Instructions: Complete the following form and submit with additional materials to the Applied Psychology Center (APC). Email completed applications for review to the APC. Hard copies may be left in mail box or delivered to office 378b. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to email or call (330) 672-2003. Refer to handbook for additional details, which can be found on the APC Website. DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY ♦ APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY CENTER, KENT CAMPUS Application for Summer Faculty Fellowship In order to facilitate large-scale grant development, the Applied Psychology Center will make funds available to afford substantial faculty release time from teaching for two Summer Fellowships of $6,000 each. If available, additional graduate assistance will be provided. There are no limitations on the area of research, as long as there is a clear applied aspect (not necessarily at the current state of research). Time may be spent conducting pilot research, but it is expected that at the end of the summer, or soon thereafter, actual application for extramural funding be made. Faculty who have received this award within the past two years are not eligible. The following criteria will be most heavily weighted in evaluation: (1) likelihood of extramural funding and (2) timeliness of project and its integration into programmatic research plan. Proposals for new grants would be more highly ranked than proposals for grant revisions. Name: Title of proposed research: Potential funding sources: Anticipated submission date: Peer reviewer: Checklist: □Proposed plan (2-5 pages) of how course release time will be used to develop one or more research grants and how APC support will contribute to the success of the project (proposal should outline area of research and ideas concerning study) □Proposed timetable for summer activities □Preliminary budget projection DEADLINE: December 1 Office Use Only Date received: Date reviewed: Funded: Yes □List of previous APC support and outcomes Date forwarded: Date closed: Last Revised 12/15/2015 No