From:MAICS-98 Proceedings. Copyright © 1998, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
Ashford, A. J., 25
Baddorf, Debra S., 109
Banks, Sheila B., 117
Blank, Douglas, 91
Blasch, Erik P., 68
Brown, F. M., 75
Buchheit, Paul, 3
Chen, Zhixiang, 83
Chong, Ronald S., 10
Clark, Misti, 91
Cognitive Modeling for Decision Support
in Naval Command and Control, 25
Cook, C. A., 25
Do Walls Compute After All? Challenging
Copeland's Solution to Searle's Theorem
Against Strong AI, 43
Dyson, Mark L., 117
Evens, Martha W., 109, 124
Experimental Investigation of Gladun's
Theory of Automatic Classification, An,
Exploration of Implicit and Explicit
Memory for Textured Shapes in the
Haptic Modality, An, 33
Faster Algorithm for Learning Decision
Trees with Module Nodes, A, 83
Finding Phrases Rather Than Discovering
Collocations: Searching Corpora for
Dictionary Phrases, 109
Freedman, Eric G., 17
Freedman, Reva, 124
Garcia, Oscar, 132
Hierarchical ART Network Model for
General Pattern Recognition, A, 102
Hierarchical Categorization, 141
If Interdependent Preferences May
Depend on Cognition, 58
Improving Means and Variances of Bestof-Run Programs in Genetic
Programming, 95
Individual Differences in Working
Memory as Strategy Selection:
Implications for Computational Models
of Scientific Discovery, 17
Interface Design Issues in a Solid Model
Derivation System, 132
Jackson, A. G., 75
Jacobs, G., 75
Kalus, A., 25
Kilpatrick, F. Alex, 117
Kim, Jung Hee, 124
Lange Jr., William A., 132
Learned Multitarget Tracking by Feature
Recognition, 68
LeClair, S. R., 75
Limbird, C. Karlyn, 33
MAICS-98 Organization, ix
Meng, Xiannong, 83
Modeling Single-Task Performance
Improvement Using EPIC-Soar, 10
Moore, Frank W., 95
Neural Network-Based Cryptographic
System, A, 91
Recovery and Common Sense Reasoning:
Principles of Nonmonotonic Theory
Recovery, 50
Relationship between Tutorial Goals and
Sentence Structure in a Corpus of
Tutoring Transcripts, 124
Ross, J. Oliver, 102
Santos Jr., Eugene, 117
Scheutz, Matthias, 43
Seeking a Computational Brain, 3
Sheppard, C., 25
Snider, J. S., 75
Synthesizing Dynamic Curriculums from
Concept Maps through Matroids and
Concept Vectors, 117
Watamaniuk, Scott, 68
Wichert, Andreas, 141
Witteveen, Cees, 50
Zizzo, Daniel John, 58