MA CHECKLIST—HISTORY CONCENTRATION, THESIS OPTION Name ___________________________________ Banner I.D. _________________________ B.A. awarded by: _________________________________ B.A. Transcript: ______________ First Semester of Coursework: _______________________ Advisor: ________________________________ Course Requirements (27 hours total): History 61001 (Methods of Historical Research) __________________ History 61002 (Historiography) ________________________________ 4 Seminars and Colloquia in History (at least one must be a Seminar): 1) _________________________________ 2) ___________________________________ 3) ________________________________ 4) ___________________________________ Course Distribution (can include Sem/Coll; must include all three areas, 21 hours total): Europe since 1500 1) __________________ 2) _________________ 3)__________________ United States 1)__________________ 2) _________________ 3)__________________ Group 3 1) __________________ 2) _________________ 3)__________________ Foreign Language(s) passed (if required): _________________________________________ Prospectus Defended: ________________ Prospectus Submitted:________________ Prospectus Approved: ________________ History 69199 (Thesis I) 6 hours total: 1)___________ 2) ___________ History 69299 (Thesis II) continually until graduation (if needed): 1) ___________ 2) ___________ 3) ___________ 4) ___________ 5) ___________ Thesis Defense Date: __________________ Graduation Semester: _________________ Checklist MA.doc MA CHECKLIST—COGNATE CONCENTRATION, THESIS OPTION Name ___________________________________ Banner I.D. _________________________ B.A. awarded by: _________________________________ B.A. Transcript: ______________ First Semester of Coursework: _______________________ Advisor: ________________________________ Course Requirements (27 hours total): History 61001 (Methods of Historical Research) __________________ History 61002 (Historiography) ________________________________ 4 Seminars and Colloquia in History (at least one must be a Seminar): 1) ________________________________ 2) ___________________________________ 3) ________________________________ 4) ___________________________________ Course Distribution (can include Sem/Coll; must include two areas, 6-9 hours total): Europe since 1500 1) __________________ 2) _________________ United States 1)__________________ 2) _________________ Group 3 1) __________________ 2) _________________ Cognate coursework in a related discipline(s) (6-9 hours total): 1) _____________________ 2) _____________________ 3) _____________________ Foreign Language(s) passed (if required): _____________________________________ Prospectus Defended: ________________ Prospectus Submitted:________________ Prospectus Approved: ________________ History 69199 (Thesis I) 6 hours total: 1)___________ 2) ___________ History 69299 (Thesis II) continually until graduation (if needed): 1) ___________ 2) ___________ 3) ___________ 4) ___________ 5) ___________ Thesis Defense Date: __________________ Graduation Semester: _________________ Checklist MA.doc MA CHECKLIST—HISTORY CONCENTRATION, NON-THESIS OPTION Name ___________________________________ Banner I.D. _________________________ B.A. awarded by: _________________________________ B.A. Transcript: ______________ First Semester of Coursework: _______________________ Advisor: ________________________________ Course Requirements (33 hours total): History 61001 (Methods of Historical Research) __________________ History 61002 (Historiography) ________________________________ 4 Seminars and Colloquia in History (at least one must be a Seminar): 1) _________________________________ 2) ___________________________________ 3) ________________________________ 4) ___________________________________ Course Distribution (can include Sem/Coll; must include all three areas, 18-21 hours total): Europe since 1500 1) __________________ 2) _________________ 3)__________________ United States 1)__________________ 2) _________________ 3)__________________ Group 3 1) __________________ 2) _________________ 3)__________________ Individualized Study (6-9 hours total): 1) _____________________ 2) _____________________ 3) _____________________ Graduation Semester: _________________ Checklist MA.doc MA CHECKLIST —PUBLIC HISTORY CONCENTRATION, THESIS OPTION Name ___________________________________ Banner I.D. _________________________ B.A. awarded by: _________________________________ B.A. Transcript: ______________ First Semester of Coursework: _______________________ Advisor: ________________________________ Course Requirements (27 hours total): History 61001 (Methods of Historical Research) __________________ History 61002 (Historiography) ________________________________ History 51000 (Public History _________________________________ History 62097 (Colloquium in Public History) ____________________ History 60092 (Public History Internship ________________________ Three Seminars and Colloquia other than Hist 62097 (must include one seminar): 1) ________________________________ 2) ___________________________________ 3) ________________________________ 1 Course in Related Area 1) ________________________________ Foreign Language(s) passed (if required): _____________________________________ Prospectus Defended: ________________ Prospectus Submitted:________________ Prospectus Approved: ________________ History 69199 (Thesis I) 6 hours total: 1)___________ 2) ___________ History 69299 (Thesis II) continually until graduation (if needed): 1) ___________ 2) ___________ 3) ___________ 4) ___________ 5) ___________ Thesis Defense Date: __________________ Graduation Semester: _________________ Checklist MA.doc MA CHECKLIST—PUBLIC HISTORY CONCENTRATION, NON-THESIS OPTION Name ___________________________________ Banner I.D. _________________________ B.A. awarded by: _________________________________ B.A. Transcript: ______________ First Semester of Coursework: _______________________ Advisor: ________________________________ Course Requirements (33 hours total): History 61001 (Methods of Historical Research) __________________ History 61002 (Historiography) ________________________________ History 51000 (Public History _________________________________ History 62097 (Colloquium in Public History) ____________________ History 60092 (Public History Internship 1) __________________ 2) _______________________ Three Seminars and one Colloquia other than Hist 62097 (must include one Seminar): 1) ________________________________ 2) ___________________________________ 3) ________________________________ 2 Courses in Related Area 1) ________________________________ 2) __________________________________ Graduation Semester: _________________ Checklist MA.doc MA CHECKLIST—HISTORY FOR TEACHERS CONCENTRATION Name ___________________________________ Banner I.D. ___ _________________________ B.A./B.S. awarded by: _________________________ B.A./B.S. Transcript: __________________ First Semester of Coursework: _______________________ Advisor: ________________________________ Course Requirements (27 hours total; at least 18 hours must be in Hist, not counting M.A. project): History 61001 (Methods of Historical Research) __________________ History 61002 (Historiography) ________________________________ 2 Seminars and Colloquia in History (one of each): 1) _________________________________ 2) ___________________________________ Course Distribution (can include Coll; must include at least one from each area, 9 hours total): Europe since 1500 1) __________________ 2) _________________ United States 1)__________________ 2) _________________ Group 3 1) __________________ 2) _________________ Individualized Study Outside History (can include up to 3 hours of Workshops; up to 9 hours total): 1) _____________________ 2) _____________________ 3) _____________________ 4) _____________________ 5) _____________________ Project Prospectus Submitted:_________________ Prospectus Approved: ________________ Research Hours for Project (can count up to 6): 1)___________ 2) ___________ Project Defense Date: __________________ Graduation Semester: _________________ Checklist MA.doc