Art History Assessment Plan DIR-1 DIR-2 DIR-3 IND-1 Review of a writing sample (there is no course associated with this measure): each student will submit for review by the art history faculty a writing sample at the time s/he declares an art history major. This sample is evaluated but not graded. New freshmen who enter as art history majors will submit by the end of their second semester a writing sample from a 1000- or 2000-level art history course. Students who declare the major later will submit a writing sample from one of their highest-level art history courses. Evaluation of knowledge about the canon of art history: parts of each student's final exams in Art History 1303 and Art History 1304 will be evaluated by the art history faculty to determine how well a student knows major monuments and works of art. ArtH 4999 (Senior Paper, Art History): each student will research a topic of his/her choice and present his/her findings in a paper of substantial length. In order to realize the final version of this paper, the student revises a draft or drafts in consultation with a faculty member. When the paper is complete, the student will summarize his/her findings in an oral presentation to other art history majors and the faculty. Students receive a grade for paper/presentation. Senior Survey: Art History BA candidates complete a survey addressing a range of topics Indirect Measures Direct Measures (course embedded) Program Outcomes Know how art objects and visual artifacts function in multiple contexts (artistic, social, intellectual, historical) and in relation to other disciplines in the humanities. Measure Collect Term Know the standard canon of art history with a general body of knowledge about objects, monuments and visual practices from many historical periods and from various regions of the world. Writing Sample Art 1XXX ArtH 1303 ArtH 1304 ArtH 2300 ArtH 2390 ArtH 3320 ArtH 3330 ArtH 3331 ArtH 3340 ArtH 3360 ArtH 3361 ArtH 3370 ArtH 3380 ArtH 4999 DIR-1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X DIR-3 IND-1 S12 S12 S12 Measure Collect Term Recognize various art historical methods and be familiar with current theoretical debates. DIR-2 DIR-2 F 14 S13 Measure X X X X X X X X X X Measure Measure Collect Term Art historians must acknowledge and cite appropriately the work of scholars. Measure DIR-1 X X X X X X X X X X X DIR-3 S12 S12 X X X X X X X X X X DIR-3 IND-1 S 14 S 14 Measure Collect Term IND-1 IND-1 X X X X X X X X X X DIR-3 S13 S13 X X X X X X X X X X DIR-3 IND-1 S11 S11 DIR-3 IND-1 S11 S11 S12 Collect Term Art historians within an educational setting must use copyrighted imagery and material in a proper manner. IND-1 X Collect Term The ability to write and speak about works of art using the critical language and vocabulary of art history Other 1 S11 Collect Term Competency in the basic research methods in art history 0 X X X X X X X X