This project conducted an in-depth literature review to identify all
environmental factors that might be associated with falls in health care
settings. The result was a white paper published by The Center for Health
This project evaluated the independent impact of three environmental
conditions on the ability of individuals to successfully use the bathroom
independently. The three conditions were: high contrast floor, high contrast
wall color around the toilet, and increased visibility by modifying door
configuration (replacing it with a curtain). Results suggested that higher
contrast on floors and walls increased bathroom use.
Exploring the Value of Private Bedrooms
Principal Investigator
$28,599. Funded by The Commonwealth Fund.
This multi-method project used literature review and construction costs analyses to
examine the clinical, psycho-social, operational and construction cost differential of
building private versus shared rooms. The results suggested better clinical and
psychosocial outcomes with private rooms, and a construction cost differential
(including construction cost and debt service) of $1.25 per bed per day.
9/03 – 8/05
Online Learning for Older Adults
Co-Principal Investigator with Jennifer Brush
$200,000 SBIR Phase I. Funded by The National Institute on Aging.
This project developed both on-line and in-person training about hearing loss and
environmental strategies for managing hearing loss at home and in the community.
Results showed greater knowledge gain from the online learning format. The
information is now freely available on as “Now Hear
9/03 – 4/04
Web-based Environmental Design Lexicon for Dementia Care
Principal Investigator
$101,255 SBIR Phase I. Funded by The National Institute on Aging
This multi-phase project created a digital lexicon that incorporated and integrated
information on the design of environments for individuals living with dementia.
The project was completed in collaboration with Polisher Research Institute at the
Madlyn and Leonard Abramson Center for Senior Jewish Life. The website is now
housed at the Institute on Aging and Environment at the University of WisconsinMilwaukee.
5/03 – 4/07
Distance Learning for Home Modifications
Principal Investigator
$99,474 SBIR Phase I; $736,451 Phase II. Funded by The National Institute
on Aging
Developed a series of four home modification courses (available at that have been approved for CEUs for nurses,
physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech language pathologists. This
project was done in collaboration with Jon Pynoos and the Center for Home
Modifications at USC and with Jon Sanford at Georgia institute of Technology.
4/02 –3/03
Close to Home
Principal Investigator
$35,000 Funded by the Hulda B. and Maurice L. Rothschild Foundation
This was phase I of a project to assist a long-term care community plan renovations
to an existing building to better support its adoption of person-centered care
2/02 – 8/02
Methodologies to Assess Clinical Outcomes in Dementia Gardens
Principal Investigator
R-03 $65,000 funded by The National Institute on Aging
4/05 – 3/06
This project sought to identify the behavioral and sleep benefits of increased time
spent outdoors by individuals living in nursing homes.
Models of care and organizational congruence in SCUs
Principal Investigator
SBIR Phase I $100,000. Funded by The National Institute on Aging
This project created a taxonomy of models of care in long-term care, from the
traditional medical model, social, resort, and home. An assessment was developed
to assess the extent to which a given care setting was providing a congruent or
mixed model of care.
8/98 - 3/99
HIV-associated dementia: Caregiver training project
Principal Investigator
$100,000 SBIR Phase I; $749,983 Phase II. Funded by National Institute
of Mental Health
Developed a series of four caregiver training videos to help care partners of
individuals living with HIV to cope with the cognitive correlates of the disease
4/97 - 12/98
Evaluation of a Project to Re-engineer Nursing Homes
Principal Investigator
$112, 563. Co-funded by Retirement Research Foundation ($50,563) and
the Helen Bader Foundation ($62,000)
4/94 - 12/97
Environmental Assessment Protocol for Special Care Units
Principal Investigator
$74,078, SBIR Phase I; $749,412 Phase II. Funded by The National
Institute on Aging
Developed a method for care communities to conduct a detailed self-assessment of
their care practices and environment for residents living with dementia. The
assessment was returned to IDEAS for analysis, and an individualized report was
generated to help the community make decisions about environmental and
programmatic modifications. This information was later converted into the fourvolume book and DVD series Creating Successful Dementia Care Settings.
8/93 - 12/94
Assessing Stimulation in Special Care Units
Principal Investigator
$32,371 Doctoral Dissertation funded by the Helen Bader Foundation
Built on Powell Lawton’s Competence-Press model by specifically articulating the
elements of environmental press that are relevant in dementia care settings.
1/89 -12/89
Modifying the Home for Autonomy and Safety of Adults with Dementia
Principal Investigator
$19,940 Funded by Alzheimer's Disease Association
Small grant while working at Heather Hill to conduct telephone interviews to
determine what types of home modifications family members made when caring for
a relative living with dementia at home.
12/98 - 7/99
Lexicon of Technologies in Long-Term Care Settings
Project Consultant: Project awarded to the Polisher Research Institute
$300,000 Funded by the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
This was the second phase of a project that developed a comprehensive analysis of
all research on environments for individuals living with dementia. (the follow-up
phase is described above: Web-based Environmental Design Lexicon for Dementia
An Environmental Design Lexicon for Dementia Care
Project Consultant: Project awarded to the Polisher Research Institute
$239,973 funded by The Alzheimer’s Association
This is the first phase of the project described above.
Distance learning for HIV associated Cognitive Impairments
Project Advisor: Awarded to Jennifer Brush, IDEAS Inc.
$100,000 SBIR Phase I. Funded by The National Institute of Mental Health
This was the first phase of a project described above that created a series of
caregiver training videos for care partners of individuals living with HIV.
Creating Therapeutic Environments: A Program to assist care providers in
developing improved environments for older persons
Principal, Design Assistance Team
$30,000Funded by the Faye McBeath Foundation.
Description and Assessment of the Physical Settings of Special Care Units
Project Associate (Dr. Gerald Weisman, Principal Investigator)
$25,000 Funded by The Retirement Research Foundation
This project was initiated by Dr. Marcia Ory at National Institute on Aging to provide
support to 11 consortium grants. We developed the Physical Environmental
Assessment Protocol (PEAP) and a way to evaluate the quality of the environment in
special care units for individuals living with dementia. The tool was used by all 11
research teams.
The Impact of Environmental Modifications on the Quality of Life of Alzheimer's
Project Coordinator
$149,000 Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Series of eight studies conducted at the Corinne Dolan Center at Heather Hill
evaluating the impact of the built environment on residents living with dementia.
Despite being over 20 years old, several of these studies are still cited to this day.
Margaret P. Calkins, PhD
Service Activities
Advancing Excellence Initiative and– LAN
Steering Committee Member
American Society on Aging
Board Member 2009 - 2012
Co-Chair Network on Environment Services and Technology, 2009-2012
2010 – Present
Pioneer Network
Board Member, 2010 – present
Vice President, 2014 - present
Gerontological Society of America
Fellow since 2006
GSA Formal Interest Group WRESCU: Working group on Research and
Evaluation of SCUs Executive Committee, 1994 – Present
Chair 2007-2010
Alzheimer’s Association, Cleveland Chapter
Member, Board, 2002 - 2006
Co-Chair, Public Policy Committee, 2003 - 2006
Member, Public Policy Committee, 1993-present
Ohio Council of the Alzheimer’s Association
American Association of Healthcare Interior Design
Committee member responsible for Research and Student Research
SAGE: Society for the Advancement of Gerontological Environments
Founding Member, 1992
Board Member 1994-2005, 2008 - 2011
Immediate Past President 2003
President, 2001 - 2003
Treasurer. 1999-2001
Vice President, 1994 – 1999
Environmental Design Research Association
Chair, Gerontology Network, 1987-1996
Network Coordinator, 1988-1991
Secretary, Gerontology Network, 1986
Encore Senior Living
Rediscovery Advisory Committee for dementia programs
Manor Health Care, Inc.
Member, Alzheimer's Advisory Council
Sterling Care Industries
Member, Alzheimer's Advisory Board
Ohio Gerontological Society
Member, Task Force on Alzheimer's Disease 1986-1988
American Association of Homes for the Aging
Member, Task Force on Alzheimer's Disease,
Joint Commission
Member, Advisory Panel
Development of the Memory Care Certification module for the Nursing
and Rehabilitation Center Accreditation Program
Center for Health Design
Advisory Committee Member
Patient Safety Checklist and Evaluation Tool. Project funded by and
conducted in association with American Society of Interior Designers.
Goal is to develop a tool to be used during all phases of design to
maximize patient safety in health care settings.
Rothschild Foundation Person Centered Care Planning Task Force
Project Director
Project develop a system long long-term care providers to effective
care plan when residents prefer to engage in activities that the care
communities view as carrying risk. Working in partnership with the
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the task force includes
members from over 30 professional organizations.
Center for Health Design
Technical Expert Panel Member, Chair of Falls Workgroup
Designing for Patient Safety. Project funded by Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality, conducted in partnership with the Facilities
Guidelines Institute.
Environmental Design Research Association
Member, Advisory Panel
Certificate of Research Excellence (CORE). The EDRA CORE program
will recognize quality research within architectural practice.
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE), and Administration on Aging
Member, Technical Expert Panel
Accelerating Adoption of Assistive Technology to Reduce Physical
Strain among Family Caregivers of the Chronically Disabled
Elderly Living at Home.
National and International Task Force/Expert Panel Experience
Rothschild Foundation Regulatory Task Force for ADA.
Project Director
Project to explore creating a ”senior exemption” to the Americans with
Disabilities act Accessibility Guidelines to allow for bi-lateral grab bars
on both sides of the toilet for senior environments. Co-authored white
paper submitted to ICC/Access Board and currently working on
research to determine configuration specifications.
Member, Continuing Care Advisory Council.
Project to develop the guidelines for certifying Continuing Care
Communities for Planetree Designation. Funded by the Rothchild
Rothschild Foundation Regulatory Task Force for National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA)
Project Director
Submitted and ushered through the code revision process proposals
that enhance the residential-character of long-term care settings
without sacrificing safety. Submitted four proposal for 2012 edition,
and all were approved. Working with CMS to adopt the 2013 edition
of the Life Safety Code 101. Submitted five proposals for 2015 edition,
which are in the process of being approved. Funded by the Rothschild
Foundation, to the Pioneer Network.
Rothschild Foundation Regulatory Task Force for the International Code
Council (ICC)
Project Director
Submitted and ushered through the code revision process proposals
that enhance the residential-character of long-term care settings
without sacrificing safety. Submitted five proposal for 2014 edition,
and all were approved. Funded by the Rothschild Foundation, to the
Pioneer Network.
RF Technologies
Member, Advisory Council
Assist with development of future RF technologies for long-term care.
National Reference Centre for Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care, Salamanca
Member, Technical Advisory Council
Participated in development of International Network of Best Practices
and Knowledge Exchange, and spoke at the culminating conference
Lewin Group
Technical Expert Panel Member
Accelerating Adoption of Assistive Technology to Reduce Physical Strain
Among Family Caregivers of the Chronically Disabled Elderly Living at
Home. Project funded by Assistant Secretary for Programs and
Evaluation (ASPE)
Alzheimer’s International 2011: The Year for Alzheimer’s Research,
held in Madrid
Center for Excellence in Assisted Living
Member, Consensus Council
National Non-Pharmacologic Dementia Practices Initiative
2013 - present
Steering Committee Member, St. Joseph’s College, Long Term Care
Administration Program
Member of Steering Committee to develop a new program in Senior Living
National Alzheimer’s Association (various years)
Retirement Research Foundation
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
National Institute of Deafness and Communication Disorders (NIDCD)
National Institutes of Health – Bio-behavioral and Behavioral Processes
National Institute of Deafness and Communication Disorders (NIDCD)
NIH – Bio-behavioral and Behavioral Processes
Margaret P. Calkins, Ph.D.
6/91 - Present
IDEAS: Innovative Designs in Environments for an Aging Society, Inc.
Consulting firm specializing in community and shared residential
environments for older persons.
9/99 – Present IDEAS Institute.
Chair of the Board,
Research and education firm dedicated to increasing knowledge about
therapeutic long term care settings.
4-06 – Present
8/91 - 2013
Research Consultant, Center for Health Design Pebble Project
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, School of Architecture and Urban
Planning, Institute on Aging and Environment
Senior Fellow Emeritus
2/87 - 6/91
Heather Hill, Inc.
Design Specialist
3/88 - 6/91
Research Center of The Corinne Dolan Alzheimer Center at Heather Hill, Inc.
Research Associate
2/87 - 6-91
Health Consultants International Inc.
Senior Environmental Consultant
Porter Hills, Grand Rapids MI. Development of new assisted living for Cook
Valley Estates property and repositioning of existing assisted living on Porter
Hills Main Campus.
Oceana County Medical Care Facility, Hart MI. Initial project was addition
for36 residents. Helped identify $2m in additional funding to demolish and
rebuild most of original 1965 building which has major infrastructure
Sisters of Notre Dame, Chardon OH. Conducted initial planning evaluation and
assessment of existing independent living and planning for future needs with
dwindling population based of sisters and a need for on-going but nongovernment supported funding.
The Green House Replication Project, Crystal City, VA. Development of a new
Design Manual for Green House Homes; training of Guides on the Design
Process and How to Work with the Design Team; assist with development of
process for evaluating and modifying Legacy Buildings.
Friendship Manor, Rock Island, IL. Conversion of existing AL into a dementia
program. Programming and planning for both design and operations.
Cypress Cove, Health Park Florida, Fort Myers, FL. New construction Memory
Care Assisted Living building for 44 residents and renovation of existing
assisted living and nursing home areas.
Clark Retirement Community, Grand Rapids, MI. Major renovation of 2060
resident nursing home and assisted living on main campus, and second
campus with two AL households for 20 residents each. Significant technology
assessment and programming.
Apostolic Christina Resthaven, Elgin, IL. Assessment of existing buildings and
services. Recommendations for both minor and major renovations.
California Masonic Homes, Covina and Walnut Creek, CA. Assessment of
existing buildings and services, Board Development Retreat on Dementia Care
Lutheran Senior Services Michigan, Grand Rapids, MI. Evaluation and
programming recommendations for three different communities.
Residential Plaza at Blue Lagoon, Miami FL. Low income independent living
with growing need for dementia-capable assisted living. Conducted initial
needs assessment, worked with architect to develop concept plans, developed
staff training protocol, assisted with identifying additional capital funding.
Belle Maison, New Orleans, LA., Renovation of Dementia Care program area.
Perry Point CLC, Maryland Veterans Affairs. New Construction, 140-person
community living center. Programming and schematic design consultation.
E.J. Healy Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, Ft. Lauderdale FL. Replacement
facility. Programming and schematic design consultation.
Chicago Veterans Home, Cook County. New Construction, 200-person
community living center. Programming and schematic design consultation.
Brecon Village Dementia Living Program, Saline MI. New construction, 30
person dementia assisted living. Programming consultant
St. Johns Specialty Care Center, Mars PA. New construction, 30 person
dementia assisted living. Programming, schematic design, interiors consultant
Virginia Veterans Care Center, Richmond VA New construction, 160 person
nursing and dementia care building. Schematic design consultant. $20m
Hancock Geriatric Center, Williamsburg VA New construction of geropsych
units (part of 150 person new campus). Schematic Design Consultant.
WindsorMeade, Williamsburg VA. Conducted initial planning evaluation for
how to reposition existing assisted living and nursing level care for future
campus needs.
Pine Rest, Grand Rapids, MI Renovation/new construction of geropsych units
for severely disturbed individuals with dementia. Programming for both
renovations and new construction projects.
Ohio Eastern Star Home, Mt. Vernon, OH. New construction, 30 person
dementia nursing home program. Programming, schematic design, design
development and interiors consultation.
Loomis Communities, Springfield MA. Redesign of dining program and space.
Ministry of Health, Yukon, Canada. Assessment of existing environment,
assisted with development and implementation of a new model of care and
new construction.
Menno Haven Retirement Community, Chambersburg PA. Assessment of
existing environment and recommendations for preliminary planning for
replacement nursing home.
MaryMount Health Care System, Garfield Heights OH. New construction of
dementia care unit.
Friendship Village of Dublin, Dublin OH. Assessment of existing program and
recommendations for program development and minor renovations to
dementia care program.
St. Johns Home of Milwaukee, WI (implement a new model of care and new
Friendship Village of Columbus (renovation and new construction)
Chesapeake Retirement Group (new construction and renovations)
Philadelphia Geriatric Center, Philadelphia PA. Participated in initial
conceptual planning, worked with several architectural teams on the
replacement of this 250 residence nursing home and assisted living.
Alexander Blake and Company, Evanston, Ill. Worked closed with the architect
to develop a new concept for a household model for a dementia care assisted
living and nursing home project.
ManorCare Company, Silver Spring, MD. Assisted with early development and
detailed plan reviews of their Arden Court dementia care product.
Covenant Health Care, Milwaukee WI. Assisted with design of Franciscan
Woods, and new 100 person nursing home.
Meriter Retirement Community, Madison, WI. Conducted evaluations of
existing buildings and programs, and worked with the architectural team on
the design to a new assisted living community using household models.
Center for Architecture and Urban Planning Research, University of
Project Consultant: Environments for People with Dementia Part II. Project
funded by the Retirement Research Foundation.
1987-1988 Center for Architecture and Urban Planning Research, University of WisconsinMilwaukee.
Project Consultant: Environments for People with Dementia. Project funded
by the Health Facilities Research Program, American Institute of Architects,
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture.
Margaret P. Calkins, Ph.D.
Margaret P. Calkins, Ph.D.
Margaret P. Calkins, Ph.D.
Upcoming Presentations
“Bringing the Arts to Life” Presentation with Jennifer Brush, CCC/SLP at the
14 Annual Pioneer Network Conference. Kansas City, MO.
“The Continuing Journey into Regulatory Reform” Presentation with Rob
Mayer, President of the Rothschild Foundation at the 14th Annual Pioneer
Network Conference. Kansas City, MO
The Annual Kent State University Symposium on Aging: Life in the Balance –
Fall Prevention from Multidisciplinary Perspectives. One of four Nationally
recognized speakers invited to present. Kent OH