From: Proceedings of the AI and Manufacturing Research Planning Workshop. Copyright © 1996, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Design Issues of a Knowledge-based Welding Advisor Stephen D. Kleban Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, NM87185 Abstract Expert systemimplementationcan take numerousforms rangingfrom traditional declarative rule-based systems with if-then syntax mimperativeprogramming languages that capture expertise in proceduralcode. Theartificial intelligence communitygenerally thinks of expert systemsas rules or rule-bases andan inferenceengineto process the knowledge.The welding advisor developed at Sandia National Labs and described in this paper, deviates from this by codifying expertise using object representation and methods. Objects allow computer scientists to modelthe worldas humans perceiveit giving us a reD’ natural wayto encodeexpert knowledge.The design of the welding advisor, which generates and evaluatessolutions, will be compared and contrastedto a traditional rule-basedsystem. Background Welding in the US is a $50B economy which generates upwardsof $7B of waste per year due to rework and scrap. Manyof the problems associated with welding arise due to the high degree of "trial and error" that typically accompanies the development of weld schedules, weld joint designs, and material selection. SmartWeld(Mitchiner et al. 1996), which includes the welding advisor, developed at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), is an attempt to decrease the amount of waste due to failed welds by providing expertise to both novice and expert welders as a check or first order recommendation. Different weld processes and joint designs have different properties, such as depth of metal penetration, heat input, residual stress, distortion, sensitivity to loading and sensitivity to corrosive environments. Choosing the weld process and joint geometryis the core problem. Given weld requirements, the advisor suggests a welding process, a joint geometry, and a welding schedule. The advisor currently houses knowledgeabout ten welding processes and forty different joint geometries, it accesses a database of provenhistorical weld schedules, and selects a schedule based on a similarity measure, comprised of material type, joint thickness, joint geometry, and welding process. Oncea weld schedule is selected, the ultimate 98 M & Manufacturing Workshop goal of this system is to translate this schedule into NC format to run the actual weldingmachinery. Problem Solving Structure The intent of a weldingadvisor is to advise, not dictate. With this in mind, it is very important not to recommend a single solution but a set of solutions wherethe user can be actively involved in makingthe final selection. A generate and test approach fulfills these requirements by first intelligently constructing a set of plausible weld process and joint geometrycombinations and then evaluating each scenario accordingto a set of criteria. Thefinal step is to rank the scenarios and present the results to the user for final selection. This system can be implemented many different ways, including a rule-based solution that can be either goal or data driven. Rules are a declarative expression of expertise that are especially useful for problemsthat are inherently search based like planning or design (Luger Stubblefield 1993). Control is implicit via the inference engine and the knowledgeengineer needs only to represent the domainexpertise in rules. Rules can be used for many other types of problems, but maynot be the best approach or even a poor choice whentrying to force fit a problem into a rule-based format. For example, a problemthat has a great deal of structure and sequencehas to be modeledin rules with control rules, priority, or an agenda. Eventhe famous MYCINexpert system (Buchanan & Shortliff 1984), a diagnosis systemfor meningitis, was criticized by the doctors because the interactive dialog appeared random and seemto not follow any line of reasoning. Implementingthe welding advisor in a purely rule-based manner is acceptable but awkwardgiven the inherently sequential nature of the problem. There is significant structure and sequence in the problem that would be wasted if everything was coded in rules and given to an inference engine for search. Structure and sequence could be implemented in rules but that would result in an inefficient and unnatural representation. An acceptable hybrid solution would have been to capture the structure and sequence in an object-oriented framework and useof small ruleManufacturing sets to encode discrete geometry with©a1996, backing requires additional analysis From: Proceedings the AI and Research Planning Workshop. Copyright AAAIbar ( All rights reserved. chunksof knowledge.This hybrid approachexploits the that could be implicitly invokedby pattern matching,but strength of both the rule-based and object-oriented in methods,the actual testing for a backingbar is perapproaches.Therule-based approachoffers a natural way formedandthe appropriatemessagesare sent. to declare knowledge and performsearch throughthe rule spacebut is clumsyfor its data expressiveness andsharing. Object-Oriented Approach Theobject-oriented paradigmis almost just the opposite with excellent data modelingthrough encapsulation and Encapsulation, polymorphism,and messagepassing are data sharing through messaging. Weldingknowledge the aspectsof object-orientationusedmostin the welding couldbe representedin rules with implicit controlwith the advisor. Objects are a very natural and powerfulwayto object-oriented frameworkprovidingthe global explicit modelthe world (gossen, 1990) and reasoning processes control. of humanexperts. Wheninitially interviewing welding The purely object-oriented approach taken by the experts, the domainunderstandingproceededvery quickly weldingadvisor is a result of evolutionaryprototyping. becauseof the natural expressivenessof objects. It very Westarted implementingthe generate and test control quickly becameclear what the high level objects were TM, an object-oriented development structure using Kappa (JointGeometry,WeldProcess, Material, etc.) and what, environment from Intellicorp, and continued in this least on a simple level, were the relationships and environmentcodifying the weldingexpertise in methods. interactions betweenthese objects. For example,welding Althougha hybrid solution is perhaps preferable, the processes have preferred materials and joint geometries object-oriented approachprovidedan invaluable solution have preferred welding processes. This knowledge to the difficult and time-consuming process of knowledge engineeringcould proceedindependentlyof the designof engineeringand domainunderstanding. the generate and test engine becausethe knowledgeis completelyseparate. Theonly unansweredquestions were what modelto use Rule-Based Approach for the computerassistant (best answer,set of answers, Arule-based approachcould solve this problemby taking rankedandscoredset of answerswith what-if capability, weldrequirementsas inputs to start the rule chainingand etc.) andhowto generatethe solution (purely generative, resulting in a orderedset of solutions. Ahighlevel rule to candidatecreation andevaluation, etc.). Thegoal wasto start the processwouldbe: build a systemthat washighlyinteractive wheredesigners andengineerscould examinein great detail the results of if GeneratePlausibleScenarios((IN)WeldRequirements, the advisor and perform extensive what-if analysis. A generate and test approach was selected because it (OUT)Scenarios) typically generates a numberof plausible scenarios EvaluateEachScenario((IN)Scenarios, offering an exploratory environmentwherethe user can (OUT)EvaluatedScenarios) RankAndScoreScenarioK(IN)EvaluatedScenarios, examinea wealth of detailed information as to whya (OUT)RankedAndOrderedScenarios) scenarioeither passedor failed. DisplayResults((IN)RankedAndOrdercdScenarios) Thegenerateandtest approachis palatable for the new then user in that it will not absolutely dictate solutions but Done. rather offer advice.AsAI researchersare wellaware,it is importantnot to threaten the users but to give thema tool In this statement wesee the sequencecodedin a rule. that assists in their work.Thatis clearly the case withthe Eachclause in turn wouldstart the chainingprocessin a weldingadvisor becauseweldingis so complexit is naYve correspondingrule set. Thefirst two clauses wouldhave to imagine the welding advisor replacing welding rules that encodeactual weldingexpertise. Thelast two engineers. The advisor could help train entry-level have nothing to do with search or knowledgerepresentaengineers, but will probably be most useful in its tion and wouldbe part of an awkwardrepresentation as completenessof analysis of weld designs by reminding mentionedabove. It also has a large amountof complex expertsof somedetails that maybe otherwiseoverlooked. knowledgethat is handled nicely in a rule-base with The control of flow is shownin Figure i. Upfront opportunistic search. Theunwieldypart is in specifying criteria for weldingare determinedand implementedas the control structures needed to satisfy the clause, tests in the advisor. A designer or engineer presents requirementsfor a given weld and the evaluation object EvaluateEachScenario0, becausethat is wherethe wealth take those requirements,the tests, and anyother inputs of weldingknowledgeresides and requires orchestration, sequence, and control to a fair degree. For example,a needed from databases, user queries, or deduced Kleban 99 knowledgeto produce a ranked and scored ordered set of possible weld designs. The wealth of welding knowledge resides in the tests: they use the joint geometryknowledge and weld process knowledgeto evaluate a scenario against the given requirements. For what-if analysis, the user is provided with the capability to change the importance or weightingof any of the criteria. Functionality of All therights Advisor From: Proceedings of the AI and Manufacturing Research Planning Workshop. Copyright The © 1996, AAAI ( reserved. (Generate Somm-ios) (Criteria) (Runall tests againsteachscenario) Data ModifyCriteria (Importance&Weighting) Figure 1. The flow of control of the generate and test approachin the welding advisor. Another advantage of the object-oriented approach is reuse. Weabstracted the generate and test methodology into a generic advisor. The welding advisor specialized certain objects and methodsto capture the details of the welding domain,but the structure of the generate and test approach was completely inherited. Another project at SNLwill use this basic approach and specialize the generic advisor for advice on near-net shape determination (Rivera, 1996) as shownin Figure Figure 2. Object hierarchy specializing the requirements object of the generate and test approach, wherelower level objects add specific data and methods. 10o M & Manufacturing Workshop Oncethe requirements for the weld are specified the user typically spends most of their time manipulatingthe table of results shown in Figure 3. The rows in the table represent the plausible welding scenarios. They were generated using heuristics for combiningwelding process and joint geometryconfigurations that address the design requirements of the weld. The fourth columnis the Score awardedeach scenario, based on its performance. The performance is assessed by examiningthe criteria in the form of tests. Each ranking criterion has an "importance" and a "weight" associated with it. "Required" criteria are hard constraints, and "desired criteria" are soft constraints. If a user wishesto omit one of the normal criteria from the evaluation function, the "don’t care" importancefor that criteria is chosen. By default, all criteria are set to "required" importance, as opposed to "desirable" or "don’t care" and each has a weight of 50. Both the importance and weight of each criterion can be changed as shown in Figure 4 by the user (lower right corner button in the window,Figure 3) to develop an understanding of the sensitivity of the weld scenario rankings to the importance and weighting of each criterion. This allows the user to rapidly performtrade-off assessments. Other "what-if" analysis is available by changing performance requirements by either changing specification of design or answersto the advisor’s queries. The first columnof Figure 3, the scenario number,has a color coded background that indicates if the scenario passed all hard or soft constraints (criteria). Global constraints are part of the performancerequirements. If a scenario satisfied all constraints (required and desired) then it is awardeda green color. If one or more desired constraints are violated then the scenario is awardeda yellow color and if a required constraint is violated it is red. The scenarios are sorted and displayed in descending order. The columnsto the right of the table depict the individual scores of the tests performedon each scenario. The detailed analysis of each scenario is available by pressing the "Explanation" button at the lower portion of the windowin Figure 3. The explanation includes details about each of the tests performed explaining how a particular scenario performed against the weld requirements. For example, a scenario’s explanation might read, "For a Low Voltage Electron Beam Process, a smoothunderbead requirement, square joint geometry, we recommenda joint thickness between 0.05ram and 3.0ram, not 8.0mmas you have specified." Also provided in the explanation is any anecdotal information not pertaining to tests that maybe interesting to the user, such as, "Since we have two sided access, we can satisfy the smooth underbead requirement by removing the backing bar." or "Weldonly from one side." From: Proceedings of the AI and Manufacturing Research Planning Workshop. Copyright © 1996, AAAI ( All rights reserved. U~ Upset GTAW k~erUa SquareButt Jednt U Groove Butt Wl~ 8qwmButt JeLqt : ButtJoint ContJnuousDrlveSquare GTAW -- HighVoltageEB Groove Butt U Groovo Butt ~ LowVolta0eEBU GrooveButt PAW V Groove ButtsAllh PAW V Groove Butt HlghVolI~oEB Square ButtJoint Square ButtJoint GTAW Square ButtJoint GTAW V Groove Butt WithReinforced I.owVoltm3eEB SquareButt WlthBacking IlghVolttaGeEB Butt ~th Bucking 50 50 50 50.0’ Z7,5 50 :50,0 50,0 50 5.0 15,0 42,5 5.0 5O 42,5 35,0 50 15,0 ’,5 50 5O :50,0 5O.O 50.0 ’.5 ’,5 50 50 50 .5 ’.5 ’.5 35.0 ;.O i.O F’~ ’.5 5O Figure 3. The table of results as output by the advisor. A typical fusion weldpresented to the advisorwill result in 50 - 80 weld scenarios. Eachscenario will have a detailed explanationof its performance. In addition, the user can perform "what-if’ analysis numerousways. The user can spend a great deal of time in analysis by browsing the 50 - 80 explanations which all maychange after each iteration of "what-if’ analysis providing an excellent environmentfor training. Stand-alone Architecture Figure 4. Windowto change importance or weighting of evaluationcriteria. Althoughthe welding advisor in intimately connected to the SmartWeldenvironment, it can function as a stand alone advisor in light of the recent work on the new distributed agent architecture (Mitchiner et al. 1996). addition, the advisor functions as black box within a WWW browser, with the weld requirements as input. The rank, ordered list of weldingscenarios is the output which is displayed in the WWW browser. Kleban 101 Future Work Research Planning Workshop. Copyright © 1996, AAAI ( All rights reserved. From: Proceedings of the AI and Manufacturing The welding advisor today has the capability to train new welding engineers and to guide, analyze, check, and verify the weld designs of more experienced personnel. Refining the knowledgein the advisor is a never endingtask. In fact, the "smarter"it gets, the moreusers, and with more users comemoreinput, in addition to refinement, new tests and performance criteria are being added.Workhas begunto add knowledgeabout material preparation and purchaserequirements.This summer wewill be exploring both generative and adaptive weld schedule generation basedon historical data andknowledge. Acknowledgments The author acknowledges the patience and enthusiasm of Ken Hicken and Jerry Knorovsky, the welding experts at Sandia, initial prototype and design of the advisor by Dave Messinkof lntellicorp, and objects verses rules discussions with Bill Stubblefield and Dave Messink. Also, Kim Mahin and John Mitchiner are acknowledged for the support and development of the SmartWeldprogram. This work was performed at Sandia National Laboratories supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under conlract numbers DE-AC04-76DP00789and DE-AC0494AL85000. References Luger, G., and Stubblefield, B., 1993. Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving. RedwoodCity, CA: Benjamin/Cummings. Mitchiner, L, Kleban, S., Hess, B., Mahin,K., Messink, D., 1996. SmartWeld: A Knowledge-based Approach to Welding. From these proceedings. Buchanan,B. and Shortliff, E., eds. 1984. Rule-Based Expert Systems: The MYCINExperiments of the Stanford Hueristic ProgrammingProject. Reading, MA:AddisonWesley. Rossen, M. B., and ShermanR. Alpert, 1990.The Cognitive Consequencesof Object-Oriented Design. Human-Computer Interaction, Volume5, 345-379. River~ J., Stubblefield, W,and Ames, A, 1996. From these proceedings. 102 AI & Manufacturing Workshop