D. Blake Stringer, Ph.D.

D. Blake Stringer, Ph.D.
Lieutenant Colonel (Retired), United States Army
dstring1@kent.edu • http://www.kent.edu/caest/profile/blake-stringer-phd •
Current Position
Assistant Professor, Aeronautics, Kent State University
College of Applied Engineering, Sustainability, and Technology
228D Aeronautics & Technology Building
P.O. Box 5190, Kent, Ohio 44242
Ph.D., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville.
M.S., Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta.
B.S., Mechanical Engineering (Aerospace), US Military Academy, West Point, New York.
Military Education
Command and General Staff College, Common Core, Fort Lee, Virginia.
Army Acquisition Officer’s Intermediate Qualification Course, University of Texas, Austin.
Army Fixed-Wing, Multi-Engine Qualification Course, Fort Rucker, Alabama.
Combined Arms Staff Service School, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
Aviation Officer Advanced Course, Fort Rucker, Alabama.
CH-47D Aircraft Qualification Course, Fort Campbell, Kentucky.
Aviation Officer Basic Course, Fort Rucker, Alabama
Initial-Entry Rotary-Wing Flight Training, Fort Rucker, Alabama.
Professional History
1. Assistant Professor. Kent State University
Aug 2013 – Present
Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering in the College of Applied Engineering, Sustainability,
and Technology. Responsible for developing an aerospace engineering curriculum to expand the
aeronautics program. Responsible for teaching and administering assigned courses. Responsible for
establishing an aerospace-related research program and laboratory.
Significant Accomplishments.
 Developed the course roadmap for an aerospace engineering curriculum, which was unanimously
adopted by the faculty and college and is awaiting approval by the university and Ohio Board of
 Developed the syllabi for sixteen new lab or lecture courses, providing course descriptions and
content required for ABET accreditation.
 Provided input on equipment candidates for classroom laboratory instruction. Coordinate with
vendors and educational services to determine the laboratory requirements for implementing the
 Active member of the Phastar initiative to reopen the Davis Aviation High School in downtown
Cleveland as Davis Aerospace & Maritime High School. Assisted in developing partnerships and
commitments from industry. Wrote the draft educational program to include the “thematic”
Updated Mar-15
curriculum available for study. Identified necessary equipment for thematic and state of Ohio
instructional requirements. Marketed the initiative with networking and industrial contacts.
Taught graduate and undergraduate courses in aircraft design, applied flight dynamics, aviation
security and policy seminar, and engineering analysis with Matlab® computing language.
Advised both graduate and undergraduate students in research projects.
2. Chief, Propulsion Division. Army Research Laboratory
Nov 2011 – Aug 2013
Chief of the propulsion division of the Army Research Laboratory’s Vehicle Technology Directorate
(ARL-VTD), located at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland and the NASA Glenn Research Center
in Cleveland, Ohio. Supervise a mix of civil servants and contractors, conducting basic and applied
research in powerplant and power transmission technology for manned/unmanned ground vehicles,
rotorcraft, and unmanned aerial vehicles. Focus science and technology (S&T) efforts on Army
needs relative to current operations, modernization, and transformation. Supervise the buildup of a
new multi-million dollar propulsion research facility consisting of a state-of-the-art combustion
research laboratory, heat engine system altitude test facility, mechanical components and tribology
laboratory, atmospheric burner facility, and vehicle innovative powertrain experimental research
laboratory. Build and maintain strong lines of communication between various defense, federal,
industry, and academic organizations to support seamless technology integration. Transition
propulsion technology to Army research, development, and engineering centers (RDECs) and
industry. Pursue advanced propulsion technologies for increasing soldier capabilities and
Significant Accomplishments.
 Supervised a compliment of 15-21 scientists and engineers in executing basic and applied levels
of research, supporting the Army’s Research, Development, and Engineering Command’s
(RDECOM) Mobility & Logistics Technology Focus Team in the areas of drives, engines,
propulsion materials, and rotorcraft propulsion technology, operating within an annual budget in
excess of $5M.
 Developed and refined division strategy, research goals, and manpower requirements, following
the BRAC relocation of the organization from Ohio to Maryland. Actively pursued potential
applicants to rebuild civil servant staff and technical competencies following personnel attrition
due to BRAC.
 Managed the buildup and commissioning of over $15M worth of propulsion laboratory facilities.
Secured endorsement of research facilities from government and industry partners. Assisted in
securing $2.8M of external funds to acquire a state-of-the-art drivetrain laboratory.
 Served as the head of the Army office at NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland. Interacted
and worked with Center managers to ensure streamlined Army business operations as a tenant
organization on the NASA campus.
 Fostered collaborative efforts to continue/enhance research with outside government, academic,
and industry organizations to include Boeing, Bell Helicopter, NASA, Army S&T performing
organizations, and universities such as USMA, Stanford, Ohio State, and Penn State.
 Fostered international collaboration with NATO allies through the planning of a joint US-French
engine experiment overseas, in addition to hosting a German engineer through the Department of
Defense Engineer and Scientist Exchange Program.
 Mentored a staff of junior engineers recently hired into the federal service through professional
development opportunities that included military and acquisition orientation courses, research
facility tours, and one-on-one opportunities for discussion and development.
 Briefed ARL’s propulsion research portfolio and combat science and technology efforts to senior
government officials to include the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering;
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the Principle Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics; and the
Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology.
3. Rotorcraft Propulsion Research Team Lead. ARL-VTD.
Dec 2010 – Jun 2013
Team lead in the propulsion division of Army Research Laboratory’s Vehicle Technology
Directorate, located at the Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio. Administer the execution of all
Army rotorcraft-related basic and applied propulsion research. Develop and mentor a team of six
engineers. Foster collaboration with and leverage test facilities along with the experience of scientists
and engineers from NASA’s multi-million dollar rotary-wing project, focusing S&T efforts on soldier
needs relative to current operations, modernization, and transformation. Build and maintain strong
lines of communication between various defense, federal, industry, and academic organizations to
support seamless technology integration. Transition technology to Army RDECs and industry.
Pursue technologies for increasing soldier capabilities and survivability.
Significant Accomplishments.
 Developed a methodology to measure and evaluate the effects of gear-tooth crack propagation
using natural crack initiation caused by gear-tooth bending fatigue.
 Analyzed infinitely variable transmission concepts for future army ground vehicles, supporting
new technology risk-reduction efforts.
 Completed the development, baseline, and initial testing of a high-speed single gear-tooth
bending fatigue rig to conduct fatigue testing of gear specimens of various materials. Verified
experimental rig capability for conducting ultra-high-cycle fatigue tests (> 1.0E8 cycles) and
conducted preliminary tests validating that capability.
 Managed the Surface Engineering for Propulsion and Transmission Energy-loss Reduction
(SEPTER) research project, sponsored by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), to
quantify the improvements available in efficiency metrics (friction reduction, increase in fuel
economy) and durability metrics (wear reduction, fatigue-life extension, increase in transmission
loss-of-lubrication performance) in ground and air propulsion systems, by investigating the
effects of surface finish and nickel-based coatings on selected mechanical propulsion
components: primarily gears, engine piston rings, and cylinder liners.
4. Science & Technology Assistance Team Lead. US Forces – Iraq, Baghdad.
May – Nov 2010
Team lead of a three-person team deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation
New Dawn. Develop the organizational vision, goals, and objectives to provide general support
science and technology assistance to US Forces – Iraq (USF-I). Coordinate with various USF-I staff
sections, sister S&T performing organizations and agencies, division and theater brigade staffs, and
operational units to identify capability shortfalls experienced by soldiers in theater. Relay shortfalls
to RDECs for development/procurement of potential solutions. Focus on technology issues dealing
with the Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) family of vehicles and technology integration
with the Stryker Lightly Armored Vehicle.
Significant Accomplishments.
Designed a breakaway seat back for the military Humvee, which could allow occupants to emergency
egress by other than the two front side doors, which weigh several hundred pounds apiece. Submitted
a design proposal, endorsed by the Tank and Automotive RDEC and forwarded to the program
manager for consideration. Resulted in a technology solution and prototype. Scheduled for inclusion
in the Humvee improved blast seat modernization project.
Updated Mar-15
5. Drives Research Team Lead. ARL-VTD.
Aug 2009 – Apr 2010
Team lead in the propulsion division of Army Research Laboratory’s Vehicle Technology
Directorate, located at the Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio. Administer the execution of all
Army power transmission-related basic and applied propulsion research. Develop and mentor a team
of four engineers. Foster collaboration with and leverage test facilities along with the experience of
scientists and engineers from NASA’s multi-million dollar rotary-wing project, focusing S&T efforts
on soldier needs relative to current operations, modernization, and transformation. Build and
maintain strong lines of communication between various defense, federal, industry, and academic
organizations to support seamless technology integration. Transition technology to appropriate
RDECs and industry. Pursue technologies for increasing soldier capabilities and survivability.
Significant Accomplishments.
Gear Tooth Bending Fatigue Testing.
 Conducted experiments to evaluate fatigue properties of two aviation-quality steels and compare
to existing data.
 Conducted experiments to estimate the specimen surface strain field by using 3-D optical strain
analysis software and instrumented test specimens to calculate the loading paths within the rig.
SEPTER Project.
 Developed the project scope of research. Established the required statements of work,
cooperative research agreements, and contracting mechanisms for project execution.
 Coordinated between multiple government, academia, private, and industrial organizations to
establish and finalize the research plan, cost, budget, and schedule.
Block III Apache Helicopter Improved Drive System (IDS).
 Served on government team conducting the 200-hr overstress test inspection of the main gearbox.
The overstress test identifies any major deficiencies or weak points in the gearbox. This IDS uses
face gears for power transfer, the first time face gears have been used in military and civilian
helicopters. It is a revolutionary step in rotary-wing power train technology.
 Served on the Block III Apache Technology Readiness Assessment Independent Review Team.
Wrote the team’s technical assessment of the Block III Apache IDS at the technology readiness
level necessary for Milestone C and entry into Low Rate Initial Production. Briefed the Deputy
Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research and Technology on Block III IDS readiness.
6. Propulsion Drives System Research Engineer. ARL-VTD.
Jan 2008 – Jul 2009
Research Focus.
Analysis of physics-based mathematical transmission models in support of condition-based
maintenance (CBM) and health monitoring initiatives through the development of robust dynamic
models with fault-seed and detection capability. Model validation with experimental data.
Implementation or transition into current CBM strategies.
7. Graduate Student, Ph.D. Coursework (ABD), University of Virginia.
Aug 2005 – Jun 2007
Dissertation topic: development of a finite element model of a helicopter drive train supporting CBM
initiatives and health modeling. Research experience: ballistic shock experiments at UVA’s Center
for Applied Biomechanics (10 mos.). Coursework: continuum mechanics, fluid mechanics, partial
differential equations, rotor dynamics, finite elements, viscoelasticity, analytical dynamics, linear
state space systems
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8. Instructor and Assistant Professor. US Military Academy.
Jun 2003 – Jul 2005
Course director for two undergraduate courses in applied aerodynamics and aircraft performance and
stability. Instructor for undergraduate course in fluid mechanics. Primary advisor for the aerospace
design capstone course for graduating seniors. Lead and pilot instructor to the Department of Civil
and Mechanical Engineering’s flight section, conducting in-flight laboratories supporting the
aerospace curriculum.
Significant Accomplishments.
 Mentored cadets from all classes through classroom and flight lab instruction, active participation
in the cadet sponsorship program, service as an officer representative to the women’s soccer
team, academic counselor, and capstone advisor.
 Developed, updated, and maintained course content for the department’s two core aerospace
engineering courses.
 Managed the department’s flight laboratory program. Managed the maintenance, budget, safety,
airworthiness, and scheduling of two Cessna 182 airplanes and five pilots.
 Invited, coordinated, and escorted retired NASA Flight Director Gene Kranz (Apollo 13) to speak
to the department, cadets, and community at large as part of the Mechanical Engineering Seminar
series. Invited and escorted army astronauts to speak to cadets as part of class curriculum.
 Performed outreach to local schools and Army-sponsored STEM competitions.
 Nominated for Jared Mansfield teacher-of-the-year award.
9. Graduate Student, M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology.
Aug 2001 – May 2003
Thesis topic: airspace management of manned and unmanned vehicles. Coursework: helicopter
aerodynamics, rotorcraft design, system design through Integrated Product and Process Development,
safety by design, statistics, design of experiments.
10. 3rd Battalion, 58th Aviation Regiment, Wiesbaden & Giebelstadt, Germany. Jun 1998 – Jul 2001
a. Air Traffic Control Standardization & Maintenance Officer.
b. Headquarters Company Commander.
c. Battalion S1 (Personnel Officer & Adjutant).
11. Company Executive Officer. 7th Battalion, 101st Aviation Regiment, Fort Campbell, Kentucky.
May 1996 – Sep 1997
12. 6th Battalion, 101st Aviation Regiment, Fort Campbell, Kentucky.
a. Company Executive Officer.
b. Aviation Platoon Leader.
Aug 1994 – Feb 1996
Professional Societies
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Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA)
American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE).
American Helicopter Society (AHS).
American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics (AIAA).
National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA).
Awards and Honors
Military Awards and Decorations:
Bronze Star Medal.
Meritorious Service Medal, 2 awards.
Army Commendation Medal.
Army Achievement Medal, 4 awards.
Iraq Campaign Medal, 1 campaign star.
Global War on Terror Expeditionary
Global War on Terror Service Medal.
National Defense Service Medal, 2 service
Overseas Service Ribbon.
Army Service Ribbon.
Senior Army Aviator Badge.
Army Parachutist Badge.
Army Air Assault Badge.
Best Paper, Propulsion Technical Session, for Handschuh, Roberts, Sinnamon, Stringer, Dykas,
Kohlman, “Hybrid Gear Preliminary Results – Application of Composites to Dynamic Mechanical
Components,” American Helicopter Society (AHS) 68th Annual Forum, Fort Worth, TX, May 2012.
2nd Place, AHS Design Competition, Graduate Submission, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2002.
1st Place, AHS Design Competition, Undergraduate Submission, US Military Academy, 1993.
Dean’s List, US Military Academy, 1989-1993.
Aviation Ratings and Qualifications
 UH-1H Huey helicopter.
 CH-47D Chinook helicopter.
 C-12 Huron airplane.
Civilian: FAA commercial airman certificate.
Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) Certifications
Level 2 – Systems Planning, Research, Development, and Engineering – Systems Engineering
Level 1 – Program Management (PM).
Level 1 – Test and Evaluation (T&E).
Teaching and Instructional Development
College of Applied Engineering, Sustainability, & Technology, Kent State University.
Matlab® for Engineers. AERN 35095 (2014 – Present).
Applied Flight Dynamics I. AERN 45150/55150 (2014 – Present).
Aircraft Design. AERN 45700/55700 (2014 – Present).
Aviation Security & Policy Seminar. AERN 45791/55791 (2014).
Department of Civil & Mechanical Engineering, US Military Academy.
Fluid Mechanics. ME362 (2003).
Introduction to Applied Aerodynamics (Course Director). ME387 (2004 – 2005).
Aircraft Performance and Static Stability (Course Director). ME481 (2004).
Aerospace Capstone Project Courses. ME483/ME489 (2003 – 2005).
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Research Awards
Co-Investigator. Weather Technology in the Cockpit. Partnership Enhancing General Aviation Safety &
Sustainability (PEGASAS), 2014, $37K.
Department of Defense, Office of the Secretary of Defense, 2010-2012, Surface Engineering for PowerTrain Energy-loss Reduction (SEPTER),” 2009QRF0022, $1.0M.
Refereed Journal Publications:
1. Stringer, D., P. Sheth, and P. Allaire. “Physics-Based Modeling Strategies for Diagnostic and
Prognostic Application in Aerospace Systems.” April 2012 Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
23(2), 155-162, doi: 10.1007/s10845-009-0340-4.
2. Stringer, D., P. Sheth, and P. Allaire. “Modal Reduction of Geared Rotor Systems with General
Damping and Gyroscopic Effects.” June 2011 Journal of Vibration and Control 17(7), 975-987, doi:
Conference Publications:
3. Long, T., Stringer, D., Weber, R., Pruchnicki, S., Young, S., Romero, M., Neff, B., Flock, A., Wall,
S., “Analysis of Aircraft Accident Data via Weather Indexing,” A3IR Conference, January 15-18,
2015, Phoenix, Arizona, #1100.
4. Shon, S., Kharaman, A, LaBerge, K., Dykas, B., Stringer, D., “Influence of Surface Roughness on
Performance of Lubricated Aerospace and Automotive Contacts,” ASME/STLE International Joint
Tribology Conference, October 7-10, 2012, Denver, Colorado, #IJTC2012-61212.
5. Handschuh, R., G. Roberts, R. Sinnamon, and D. Stringer. “Hybrid Gear Preliminary Results –
Application of Composites to Dynamic Mechanical Components,” Proceedings of the American
Helicopter Society 68th Annual Forum, Fort Worth, Texas, May 1-3, 2012, NASA TM-2012-217630.
6. Stringer, D., K. LaBerge, C. Burdick, and B. Fields. “Natural Fatigue-Crack Initiation and Detection
in High Quality Spur Gears,” Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 68th Annual Forum,
Fort Worth, Texas, May 1-3, 2012, ARL-RP-0383.
7. Stringer, D., B. Dykas, K. LaBerge, A. Zakrajsek, and R. Handschuh. “A New High-Speed, HighCycle, Gear-Tooth Bending Fatigue Test Capability,” Proceedings of the American Helicopter
Society 67th Annual Forum, Virginia Beach, Virginia, May 3-5, 2011.
8. Stringer, D., P. Sheth, and P. Allaire. “Modeling Techniques for Dynamic Analysis of a Helicopter
Transmission System.” Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical
Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, San Diego, California,
August 30-September 2, 2009.
9. Stringer, D., P. Sheth, and P. Allaire. “A New Helicopter Transmission Model for Condition-Based
Maintenance Technologies Using First Principles,” ARL-TR-4984, AIAA-2009-4887, Proceedings of
the 45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Denver, Colorado,
August 2-5, 2009.
10. Stringer, D., P. Sheth, and P. Allaire. “The Role of Physics-Based Modeling in Improving RotaryWing Health Monitoring Capability.” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Integrity,
Reliability, and Failure, Oporto, Portugal, July 20-24, 2009, 203-204.
11. Stringer, D., P. Sheth, and P. Allaire. “Gear Modeling Methodologies for Advancing Prognostic
Capabilities in Rotary-Wing Transmission Systems,” Proceedings of the American Helicopter
Society 64th Annual Forum, Montreal, Canada, April 30-May 3, 2008.
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12. Stringer, D., P. Sheth, and P. Allaire. “Advanced Gear Stiffness Modeling in Rotor Dynamics,”
Presented at the 2008 ROMAC Annual Conference, Charlottesville, Virginia, June 18-20, 2008.
13. Stringer, D., A. Younan, P. Sheth, and P. Allaire. “Generalized Stiffness Gear-Mesh Matrix
Including EHD Stiffness,” IJTC2007-44473, Proceedings of the STLE/ASME International Joint
Tribology Conference, San Diego, California, October 22-24, 2007.
14. Stringer, D., A. Younan, P. Sheth, and P. Allaire. “A Mesh Stiffness Modeling Methodology for
Analyzing Geared Systems in Rotor Dynamics,” Presented at the 2007 ROMAC Annual Conference,
Las Vegas, Nevada, June 11-13, 2007.
15. Braddom, S., D. Stringer, R. Melnyk, and B. Crawford. “The United States Military Academy Flight
Laboratory Program: A Hands-On Approach to Engineering Education,” Presented at the 2005
American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Portland, Oregon,
June 12-15, 2005 (Nominated for Conference Best Paper).
16. Stringer, D., and D. Schrage. “Managing Army Airspace for Integrated Manned and Unmanned
Aviation Operations,” Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 60 th Annual Forum,
Baltimore, Maryland, June 7-10, 2004.
17. Schrage, D., and D. Stringer. “A Modeling Methodology for Aircraft in a Close Airspace
Environment,” Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 59th Annual Forum, Phoenix,
Arizona, May 6-8, 2003 (Nominated for Conference Best Paper).
Dissertation/Thesis/Capstone Publications:
18. Stringer, D. “Geared Rotor Dynamic Methodologies for Advancing Prognostic Modeling
Capabilities in Rotary-Wing Transmission Systems.” PhD Dissertation, University of Virginia, 2008.
19. Stringer, D. “An Integrated Approach to Establishing Army Airspace Management Requirements for
Combined Manned and Unmanned Aircraft Operations.” Master’s Thesis, Georgia Institute of
Technology, 2002.
Technical Reports:
20. Stringer, D., Long, T., Flock, A., Weber, R., Neff, B., and Wall, S., “Weather Technology in the
Cockpit – Accident Characterization and Risk Assessment via Weather Condition Indexing,”
Partnership for Enhancing General Aviation Safety & Sustainability (PEGASAS) Report, 2014.
21. Asnani, V., Krantz, T., Delap, D., and Stringer, D., “The Vibration Ring: Seedling Fund Phase 1 Final
Report,” Washington, D.C., 2014. NASA/TM 2014-218337, ARL-TR-6941.
22. Dykas, B., Stringer, D., and LaBerge, K., “Evaluation Methodology for Surface Engineering
Techniques to Improve Powertrain Efficiency in Military Vehicles,” Washington, D.C., 2012. ARLTR-6028.
23. Stringer, D., Noncircular Gears: Geometry and Visualization Model Development,” Washington,
D.C., 2012. ARL-TR-5865.
24. Stringer, D., P. Sheth, and P. Allaire. “Modal Synthesis of a Non-Proportionally Damped,
Gyroscopically Influenced, Geared Rotor System via the State-Space.” Washington, D.C., 2008.
25. Stringer, D., P. Sheth, and P. Allaire. A Twelve Degree-of-Freedom Gear-Mesh Stiffness Matrix for
Helical and Spur Gears for Rotor Dynamics. ROMAC Report 523. UVA Report
UVA/643092/MAE07. Rotating Machinery and Controls (ROMAC) Industrial Research Program,
University of Virginia, 2007.
Updated Mar-15
26. Handschuh, R., G. Roberts, R. Sinnamon, and D. Stringer. “Hybrid Gear Preliminary Results –
Application of Composites to Dynamic Mechanical Components,” Gear Technology Magazine, May
2013, Editor’s selection for reprint from American Helicopter Society, Randall Publications LLC.
27. Stringer, D. and B. Dykas. “Army Research Laboratory Applies Surface Engineering Technologies
to Improve Propulsion Systems,” Army AL&T Online, U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center,
September 2010.
Online Interviews:
28. “Season 2: Army ‘Fuels’ Research in Surface Engineering to Reduce Energy Costs,” March 2012,
ARL TV News Channel, http://www.youtube.com/user/ARLTVNews.
29. “Season 2: Interlocking Gears Used in Clocks Gives Army Helicopters More Power,” March 2012,
ARL TV News Channel, http://www.youtube.com/user/ARLTVNews.
Government Review Panels
1. Future Vertical Lift Medium Science & Technology Investment Strategy Meeting, University of
Maryland, June 2012. Review and finalization of near, mid, and far-term technology objectives under
consideration for insertion into the future vertical lift aircraft platforms.
2. Future Advanced Rotorcraft Drive System (FARDS) Review, NASA Glenn Research Center, July
2011. Semi-annual review of progress toward objectives and milestones toward measurable advances
in rotorcraft drive technology managed by Bell Helicopter.
3. Vertical Lift Rotorcraft Center of Excellence (VLRCOE) Source Selection 2011, NASA Ames
Research Center, May 2011. Member of source selection panel selecting three universities designated
as the Army’s VLRCOEs and associated research tasks.
4. Vertical Lift Rotorcraft Center of Excellence, The Pennsylvania State University, PA. April 2010.
Annual review of research conducted at one of two nationwide army rotorcraft centers of excellence.
5. National Rotorcraft Technology Center / Center for Rotorcraft Initiative, Atlanta, GA, February 2010.
Annual review of research programs in academia funded by NRTC/CRI to further advance rotorcraft
technologies in the areas of aerodynamics, aeromechanics, propulsion, drive systems, and structures.
6. Block III Apache Improved Drive System Independent Review Team, Arlington, VA, January 2010.
Drives and gear expert member of independent review panel which assessed the Block III Apache
Improved Drive System at TRL7. This assessment was required prior to the Block III Apache
program proceeding through Milestone C into Low-Rate Initial Production.
7. Block III Apache Improved Drive System Main Gearbox Inspection, Boeing Helicopters, Mesa, AZ,
January 2010. Government inspection of main gearbox following developmental overstress
transmission test.
8. Joint Heavy Lift Helicopter Advanced Technology Demonstration, Arlington, VA, December 2009.
Final design review of design concepts presented by Sikorsky, Karam Aircraft, and Bell-Boeing
9. Operations Support & Sustainment Quarterly Program Review, Bell Helicopter, TX, September 2009.
This is an army three-year, $30M program to develop, mature, and integrate new CBM technologies
into rotary-wing platforms.
10. NASA Research Announcement Performance Review, NASA Glenn, OH, September 2009. Invited
to serve as reviewer by principal investigator of NASA Subsonic Rotary Wing Program for
performance review of NASA research announcements.
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11. Vertical Lift Rotorcraft Center of Excellence, The Pennsylvania State University, PA. April 2009.
Annual review of research conducted at one of two nationwide army rotorcraft centers of excellence.
12. Joint Heavy Lift Helicopter Advanced Technology Demonstration, Patuxent River, MD, March 2009.
Quarterly design review of design concepts presented by Sikorsky, Karam Aircraft, and Bell-Boeing
13. National Rotorcraft Technology Center / Center for Rotorcraft Innovation, NASA Ames, CA,
February 2009. Annual review of research programs in academia funded by NRTC/CRI to further
advance rotorcraft technologies in the areas of aerodynamics, aeromechanics, propulsion, drive
systems, and structures.
Updated Mar-15