Lecture 23 Linear GR Objectives: • Linearised GR Reading: Schutz 8; Hobson 17; Rindler 15 23.1 Approximating GR The non-linearity of GR makes it difficult to solve in most situations. It is useful to develop an approximate form of the field equations for the common case of weak fields. In weak fields we can assume that there are coordinates xα in which the metric can be written gαβ = ηαβ + hαβ , where |hαβ | ¿ 1. Using this the field equations 1 Rαβ − Rgαβ = kTαβ , 2 can be approximated to first order in h. e.g. the connection 1 αδ g (gδγ,β + gβδ,γ − gβγ,δ ) , 2 1 αδ η (hδγ,β + hβδ,γ − hβγ,δ ) , = 2 Γα βγ = is first-order in h, so the Riemann tensor boils down to Rρ αβγ = Γρ αγ,β − Γρ αβ,γ . 93 94 LECTURE 23. LINEAR GR Eventually one finds: h,αβ + 2hαβ − η γδ (hαγ,δβ + hδβ,αγ ) − (2h − hσρ ,σρ ) ηαβ = 2kTαβ , where h = η αβ hαβ and 2 = η σρ ∂σ ∂ρ = ∂σ ∂ σ = 1 ∂2 − ∇2 , 2 2 c ∂t is the D’Alembertian or wave operator. 23.2 Lorenz Gauge The choice of hαβ is not unique; it depends on the underlying coordinates. This can be used to simplify the linearised equations. For instance consider the coordinate transform x′α = xα + ²α , with ²α and its derivatives ¿ 1 (easier here not to put primes on indices; hαβ is not a tensor). Then ∂x′γ ∂x′δ ′ g , ∂xα ∂xβ γδ¡ ¢ ′ , = (δαγ + ²γ ,α ) δβδ + ²δ ,β gγδ gαβ = so Thus ¢ ¢¡ ¡ ηαβ + hαβ = (δαγ + ²γ ,α ) δβδ + ²δ ,β ηγδ + h′γδ . ηαβ + hαβ = ηαβ + ²δ ,β ηαδ + ²γ ,α ηγβ + h′αβ , and so h′αβ = hαβ − ²α,β − ²β,α . Very similar to gauge transformation of EM where the physics is invariant to transforms of the 4-potential of the form A′α = Aα + ψ,α , where ψ is some scalar field. Choose ²α to simplify field equations. In particular choosing coordinates such that 1 hαβ ,β = η αβ h,β , 2 (“Lorenz gauge”), then the field equations reduce to 1 2hαβ − ηαβ 2h = 2kTαβ . 2 Do not try to remember this! 95 LECTURE 23. LINEAR GR Further simplification comes from defining 1 h̄αβ = hαβ − hηαβ , 2 (“trace reversal” since h̄ = −h). The Lorenz gauge becomes h̄αβ,β = 0, while the field equations reduce to 2h̄αβ = 2kTαβ , or in full: µ ¶ 1 ∂2 16πG 2 − ∇ h̄αβ = − 4 Tαβ . 2 2 c ∂t c There is still some remaining freedom: the same relations survive coordinate transforms x′α = xα + ²α provided 2²α = 0. 23.3 Newtonian limit [not in lectures] Consider a time-independent, weak-field. Setting k = −8πG/c4 , and 2 = −∇2 , the field equations become ∇2 h̄αβ = 16πG αβ T , c4 which has the form of Poisson’s equation. If all mass is stationary, then only T 00 = ρc2 is significant so we have ∇2 h̄00 = 16πGρ , c2 and by analogy with ∇2 φ = 4πGρ, we can immediately write 4φ , c2 where φ is the Newtonian potential. All other components = 0. h̄00 = From this we deduce h = −h̄ = −4φ/c2 , and since 1 hαβ = h̄αβ + hη αβ , 2 LECTURE 23. LINEAR GR 96 we find 2φ , c2 Finally, since g αβ = η αβ + hαβ , and lowering indices we find µ ¶ µ ¶ ¢ 2φ 2φ ¡ 2 2 2 2 ds = c 1 + 2 dt − 1 − 2 dx + dy 2 + dz 2 . c c h00 = h11 = h22 = h33 = This approximate metric is useful for studying gravitational lensing around anything more complex than a point mass, e.g. a star plus planets, or clusters of galaxies.