On Notions of Causality and Distributed Knowledge Ron van der Meyden

Proceedings, Eleventh International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (2008)
On Notions of Causality and Distributed Knowledge∗
Ron van der Meyden
University of New South Wales
by saying that anything that u knows about the outside world
must be distributed knowledge to Iu .
In previous work (van der Meyden 2007), we have used
this formulation of the intuition to argue that intransitive
noninterference, a notion of causality from the computer
security literature, is flawed, and have proposed a number
of other definitions of causality in response to this failure.
We justifed these new definitions in that work primarily by
showing that they lead to a more satisfactory account of the
classical proof theory and applications for intransitive noninterference.
In this paper, we show that these new notions in fact satisfy the intuition much more generally than in the single example considered in (van der Meyden 2007), and give a refined statement of how this is the case. In doing so, we argue
that distributed knowledge, as it has been defined in the epistemic logic literature, is not the only useful way to formalise
the intuitive notion of what a group of agents would know if
they were to combine their information. We develop several
new distributed-knowledge like modalities for our application.
However, we also attempt to do more than show that the
new notions of distributed knowledge satisfy the intuition
concerning an agent’s knowledge and the distributed knowledge of its interferers. We also consider the converse relationship between knowledge and causality. That is, we ask
whether it is the case that when the expected relationship between the knowledge of an agent “about other agents” and
the distributed knowledge of its interferers holds, we can
conclude that the system has the expected causal structure.
We show that this converse relationship does in fact hold,
provided one uses appropriate formulations of distributed
knowledge and what it means for an agent to know something “about” other agents. Some of the details are subtle,
and give fresh insight into how information flows in the class
of systems we consider.
The notion of distributed knowledge is used to express what a
group of agents would know if they were to combine their information. The paper considers the application of this notion
to systems in which there are constraints on how an agent’s
actions may cause changes to another agent’s observations.
Intuitively, in such a setting, one would like that anything an
agent knows about other agents must be distributed knowledge to the agents that can causally affect it. In prior work, we
have argued that the definition of intransitive noninterference
— a notion of causality used in the literature on computer
security — is flawed because it fails to satisfy this property,
and have proposed alternate definitions of causality that we
have shown to be better behaved with respect to the theory
of intransitive noninterference. In this paper we refine this
understanding, and show that in order for the converse of the
property to hold, one also needs a novel notion of distributed
knowledge, as well as a new notion of what it means for a
proposition to be “about” other agents.
It is a commonly held intuition that information flows along
causal lines: where there is no causal relationship, there
will be no flow of information. In this paper, we attempt
to give a precise characterization of this intuition using notions drawn from the literature on computer security (where
lack of causality is called noninterference, and is considered
in dealing with information flow security) and the literature
on epistemic logic.
In particular, we start with the following idea. Suppose
that a system is structured so that the only way that an agent
u may be causally affected by the outside world is through
the activity of a set of “interfering” agents Iu . Then any information that u has about the outside world, it must have
obtained by somehow combining the information that it received from agents Iu . The notion of distributed knowledge
is used in the epistemic logic literature to capture what could
be deduced if we were to combine all the information available to a group of agents. Thus, we may express our intuition
Intransitive Noninterference
We begin by recalling some notions of causality used in the
computer security literature.
The definitions are cast in terms of a formal semantic model for multi-agent systems. Several different models have been used in the literature; we follow the stateobserved machine formulation of (Rushby 1992). This
Thanks to the Computer Science Department, Stanford University for hosting a sabbatical visit during which some of this research was conducted. Work of the author supported by an Australian Research Council Discovery grant.
c 2008, Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Copyright Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.
consisting of a High security agent H, a low security agent
L, and a downgrader agent D, whose role is to make declassification decisions that release High security information to
L. Here the policy is H D L.2 P-security says that
L can learn about D actions, but will never know anything
about H actions. Thus, in a P-secure system, L will not
know about H activity even if D has chosen to downgrade
it. For example, if h, d are actions of H, D, respectively,
then purgeL (hdh) = d = purgeL (d). Thus, according
this definition, L cannot distinguish the sequences hdh and
d, so D is unable to downgrade the fact that action h has
To avoid this problem, Haigh and Young (Haigh and
Young 1987) generalised the definition of the purge function
to intransitive policies as follows. Intuitively, the intransitive
purge of a sequence of actions with respect to a domain u is
the largest subsequence of actions that could form part of a
causal chain of effects (permitted by the policy) ending with
an effect on domain u. More formally, the definition makes
use of a function sources : A∗ × D ⇒ P(D) defined inductively by sources(, u) = {u} and
model consists of deterministic machines of the form
S, s0 , A, step, obs, dom, where S is a set of states, s0 ∈ S
is the initial state, A is a set of actions, dom : A → D associates each action to an element of the set D of agents,
step : S × A → S is a deterministic transition function,
and obs : S × D → O maps states to an observation in
some set O, for each agent.
The nomenclature D and dom for agents arises from the
fact that, in the security literature, D is though of as the set
of security domains. For example, in a multi-level secure
system, a security domain is a pair consisting of of a security level (e.g. Low, High, Secret) together with a set of
classes (e.g. Nuclear, NATO, FBI) used to restrict information access on a need-to-know basis. Several agents might
be assigned to such a security domain in this interpretation.
For our purposes in this paper, we will think of each element
of D as a single agent, since this better fits the perspective
that we apply from the logic of knowledge.
We write s · α for the state reached by performing the
sequence of actions α ∈ A∗ from state s, defined inductively
by s · = s, and s · αa = step(s · α, a) for α ∈ A∗ and
a ∈ A. Here denotes the empty sequence.
Permitted causal relationships are expressed in the security literature using noninterference policies, wich are relations ⊆ D × D, with u v intuitively meaning that
“actions of agent u are permitted to interfere with agent v”,
or “information is permitted to flow from agent u to agent
v”. Since, intuitively, an agent should be allowed to interfere with, or have information about, itself, this relation is
assumed to be reflexive.1
Noninterference was given a formal semantics for transitive noninterference policies (which arise naturally from
partially ordered security levels) by Goguen and Meseguer
(Goguen and Meseguer 1982), using a definition based on a
“purge” function. Given a set E ⊆ D of agents and a sequence α ∈ A∗ , we write α E for the subsequence of all
actions a in α with dom(a) ∈ E. Given a policy , we
define the function purge : A∗ × D → A∗ by
purge(α, u) = α {v ∈ D | v u}.
(For clarity, we may use subscripting of agent arguments of
functions, writing e.g., purge(α, u) as purgeu (α).)
sources(aα, u)
= sources(α, u)∪
{dom(a) | ∃v ∈ sources(α, u)(dom(a) v)}
for a ∈ A and α ∈ A∗ . Intuitively, sources(α, u) is the set
of domains v such that there exists a sequence of permitted
interferences from v to u within α. The intransitive purge
function ipurge : A∗ ×D → A∗ is then defined inductively
by ipurge(, u) = and
a · ipurge(α, u)
ipurge(α, u)
if dom(a) ∈ sources(aα, u)
for a ∈ A and α ∈ A∗ . The intransitive purge function
is then used in place of the purge function in Haigh and
Young’s definition:
Definition 2:
M is IP-secure with respect to
a policy if for all u ∈ D and all sequences
α, α ∈ A∗ with ipurgeu (α) = ipurgeu (α ), we
have obsu (s0 · α) = obsu (s0 · α ). Definition 1: A system M is P-secure with respect
to a policy if for all agents u and for all sequences
α, α ∈ A∗ such that purgeu (α) = purgeu (α ), we have
obsu (s0 · α) = obsu (s0 · α ). It can be seen that ipurgeu (α) = purgeu (α) when is transitive, so IP-security is in fact a generalisation of the
definition of security for transitive policies.
This definition solves the problem noted above, since now
we have ipurgeL (hdh) = hd. Here we see that L can now
learn of the first occurrence of h. (The second h remains
invisible to L. This is in accordance with the intent of the
definition - L should only know of H events that have been
explicitly downgraded. )
This can be understood as saying that agent u’s observation depends only on the sequence of interfering actions that
have been performed.
This definition is appropriate when the noninterference
policy is transitive, but it has been considered to be inappropriate for the intransitive case. An example of this is systems
Knowledge and Distributed Knowledge
We follow the terminology historically used in the area even
though it is peculiar: note that the relation specifies permitted interferences rather than required noninterferences, and when
we speak of “intransitive noninterference”, we mean that noninterference policies are not assumed to be transitive (rather than
assumed to be not transitive).
We have recently presented an argument against the definition of intransitive noninterfere (van der Meyden 2007), in
When presenting policies we list only the nonreflexive relations; the policy should be taken to be the reflexive closure of the
facts given.
which we exploit intuitions from the literature on the logic
of knowledge (Fagin et al. 1995). In this section, we recall
the relevant background from the latter area.
Let Prop be a set of atomic propositions. We define a
propositional modal logic based on a set Op of monadic
modal operators (to be introduced below), with formulas defined as follows: if p ∈ Prop then p is formula, and if φ and
ψ are formulas and X ∈ Op is a modal operator, then ¬φ,
φ ∨ ψ and Xφ are formulas. We use standard boolean abbreviations such as φ ⇒ ψ for ¬φ ∨ ψ. If u ∈ D is an agent
and G ⊆ D is a nonempty set of agents, the set Op will contain the operators Ku and DG . Intuitively, the formula Ku φ
expresses that agent u knows φ, and DG φ expresses that φ is
distributed knowledge to the group G, which means that the
group G, collectively, knows φ. (We introduce additional
operators below.)
We take the atomic propositions to be interpreted over sequences of actions of a system M with actions A, by means
of an interpretation function π : Prop → P(A∗ ). Formulas φ are then interpreted as being satisfied at a sequence of
actions3 α ∈ A∗ by means of a relation M, π, α |= φ. For
atomic propositions p ∈ Prop, this relation is defined by
M, π, α |= p if α ∈ π(p).
The semantics of the operators for knowledge is defined
using the following notion of view. The definition uses an
absorbtive concatenation function ◦, defined over a set X
by, for s ∈ X ∗ and x ∈ X, by s ◦ x = s if x is equal to
the final element of s (if any), and s ◦ x = s · x (ordinary
concatenation) otherwise. The view of agent u with respect
to a sequence α ∈ A∗ is captured using the function viewu :
A∗ → (A ∪ O)∗ (where O is the set of observations in the
system), defined by
This is essentially the definition of knowledge used in the
literature on reasoning about knowledge (Fagin et al. 1995)
for an agent with asynchronous perfect recall .
The notion of distributed knowledge is defined in the literature as follows. First, define the relations ∼G on sequences
of actions by α ∼G α if α ∼u α for all u ∈ G. The
operators DG are then given semantics by the clause
M, π, α |= DG φ if M, π, α |= φ for all sequences α such
that α ∼G α .
Intuitively, this definition says that a fact is distributed
knowledge to the set of agents G if it could be deduced after
combining all the information that these agents have. Note
that combination of the agents’ information is here being
modelled as the intersection of their “information sets” —
we will argue below that there are alternatives to this definition that are both reasonable and useful.
The Key Intuition
Suppose that a system is secure with respect to a noninterference policy . Given an agent u, let Iu = {v ∈ D | v u, v = u} be the set of all other agents that are permitted
to interfere with u. Let p be a proposition that expresses a
fact about some agent other than u, and suppose u knows p.
Intuitively, if the system respects the noninterference policy,
then since p is not “local information”, the only way that
u should be able to learn that p holds is by receiving information from the agents Iu . However, u may have deduced
p by combining facts received from several sources. Since
we have assumed agents have perfect recall, those sources
should also know those facts. Hence, if we combine the information known to agents in Iu , then we should also be able
to deduce p. Thus, we expect that if the system M satisfies
the policy and p is interpreted by π as being about agents
other than u, then
viewu () = obsu (s0 ), and
viewu (αa) = (viewu (α) · b) ◦ obsu (s0 · α),
M, π, α |= Ku p ⇒ DIu p
where b = a if dom(a) = u and b = otherwise. That
is, viewu (α) is the sequence of all observations and actions
of domain u in the run generated by α, compressed by the
elimination of stuttering observations. Intuitively, viewu (α)
is the complete record of information available to agent u in
the run generated by the sequence of actions α. The reason
we apply the absorbtive concatenation is to capture that the
system is asynchronous, with agents not having access to a
global clock. Thus, two periods of different length during
which a particular observation obtains are not distinguishable to the agent.
Using the notion of view, we may define for each agent
u an equivalence relation ∼u on sequences of actions by
α ∼u α if viewu (α) = viewu (α ). The semantics for
the knowledge operators may then be given by
for all α ∈ A .
In (van der Meyden 2007), we presented an argument
against IP-security on the grounds that this intuition can be
false when we interpret “the system M satisfies the policy ” as saying that M is IP-secure with respect to .
The essential reason for this is that the intransitive purge
ipurgeL (α) preserves not just certain actions from the sequence α, but also their order. This allows L to “know”
this order in situations where an intuitive reading of the policy would suggest that it ought not to know this order. The
following reproduces the example that we used in (van der
Meyden 2007) to show that IP-security does not satisfy the
intuition concerning the relationship between causality and
distributed knowledge.
M, π, α |= Ku φ if M, π, α |= φ for all sequences α such
that α ∼u α .
Example 1: Consider the intransitive policy given by
H1 D1 , H2 D2 , D1 L and D2 L. Intuitively, H1 , H2 are two High security domains, D1 , D2 are
two downgraders, and L is an aggregator of downgraded information. For this policy, we have IL = {D1 , D2 } so (1)
requires that
The reader may have expected to see propositions interpreted
more generally at sequences alternating states and actions. We remark that there is in fact no loss of generality, because the assumption that actions are deterministic means that the sequence of states
in a run is uniquely determined by the sequence of actions.
M, π, α |= KL p ⇒ D{D1 ,D2 } p
for all α ∈ A∗ . We show that if security is interpreted as
IP-security, then this can be false.
Define the system M with actions A = {h1 , h2 , d1 , d2 , l}
with domains H1 , H2 , D1 , D2 , and L, respectively. The set
of states of M is the set of all strings in A∗ . The transition
function is defined by concatenation, i.e. for a state α ∈ A∗
and an action a ∈ A, step(α, a) = αa. The observation
functions are defined using the ipurge function associated to
the above policy: obsu (α) = [ipurge(α, u)]. (Here we
put brackets around the sequence of actions when it is interpreted as an observation, to distinguish such occurrences
from the actions themselves as they occur in a view.)
It is plain that M is IP-secure. For, if ipurge(α, u) =
ipurge(α , u) then obsu (s0 · α) = [ipurge(α, u)] =
[ipurge(α , u)] = obsu (s0 · α ). We show that it does not
satisfy condition (2).
Consider the sequences of actions α1 = h1 h2 d1 d2 and
α2 = h2 h1 d1 d2 . Note that these differ in the order of the
events h1 , h2 . Let the atomic proposition p be interpreted
by π as asserting that there is an occurrence of h1 before an
occurrence of h2 . That is, π(p) = {αh1 βh2 γ | α, β, γ ∈
A∗ }.
Then we have obsL (α1 ) = [ipurge(α1 , L)] =
[h1 h2 d1 d2 ]. Hence, for any sequence α with α1 ∼L α ,
we have ipurgeL (α ) = h1 h2 d1 d2 , so α ∈ π(p). Thus
M, π, α1 |= KL p, i.e., in α1 agent L knows the ordering
of the events h1 , h2 . We demonstrate that α2 is a witness
showing that it is not the case that M, π, α1 |= D{D1 ,D2 } p,
i.e., we have α1 ∼{D1 ,D2 } α2 and α2 ∈ π(p). The latter is
trivial. For the former, note
an agent’s observation may not give it more than this maximal amount of information. The definitions differ in the
modelling of the maximal information, but all take the view
that an agent increases its information either by performing
an action or by receiving information transmitted by another
In the first model of the maximal information, what is
transmitted when an agent performs an action is information
about the actions performed by other agents. The following
definition expresses this in a weaker way than the ipurge
Given sets X and A, let the set T (X, A) be the smallest
set containing X and such that if x, y ∈ T and z ∈ A then
(x, y, z) ∈ T . Intuitively, the elements of T (X, A) are are
binary trees with leaves labelled from X and interior nodes
labelled from A.
Given a policy , define, for each agent u ∈ D, the
function tau : A∗ → T ({}, A) inductively by tau () = ,
and, for α ∈ A∗ and a ∈ A,
1. if dom(a) u, then tau (αa) = tau (α),
2. if dom(a)
(tau (α), tadom(a) (α), a).
tau (αa)
Intuitively, tau (α) captures the maximal information that
agent u may, consistently with the policy , have about the
past actions of other agents. (The nomenclature is intended
to be suggestive of transmission of information about actions.) Initially, an agent has no information about what actions have been performed. The recursive clause describes
how the maximal information tau (α) permitted to u after the performance of α changes when the next action a
is performed. If a may not interfere with u, then there
is no change, otherwise, u’s maximal permitted information is increased by adding the maximal information permitted to dom(a) at the time a is performed (represented
by tadom(a) (α)), as well the fact that a has been performed.
Thus, this definition captures the intuition that an agent may
only transmit information that it is permitted to have, and
then only to agents with which it is permitted to interfere.
viewD1 (α1 )
= [] ◦ [h1 ] ◦ [h1 ] ◦ d1 ◦ [h1 d1 ] ◦ [h1 d1 ]
= [] ◦ [] ◦ [h1 ] ◦ d1 ◦ [h1 d1 ] ◦ [h1 d1 ]
= viewD1 (α2 )
i.e., α1 ∼D1 α2 . By symmetry, we also have α1 ∼D2 α2 ,
hence α1 ∼{D1 ,D2 } α2 . This means that D1 and D2 do
not have distributed knowledge of the ordering of the events
h1 , h2 , even with respect to the asynchronous perfect recall
intepretation of knowledge, in which they reason based on
everything that they learn in the run.
Thus, L has acquired information that cannot have
come from the two sources D1 and D2 that are supposed to
be, according to the policy, its only sources of information.
Definition 3: A system M is TA-secure with respect to
a policy if for all agents u and all α, α ∈ A∗ such that
tau (α) = tau (α ), we have obsu (s0 ·α) = obsu (s0 ·α ). Intuitively, this says that each agent’s observations provide the agent with no more than the maximal amount of information that may have been transmitted to it, as expressed
by the functions ta.
Like IP-security, the definition of TA-security views it as
permissible for an agent to cause the transmission of information that it is permitted to have, but has not itself observed. For example, an agent may forward an email attachment without inspecting it. For at least some applications (e.g., the downgrading example mentioned above) this
is undesirable. To prohibit such behaviour, a second alternative definition of causality from (van der Meyden 2007)
restricts the transmitted information to that which has been
observed. This alternative is defined as follows. Given a
policy , for each domain u ∈ D, define the function
Alternate Definitions of Causality
In response to the example of the previous section, we have
defined in (van der Meyden 2007) several alternative notions
of causality/security that are not only better behaved than IPsecurity with respect to the example, but also prove to be a
much better fit to proof techniques and applications that had
been developed for intransitive noninterference. We will not
go into the latter here, but confine ourselves to stating the
definitions of our alternative notions of causality.
All the alternatives are based on a concrete model of the
maximal amount of information that an agent may have after
some sequence of actions has been performed, and state that
tou : A∗ → T (O(A ∪ O)∗ , A) by tou () = obsu (s0 )
tou (α)
if dom(a) u,
tou (αa) =
(tou (α), viewdom(a) (α), a) otherwise.
Intuitively, this definition takes the model of the maximal information that an action a may transmit after the sequence
α to be the fact that a has occurred, together with the information that dom(a) actually has, as represented by its view
viewdom(a) (α). By contrast, TA-security uses in place of
this the maximal information that dom(a) may have. (The
nomenclature ‘to’ is intended to be suggestive of transmission of information about observations.)
We may now base the definition of security on either the
function to or ito rather than ta.
The Example Revisited - A First Concern
We have presented Example 1 in terms of the notion of distributed knowledge as it is usually defined in the literature.
We now note that it is reasonable to object to the use of this
notion in the present context. Note that whereas L is, intuitively, permitted by the policy to observe the ordering of
actions in the domains D1 , D2 (and actually does observe
this order in the example), the way that the definition of distributed knowledge combines the information available to
D1 and D2 does not take into account the relative ordering
of the actions in these domains. Indeed, the following example illustrates that to ask that information known to L be
distributed knowledge to D1 and D2 may be too strong.
Example 2: Let the (transitive) policy be defined by
L1 H and L2 H. Consider a system with actions
A = {l1 , l2 , h} of domains L1 , L2 , H, respectively, and let
the states and transitions of M be given by S = A∗ and
next(α, a) = α · a as in Example 1, but define the observations by obsLi (α) = purgeLi (α) and obsH (α) = α.
This system is intuitively secure, and is easily seen to be
P-secure (hence secure for all the other definitions) but,
taking p to mean “there is an occurrence of l1 before l2 ”,
we have M, π, l1 l2 |= KH p but not M, π, l1 l2 |= D{L1 ,L2 } p,
since l1 l2 ∼{L1 ,L2 } l2 l1 . Definition 4: The system M is TO-secure with respect
to if for all domains u ∈ D and all α, α ∈ A∗ with
tou (α) = tou (α ), we have obsu (s0 · α) = obsu (s0 · α ).
The following result shows how these definitions are related:
Theorem 1 (van der Meyden 2007) For state-observed systems, with respect to a given policy , P-security implies
TO-security implies TA-security implies IP-security.
Examples showing that all these notions are distinct are
presented in (van der Meyden 2007).
This completes the background for the contributions of
the present paper. In what follows, we show that these new
definitions of security can in fact be shown to be closely related to our intuitions about distributed knowledge in such
settings, provided we also develop some new notions of distributed knowledge. In order to capture common structure
in our results, it is useful to take a more abstract perspective
on the above definitions.
Define a local-state assignment in a system M to be a
function Y : A∗ × D → L, where L is some set. As usual,
we write Yu (α) for Y (α, u). The functions view, ta and to
are all examples of local-state assignments.
Let X and Y be local-state assignments. We say that X is
a full-information local-state assignment based on Y and if the following holds: Xu () = and for all agents u ∈ D,
sequences α ∈ A∗ and a ∈ A, we have
Xu (α)
if dom(a) u
Xu (αa) =
(Xu (α), Ydom(a) (α), a) otherwise.
That is, according to the local state assignment X, the effect of an action a after a sequence α is to transmit to all
domains u with dom(a) u the information that the action a has been performed, as well as all the information in
the local state Ydom(a) (α). Such domains u add this new information to the information Xu (α) already collected. The
action has no effect on domains with which it is not permitted to interfere.
We can now identify some common structure in the above
definitions by noting that to is a full-information local-state
assignment with respect to view and , and ta is a fullinformation local-state assignment with respect to ta and
The appropriate diagnosis here seems to be that distributed knowledge is too strong a notion for our present purposes. We are therefore motivated to define a variant, that
takes into account H’s observational powers in this example. Define the equivalence relation ∼pG on A∗ by α ∼pG α
if α ∼G α and α G = α G. Intuitively, this relation
combines the information in views of the agents G, not just
by intersecting the information sets, but also taking into account the ordering of the actions in these views in the actual
run. Extend the modal language by adding an operator DpG ,
with semantics given by
M, π, α |= DpG φ if M, π, α |= φ for all α ∈ A∗ with
α ∼pG α .
Note that DG φ ⇒ DpG φ, so this is a weaker notion of distributed knowledge.
Example 3: Reconsidering Example 2, we see that
l1 l2 ∼p{L1 ,L2 } α iff α ∈ {h}∗ · l1 · {h}∗ · l2 · {h}∗ , hence
M, π, l1 l2 |= Dp{L1 ,L2 } p. Thus, with this new interpretation
of distributed knowledge, we recover the desired intuition
in this example. Using this variant notion of distributed knowledge, the
problem identified in the example from (van der Meyden
2007) can be shown to persist.
Example 4: Let the system M , the interpretation π of the
proposition p and the sequences α1 and α2 be as in Example 1. Since α1 {D1 , D2 } = d1 d2 = α2 {D1 , D2 },
we have α1 ∼p{D1 ,D2 } α2 , so M, π, α1 |= KL p but not
M, π, α1 |= Dp{D1 ,D2 } p. We therefore conclude that although the concern raised
above is valid, the problem we have identified with the definition of IP-security is real. Nevertheless, we would like
to have a better understanding concerning the intuition than
can be obtained from a single example. We pursue this in
the following sections.
We may now express the key intuition abstractly using the
following definition.
Definition 5:
A system M is confined with respect to a local-state assignment Y and noninterference
policy if for all sequences of actions α ∈ A∗
and all agents u, if π interprets p as depending only
on D \ u, then M, π, α |= Ku p ⇒ DYIu p, where
Iu = {v ∈ D | u = v, v u}. From Causality to Distributed Knowledge
Based on a problem identified in Example 1, we have constructed some alternative definitions for security with respect to intransitive policies, reflecting intuitions about the
transmission of information in a concrete setting. These
definitions were justified in (van der Meyden 2007) on the
grounds that they lead to a better account of the classical
proof theory and applications for intransitive noninterference. We now consider what these new definitions say about
our motivating example. Indeed, we show that they support
our intuition not just in this example, but more generally.
As discussed above, our key intuition is that if the system is secure, then any information that u has about other
agents must be deducible from the information passed to
it by the agents Iu , so should be distributed knowledge, in
some sense, to Iu . We now check how each of our definitions fares with respect to this intuition. One qualification
will be required: note that if u is able to have an effect on
the agents Iu , then it may combine its knowledge of these
effects with the distributed knowledge of Iu to deduce facts
that are not distributed knowledge to Iu alone. We therefore
require that u not be permitted to interfere, directly or indirectly, with Iu . This may be captured by the requirement
that u not be part of any nontrivial cycle in .
To formalise the intuitive notion of “information about
other agents”, we use the following notion. For F ⊆ D a
set of agents, say that a property Π ⊆ A∗ depends only on
F if for all α, α ∈ A∗ with α F = α F we have
α ∈ Π iff α ∈ Π. Similarly, say that an atomic proposition
p is interpreted by π as depending only on F if π(p) depends
only on F . This expresses more precisely the fact that the
proposition p is “about the agents F ”.
As already noted in the previous section, the appropriate
notion of distributed knowledge to capture our intuition in
the current semantic setting is one that takes into account
the interleaving of the actions of the group. As different definitions of causality require different notions of distributed
knowledge to capture the intuition, we generalize the operator Dp as follows. Suppose that Y is a local-state assignment
in M and G is a set of agents. Define the relation ∼YG on
sequences of actions in M by α ∼YG α if α G = α G
and Yv (α) = Yv (α ) for all v ∈ G, Then we define the new
modal operator DYG with semantics
We would like to have that if a system is secure for a
given notion of security, then it is confined with respect to
an appropriate local-state assignment. In order to identify
these local state assignments, note that, given the way that
information is transmitted in the definitions of ta and to, an
agent v ∈ Iu may have acquired new information after it last
transmitted information to u. Whereas u is not expected to
have this information, the distributed knowledge of Iu takes
this into account. Thus, in some sense, the relation ∼Iu takes
more information from Iu into account than is required. We
therefore develop a construct that helps to identify the latest
point at which an agent may have transmitted information to
other agents.
For each domain u define the mapping mu : A∗ → A∗
so that mu (α) is the prefix of α up to but excluding the
rightmost action of agent u. More precisely, the definition
is given inductively by mu () = and mu (αa) = mu (α)
if dom(a) = u and mu (αa) = α otherwise. Intuitively,
mu (α) expresses the history of system at the point that the
latest action of u occurs in α. If Y is a local-state assignment, we write Y ◦ m for the local-state assignment defined
by (Y ◦ m)u (α) = Yu (mu (α)).
Consider now the relation ∼TGO and the operator DTGO , defined to be ∼YG and DYG φ, respectively, where Y = view ◦ m.
Intuitively, DTGO φ says that φ is deducible by an agent that
has all the information that was available to agents in G —
at the time that they performed their latest action — together
with the ordering of all the actions that have been performed
by these agents. It is easily seen that this is a stronger notion
of distributed knowledge than DpG , in the sense that the formula DTGO φ ⇒ DpG φ is valid. This notion supports our key
Theorem 2 Suppose that is acyclic. If M is TO-secure
with respect to then M is confined with respect to the
local-state assignment view ◦ m and .
In order to obtain a similar result for TA-security, we
need to take into account that TA-security is consistent with
the transmission of information that is not contained in the
sender’s view. Thus, the best that we can expect in this case
is that information known to u must be permitted to be distributed knowledge to the agents that may transmit information to u. As with the notion DTGO , we also restrict the distributed knowledge to information that may have been transmitted, rather than that information currently held. Thus, we
consider the notion of distributed knowledge DTGA , defined
as DYG where Y = ta ◦ m. Using this, we can again support
the key intuition:
M, π, α |= DYG φ if for all α ∈ A∗ such that α ∼YG α
we have M, π, α |= φ.
Intuitively, this is just the notion of distributed knowledge
DpG , except that instead of combining the information in the
local states viewv (α) for v ∈ G relative to the interleaving
of G actions in α, we combine the information in the local
states Yv (α). Indeed, it is easily seen that DpG φ is equivalent
to Dview
G φ.
a sequence β such that (1) viewv (α) = viewv (β ) and (2)
β D \ {v} = β D \ {v}. It then follows using the
fact that M, π, α |= Kv p and (1) that M, π, β |= p, hence
using (2) and the fact that π interprets p as depending only
on D \ {v} that M, π, β |= p. We consider several cases for
v, with subcases for α:
Case 1: v = L. Here we have that π interprets p
as depending only on {H, D}, IL = {D}, and α ∼TILO β
implies α D = β D.
Theorem 3 Suppose that is acyclic. If M is TA-secure
with respect to then M is confined with respect to ta ◦ m
and .
Theorems 2 and 3 show that for both TO-security and TAsecurity, we are able to support the intuitive relationship between causal structure and distributed knowledge.
From Distributed Knowledge to Causality
In the preceeding, we have shown that the causal structure
of a system implies a relationship between an agent’s knowledge and the distributed knowledge of agents that may interfere with it. We now consider the converse direction. Suppose that security of a system implies that it is confined with
respect to a local-state assignment Y and . Is it also the
case that if a system is confined with respect to Y and then it is secure? The following example shows that it does
1. Suppose vL (α) = 0(l0)k . Then there is no occurrence of
d in α, and consequently, no such occurrence in β. Here
we take β = (β H)lk which can easily be seen to
satisfy (1) and (2).
2. Suppose vL (α) = 0(l0)k 1(l1)j . Then we can write α =
α0 dα1 where the occurrence of d is the first in α, α0 L = lk and the first action in α0 is not l, and α1 L = lj .
Since α D = β D, there is also an occurrence of d
in β and we may write β = β0 dβ1 , where β0 contains at
least one h action. Define
Example 5: We show that it is possible for a system to be
confined with respect to view ◦ m, yet still be TO-insecure.
Thus, the converse to Theorem 2 does not hold. (A similar
example may be constructed for ta ◦ m and TA-security, we
leave this as an exercise for the reader.)
Consider a system with agents H, D, L, each of which has
a single action h, d, l, respectively. Thus D = {H, D, L}
and A = {h, d, l}. We take the set of states to be A∗ , the
initial state to be and state transitions to be defined by concatenation: α · a = αa. Let the observations for agent H
be given by obsH (α) = 0, the observations for agent D be
given by obsD (α) = α {H, D}, and those for L be given
β = (β0 H)lk d(β1 {H, D})lj .
This can be seen to satisfy (1) and (2).
3. Suppose vL (α) = 0(l0)k 2(l2)j . Then we can write α =
α0 dα1 where the occurrence of d is the first in α, α0 L = lk and the first action in α0 is l, and α1 L = lj .
Since α D = β D, there is also an occurrence of d
in β and we may write β = β0 dβ1 , where β0 does not
contain d. Define β = l(β0 H)lk−1 d(β1 {H, D})lj .
This can be seen to satisfy (1) and (2).
Case 2: v = D. Here we have that π interprets p
as depending only on {H, L}, ID = {H}, and α ∼TIDO β
implies α H = β H. Here viewH (α) has the form
0(h0)k . Using the fact that α H = β H, we can
construct β such that α {H, D} = β {H, D} and
α {H, L} = β {H, L}. This yields (1) and (2).
Case 3: v = H. Here we have that π interprets p
as depending only on {D, L}, IH = ∅, and α ∼TIHO β is
trivially true for all β. We take β = (β {D, L})(α H),
which can be seen to satisfy (1) and (2). 1. obsL (α) = 0 if α does not contain a d action,
2. obsL (α) = 1 if α contains a d action and the first action
of α is not l,
3. obsL (α) = 2, otherwise.
Let the policy be given by H D L. Then, if we
take α1 = hld and α2 = lhd, we have that
toL (α1 ) =
(toL (hl), viewD (hl), d)
((toL (h), viewL (h), l), [] ◦ [h] ◦ [h], d)
(toL (), 0 ◦ 0, l), [][h], d)
((, 0, l), [][h], d)
The appropriate diagnosis for this example appears to be
that security of a system talks not just about what an agent
knows about the actions of other agents, but also about how
the agent’s own actions are interleaved with those of other
agents. Because we have formulated the notion of a proposition that “depends only on other agents” in a way that is
not sensitive to such interleavings, we we are not able to express security of the system using our present formulation of
the intuition. We now set about developing a variant formulation that does take such interleavings into account. We will
show that this can be done in such as way as to completely
characterize security in terms of the relationship between an
agent’s knowledge and the distributed knowledge of its interferers.
First, we relativize the notion of dependency to an agent.
Let F ⊆ D be a set of agents and let u ∈ D be an agent.
For a sequence α ∈ A∗ , define α u F to be the sequence in
toL (α2 )
= (toL (lh), viewD (lh), d)
= (toL (l), [] ◦ [] ◦ [h], d)
= ((toL (), viewL (), l), [] ◦ [] ◦ [h], d)
= ((, 0, l), [][h], d),
where we include sequences in square braces for clarity.
Thus, toL (α1 ) = toL (α2 ). On the other hand, we have
that obsL (s0 · α1 ) = obsL (α1 ) = 1 but obsL (s0 · α2 ) =
obsL (α2 ) = 2. Thus, this system is not TO-secure.
We now show that, on the other hand, this system is confined with respect to the local state assignment view◦m. For
this, we show that for each agent v, if M, π, α |= Kv p and
π interprets p as depending only on D \ {v} then M, π, α |=
DITvO p. For this, we show that if α ∼TIvO β then there exists
A∗ ∪ {⊥u } otained from α by deleting occurences of action
a with dom(a) ∈ F , and replacing each occurrence of an
action a with dom(a) = u by ⊥u . We then say that a proposition Π ⊆ A∗ is about F relative to u if for all α, α ∈ A∗ ,
if α u F = α u F then α ∈ Π iff α ∈ Π.
We will similarly relativize the notions of distributed
knowledge defined above. Suppose that Y is a local-state
assignment in M and u is an agent. Then we define the new
modal operator DYG,u with semantics
Subject to the condition that the local-state assignment Y
respects , we obtain from the following that DYG,u and DYG
are equivalent on the set of propositions of interest for confinement.
Lemma 2 Suppose that Y respects in M and let u ∈
G ↓. Then if π interprets p as depending only on D \ u, we
have M, π |= DYG,u p ⇒ DYG p.
Proof: Assume that M, π, α |= DYG,u p. We show that
M, π, α |= DYG p. Let α ∈ A∗ be a sequence such that
α G = α G and Yv (α) = Yv (α ) for all v ∈ G.
We need to show that M, π, α |= p. Define β to be a
sequence obtained from α by first deleting actions a with
dom(a) = u and then inserting such actions in such a
way that β u G = α u G. (This is possible because
α G = α G.) Since Y respects and G ↓⊆ D \ u, it
follows from this that also Yv (α) = Yv (β) for all v ∈ G.
Thus, by the assumption that M, π, α |= DYG,u p, we have
M, π, β |= p. Since we also have that β D\u = α D\u,
we obtain using that fact that π interprets p as depending
only on D \ u that M, π, α |= p, as required.
M, π, α |= DYG,u φ if for all α ∈ A∗ such that α u
G = α u G and Yv (α) = Yv (α ) for all v ∈ G, we
have M, π, α |= φ.
Intuitively, this definition expresses that the group G is able
to deduce φ from the information in the local states Y , given
information about the actions of the group G and how they
were interleaved, and the points in that interleaving at which
agent u performed an action (but not the details of u’s acO
tions). In particular, we define the operators DTG,u
and DTG,u
by taking Y to be view ◦ m and ta ◦ m in this definition,
It is easily seen from the definitions and the fact that α u
G = α u G implies α G = α G that DYG φ ⇒
DYG,u φ is valid. Thus DYG,u is a weaker notion of distributed
knowledge than DG
Using these new notions of dependence and distributed
knowledge, we consider the following formulation of our
intuition concerning the relationship between the knowledge
of an agent u and the distributed knowledge of its interferers
Iu :
From Lemma 2 we obtain the following.
Corollary 1 If M is relatively confined with respect to Y
and , and Y respects in M , then M is confined with
respect to Y and .
Combining this result with with and Lemma 1, we obtain:
Corollary 2 If M is relatively confined with respect to ,
then M is confined with respect to ta ◦ m and . If M is
TO-secure and relatively confined with respect to , then
M is confined with respect to view ◦ m and .
Thus, the notion of relative confinement is stronger than
the notion of confinement in the cases we considered above.
We now establish that this stronger notion actually holds in
these cases. We obtain this as a consequence of a more general result, for which we first need some technical definitions
and results.
Say that a local-state assignment Y is locally cumulative
if it satisfies the following conditions, for all agents u ∈ D,
actions a, b ∈ A and sequences of actions α, β ∈ A∗ :
[LC1.] If Yu (αa) = Yu () then dom(a) = u and Yu (α) =
Yu ().
[LC2.] If dom(a) = u and dom(b) = u and Yu (αa) =
Yu (βb) then either Yu (α) = Yu (βb) or Yu (αa) = Yu (β)
or Yu (α) = Yu (β).
[LC3.] If dom(a) = u and dom(b) = u and Yu (αa) =
Yu (βb) then Yu (α) = Yu (βb).
[LC4.] If dom(a) = u and dom(b) = u and Yu (αa) =
Yu (βb) then Yu (α) = Yu (β).
Some of the local-state assignments of interest to us have
this property.
Definition 6: A system M is relatively confined with
respect to a local-state assignment Y and a noninterference
policy if for all sequences of actions α ∈ A∗ , for all
agents u and all π that interpret p as depending only on
D \ u relative to u, we have M, π, α |= Ku p ⇒ DYIu ,u p,
where Iu = {v ∈ D | u = v, v u}. In many cases of interest, this is a stronger statement than
our previous formulation of the intuition using DYG . This is
not obvious, since while it is plain that if Π depends only on
D \ u then Π depends only on D \ u relative to u, in order to
obtain our previous formulation we would also need to have
DYG,u φ ⇒ DYG φ which is the converse of the fact that DYG φ ⇒
DYG,u φ noted above. However, the desired implication in fact
often holds, because of the following.
Let be a noninterference relation. If G is a set of
agents, we write G ↓ for the set {v | v ∗ u ∈ G}, and
write u ↓ for {u} ↓. Say that a local-state assignment Y respects in M if for all agents u, if α (u ↓) = β (u ↓)
then Yu (α) = Yu (β). Several of the local-state assignments
we have introduced respect .
Lemma 1 1. If α u ↓= β u ↓ then mu (α) u ↓=
mu (β) u ↓.
2. The local-state assignments ta and ta ◦ m respect .
3. If M is TO-secure then the local-state assignments to,
to ◦ m, view and view ◦ m respect .
Lemma 3 The local-state assignments view and ta are locally cumulative.
The following results gives some technical properties that
will be of use to us below.
Admittedly, the added complexity of the operator DYG,u
used in the definition of local confinement makes this result
somewhat less intuitive. However, the benefit that we obtain from this complexity is the ability to state the following
converse to Theorem 4:
Theorem 5 Let be acyclic, and let X be a fullinformation local-state assignment based on Y and . If
M is relatively confined with respect to Y ◦ m and then
M is X-secure.
Proof: We need to show that for all sequences α, α
and agents u, if Xu (α) = Xu (α ) then obsu (s0 · α) =
obsu (s0 · α ). We proceed by induction on the combined
length of α and α . The base case of α = α = is
trivial, so we consider the case of sequences αa, α , with
Xu (αa) = Xu (α ), where a ∈ A.
Case 1: dom(a) u. Then Xu (α) = Xu (αa) =
Xu (α ), so by the induction hypothesis, we have obsu (s0 ·
α) = obsu (s0 · α ). We would like to show that obsu (s0 ·
αa) = obsu (s0 · α a). We suppose not, and obtain a contradiction. Note that it follows from the assumption and the
conclusion above that obsu (s0 · αa) = obsu (s0 · α). Define
the interpretation π on p by M, π, γ |= p iff γ u D \ u =
αa u D \ u. Then plainly π interprets p as depending only
on D \ u relative to u.
We show that M, π, α |= Ku p. Suppose that viewu (α) =
viewu (γ) and M, π, γ |= ¬p. From viewu (α) = viewu (γ)
it follows that α u = γ u, and from M, π, γ |= ¬p
we have γ u D \ u = αa u D \ u. It follows that
γ = αa. However, since obsu (s0 · αa) = obsu (s0 · α),
we have viewu (γ) = viewu (αa) = viewu (α), a contradiction. Thus, viewu (α) = viewu (γ) implies M, π, γ |= p.
This shows that M, π, α |= Ku p.
Since π interprets p as depending only on D \ u relative
to u and M is relatively confined with respect to Y ◦ m
and , it follows that M, π |= DYIu◦m
,u p. However, since
dom(a) u, we have dom(a) ∈ Iu ∪ {u}, so αa u Iu =
α u Iu . Moreover, for v ∈ Iu , we have mv (αa) = mv (α),
so Yv (mv (αa)) = Yv (mv (α)). Plainly M, π, αa |= ¬p.
Thus, we have M, π |= ¬DYIu◦m
,u p This is a contradiction.
Case 2: dom(a) u.
Then Xu (αa) =
(Xu (α), Ydom(a) (α), a). Since Xu (αa) = Xu (α ), we cannot have α = , so write α = βb. If dom(b) u, then
we can switch the roles of αa and βb and apply the previous case. Thus, without loss of generality dom(b) u, and
we have Xu (βb) = (Xu (β), Ydom(a) (β), b). It follows that
a = b, Xu (α) = Xu (β) and Ydom(a) (α) = Ydom(a) (β).
Suppose that obsu (s0 · αa) = obsu (s0 · βa). By the
induction hypothesis, we obtain from Xu (α) = Xu (β) that
obsu (s0 · α) = obsu (s0 · β). Define π on p by M, π, γ |= p
iff γ u D \ u = βa u D \ u.
We show that M, π, αa |= Ku p.
Suppose that
viewu (γ) = viewu (αa) and M, π, γ |= ¬p. Then γ u = αa u and γ u D \ u = βa u D \ u. Now from
Xu (α) = Xu (β) and the fact that X is a full-information
local-state assignment, we obtain that α u = β u.
Hence γ u = αa u = βa u. Combining this
with γ u D \ u = βa u D \ u we obtain γ = βa.
This implies that viewu (γ) = viewu (αa), a contradiction,
Lemma 4 If Y is locally cumulative, then for all sequences α, β ∈ A∗ and agents u, Yu (α) = Yu (β) implies
Yu (mu (α)) = Yu (mu (β)).
Lemma 5 Let X be a full-information local-state assignment based on Y and . Then we have the following.
1. If M is X-secure with respect to then for all α, β ∈
A∗ and agents u, if Xu (α) = Xu (β) then viewu (α) =
viewu (β).
2. If Xu (α) = Xu (β) and v u, then Yv (mv (α)) =
Yv (mv (β)).
3. Suppose Y is locally cumulative. If α Iu ∪ {u} = β Iu ∪ {u} and Yv (mv (α)) = Yv (mv (β)) for all v ∈ Iu ,
then Xu (α) = Xu (β).
Lemma 6 Suppose that Y respects in M and is
acyclic. Then for all α, β ∈ A∗ , if α u D \ u = β u D \ u
then for all v ∈ Iu , we have Yv (mv (α)) = Yv (mv (β)).
We can now state a result that generalizes Theorem 2 and
Theorem 3.
Theorem 4 Let be acyclic, and let X be a full information local state assignment based on Y and . Suppose
that Y respects in M and is locally cumulative. Then if
M is X-secure then M is relatively confined with respect to
Y ◦ m and .
Proof: Suppose π interprets p as depending only on D \
u relative to u. We need to show that for all α ∈ A∗ we
have M, π, α |= Ku p ⇒ DYIu◦m
,u p. We assume M, π, α |=
α |= ¬Ku p.
Since M, π, α |= ¬DYIu◦m
there exists a sequence β ∈
A such that α u Iu = β u Iu and Yv (mv (α)) =
Yv (mv (β)) for all v ∈ Iu and M, π, β |= ¬p. Since
α u Iu = β u Iu , the sequences α and β have the same
number k of occurrences of actions of agent u, and α Iu =
β Iu . Let γ be the sequence constructed from β by replacing the i-th occurrence of an action of agent u by the i-th
action of agent u in α, for i = 1 . . . k. Then we have that
β u D \ u = γ u D \ u and α Iu ∪ {u} = γ Iu ∪ {u}.
By Lemma 6, since β u D \ u = γ u D \ u, we have
that Yv (mv (β)) = Yv (mv (γ)) for all v ∈ Iu . It follows
that Yv (mv (α)) = Yv (mv (γ)) for all v ∈ Iu . Since also
α Iu ∪ {u} = γ Iu ∪ {u} and Y is locally cumulative,
we obtain using Lemma 5(3) that Xu (α) = Xu (γ). By
X-security of M and Lemma 5(1), we conclude that
viewu (α) = viewu (γ). However, since M, π, β |= ¬p,
β u D \ u = γ u D \ u and π interprets p as depending
only on D \ u relative to u, we have that M, π, γ |= ¬p.
Thus M, π, α |= ¬Ku p.
Using Lemma 3 and Lemma 1 , we obtain the following
result, which can be seen to strengthen Theorem 2 and Theorem 3 by Corollary 2.
Corollary 3 If M is TA-secure with respect to then M
is relatively confined with respect to ta ◦ m and . If M is
TO-secure with respect to then M is relatively confined
with respect to view ◦ m and .
since obsu (s0 · αa) = obsu (s0 · βa). This shows that
M, π, αa |= Ku p. It is obvious that π interprets p as depending only on D \ u relative to u, so by the assumption,
we have M, π, αa |= DYIu◦m
,u p.
By an induction on the definition of Xu , we can see
that Xu (αa) = Xu (βa) implies αa u Iu ∪ {u} =
βa u Iu ∪ {u}.
By Lemma 5(2) we also have
Yv (mv (αa)) = Yv (mv (βa)) for all agents v with v ∈ Iu .
Since M, π, βa |= ¬p, it follows that M, π, αa |= ¬DYIu◦m
,u p,
a contradiction.
used in the literature on computer security. We have shown
that it is possible to express these definitions precisely in
terms of how information flows in the system.
There are several directions that could be explored in future research. We note that our definitions are suited to deterministic systems in which actions are interleaved and have
immediate effects: different formulations may be required
to capture similar intuitions in asynchronous message passing systems, or systems with simultaneous actions, such as
the model used in (Fagin et al. 1995). It would also be of
interest to consider nondeterministic systems, and systems
in which actions have probabilistic effects. Our semantic
model and notions of causality originate in the computer security literature and have a richer temporal structure than is
generally considered in KR work in the area (Pearl 2000;
Halpern and Pearl 2001), but it would be interesting to investigate the relationships. We remark also that we have
confined our attention to acyclic noninterference policies. It
remains to formulate generalizations of these results that encompass systems with causal cycles.
In particular, combining this result with Corollary 3 we
obtain the following.
Corollary 4 M is relatively confined with respect to ta ◦ m
iff M is TA-secure. M is relatively confined with respect to
view ◦ m iff M is TO-secure.
That is, we are able to give a complete characterization
of the causal notions of TO-security and TA-security that is
stated entirely in epistemic terms. The equivalence gives us
a reduction of causal notions to epistemic notions.
Fagin, R.; Halpern, J.; Moses, Y.; and Vardi, M. 1995.
Reasoning About Knowledge. MIT-Press.
Goguen, J., and Meseguer, J. 1982. Security policies and
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Full paper at
While the notion of distributed knowledge has been studied in the literature on reasoning about knowledge since
the 1980’s, relatively little concrete use has been made of
it. Notably, one of the few relates distributed knowledge
to the notion of of Lamport causality, which is appropriate
in asynchronous message passing systems (see (Fagin et al.
1995) Proposition 4.4.3). Our work provides a study of a
slightly different nature, dealing with distributed knowledge
and information flow in causally constrained asynchronous
systems. Specifically, we have clarified the intuition that
the causal structure of a system constrains agents to acquire
only external knowledge that is distributed knowledge to the
agents that may causally affect it.
In doing so, we have argued that the classical definition
of distributed knowledge needs to be adapted in order to
capture the intuition. We have shown that, besides intersection of information sets, there are other ways that a group
of agents might combine their information. In particular, we
have argued that such combination needs to be relativized
to an agent to which the group is communicating its information in order to fully capture our intuitions concerning information flow and causal structure. We believe our
new notions of distributed knowledge are intuitive and may
find application in other contexts. We remark that the need
for such variants has previously been argued by Moses and
Bloom (Moses and Bloom 1994), who show that distributed
knowledge it is too weak for certain applications, and propose a stronger notion IG called inherent knowledge, such
that IG φ ⇒ DG φ is valid. This is a strengthening whereas
we propose weakenings, and the context in this work is
rather different from ours: systems in which communication
is by asynchronous message passing, rather than the asynchronously operating systems with a synchronous communication mechanism, as in our definition of systems. Finally,
we believe that the perspective from the logic of knowledge
provides fresh insight into the definitions of causality being