From: Proceedings of the AI and Manufacturing Research Planning Workshop. Copyright © 1996, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
Task-Network Planning
for Process Planning
S. J. J. Smith and D.S. Nau
Computer Science Department and
Institute for SystemsResearch
University of Maryland
College Park, MD20742, USA
for Manufacture of Microwave
K. Hebbar and I. Minis
Mechanical Engineering Department and
Institute for SystemsResearch
University of Maryland
College Park, MD20742, USA
Thispaperreportson the development
of a planningsystemfor an importantindustrial planningproblem.This
planner, whichis one of the modulesin an integrated
systemcalled EDAPS,
integratedapproachto processplanningin boththe electronic and mechanical
domains,specifically in the manufaeture of microwave
Our planner is based on a modified version of HTN
planning.Weprovidean overviewof its operation, and
and contrast it to howHTN
planningis normally
planningstrategy appearsto be
useful in a variety of applicationdomains.Forexample,
as describedin (Smith,Nau,&Throop1996),the basic
approachhas beenused successfullyfor declarer play
in the gameof contract bridge. Wediscuss whythis
approachis successfulin twosuch diverse application
The authors of (Nau, Gupta, &Regli 1995) argued that
although AI planning techniques can potentially be useful in several manufacturingdomains,this potential cannot be realized without developing more realistic and
morerobust ways to address issues important to manufacturing engineers. Theyfurther arguedthat by looking
realistically at issues importantto manufacturingengineers, AI researchers might be able to discover principles relevant for AI planning in other domains. This
paper attempts to address both of these objectives, in a
manufacturingplanning domainquite different from the
machining domain described in (Nan, Gupta, & Regli
*This material is based on worksupported in part by
grant DABT
63-95-C-0037,by the National Science
Foundationunder Grants NSFEEC94-02384.IRI-9306580,
and DDM-9201779,
and by in-kind contributionsfromSpatial
Technologiesand BentleySystems.Anyopinions, findings,
and conclusionsor recommendations
expressedin this material are thoseof the authorsanddonot necessarilyreflect the
viewsof the funders.
Figure 1: Design and manufacturing cycle for microwave T/R modules.
From: Proceedings of the AI and Manufacturing Research Planning Workshop. Copyright © 1996, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
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Figure 2: Integration of disciplines for the design and
manufacture of complexelcctromechanic:d devices.
1995): the design and manufactureof complexelectromechanical devices. Morespecifically, this paper tbcuses on the use of AI planning techniques for process
planning in the design and manufacture of micnm’are
transmit-receive (T/R) modules.
Figure I illustrates the design and manufacturingcycle for microwaveT/R modules, which is highly interdisciplinary in nature. Electronic designers develop
the detailed circuitry; mechanicaldesigners design the
device to resist shockand vibrational loadings, and develop the assemblies, the heat removalsystems, and the
housing of the device; and manufacturingengineers apply electronic manufacturingprocesses (such as lithography, soldering, cleaning, and testing), and mechanical
manufacturingprocesses (such as drilling and milling)
to manufacturethe end product.
For manymanufacturedproducts, the decisions made
during the design of the product will determinemost of
the cost of manufacturingthe product. This has given
rise to the philosophyof integrated product andprocess
design (IPPD). which attempts to take manufacturing
considerations into account while the product is being
designed. the design of a complex product, this requires coordinatinga large interdisciplinary
team. In large organizations, this can be a difficult task
(O’Gradyet al. 1991).
The task of communicatingdesign and manufacturing requirements and design changes across disciplines
could be greatly aided by a carefully designed computer
system that integrates both electronic and mechanical
computer-aided design (CAD)tools, and provides access to process planning and design evaluation capabilities, as shownin Figure 2. Such a system could
be used for designing both the electronic and mechanical aspects of a product, analyzing various aspects of
the design’s performance, planning howto manutacture
the proposed design, and evaluating the process plans
to provide feedbackto the designers about the design’s
Few existing computer systems can successfully
address all of these issues in a single integrated
environment--and there are several open questions
about the best way to design such a system. To explore
these issues, we have created the Electro-mechanical
At & Manufacturing Workshop
DesignAnd PlanningSystem( EDAPS),a toolkit for mucrowaveT/R modulemanufacturethat integrates electronic and mechanical computer-aided design, electronic and mechanicalprocess planning, and plan-based
design evaluation. EDAPS’sprocess planning module
generates process plans concurrently with design, and
assists the designersin performingplan-basedcritiquing
of microwaveT/R moduledesigns.
incorporates electronic design, mechanical
design, and process planningmodulesinto a single integrated environment. Its process planning moduleplans
both in the mechanicaldomain,including such processes
as drilling and milling, and in the electronic domain.
including such processes as via plating, artwork deposition, componentplacement, and soldering. This allows
EDAPSto provide feedback about manufacturability
and lead time to the designers, based on process plans
for the manufactureof the device.
System Architecture
In the EDAPS
system, we want to provide the designers
with CADtools for electronic and mechanical design.
and with an integrated process planner for manufacturing processes in both the mechanical domainand the
electromc domain.Thus. as illustrated in Figure 3, the
EDAPSsystem consists of three modules that can be
invoked from a commonuser interface:
¯ InEDAPS’scin’uitschematicandcircuitlayoutmodule, the designers generate electronic circuitry. An
integrated set of packages supplied by EEsof’s Scries IV (EEsof1992) software forms the core of this
module. On top of these packages, we have developed routines to provide us with application-specilic
information. Weaddress thc circuit layout modulein
moredetail in (Hebbaret al. 1996).
¯ In EDAPS’ssubstrate design module, thc designers
develop mechanicalfeatures of thc MIC.Bentley Systems’ Microstation CADsoftware application (Microstation 1995)supplies the set of tools required to
achieve this functionality. The ACIS(ACIS1993)
solid modeleris used internally to represent and provide methodsto generate and modifyfeatures defined
in Microstation. Weare developing routines in C++
and thc Microstation DevelopmentLanguageto integrate Microstation with the rest of the systemand
to extract and supply relevant manufacturinginformation. Moredetails are available in (Hebbaret ai.
¯ EDAPS’sprocessplanningandplanevaluationmodule, whichis the subject of this paper,creates a process
plan tbr the design, and reports the manufacturability
and lead time for the design to the designers. F, DAPS
employsa generative process planning approach; that
is. decisions neededto achievefinal design specifications are automatically taken by the computerThe
From: Proceedings of the AI and Manufacturing Research Planning Workshop. Copyright © 1996, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
Figure 4: Part of the task network for microwaveT/R
module manufacture.
process planning moduleis described in more detail
in the next section.
¯ The coordination of these modulesand the exchange
of data amongthem takes place through a user interface written in the Tcl/Tk language(Ousterhout1994).
This user interface allows the designers to smoothly
interact with the heterogeneousmodulesthat constitute the system.
Process Planning and Plan Evaluation
To perform process planning for microwaveT/R module designs, we use techniques from hierarchical rusknetwork (HTN)planning(Currie & Tare 1985; Sacerdoti
1977, "Fate 1977; Wilkins 1984; Wilkins 1988; Yang
1990; Karnbhampati& Hendler 1992; Erol. Hendler, &
Nan 1994). Wehave also used this approach in some
of our other work (Smith, Nan, & Throop 1992; Smith
& Nan 1993; Smith, Nan, & Throop 1996). In EDAPS,
process planning proceeds by taking a complex task
to be performed and considering various methods for
accomplishing the task. Each method provides a way
to decomposethe task into a set of smaller tasks. By
applying other methodsto decomposethese tasks into
even smaller tasks, the planner eventually produces a
set of primitive operations that it knowshowto perform
As an example, one methodfor makingthe artwork
for the MicrowaveIntegrated Circuit (MIC) is to
the following series of tasks: precleaning for the artwork, followed by application of photoresist, followed
by photolithographyfor the artwork, followed by etching. There are several alternative methodsfor applying
photoresist: spindling the photoresist, spraying on the
photoresist, painting on the photoresist, and spreading
out the photoresist froma spinner. This relationship betweentasks and methodsresults in a task network,part
of whichis shownin Figure 4.
This decompositionof tasks into various subtasks is
important for process planning for the manufactureof
microwave T/R modules for two reasons. First, the
decompositionin an HTNnaturally corresponds to the
decompositionofa MICinto the parts and processes required to manufactureit. Second,the ability to include
the complextasks "makedrilling and milling features",
"makeartwork", "assemblyand soldering", and "testing
and inspection" in sequence provides a uniform framework that can naturally accommodateboth mechanical
and electronic manufacturingprocesses.
Sometimesa particular methodcan always be used to
performa particular task. For example,because spreading out the photoresistfroma spinner is so accurate, this
methodcan always be used to perform the task of applying the photoresist. Sometimesa particular method
can only sometimesbe used to performa particular task.
For example,becausespraying on the photoresist is only
somewhataccurate, this methodcannot be used to apply
the photoresist if a coupler in the artwork has a gap of
less than or equal to 10 mils.
Certain tasks are primitive, meaningthat they do not
break downinto any other tasks. For example, precleaning for the artwork is a primitive task. Oncethe
complextask of makingthe entire MIChas been broken
downinto a series of primitive tasks, a processplan has
been created; carrying out the steps of the process plan
results in the creation of the MIC.
Theplanningmoduleconstructs a set of process plans,
and evaluates themto see whichtakes the least amount
From: Proceedings of the AI and Manufacturing Research Planning Workshop. Copyright © 1996, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
of time. In somecases, it evaluates a set of incomplete process plans and discards all but the one which
takes the least amountof time. For example, because
the methodof application for photoresist does not affect
the methodof application for solder paste, if the quickest methodof applying photoresist is spraying it on,
then there is no need to generate process plans in which
someother methodof application is used. If no process
plans can manufacture the device---because somemanufacturability constraint, such as achievabletolerance,
is violated--EDAPS’splanner reports the failure and
the reasonfor the failure to the designers.
This generative process planning approach allows us
to provide feedback about manufacturability and lead
time to the designers, based on actual process plans tbr
the manufacture of the device. Because manufacturing
engineers are accustome,d to a standard format for the
specification of process plans, EDAPS’s
planner outputs
the processplan in this format.
In this paper we have described the process planning
module used in the EDAPSsystem. EDAPSis a design and process planning environment whose goal is
to integrate mechanicaland electronic design tools in a
single platform, and to assist the designersin evaluating
designs based on the manufacturingplans. The distinct
advantage of such an approach is the ability to evaluate designs from the point of view of the designers and
the manufacturers. EDAPS
thus highlights a concurrent
engineering approach that we have taken to reduce the
lead times in electronic manufacturing.
The process planning module of EDAPShas been
completed, although its knowledgebase is still being
tested and fine-tuned. Parts of the rest of EDAPS
still under development. To date, we have completed
the routines to extract and store relevant manufacturing
intbrmation fromelectronic designs and the routines that
build the manufacturingfeatures. Workthat remains to
be doneincludes building the routines to generate shape
representations of packagedcomponentfeatures in the
substrate design module.
Lessons LearnedSo Far
Process Planning and Manufacturability Analysis.
Hierarchical task-network planning appears to be an
ideal approachfor generative process planning tot microwave modules. The decomposition in an HTNnaturally corresponds to the decompositionof a microwave
integrated circuit into the parts and processes required
to manufactureit, and HTNsprovide a unified frameworkthat accommodates
both electronic and mechanical
Althoughresearchers have had great difficulty in developing generative process planners that producereal-
AI & Manufacturing Workshop
istnc process plans for complexmechanicalparts, generative process planning can be moreeasily applied to
microwave T/R modules. In microwave T/R modules,
the interactions amongmechanical features are much
fewer and simpler than the complexgeometric interactions that can occur tn complexmechanicalparts as
described in (Nau, Gupta, &Regli 1995).
In applying HTNplanning to this problem domain,
we found it important to represent the data in such a
wayas to facilitate integrating the plannerwiththe other
EDAPSmodules. For example, in order to communicate with the Microstation modeler, the planner needs
to access complexgeometric information that wouldbe
difficult to represent or manipulateas sets of logical
atoms as is done in manyAI planning systems---so instead, weallow the representation to consist of arbitrary
data structures as maybe appropriatefor the task at hand.
This lets us represent the data in a waythat is often much
simpler than the correspondinglogical atomswouldbe.
Task-NetworkDecomposition and Total Ordering.
HTNplanning has long been thought to be more useful in practical planning domainsthan plannung with
STRIPS-style operators (Wilkins 1988), and our experience confirms this opinion. Hierarchical planning
is also quite natural in process planning for complex
electro-mechanicaldevices, because the planning hierarchy derives naturally fromthe part-wholehierarchy of
the deviceitself.
However, even though EDAPS’sprocess planning
moduleis an HTNplanner, it differs from almost all
other HTNplanners in that it is a total-order planner.
Becauseits task networks are totally ordered, so are
all the plans that it generates. Furthermore,it expands
tasks in the order in whichthey will be achieved: given
a sequenceof tasks to accomplish,it wnll alwaysexpand
whichevertask needsto be performedfirst.
Although this approach mayseem quite restricted
comparedto the partial-order approach used in most
HTNplanners, our experience suggests that it mayactually be the best approachto use in a numberof application domains. Not only does it appear to work well
in process planning for microwaveT/R module.~---but
as described in (Smith, Nau, &Throop1996), the same
approach (and someof the same code!) also worksquite
well in another very different application domain:declarer play in the gameof contract bridge. That this
same set of techniques should have success in two such
widelyvarying areas is quite striking.
In most current AI planning systems, tasks are often
expandedin an order other than the order in whichthey
are to be performed. This way, the planner can constrain its search space by makingsome"important" or
"bottleneck" decisions before commitingto other lessimportantsteps. For example,if one wantsto fly to an-
From: Proceedings of the AI and Manufacturing Research Planning Workshop. Copyright © 1996, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
other continent, one probably should think about what
flight to take before one bothers to develop a complete
plan for getting from hometo the airport. By looking at
the "fly" task before planningeveryone of the steps that
precede it, one can constrain the search space a great
However,planning for a task that will comelater
in a plan before one has planned everything that will
comebefore them also incurs a drawback: whenone is
planning for the later task, one cannot knowwhat the
task’s input state will be, because one does not know
what sequence of steps will produce this input state.
This fundamental source of uncertainty can makethe
planning mechanismmuchmore complex than it would
be otherwise.
In both of our application domains--process planning for microwaveT/R modules, and declarer play in
contract bridge----situations can occur whereit mightbe
desirable to plan for a later task before planning everything that will precede that task. However,in both
domains, such situations do not seem to occur often
enoughto makeit worth the trouble to developthe planning mechanismsneeded to do this.
In both of our application domains,plann!ngthe tasks
in the order that they are to be executedmakesit easy for
us to use data representations muchmore flexible than
those normally used in AI planning. This makesit much
easier to interface the planner to externai information
sources, and greatly facilitates the task of creating the
planner’s knowledgebase. Both of these activities are
crucial for the developmentof successful planners in
realistic application domains.
Plan Explanation. Our generative process planning
approach allowed us to provide feedback about manufacturability and lead time to the designers, based on
actual process plans for the manufactureof the device.
Because manufacturing engineers are accustomed to a
standard format for the specification of process plans,
EDAPS’splanner needed to output the process plan in
this format. Adheringto this format required a lot of
While this plan explanation may seem a small
no advanced AI techniques were
required--it is a crucial feature of EDAPS’s
Without EDAPS’splan explanation, its plans wouldbe
useless. The issue of plan explanation appears to be important, and we are unawareof any formal approaches
to plan explanation.
Future Work
In real life situations, designers never obtain a truly
optimumdesign. A design that is optimal with respect
to cost mayhave poor yields associated with it. In
such cases, trade-offs have to be doneto attain a design
solution that is "somewhatoptimal" with respect to all
the decision variables.
Weplan to incorporate a trade-off analysis module
that gives the designersa clearer picture of all the cost
versus quality trade-off issues that are involvedin each
design. To do such trade-off analysis, modelsto predict yields and costs are needed.To estimate the costs,
several formulae are available from standard process
handbooks.However,yields are moredifficult to predict. The simplest yield modelassociates a historically
determined yield value with each component. In that
case, componentdesign features will have quality as
an additional attribute. The fundamental assumption
with this modelis that yields are determinedsolely by
components,and not by the processes involved in the
manufacturenor by the designs in which the components
In fact, processes, components, and board design
characteristics all determinethe yield of the microwave
T/R modules. Ball et ai. (1995)consider such interactions betweenprocesses and parts, and solve the tradeoff analysis as an integer-programmingproblem. However, they require individual process-componentyield
values as inputs for their models. For new designs,
such as the ones weare considering,it is hard to predict
such process-component yield values without having
subjectedthe productto several runs in productionlines.
In the future, wewill do further research to determine
the yield modelmost suitable for our application.
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