


Kent State University – University of Akron



Cullen, Francis T., John Paul Wright, and Kristie R. Blevins (eds). 2008. Taking Stock: The

Status of Criminological Theory, Advances in Criminological Theory series volume 15.

New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction.

Classical / Rational Choice

Nagin, Daniel S. 1998. “Criminal Deterrence Research at the Outset of the Twenty-First


Crime and Justice: A Review of Research 23: 1-42.

Nagin Daniel S, and Greg Pogarsky. 2001. “Integrating Celerity, Impulsivity, and

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Criminology 39:865-91.

Piliavin, Irving, Rosemary Gartner, Craig Thornton, and Ross L. Matsueda. 1986. “Crime,

Deterrence, and Rational Choice.”

American Sociological Review , 51: 101-119.

Roshier, Bob. 1989. Controlling Crime: The Classical Perspective in Criminology . Chicago, IL:

Lyceum Press.

Social Disorganization/Social Ecology

Bursik, Robert J. Jr. 1988. “Social Disorganization Theories of Crime and Delinquency:

Problems and Prospects.”

Criminology, 26 :519-552.

Sampson, Robert J. and Byron Groves. 1989. “Community Structure and Crime: Testing Social

Disorganization Theory.” American Journal of Sociology , 94 :774-802.

Shaw, Clifford and Henry H. McKay. 1969. Juvenile Delinquency and Urban Areas . Chicago:

University of Chicago Press.

Stark, Rodney. 1987. “Deviant Places: A Theory of the Ecology of Crime.” Criminology , 25:



Agnew, Robert. 1992. “Foundation for a General Strain Theory of Crime and Delinquency. “

Criminology , 30: 47-87.


Agnew, Robert, Timothy Brezina, John Paul Wright, and Francis T. Cullen. 2002. “Strain,

Personality Traits, and Delinquency: Extending General Strain Theory.” Criminology 40:


Messner, Steven F. and Richard Rosenfeld. 2007. Crime and the American Dream . Belmont,

CA: Wadsworth.

Merton, Robert K. 1938. “Social Structure and Anomie.” American Sociological Review, 3:



Cloward, Richard. 1959. “Illegitimate Means, Anomie, and Deviant Behavior.” American

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Cohen, Albert K. 1955. Delinquent Boys. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Miller, Walter B. 1958. "Lower-Class Culture as Generating Milieu of Gang Delinquency."

Journal of Social Issues 14:5-19.

Wolfgang, Marvin E. and Franco Ferracuti. 1967 (reprinted 2001). The Subculture of

Violence: Toward an Integrated Theory in Criminology.

New York: Tavistock

Publications. Ch 1 and 3

Differential Association/Social Learning

Burgess, Robert L. and Ronald L. Akers, Ronald. 1966. “A differential association- reinforcement theory of criminal behavior.” Social Problems, 14, 128-147.

Matsueda, Ross L. 1988. “The current state of differential association theory.” Crime &

Delinquency, 34:277-306.

Sykes, Gresham and David Matza. 1957. “Techniques of Neutralization: A Theory of


American Sociological Review 22:664-673.

Tittle, Charles R., Mary Jean Burke, and Elton F. Jackson. 1986. “Modeling Sutherland’s

Theory of Differential Association: Toward and Empirical Clarification.” Social Forces

65: 405-432.

Labeling/ Shaming

Becker, Howard S. 1963. Outsiders. New York: Free Press.

Braithewaite, John. 1989. Crime, Shame, and Reintegration . Cambridge: Cambridge University



Hay, Carter. 2001. “An Exploratory Test of Braithwaite’s Reintegrative Shaming Theory.”

Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 38:132-153.

Paternoster, Raymond and Leeann Iovanni. 1989. “The labeling perspective and delinquency:

An elaboration of the theory and assessment of the evidence.” Justice Quarterly, 6: 359-


Schur, Edwin M. 1971. Labeling Deviant Behavior. New York: Harper and Row.

Control Theories

Costello, Barbara and Paul R. Vowell. 1999. “Testing Control Theory and Differential

Association: A Reanalysis of the Richmond Youth Project Data.” Criminology 37:815-


Hirschi, Travis. 1969 (reprinted 2002). Causes of Delinquency . Reprint. New Brunswick, NJ:


Kornhauser, Ruth R. 1978. Social Sources of Delinquency. Chicago: University of Chicago


Gottfredson, Michael R. and Travis Hirschi. 1990. A General Theory of Crime. Stanford, CA:

Stanford University Press.

Pratt, Travis C. and Francis T. Cullen. 2000. "The Empirical Status of Gottfredson and Hirschi's

General Theory of Crime: A Meta-Analysis." Criminology 38:931-964.

Routine Activities

Cohen, Lawrence E. & Felson, Marcus. 1979. “Social change and crime rate trends: A routine activities approach.” American Sociological Review, 44: 588-608.

Osgood, Wayne D. Janet K. Wilson, Jerald G. Bachman, Patrick M. O’Malley, and Lloyd D.

Johnston. 1996. “Routine activities and individual deviant behavior.”

Sociological Review, 61: 635-655.


Life-course / Developmental

Piquero, Alex R., David P. Farrington, and Alfred Blumstein. 2003. “The Criminal Career

Paradigm.” Crime and Justice: A Review of Research 30: 359-506.

Sampson, Robert J. and John H. Laub. 1993. Crime in the Making. Cambridge: Harvard

University Press.


Marxist and Feminist

Chesney-Lind, Meda. 2006. "Patriarchy, Crime, and Justice: Feminist Criminology in an Era of

Backlash." Feminist Criminology 1:6-26.

Daly, Kathleen and Meda Chesney-Lind. 1988. "Feminism and Criminology." Justice Quarterly


Greenberg, David. 1993. Crime and Capitalism: Readings in Marxist Criminology.

Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.

Hagan, John, A. R. Gillis, and John Simpson. 1985. "The Class Structure of Gender and

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American Journal of Sociology 90:1151-1178.

Spitzer, Steven. 1975. “Toward a Marxian Theory of Deviance.” Social Problems 22: 638-651.

Methods / Data issues

Biderman, Albert D., James P. Lynch, J.L. Peterson. 1991. Understanding Crime Incidence

Statistics: Why the UCR Diverges from the NCS. New York, NY: Springer.

Chilton, Roland and John Jarvis. 1999. “Victims and Offenders in Two Crime Statistics

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Journal of Quantitative

Criminology , 15: 193-205.

D’Alessio, Stewart J. and Lisa Stolzenberg. 2003. “Race and the Probability of Arrest.”


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Elliott, Delbert S. and Suzanne S. Ageton. 1980. “Reconciling race and class differences in self-reported and official measures.” American Sociological Review 44: 95-110.

Feenan, Dermot. 2005. “Criminological Research: Understanding Qualitative Methods.”


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Gottfredson and Hirschi. 1987. “On the methodological adequacy of longitudinal research.”

Criminology, 25: 581-614.

Hindelang, Hirschi and Weis. 1981. Measuring Delinquency . Beverly Hills: Sage.

Hirschi, Travis and Hanan C. Selvin. 1996 (reprinted 2006). Delinquency Research: An

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Keiser, Kees, Siegwart Lindenberg, and Linda Steg. 2008. “The Spreading of Disorder.”

Science, 322: 1681-1685.

Maxfield, Michael G. 1999. “The National Incident-Based Reporting System: Research and

Policy Applications.”

Quantitative Criminology, 15(2): 119-149

Steffensmeier, Darrell, Hua Zhong Jeff Ackerman, Jennifer Schwartz, and Suzanne Agha. 2006.

“Gender Gap Trends for Violent Crimes, 1980 to 2003: A UCR-NCVS Comparison.”

Feminist Criminology, 1: 72-98.

