MIT OpenCourseWare 6.033 Computer System Engineering Spring 2009 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: 1) 2) 3) Authentication Authorization Confidentiality Sign, Verify sign(m, k1) = sig verify(m, sig, k2) Encrypt, Decrypt enc(m, k1) Æ c dec(c, k2) Æ m Secure Comm. Channel 1) 2) 3) use pub key to exchange a shared key use shared key to enc. comm freshness appropriateness forward secrecy Confidentiality m Encrypt k1 c cÎm k2, c Î m Decrypt k2 m Confidentiality + Authentication sign(encrypt(m, kconf), kauth) Authenticate sign(m, kauth) freshness – (e.g. T) add timestamp to m appropriateness add context Example: Web CA B secure comm channel authenticated confidential W Q. How does W know that B is authorized to access W? (3) Authorization Functions 1) 2) 3) Rendezvous (setup) Verification (mediate) Revoke Authorization ACL access control lists hard to guess # capabilities Lists Tickets Setup add to list generate ticket Mediate search list, check credentials table lookup Revoke remove from list invalidate ticket Auth who are you? Guard Service {name, uk} authNo ticket read acct B, ticket Cookie user, timeout hash( user, timeout, random #) B W tickets t resource authNo Acct B