Architecture 10001 Arts and Humanities Core I. Kent Core learning objectives II. Ohio Transfer Module learning objectives III. What corresponding learning outcomes are included in this course? Acquire critical thinking and problem solving skills Evaluate arguments in a logical fashion; competence in analysis and logical argument 8] Critically evaluate and interpret buildings exam and paper with insight into the interrelated nature of the functional elements, processes and approaches expressed in their form. exam question statistics and writing examples Apply principles of effective written and oral communication Communicate effectively 8] Critically evaluate and interpret buildings paper with insight into the interrelated nature of the functional elements, processes and approaches expressed in their form. writing examples 1] Understand the factors and thought processes involved in determining the spaces and their arrangement in a building to accommodate the activities expected in its use. writing examples Broaden their imagination and develop their creativity IV. What method(s) will be used to assess student learning? paper Cultivate their natural curiosity and begin a lifelong pursuit of knowledge Develop competencies and values vital to responsible uses of information and technology 5] Understand the processes needed to build: exam and paper legal code requirements, fundamentals of building economics and the methods architects practice to coordinate these processes. Engage in independent thinking, develop their Engage in our democratic society; be active 7] Apply the factors, functional elements, paper own voice and vision, and become informed, and informed citizens; develop a disposition to principles, processes and approaches covered responsible citizens participate in and contribute to our in this course to analyze decisions made in the democracy design of a building. Improve their understanding of issues and behaviors concerning inclusion, community and tolerance Increase their awareness of ethical implications of their own and others’ actions Integrate their major studies into the broader context of a liberal education Strengthen quantitative reasoning skills V. What evidence of this assessment will be presented annually for the five-year Kent Core review of this course? exam question statistics and writing examples writing examples Acquire an understanding of our global and diverse culture and society 2] Understand the environmental, human and exam material factors considered in determining how the building filters and modifies the environment for people’s comfort. exam question statistics 4] Understand the properties of form, the exam 1 and 2 elements of geometry, the principles of visual perception used to organize them and how they convey meaning about the building. 3] Understand the structural principles of building materials and their assembled systems to withstand the forces of nature and human use to safely support the building. exam question statistics Understand basic concepts of the academic discipline Employ the methods of inquiry characteristic 6] Understand the historical development of exam 3 of natural sciences, social sciences and the arts modern approaches to architecture and styles and humanities over the three centuries since the industrial revolution in terms of the changing cultural contexts: technological, political, economic, ecological and social. exam question statistics and exam examples