Lecture 10 Parallel transport Objectives: • Parallel transport • Geodesics • Equations of motion Reading: Schutz 6; Hobson 3; Rindler 10. In this lecture we are finally going to see how the metric determines the motion of particles. First we discuss the concept of “parallel transport”. 10.1 Parallel transport In SR, the equation for force-free motion of a particle is ~ ~ = dU = 0, A dτ ~ i.e a straight line through spacetime as well as 3D space with the vector U remaining constant along the line parameterised by τ . This is extended to the curved spacetime of GR by the notion of parallel “transport” in which a vector is moved along a curve staying parallel to itself and of constant magnitude. 39 LECTURE 10. PARALLEL TRANSPORT 40 Figure: Parallel transport of a vector from A to B, keeping it parallel to itself and of constant length at all points. Consider the change of a vector V~ along a line parameterised by λ dV~ dV α d~eα = ~eα + V α . dλ dλ dλ We can write ∂~eα dxβ d~eα = . dλ ∂xβ dλ Using this and the definition of the connection ∂~eα = Γγ αβ ~eγ , β ∂x gives dV~ dV α dxβ α γ = ~eα + V Γ α β ~eγ . dλ dλ dλ Swapping dummy indices α and γ in the second term finally leads to dV~ = dλ µ ¶ dxβ γ dV α α ~eα . + Γ γβ V dλ dλ This is a vector with components DV α dV α dxβ γ = + Γα γβ V , Dλ dλ dλ and is known variously as the “intrinsic”, “absolute” or “total” derivative. One also sometimes sees the vector written as dV~ = ∇U~ V~ , dλ where U α = dxα /dλ is the “tangent vector” pointing along the line (= fourvelocity if λ = τ ). 41 LECTURE 10. PARALLEL TRANSPORT The components are very similar to the covariant derivative V α ;β = V α ,β + Γα γβ V γ . In fact if we write (a cheat: V α α α β α ∂V dx ∂V dV = = U β, β dλ ∂x dλ ∂xβ might only be defined on the line) then we can write DV α /Dλ is to dV α /dλ as V α ;β is to V α ,β . DV α = V α ;β U β . Dλ Parallel transport: if a vector V~ is “parallel transported” along a line then dV~ = 0, ∇U~ V~ = dλ or in component form: dV α dxβ γ DV α = + Γα γβ V = 0. Dλ dλ dλ 10.2 Straight lines or “geodesics” With parallel transport we can extend the idea of “straight” lines to curved spaces: Definition: a line is “straight” if it parallel transports its own tangent vector. ~ = 0 or, In other words straight lines in curved spaces are defined by ∇U~ U α α α setting V = U = dx /dλ dxβ dxγ d2 xα α + Γ = 0. γβ dλ2 dλ dλ More compactly ẍα + Γα γβ ẋβ ẋγ = 0, using the “dot” notation for derivatives wrt λ. • These are force-free equations of motion ~ = dU ~ /dτ = 0 to GR. • Extends SR A Shows how V α must change for V~ to remain constant. LECTURE 10. PARALLEL TRANSPORT 42 • In GR, gravity is not a force but a distortion of spacetime • Metric gαβ → Γγ αβ → particle motion. • Straight lines are often called geodesics. “Great circles” are geodesics on spheres. 10.2.1 Affine parameters ~ = kU ~ , i.e. the tangent vector We could have defined “straight” by ∇U~ U changes by a vector parallel to itself. However in such cases one can always transform to a new parameter, say µ = µ(λ), such that ∇U~ ′ U~ ′ = 0, where U~ ′ is the new tangent vector. µ is then called an affine parameter. Proper I will always time τ is affine for massive particles. assume affine parameters. 10.3 Example: motion under a central force Consider motion under Newtonian gravity dV~ GM = − 2 ~rˆ. dt r In general coordinates the left-hand side is dV α + Γα βγ V β V γ . dt In polar coordinates V~ = (ṙ, θ̇). From last time Γr θθ = −r, Γθ rθ = Γθ θr = 1/r with all others = 0. Therefore: GM dV r + Γr θθ V θ V θ = − 2 , dt r and dV θ + Γθ rθ V r V θ + Γθ θr V θ V r = 0. dt These give r̈ − rθ̇2 = − and GM , r2 2 θ̈ + ṙθ̇ = 0. r The second can be integrated to give the well known conservation of angular momentum r2 θ̇ = h. LECTURE 10. PARALLEL TRANSPORT 43 These two equations are the equations of planetary motion which lead to ellipses and Kepler’s laws. The point here is how the connection allows one to cope with familiar equations in awkward coordinates. In much of physics such coordinates can be avoided, but not in GR where there is no sidestepping the connection. Note here how the centrifugal term, rθ̇2 , appears via the connection.