From: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multiagent Systems. Copyright © 1995, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Designing a Familyof CoordinationAlgorithms* Keith S. Decker and Victor R. Lesser Departmentof ComputerScience University of Massachusetts DECKER@CS.UMASS.EDU Abstract Many researchershaveshown that there is nosinglebest organization or coordinationmechanism for al[ environments. This paperdiscussesthe designandimplementation of an extendable familyof coordinationmechanisms, calledGeneralized Partial GlobalPlanning(GPGP).Theset of coordinationmechanisms described hereassists in scheduling activitiesfor teamsof cooperative computational agents. TheGPGP approachhas several uniquefeatures.First, it is not tied to a singledomain. Each mechanism is definedas a responseto certain features in the current task environment.Weshowthat different combinations of mechanisms are appropriatefor different task environments.Secondly,the approachworksin conjunctionwith an agent’sexistinglocal planner/scheduler. Finall};the initial set of five mechanisms presentedhere generalizesandextends the Partial GlobalPlanning(PGP)algorithm.In comparison to PGRGPGP considerstasks withdeadlines,it allowsagent heterogeneity, it exchanges less globalinformation, andit communicates at multiplelevelsof abstraction. Introduction This paper presents a formal description of the implementation of a domainindependent coordination scheduling approach which we call Generalized Partial Global Planning (GPGP).The GPGP approach consists of an extendable set modularcoordination mechanisms,any subset or all of which can be used in responseto a particular task environment.Each mechanism is defined using our formal frameworkfor expressing coordinationproblems(TFr_,MS (Decker&Lesser i 993b)). GPGP both generalizes and extends the Partial Global Planning (PGP)algorithm (Durfee &Lesser 1991). Our approach has several unique features: GPGP worksin conjunction with an existing agent architecture and local scheduler1; each coordination mechanism is definedas a responseto certain features in the current task environment;the individual coordination mechanisms rest on a shared substrate that arbitrates between "This work was supported by DARPA contract N00014-92-J1698, Office of NavalResearchcontract N00014-92-J-1450, and NSFcontract IRI-9321324.Thecontent of the informationdoes not necessarilyreflect the positionor the policyof the Government andno official endorsement shouldbe inferred. 1 Here,a "design-to-time" real-timescheduler(Garvey&Lesser 1993). the mechanisms and the agent’s local scheduler in a decisiontheoretic manner. The GPGPapproach views coordination as modulating local control, not replacing it. This processoccursvia a set of domain-independentcoordination mechanismsthat post constraints to the local scheduleraboutthe importanceof certain tasks and appropriate times for their initiation and completion. By concentrating on the creation of local scheduling constraints, we avoid the sequentiality of schedulingin the original PGPalgorithm that occurs whenthere are multiple plans. By havingseparate modulesfor coordination and local scheduling,wecan also take advantageof advancesin real-time schedulingto producecooperativedistributed problemsolving .systems that respondto real-time deadlines. Wecan also take advantageof local schedulersthat havea great deal of domain scheduling knowledgealready encodedwithin them. Finally, our approachallows consideration of termination issues that were glossed over in the PGPwork (where termination was handledby an external oracle). Besides the obvious connections to the earlier PGPwork, GPGPbuilds on work by yon Martial (v. Martial 1992) in detecting and reacting to relationships (such as yon Martial’s "favor" relationship). GPGPalso uses a notion of social commitmentssimilar to those discussed by (Cohen &Levesque 1990; Shoham1991; Castelfranchi 1993; Jennings 1993). Durfee’s newer work (Durfee & Montgomery 1991)is basedon a hierarchical behaviorspace representation that like GPGPallows agents to communicateat multiple levels of detail. The mechanismspresented in this paper deal with coordination while agents are scheduling (locating in time) their activities rather than while they are planning to meet goals. This allows themto be used in distributed scheduling systems, agenda-basedsystems (like blackboard .vstems), or systems whereagents instantiate previous plans (like case-based planning systems). The focus on mechanismsfor coordinating schedulesis thus different from work that focuses on multi-agent planning (Grosz &Kraus 1993; Ephrati & Rosenschein 1994). Shohamand Tennenholtz’s ’social laws’ approach (Shoham&Tennenholtz1992) can viewedas one whichtries to changethe (perceived) structure of the tasks by, for example,restricting the agents’ possible activities. Intelligent agents mightuse all of these approaches at one time or another. Decker 73 From: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multiagent Systems. Copyright © 1995, AAAI ( All rights reserved. The next section will briefly re-introduce ottr framework for representing coordination problems, and summarizethe assumptionswe makeabout an agent’s internal architecture. Wethen describe the GPGP substrate and five coordination mechanisms.2 Previous work has shownhow the GPGPapproach can duplicate and extend the behaviors of the P(;P algorithm(Decker&Lesser1992); this paper will briefly sumnaarizeseveral experimentalresults that are reportedin (Decker 1995)and concludeswith a look at our future directions. Representing The Task Environment Coordination is the process of managinginterdependencies betweenactivities (Malone&Crowston1991). If we view agent as an entity that has somebeliefS; about the worldand can perform actions, then the coordination problemarises whenan)" or all of the followingsituations occur: the agent has a choiceof actions it cantake, and that choiceaffects the agent\ performance;the order in whichactions are carried out affects performance;the time at whichactions are carried out affects performance.The coordination problemof choosing and temporally ordering actions is mademore complex because the agent mayonly have an incomplete view of the entire task structure of whichits actions are a part, the task structure maybe changing dynamically and the agent m.’ly be uncertain about the outcomesof its actions, if there are multiple agents in an environment,then whenthe potential actions of one agent are related to those of anotheragent, we call the relationship a coordinationrelationship. EachGPGP coordination mechanismis a response to somecoordination relationship. The T/EMSframework(Task Analysis, EnvironmentModeling, and Simulation) (Decker & Lesser 1993b) represents coordination problemsin a I’brmal, domain-independent way. Wehave used it to represent coordination problemsin distributed sensor networks,hospital patient scheduling,airport resource management, distributed information retrieval, piIot~ associate, local area networkdiagnosis, etc. (Decker 1995).In this paper wewill describe an agent’s current st*bjective beliel’~saboutthe structureof the problem it is tryingto solve by using the "I’/EMS framework(Decker&Lesser 1993b: Decker1995). For this purpose, there are twouniquef~arures of T2F.MS. Thefirst is the explicit, quantitativerepresentation of task interrelationshipsas functionsthat describethe et}bct of activity choices and temporalorderi,lgs on perfbrmance.The secondis the representationof task structuresat multiplelevels of abstraction. Thehighestlevel of abstractionis called a task group,and contains all tasks that haveexplicit computational interrelationships.Atask is simplya set of lower-levelsubtasks and/or executable methods. The componentsof a task have an explicitly definedeffect on the quality of the encompassing task. Thelowestlevel of abstraction is called an exect, table method.Anexecutablemethodrepresents a schedulableentitb such as a blackboardknowledgesource instance, :1 chunkof codeand its input data, or a totally-orderedplan that has been recalled and instantiated fbr a task. A methodcould also be 2Thesefive mechanisms are orientedtowardsproducing P( ;P-like "cooperative team’behavior. Mccl|anisms for .~cll’-inreresred age,atsarc alsopossible. 74 ICMAS-95 an instanceof a human activity at someuseful level of detail, tbr example,"take an X-rayof patient I’s left foot". A coordination probleminstance (called an episode E) is defined as a set of task groups, each with a deadline D(T), such .’Is E = (~. "T~ ..... T,, ). A common performancegoal of the agent or agents is to maximizethe sumof the quality achievedfbr each task groupbdbreits deadline. Figure I showsan objective:l task groupand agent A’s subjective viewof that sametask group.Tile arrowsbetweentasks and/or methodsindicate task interrelationships wherethe execution of so,he methodwill havea positive or negativeef}~ct on the quality or duration of another method.The presence of these interrelationships makethis an NP-h.ardscheduling problem:further complicatingf~tctors for the local scheduler include the I’hct that multiple agents are executingrelated methods, that somemethodsare redundanr (executable at morethan one agent), and that the subjective task structure maydiffer fromthe real objective structure. The Agent Architecture Wemakefewassumptionsabout the architecture of the agents. The agents have a database that holds their current belid~s about the structure of tile tasks in the current episode; we represent this infbrmation using TA’.MS.The agents can do dtree types of actions: they can executemethodsfromthe task structure, send direct messagesto one another, and do "’information gathering". Infbrmation gathering actions modelhow new task structures or communications get into the agent’s belief database. This could be a combinationof external actions (checkingthe agent’s incomingmessagebox) and internal planning. Methodexectition actions cause quality to accrue in a task group (as indicated by the task structure). Communication actions are used to send the results of merhod executions(whichin turn maytrigger the efI’~cts of various task interrelationships) or meta-levelinfbrmation. Formallywewrite /’/~t(.r) to nle.’magent .-t subjectively believes .~’ .’11 time t (Shoham 1991). Wewill shorten this to /3(.r) whenthe particular agent or time is obvious. agent’ssubiectivebelief~saboutthe current episodeincludethe agent’s beliefs abouttask groups,subtasks, execut:tble methods, and interrelationships (e.g., D(’T~E E). B(T,,, ."~11, "T~)./3(enables(S/’;,, :~,1~.))). The GPGPfamily of coordination mechanismsalso makes a stronger assumptionaboutthe agent architecture. It assumes the presenceof a local schedulingmechanism (to be described in the next section) that can decide what methodexecution actions should take place and when.The local scheduler attempts to maximizea (possibly changing) utility ftmction. The current set of GPGPcoordination mechanismsare for cooperative reamsof agents--they assumethat agents do not intentionally lie and that agents believe whatthey are told. I Iowever, because agents can believe and communicate only subjective information,the)’ mayunwittinglytransmit informationthat is inconsistent with an objective view (this can cause, amongother things, the phenomena of distraction). Finally, tile GPGP fhmily approachrequires domain-dependent ’*l’hew,lrd "td~jcct*vc’ rctbrsto thefactthat*’llis i~ thetrue,real ’qI’1i(’rll rt’. From: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multiagent Systems. Copyright © 1995, AAAI ( All rights reserved. me~(=ecur.ble mk~ @ task with quality accrual function rain subtask rdationship enables relationship c~ai~atcs relationship Figure h AgentAand B’Ssubjective views(bottom)of a typical objective task group(top) codeto detect or predict the presenceof coordination relationshipsin the local task structure. In this paperwewill refer to that domain-dependentcode as the information gathering action called detect-coordination-relationship~ wewill describe this action more in the section on Mechanism 1: Non-Local Views. The Local Scheduler EachGPGP agent contains a local scheduler that takes three types of input information and produces a set of schedules and alternatives. Thefirst input is the current, subjectively believedtask structure. Usinginformationaboutthe potential duration, potential quality, and interrdationships, the local scheduler choosesand orders executablemethodsin an attempt to maximizea pre-defined utility function. In this paper the utility function is the sumof the task group qualities ~’~T~EQ(T, D(T)), where Q(T, t) denotes the quality ofT at time t as defined in (Decker&Lesser 1993b).Quality does not accrueafter a task group’sdeadline. The secondinput is a set of commitmentsC. Thesecommitments are produced by the GPGPcoordination mechanisms, and act as extra constraints on the schedulesthat are produced by the local scheduler. For example,if methodI is executable by agent A and method2 is executable by agent B, and the methodsare redundant, then one of agent A’s coordination mechanismsmay commit agent A to do method 1. Commitmentsare social--directed to particular agents in the sense of the work of Castdfranchi and Shoham(Castdfranchi 1993; Shoham 1991)). A local commitment C by agent A becomes a non-local commitmentwhen received by another agent B. This paper will use two types of commitments: C(Do(T,q)) is a commitment to ’do’ (achieve quality for) andis satisfied at the timet whenQ(T,t) >_q; the secondtype C(DL(T,q, tat)) is a ’deadline’ commitment to do T by time tdt andis satisfied at the timet when[Q(T,t) > q] A[t <_ tat]. Whena commitment is sent to another agent, it also implies that the task result will be communicated to the other agent (by the deadline, if it is a deadlinecommitmen0. The third input to the local scheduler is the set of nonlocal commitments NLCmade by other agents. This information can be used by the local scheduler to coordinate actions betweenagents. For examplethe local scheduler could have the property that, if methodM, is executable by agent A and is the only method that enables method Ms at agent B (and agent B knows this), and BA(C(DL(M,, q, tl)))E BB(NLC), thenforeveryscbedule S produced by agent B, (M2,t) 6 S =6 t ~1(in other words,agent B only schedulesthe enabledmethodafter the deadline that agent A has committedto. A schedule S produced by a local scheduler will consist of a set of methods and start times: S = {(M1, tl), (Ms, t2),..., (M,, tn)}. The schedule may dude idle time, and the local schedulermayproducemorethan one scheduleuponeach invocation in the situation wherenot all commitments can be met. Thedifferent schedulesrepresent different waysof partially satisfi/ing the set of commitments. The function Violated(S) returns the set of commitments that are bdievedto be violated by the schedule. For violated deadline commitments C(DL(T, q, tdt)) Violated(S) the function Alt(C, S) returns an alternative commitment C(DL(T,q,t*dl)) where t~t = mint such that Q(T,t) >_ if such a t exists, or NIL otherwise. For a violated Do commitmentan alternative may contain a lower minimum quality, or no alternative maybe possible. The fimction Uest(E, S, NLC)returns the estimated utility at the end the episode if the agent follows scheduleS and all non-local commitmentsin NLCare kept. Thus we may define the local scheduler as a function LS(E,C, NLC) returning a set of schedules S {S,, Ss,... ,St a}. Moredetailed information about this kind of interface betweenthe local scheduler and the coordination component maybe found in (Garvey, Decker, Lesser1994). Thisis an extremdygeneral definition of the local scheduler, and is the minimalone necessaryfor the GPGP coordination module.Stronger definitions than this will be neededfor morepredictable performance,as we will discuss Decker 75 From: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multiagent Systems. Copyright © 1995, AAAI ( All rights reserved. later. Ideally, the optimal local scheduler wouldfind both the schedule with maximum utility Su and the schedule with maximum utility that violates no commitments 6f,. In practice, however,a heuristic local scheduler will producea set of schedules wherethe schedule of highest utility Su is not necessarily optimal: U(E, Sv, NLC)<_ U(E, S’tr, NLC). Five GPGP Coordination Mechanisms Therole of the coordination mechanisms is to provide informationto the local schedulerthat allows the local scheduler to construct better schedules. This informationcan be in the formof modificationsto portionsof the subjective task structure of the episodeor in the formof local and non-localcommitmentsto tasks in the task structure. The five mechanisms wewill describe in this paper forma basic set that provides similar functionality to the original Partial GlobalPlanning algorithm as shownin (Decker & Lesser 1992). Mechanism exchangesuseful private viewsof task structures; Mechanism 2 communicatesresults; Mechanism 3 handles redundant methods: Mechanisms 4 and 5 handle hard and soft coordination relationships. Moremechanisms can be added, such a~s one to updateutilities acrossagents as discussedin the next section, or to balance the load better between agents. The mechanisms are independentin the sense that they can be used in any combination.If inconsistent constraints are introduced, the local schedulerwill return at least one violated constraint in all its schedules.Sincethe local schedulertypicallysatisfices instead of optimizes,it maydo this evenif constraints are not inconsistent (i.e. it does not search exhaustively). Thenext section describes howa scheduleis chosenby the coordination modulesubstrate. The GPGPCoordination Module Substrate All the specific coordination mechanismsrest on a common substrate that handles informationgathering actions, invoking the local scheduler, choosinga scheduleto execute (including dealing with violated or inconsistent commitments),and deciding whento terminate processing on a task group. Information gathering actions include noticing newtask group arrivals and receiving communications from other agents. Informationgathering is doneat the start of problemsolving, when communicationsare expected from other agents, and whenthe agent is otherwise idle. Communications are expected in responseto certain events (such as after the arrival of a newtask group) or as indicated in the set of non-local commitmentsNLO.This is the minimal general information gathering policy. Terminationof processing on a task group occurs for an agent whenthe agent is idle, has no expected communications, and no outstanding commitmentsfor the t.ask group. Choosinga schedule is morecomplicated. The agent’s local scheduler mayreturn multiple schedulesbecauseit cannot find a single schedulethat both maximizesutility and meets all commitments.Fromthe set of schedules S returned by the local scheduler, twoparticular schedulesare identified: the schedulewith the highest utility St; and the best committed scheduleSo:. If they are the same,then that scheduleis cho76 ICMAS-95 sen. Otherwise,weexaminethe sumof the changesin utility for each commitment.Each commitment,when created, is assignedthe estimatedutility U~stfor the task groupof which it is a part. This utility maybe updatedovertime (whenother agents depend on the commitment,for example). Wethen choosethe schedulewiththe largest positive changein utility. This allows us to abandoncommitments if doingso will result in higher overall utility. Thecoordinationsubsttate does not use the local scheduler’sutility estimateU~,stdirectly on the entire schedulebecauseit is basedonly on a local view. The coordinationsubstrate mayreceive non-localinformationthat places a higher utility on a commitment than it has locally. If both scheduleshavethe sameutilits; the one that is more negotiable is chosen. Every commitment has a negotiability index (high, medium,or low) that indicates (heuristically) the difficulty in reschedulingif the commitment is broken. This index is set by the individual coordinationmechanisms. For example,hard coordinationrelationships like enablesthat cannot be ignored will trigger commitments with low negotiability. If the schedulesare still equivalent,the shorter one is chosen, and if the), are the samelength, one is chosenat random. After a scheduleS is chosen, if Viol&ted(S)is not empty, then each commitmentC E Violated(S) is replaced with its alternative C ~ C \ C LI AIr(C, S). If the commitment madeto other agents, the other agents are also informedof the change in the commitment.Whilethis could potentially cause cascading changesin the schedules of multiple agents, it generallydoesnot for three reasons:first, as wementioned in the previous paragraph legs important commitmentsare brokenfirst; secondly;the resiliancy of the local schedulers to solve problemsin multiple waystends to dampout these fluctuations; and third, agents are time cognizantresourceboundedreasoners that interleave execution and scheduling (i.e., the agents cannotspendall day arguing over scheduling details and still meettheir deadlines). Wehaveobservedthis useful phenomenon before (Decker1995) and plan to analyze it in future work. Mechanism 1: Updating Non-Local Viewpoints Remember that each agent has only a partial, subjective view of the current episode. The GPGPmechanism described here can communicate no private information(’none’ policy, no non-localview), or all of it (’all’ policy, globalview), take an intermediate approach(’some’policy, partial view). The process of detecting coordination relationships between private and sharedparts of a task structure is in generalvery domainspecific, so we modelthis process by a newinformation gatheringaction, detect-coordination-rdationships, that takes somefixed amountof the agent’s time. This action is scheduled whenevera newtask grouparrives. The set P of privately believed tasks or methodsat an agent A (tasks believed at arrival time by A only) is then {~ I task(:r) A Va E A \ A, -~BA(/3~f~)(a:))}, where the set of all agents and Ar(x) is the arrival time ofz. Given this definition, the action derect-caardination-relationships returns the set of private coordination relationships PCR= {r[ Tt E P A 7"2 ~’ P A [r(Tt,T2) V r(T2, T1)]} between From: Proceedings of the First International Conference on reMultiagent Systems. Copyright © 1995, AAAI ( All rights reserved. private and mutuallybelieved tasks. The action does not set of potential redundancies RCR= {r ¯ cg [ [r = turn whatthe task T2is, just that a relationshipexists between subtask(T, M, rain)] A [VM¯ M, method(M)]}. Then for T1 and some otherwise unknowntask T2. For example, in all methodsin the current scheduleS at time t, if the method is potentially redundantthen committo it and send the comthe DVMT, we have used the physical organization of agents mitment to Others(M) (non-local agents whoalso have to detect that AgentA’s task T1 in an overlappingsensor area method in M): is in fact related to someunknown task T2 at agent B (i.e. BA(BB(Ts))) (Decker & Lesser 1992). The non-local view [(M, tM) e S] coordination mechanismthen communicatesthese coordi[subtask(T, M, min) ¯ RCR]A [M ¯ M] nation relationships, the private tasks, and their context: if [C(Do(M,Q..t(M,D(M),S))) ¯ C] A r(Tt, Ts) PCR and T16 Pth enr and T1will be com[comm(M, Others(M), t) ¯ municatedby agent A to the set of agents {a ] BA(Ba (T2)) For example,Figure 2 showsthe local subjective beliefs of See for examplethe top of figure :5--both agents committo agents A and B after the communicationfrom one another Dotheir methodsfor T,. due to this mechanism.We’ll denote the completeset of coAfter the commitment is made,the agent must refrain from ordination relationships as GR;this indudesall the elements executing the methodin question if possible until any nonof PCRand all the relationships betweennon-private tasks. local commitments that were madesimultaneously can arrive (the communicationdelay time/~). This mechanismthen Mechanism 2: Communicating Results watches for multiple commitmentsin the redundant set and if they appear, a uniqueagent is chosenrandomly(but identiThe result communicationcoordination mechanismhas three cally by all agents) from those with the best commitments to possible policies: communicate only the results necessary m keep its commitment. All the other agents can retract their satisfy commitmentsto other agents (the minimalpolicy); commitments.For examplethe bottomof figure :5 showsthe communicate this informationplus the final results associated situation after AgentB has retracted its commitment to Do with a task group (’TG’ policy), and communicate all results B,. If all agents follow the same algorithm, and communi(’all’ policy4). Extra result communications are broadcastto all cation channels are assumedto be reliable, then no second agents, the minimal commitment-satisfyingcommunications message(retraction) actually needsto be sent (becausethey are sent only to those agents to whomthe commitmentwas choose the same agent to do the redundant method). In the made(i.e., communicate the result of T to the set of agents implementationdescribed later, identical randomchoices are {A 6 A [ B(BA(C,(T))). madeby giving each methoda unique randomidentifier, and then all agents choosethe methodwith the ’smallest’ identifier Mechan;sm 3: Handling Simple Redundancy for execution. Potential redundancy in the efforts of multiple agents can ocInitially, all Do commitments initiated by the redundant cur in several places in a task structure. Anytask that uses a coordination mechanism are marked highly negotiable. When ’max’quality accumulationfunction (one possible semantics a redundantcommitment is discovered,the negotiability of the for an ’OR’node)indicates that, in the absenceof other reremaining commitmentis lowered to mediumto indicate the lationships, only one subtask needs mbe done. Whensuch commitmentis somewhatmore important. subtasks are complexand involve manyagents, the coordination of these agents to avoid redundantprocessingcan also be Mechanism 4: Handling Hard Coordination complex;we will not address the general redundancyavoidRelationships ance problemin this paper (see instead (Lesser 1991)). In Hardcoordination relationships include relationships like original PGPalgorithm and domain(distributed sensor inenables(M,, Ms) that indicate that M1must be executed terpretation), the primary form of potential redundancywas before Msin order to obtain quality for Ms. Like redunsimple methodredundancy--thesame result could be derived dant methods, hard coordination rdationships can be culled from the data from any of a numberof sensors. The coorfrom the set CR. The hard coordination mechanismfurther dination mechanismdescribed here is meantto address this distinguishes the direction of the relationship--the current simpler form of potential redundancy. implementationonly creates commitmentson the predecesThe idea behind the simple redundancycoordination mechsors of the enables relationship. We’ll let HPCRC CR anism is that whenmore than one agent wants to execute a indicate the set of potential hard predecessorcoordinationreredundant method, one agent is randomly chosen to exelationships. The hard coordination mechanism then looks for cute it and send the results to the other interested agents. situations wherethe current schedule S at time t will proThis is a generalizationof the ’static’ organizationalgorithm duce quality for a predecessor in HPCR,and commitsto its discussed by Deckerand Lesser (Decker & Lesser 199:sa)-executionby a certain deadlineboth locally andsocially: it does not try to load balance, and uses one communi[Q.,t(T,D(T),S) > 0] A cation action (because in the general case the agents do [enables(T, M) ¯ HPCR]=~ not knowbeforehand, without co- mmunication,tha-t certain methods are redundantS). The mechanism considers the [C(DL(T, Q..t(T, D(T), S),t-.a.,y)) A [comm(C,Others(M),t) ¯ 4Sucha policyis all that is neededin many simpleenvironments. SThedetection of redundantmethodsis domain-dependent, as redundancy(i.e. doingthe exact samemethodat morethan one discussedearlier. Sinceweare talking here aboutsimple,direct agent)this detectionis verystraight-forward. Decker 77 From: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multiagent Systems. Copyright © 1995, AAAI ( All rights reserved. task withqualitytask) ~ method (executable accrual function rain subtaskrelationship - - - -~enablesrelationship Al~tA’sviewafter~mm~i~n fromB Figure 2: AgentsA and B’s local views after Figure1 showsthe gents’ initial states. ~,ntB’svi~a~rc~’nr~ni~i~ r~mA receiving non-local viewpointcommunications via mechanism 1 (shaded objects). Thenext question is, by whattime (tearly above) do wecommit mprovidingthe answer?Onesolution, usablewithany local schedulerthat fits our generaldescriptionof a LocalScheduler, is to use the rain t such that Q~t(T,D(T),S) > 0. our implementation,the local scheduler provides a query facility that allows us to propose a commitment to satisfy as ’early’ as possible (thus allowingthe agent on the other end of the relationship moreslack). Wetake advantageof this ability in the hard coordination mechanismby adding the new commitmentU(DL(T,Qe,t(T, D(T), S), "early")) the local commitment set C, and invokingthe local scheduler L,.q(E, C, NLC)to producea newset of schedules S. If the preferred, highest utility schedule5tl E S has no violations (highly likely since the local schedulercan simplyreturn the samescheduleif no better one can be found), we replace the current schedulewith it and use the newschedule, with a potentially earlier finish timefor T, to providea valuefor tea~ly. The newcompleted commitment is entered locally (with low negotiability)andsent to the subsetof interested other agents. If redundant commitments are madeto the same task, the earliest commitment madeby any agent is kept, then the agent committingto the highest quality, and any remainingties are broken by the same methodas before. Currently, the hard coordination mechanism is a pro-active mechanism,providing information that might be used by other agents to them, while not putting the individual agent to any extra effort. Other future coordination mechanisms might be added to the family that are reactive and request fromother agents that certain tasks be doneby certain times; this is quite different behaviorthat wouldneedto be analyzed separately. Mechanism 5: Handling Soft Coordination Relationships Soft coordination relationships are handled analogously to hard coordination relationships except that they start out with high negotiability. In the current implementation 78 ICMAS-9$ the predecessorof a facilitates relationship is the only one that triggers commitmentsacross agents, although hinders relationships are also present. The positive relationship facilitates(M1, M2,~d, ~q) indicates that executing M1before M2decreases the duration of Msby a ’power’ factor related to ~a and increases the maximum quality possible by a power factor related to ¢q (Decker &Lesser 1993b). moresituation-specific version of this coordination mechanism might ignore relationships with very low power. Figure 3 shows Agent B makinga D commitmentto do method /34, whichin turn allows Agent A mtake advantage of the facilitates(T4, T1, 0.G, 0.5) rdationship, causing method to take only half the time and produce1.5 times the quality. Overhead Theprimarysources of overheadassociated with the coordination mechanismsinclude action executions (communication and informationgathering), calls to the local scheduler, and any algorithmic overheadassociated with the mechanismitself. Table 1 summarizesthe total amountof overheadfrom each source for each coordination mechanism setting and the coordinationsubstrate. L represents the length of processing (time before termination), and d is a general density measure of coordination relationships. Interactions betweenthe presence of coordinationmechanisms and these quantities include: the numberof methodsor tasks in E, whichdependson the non-local view mechanism;the numberof coordination relationships ICRI or the subsets RCR(redundant coordination relationships), HPCR (hard predecessor coordination relationships), SPCR(soft predecessor coordination relationships), which dependson the numberof tasks and methods as well; and the numberof commitments ICI, whichdepends on each of the three mechanismsthat makescommitments. Conclusions, Status, and Future Work This paper discusses the design of an extendable family of coordination mechanisms,called Generalized Partial Global From: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multiagent Systems. Copyright © 1995, AAAI ( All rights reserved. ;.mEn..: "~~ TI ; T2 ’~ ¯ ti ’m=, ......... Commitmmts made fromAto B: DO0kl,100) [Herb ~1 matt from B ~ A.. ICommitmam DL(T4,50,5) [Merit#S]J Do(B1,100) l’Mech#3] I tm2 I t--$ t--13 i ’,. millt , TI ’ae~-...--.,..~ : T2 , max ’ ; inin, ;"~’;"" "~.... B-~ W[--’i too. c.,,,,/~-,= ~.,~,,,A~,a| $c&duL-s.. ~.2 t.5 A~,atA ’s titw ~ft~r raia~i~fB’s commitmems ’.._~ B3" 5t Do(A1,150) [~.h s~] J _OL_~4:5_O_:5)__gM~ ~1_ .I i I -"....... ............. ¯ ¯ t I t=IO A~: B’s ~kw~fr~r ra’dui~ A ’: commi~wms Figure 3: A continuation of Figures 1 and 2. At top: gents A and B proposecertain commitments to one another via mechanisms 3 and 5. At bottom: after receiving the initial commitments,mechanism3 removesagent B’S redundant commitment. Planning (GPGP),that form a basic set of schedule coordination mechanismsfor teams of cooperative computational agents. An.importantfeature of this approachincludes an extendable set of modularcoordination mechanisms,any subset or all of whichcan be used in responseto a particular task environment.This subset maybe parameterized, and the parameterization does not have mbe chosenstatically, but can instead be chosenon a task-group-by-task-group basis or even in responseto a particular problem-solving situation. For example, Mechanism5 (Handle Soft Predecessor CRs) might be =on=for certain dashesof tasks and ’off’ for other classes (that usually have ~sv or very weaksoft CRs). The general specification of the GPGP mechanisms involves the detection and responseto certain abstract coordinationrelationships in the incomingtask structure that werenot tied ma particular domain~we have used TraMSto describe tasks as diverse as distributed sensor networks,hospital scheduling,and Internet informationgathering. A careful separation of the coordination mechanisms from an agent’s local scheduler allows each mbetter do the job for which it was designed. Webdieve this separation is not only useful for applyingour coordination mechanisms to problemswith existing, customizedlocal schedulers, but also to problemsinvolving humans(wherethe coordination mechanism can act as an interface mthe person, suggesting possible commitments for the person’s consideration and reporting non-local commitmentsmadeby others) (Decker &Lesser 1995). The GPGP coordination approachas described in this paper has beenfully implemented in the TFv_.MS simulation testbed. Significant experimental validation of the GPGPapproach is documentedin (Decker 1995). These experiments have demonstratedthe effective performanceof the current mechanisms and the range of behaviors possible. Wedemonstrate that in complextask environmentsagents that use the appropriate mechanisms performbetter than agents that do not for several performancemeasures. Weshowhowto test that a particular mechanismis useful. Weshowthat different combinationsof mechanisms are, in fact, neededin different environments.Wedescribe a wayto structure the search for a particular combinationof mechanisms in a particular enviDecker 79 From: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multiagent Systems. Copyright © 1995, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Mechanism setting Communications Information Gathering Scheduler substrate o L E+idle nlv none o 0 t) Some’ Edetect-CRs O(dP) 0 all O(P) Edetect-C.’lts 0 commrain O(C) 0 0 TG O(C + E) 0 0 all o(M ¯ E) 0 0 redundanton O(RCR) 0 0 hard an O(HPCR) 0 O(HPCR) SO}’[ O?/ O(SPCR) 0 O(SPCR) ( )ther( )t,erhead o(Lc) o O[T E E) O(T ¯ E) O(C) O(C + E) O(.Xt¯ E) O(RCR¯ .q +CR) + O(HPCR * + CR) O(SPCR¯ .%’+ CIt) "Fable 1 : Overheadassociated with individual mechanisms at each parametersetting ronment,starting fromcertain architypical clusters of mechanisms. Our experimentshave also shownthe value of structuring coordination in terms of a fhmily of algorithms and the ease of adding newmechanisms such as a cooperative load balancing mechanism.The cooperative load-balancing coordination mechanismworks by providing better infbrmation to the agents with whichto resolve redundantcommitments. Eventuallyweintend to developa library of reusablecoordination mechanisms.For example, mechanismsthat work from the successorsof hardand soft relationshipsinstead of the predecessors, negotiation mechanisms,mechanismsfbr behavior such as contracting, or mechanisms that can be used by self motivated agents in non-cooperative environments. Manyof these mechanisms can be built on the existing workof other DAIresearchers. Future workwill also examineexpandingthe parameterization of the mechanisms and using machinelearning techniquesto choosethe appropriateparametervalues (i.e., learning the best mechanism set for an environment).Finally, we are also beginning work on using the GPGPapproach in applications ranging from providing humancoordination assistance to distributed infbrmationgathering. References Castelfranchi, C. 1993. Commitments:from individual intentions to groupsand organizations. In Prietula, M., ed., AI and theories of groups &organizations: Conceptualand Empirical Research. 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