From: KDD-98 Proceedings. Copyright © 1998, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Joins that Generalize: Text Classification William W. Cohen AT&T Labs-Research 180 Park Avenue Florham Park NJ 07932 Abstract WHIRL is an extensionof relational databasesthat can perform “soft joins” based on the similarity of textual identifiers; these soft joins extend the traditional operation of joining tables based on the equivalenceof atomic values. This paper evaluatesWHIRL on a number of inductive classification tasksusing data from the World Wide Web. We show that although WHIRL is designedfor more generalsimilaritybasedreasoningtasks,it is competitive with mature inductive classificationsystemson these classificationtasks. In particular, WHIRL generally achieveslower generalization error than C4.5, RIPPER, and severalnearest-neighbormethods. WHIRL is also fast-p to 500 times faster than C4.5 on some benchmark problems. We also show that WHIRL can be efficiently used to select from a large pool of unlabeled items those that can be classified correctly with high confidence. Introduction Consider the problem of exploratory analysis of data obtained from the Internet. Assuming that one has already narrowed the set of available information sourcesto a manageable size, and developedsome sort of automatic procedure for extracting data from the sites of interest, what remains is still a difficult problem. There are severaloperationsthat one would like to support on the resulting data, including standardrelation databasemanagementsystem(DBMS) operations,since some information is in the form of data; text retrieval, since some information is in the form of text; and text categorization. Since data can be collected from many sources,one must also support the (non-standard)DBMS operation of data integration (Monge and Elkan 1997; Hemandezand Stolfo 1995). As an example of data integration, suppose you have two relations, place(univ,state), which contains university names and the states in which they are located, and job(uuiv,dept), which contains university departmentsthat are hiring. Suppose further that you are interested in job openingslocated in a particular state. Normally a user could join the two relations to answer this query. However, what if the relations were extracted from two different and unrelated Web sites? The same university may be referred to Copyright @ 1998, American Association for Artificial Intelligence( rights reserved. Using WHIRL Haym Hirsh Departmentof Computer Science RutgersUniversity New Brunswick, NJ 08903 as “Rutgers University” in one relation, and “Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey”in another. To solve this problem traditional databaseswould require some form of key normalization or data cleaning on the relations before they could be joined. An alternative approach is taken by the databasemanagement system (DBMS) WHIRL (Cohen 1998a; 1998b). WHIRL is a conventional DBMS that has been extendedto use statistical similarity metrics developedin the information retrieval community to compare and reason about the similarity of pieces of text. These metrics can be used to implement “similarity joins”, an extension of regular joins in which tuples are constructedbased on the similarity of values, rather than on equality. Constructedtuples are then presentedto the user in an ordered list, with tuples containing the most similar pairs of fields coming first. As an example, the relations described above could be integratedusing the WHIRL query SELECT place.univ as ul, place.state, job.uuiv as u2, job.dept FROM place, job WHERE place.uuiv~job.univ where place.univNjob.univ indicates that these items must be similar. The result of this query is a table with columns ~1, state, u2, and dept, and rows sorted by the similarity of ~1 and ~2. Thus rows in which ~l=d? (i.e., the rows that would be in a standardequijoin of the two relations) will appear first in this table, followed by rows for which ul and ~2 are similar, but not identical (such as the pair “Rutgers University” and “Rutgers, the StateUniversity of New Jersey”). Although WHIRL was designedto query heterogeneous sources of information, WHIRL can also be used in a straight-forward manner for traditional text retrieval and relational data operations. Less obviously, WHIRL can be used for inductive classification of text. To see this, note that a simple form of rote learning can be implementedwith a conventionalDBMS. Assume we are given training data in the form of a relation train(inst,label) associatinginstances inst with labels label from some fixed set. (For example, instancesmight be news headlines,and labels might be subject categoriesfrom the set {business, sports, other}.) To classify an unlabeled object X one can store X as the only element of a relation test(inst) and use the SQL query: SELECT test .inst ,train.label FROM train,test WHERE test.inst=train.inst KDD-98 169 In a conventionalDBMS this retrievesthe correct label for any X that hasbeenexplicitly storedin the training settrain. However, if one replacesthe equality condition test.inst= train.inst with the similarity condition, test.instNtrain.inst, the resulting WHIRL query will find training instancesthat are similar to X, and associatetheir labels with X. More precisely, the answer to the correspondingsimilarity join will be a table Every tuple in this table associatesa label Li with X. Each Li is in the table becausethere were some instances Y.51,. . . ,Yi, in the training data that had label Li and were similar to X. As we will describebelow, every tuple in the table also has a “score”, which dependson the number of theseYi j ’s and their similarities to X. This methodcan thus be viewed as a sort of nearestneighborclassificationalgorithm. Elsewherewe haveevaluatedWHIRL’on dataintegration tasks (Cohen 1998a). In this paper we show that WHIRL is also well-suited to inductive text classification,a task we would also like a generaldata manipulationsystemsuch as WHIRL to support. An Overview of WHIRL We assumethe readeris familiar with relational databases and the SQL query language. WHIRL extendsSQL with a new TEXT data type and a similarity operatorXNY that applies to any two items X and Y of type TEXT.’ Associated with this similarity operatoris a similarity function SIM(X, Y), to be describedshortly, whoserangeis [0, l], with larger valuesrepresentinggreatersimilarity. This paperfocuseson queriesof the form SELECT test .inst ,train.label FROM test,train WHERE test.inst~train.inst and we therefore tailor our explanation to this class of queries. Given a query of this form and a user-specified parameterK, WHIRL will first find the set of K tuples (Xi, yj, Lj) from the Cartesianproduct of test and train such that SrM(Xi, Yj) is largest (where Lj is Yj’s label in train). Thus, for example,if test containsa single element X, then the resultingset of tuples correspondsdirectly to the K nearestneighborsto X, plus their associatedlabels. Bach of thesetuples has a numericscore; in this casethe scoreof (Xi,~,~~)iSSimplySIM(Xi,Y$). The next step for WHIRL is to SELECT test.inst, train.label, i.e., to selectthe first and third columns of the table of (Xi, Yj, Lj) tuples. In this projection step, tuples with equal Xi and Lj but different Yj will be combined. ‘Other publisheddescriptionsused a Prolog-like notation for the samelanguage(Cohen 1998a; 1998b). We refer the readerto theseearlier papersfor descriptionsof the full scopeof WHIRL and efficient methodsfor evaluatinggeneralWHIRL queries. 170 Cohen The scorefor eachnew tuple (X, L) is l-fi(l-Pj) (1) j=l wherepi ,..., p, arethescoresofthentuples(X,Yi,L) ,..., (X, Y,, L) that contain both X and L. The similarity of eachX and Y is assessedvia the widelyused “vector space”model of text (Salton 1989). Assume a vocabularyT of atomic terms that appearin each document.2 A TEXT object is representedas a vector of real nufnbersv E 72ITI, where each componentcorrespondsto a term. We denotewith 21~the componentof v that correspondsto t E T. The generalidea behind the vector-spacerepresentation is that the magnitudeof a componentut should be related to the “importance”of t in the documentrepresentedby v, with higher weightsassignedto termsthat arefrequentin the documentand infrequent in the collection as a whole; the latter often correspondto proper namesand other particularly informative terms. We use the TF-IDF weighting scheme (Salton 1989) in which ut = log( T&J + 1) * log( ID&). Here Z’FVIt is the numberof times that t occursin the document representedby v, and IDFt = 5, whereN is the total numberof records,and 7~~is the total numberof recordsthat contain the term t in the given field. The similarity of two documentvectorsv and w is then given by the formula tET vt’wt m f(v,w)= cllvll * llwll This measureis large if the two vectors sharemany “important”terms, and small otherwise. Notice that due to the normalizing term S1&?(v, w) is always betweenzero and one. By combining graph searchmethodswith indexing and pruning methodsfrom informationretrieval,WHIRL can be implementedfairly efficiently. Details of the implementation and a full descriptionof the semanticsof WHIRL can be found elsewhere(Cohen 1998a). Experimental Results To evaluateWHIRL as a tool for Web-basedtext classification tasks, we creatednine benchmarkproblems,listed in Table 1, from pagesfound on the World Wide Web. Although they vary in domain and size, all were generatedin a straight-forwardfashion from the relevantpages,and all associatetext - typically short, name-like strings- with labels from a relatively small set3 The table gives a summary descriptionof eachdomain,the numberof classesand numberof terms found in eachproblem, and the numberof training and testing examplesusedin our text classification 2Currently,T containsall “word stems”(morphologicallyinspiredprefixes)producedby the Porter(1980) stemmingalgorithm on textsappearingin the database. 3Althoughmuch work in this area hasfocusedon longer documents,we focus on short text itemsthat moretypically appearin suchdataintegrationtasks. experiments. On smaller problems we used lo-fold crossvalidation(“lOcv”), and on larger problemsa singleholdout set of the specifiedsize was used. In the caseof the cdroms andnetvet domains,duplicateinstanceswith different labels were removed. Relative accuracy 100 80 60 Using WHIRL for Inductive Classification To label each new test example,the examplewas placedin a table by itself, and a similarity join was performedwith it and the training-settable. This results in a table where the test example is the tist item of each tuple, and every label that occurredfor any of the top K most similar text items in the training-settable appearsas the seconditem of some tuple. We used Ii’ = 30, basedon exploratoryanalysis of a small number of datasets,plus the experienceof Yang and Chute (1994) with a relatedclassifier(seebelow). The highest-scoringlabel was usedas the test item’s classification. If the table was empty, the most frequentclasswas used. We compared WHIRL to several baseline learning algorithms. C4.5 (Quinlan 1994) is a feature-vectorbased decision-treelearner.We usedas binary-valuedfeaturesthe sameset of terms used in WHIRL’s vectors; however,for tractability reasons,only termsthat appearedat least3 times in the training set were used as features. RIPPER (Cohen 1995) is a rule learning systemthat has beenused for text categorization(CohenandSinger 1996).We usedRIPPER s set-valuedfeatures(Cohen 1996)to representthe instances; this is functionally equivalentto using all terms as binary features,but more efficient. No feature selectionwas performed with RIPPER. l-NN finds the nearestitem in the training-settable (using the vector-spacesimilarity measure SIM) and givesthe test item that item’s label. We aIsoused Yang and Chute’s (1994) distance-weightedk-NN method, hereaftercalled K-NNs. This is closely relatedto WHIRL, but combinesthe scoresof the the K nearestneighborsdifferently, selectingthe label L that maximizesc pi. Finally, I<-NNM is like Yang and Chute’smethod,but picks the label L that is most frequentamongthe I{ nearestneighbors. The accuracyof WHIRL and each baselinemethod, as well as the accuracyof the “default rule” (alwayslabeling an item with the most frequent class in the training data) are shown in Table 2; the highest accuracyfor each problem is shown in boldface. The same information is also shown graphically in Figure 1, where eachpoint represents one of the nine test problems.4 With respectto accuracy WHIRL uniformly outperformsK -NNM , outperformsboth l-NN and C4.5 eight of nine times, and outperformsRIPPER sevenof nine times. WHIRL was never significantly worsethan any other learneron any individual problem.5 4The y-value of a point indicatesthe accuracyof WHIRJ.,on a problem, and the x-value indicates the accuracyof a competing method; points that lie abovethe line y = x are caseswhere WHJRL was better. The upper graph comparesWHIRL to C4.5 andRIPPER,and the lower graphcomparesWHIRL to the nearestneighbormethods. 5WeusedMcNemar’stest to test for significantdifferenceson the problemsfor which a single holdout was used, and a paired t-test on the folds of the cross-validationwhen 1Ocvwasused. 40 20 Accuraz of seconYk3am*r Relative accuracy 80 100 (lNN,wE 7 (KNN-sunyhiri 1 + (KNN-mal,whirl) q 0 20 AccuraEj of seconsdqearnf3r I& 80 Figure 1: Scatterplotsof learneraccuracies The algorithm that comesclosestto WHIRL is K-NNs. WHIRL outperformsK-NNs eight of nine times, but all of theseeight differencesare small. However,five are statistically significant,indicating that WHIRL representsa small but statisticallyreal improvementover K-BINS. Using WHIRL for SelectiveClassification Although the error rates are still quite high on some tasks, this is not too surprising given the nature of the data. For example,considerthe problem of labeling companynames with the industry in which they operate (as in Mine and hcoarse). It is fairly easy to guessthe businessof “Watson Pharmaceuticals,Inc.“, but correctly labeling “Adolph Coors Company”or “AT&T” requiresdomainknowledge. Of course,in many applications,it is not necessaryto label every test instance; often it is enoughto find a subset of the test data that can be reliably labeled. For example, in constructinga mailing list, it is not necessarydetermine if every householdin the US is likely to buy the advertised product; one needsonly to find a relatively small set of householdsthat are likely customers.The basicproblem can be statedas follows: given M test cases,give labels to N of these,for N < M, whereN is set by the user.We call this problem selective classifcation. One way to perform selectiveclassificationis to use a learner’shypothesisto make a prediction on eachtest item, andthenpick the N itemspredictedwith highestconfidence. Associatinga confidencewith a learner’sprediction is usuKDD-98 171 problem #train #/test #classesI #terms I text-valuedfield I label memos 334 1Ocv documenttitle category cdroms category 1133 CDRom gamename 798 1Ocv birdcom 914 1ocv phylogenicorder 674 commonnameof bird birdsci 914 1Ocv 1738 common + scientificname of bird phylogenicorder hcoarse 1875 600 industry (coarsegrain) 2098 companyname hfine 1875 600 2098 companyname industry (fine grain) books 3501 1800 subjectheading 7019 book title species 3119 1600 7231 animal name phylum netvet 3596 2000 category 5460 URL title -ion- Table 1: Description If benchmarkproblems default RIPPER C4.5 memos 57.5 19.8 50.9 40.5 cdrom 26.4 38.3 39.2 70.4 88.8 79.6 42.8 birdcom 42.8 91.0 83.3 82.8 birdsci hcoarse 11.3 28.0 30.2 20.2 12.7 hfine 4.4 16.5 17.2 53.0 books 5.7 42.3 52.2 87.5 90.6 89.4 species 51.8 50.9 netvet 67.1 68.8 22.4 57.52 57.41 53.76 1 1 average 25.24 I -7mRy WHIRL 66.5 64.4 43.0 78.9 81.5 29.5 17.8 54.7 90.7 64.8 56.64 1 I 47.5 47.2 83.9 82.3 90.3 89.2 32.9 32.7 20.8 21.0 61.4 60.1 943 93.6 68.1 67.8 62.00 62.90 Table2: Experimentalresultsfor accuracy ally straightforward.6 However,WHIRL also suggestsanotherapproachto selective classification. One can againuse the query SELECT test .inst ,train.label FROM traintest WHERE test.instNtrain.inst but let test containall unlabeledtest cases,ratherthan a sin- gle test case.The result of this query will be a table of tuples (Xi, Lj ) where Xi is a test caseand Lj is a label associated with one or more training instancesthat are similar to Xi. In implementing this approachwe used the score of a tuple (as computedby WHIRL) as a measureof confidence. To avoid returning the same example multiple times with a different labels, we also discardedpairs (X, L) such that (X, L’) (with L’ # L) also appearsin the tablewith a higher score; this guaranteesthat each example is labeled at most once. Rather than uniformly selecting K nearest neighbors for each test example, this approach(henceforththe “join method”) finds the K pairs of training and test examples that are most similar, and then projects the final table from this intermediateresult. Hence,the join methodis not identical to repeatinga K-NN style classification for every test query (for any value of Ii’). An advantageof the join method is that since only one query is executedfor all the test instances,the join method is simpler and fasterthan using repeatedK-NN queries.Table 3 comparesthe efficiency of the baselinelearnersto the efficiency of the join method. In each case we report the 6For C4.5 and RIPPER,a confidencemeasurecan be obtained using the proportion of each class of the training examplesthat reachedthe terminal nodeor rule used for classifyingthe test case. For nearest-neighborapproachesa confidencemeasurecan be obtained from the score associatedwith the method’s combination rule. 172 Cohen combinedtime to learn and classify the test cases.The lefthand side of the table gives the absoluteruntime for each method, and the right-hand side gives the runtime for the baseline learners as a multiple of the runtime of the join method. The join method is much faster than symbolic methods,with averagespeedupsof nearly 200 for C4.5 with 500 in the best case- and averagespeedupsof nearly 30 for RIPPER - with 60 in the best case. It is also significantly fasterthan the straight-forwardWHIRL approach, or evenusing l-NN on this task.7 This speedupis obtained even though the size K of the intermediatetable must be fairly large, since it is sharedby all test instances.We used I< = 5000 in the experimentsbelow, and from preliminary experimentsK = 1000 appearsto give measurablyworse performance. A potential disadvantageof the join method is that test caseswhich are not nearany training caseswill not be given any classification;for the five larger problems,for example, only l/4 to l/2 of the test examplesreceive labels. In selective classification, however,this is not a problem. If one considersonly the N top-scoring classifications for small N, there is no apparentloss in accuracyin using the join method rather than WHIRL; indeed, there appearsto be a slight gain. The upper graph in Figure 2 plots the error on the N selectedpredictions (also known as the precision at rank N) against N for the join method, and comparesthis to the baselinelearnersthat perform best, accordingto this metric. All points are averagesacrossall nine datasets.On average,thejoin methodtendsto outperformWHIRL for N less than about 200; after this point WHIRL’s performance beginsto dominate.Generally,thejoin methodis very competitive with C4.5 and RIPPER.* However, theseaverages ‘Runtimes for the K-NIV variantsare comparableto WHIRL’s. *RIPPERperformsbetter than the join method,on average,for Table3: Run time of selectedlearningmethods Average over all datasets 0.95 of examples.Our experimentsshow that, despiteits greater generality,WHIRL is extremelycompetitivewith state-ofthe-artmethodsfor inductiveclassification.WHIRL is fast, sincespecialindexingmethodscanbe usedto find the neighbors of an instance,and no time is spentbuilding a model. WHIRL was also shownto be generallysuperiorin generalization performanceto existingmethods. 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 References 0.85 0.6 0.55 ’ ’ 50 ’ 100 * ’ 150 200 I I 50 60 ’ ’ patkNOO n 350 ’ 400 * ’ 450 500 Precision at N=l 00 I I n .-$ .O_ 1 Pre%ion 80 IearneY’ of other 100 Figure2: Experimentalresultsfor selectiveclassification conceala lot of individual variation; while the join method is beston average,therearemanyindividual casesfor which its performanceis not best.This is shownin the lower scatter plot in Figure2.g Summary WHIRL extendsrelational databasesto reasonabout the similarity of text-valuedfields using information-retrieval technology.This paperevaluatesWHIRL on inductiveclassification tasks, where it can be applied in a very natural way - in fact, a single unlabeledexamplecan be classified using one simple WHIRL query, and a closely related WHIRL query can be used to “selectively classify”a pool W . W . Cohen. 1995. Fast effectiverule induction. In Machine Learning: Proceedingsof the TwelfthInternational Conference. MorganKaufmann. W . W . Cohen. 1996. Learningwith set-valuedfeatures.In Proceedingsof the ThirteenthNational Conferenceon Artiflciul Intelligence.AAAI Press. W . W . Cohen.1998.Integrationof heterogeneous databases without commondomainsusing queriesbasedon textual similarity. In Proceedingsof the I998 ACM SIGMODInternationalConferenceon Managementof Data. ACM Press. W . W . Cohen.1998. A Web-basedinformationsystemthat reasonswith structuredcollectionsof text. In Proceedingsof the SecondInternational ACM Conferenceon AutonomousAgents. ACM Press. W . W . Cohen and Y. Singer. 1996. Context-sensitivelearning methodsfor text categorization.In Proceedingsof the 19th Annual InternationalACM Conferenceon Researchand Developmentin InformationRetrieval,pages307-315.ACM Press. M. Hernandezand S. Stolfo. The merge/purgeproblemfor large databases. In Proceedingsof the 1995ACM SIGMOD,May 1995. A. Monge and C. Elkan. An efficient domain-independent algorithm for detectingapproximatelyduplicatedatabaserecords.In Theproceedingsof the SIGMODI997 workshopon data mining and knowledgediscovery,May 1997. M. F. Porter.1980. An algorithmfor suffix stripping. Program, 14(3):13&137. J. R. Quinlan.1994.C4.5: Programsfor machinelearning.Morgan Kaufmann. G. Salton,editor.1989.AutomaticTextProcessing.AddisonWesley. Y. Yang and C.G. Chute. 1994. An example-based mapping methodfor text classificationand retrieval. ACM Transactions on InformationSystems,12(3). valuesof N < 60, but the differenceis small;for instance,the join methodaveragesonly 1.3 moreerrorsthan RIPPERfor N = 50. ‘Each point here comparesthe join method with someother baselinemethodat N = 100,a point at which all four methodsare closein averageperformance. KDD-98 173