Student Accessibility Services Exam/Quiz Proctor Sheet DeWeese Center, Ground Floor Rm. 23 ٠ P: 330-672-3391 ٠ F: 330-672-3763 ٠ E: Professor/Instructor Please Fill Out Exam/Quiz Information Course & Section No. Amount of time class receives for exam/quiz: Amount of extended time + permitted: Subject: CRN: Student Name: Course Name: Faculty Name: Phone/Email: min min Total time for SAS student: min Date & time class takes exam/quiz : Did the student receive professor permission to take this exam/quiz on a different date/time thaŶ the class? Yes: No: If yes, date(s)/time permitted: Exam/Quiz Type: Multiple Choice: Essay: Math: Listening: PC: Respondus: Student May Use: Calculator Book(s) Notes Scantron Completed Exam(s): Pick up exam from SAS SAS delivers exam to Dept. Scan and e-mail Other: Color Preference: Exam/Quiz Instructions: SAS Office Use Only Student Cheating Policy & Exam/Quiz-Taking Expectations I am aware of and understand the Kent State University administrative policy regarding student cheating and plagiarism (Policy Register 3342-307). I understand that I am NOT permitted to leave the testing room until I am finished with my exam/quiz. If I believe that I will need to use the restroom during my exam/quiz, it is my responsibility to let the SAS proctor know prior to the beginning my exam/quiz; and I understand that I will then need to complete the exam/quiz page by page, and will not be permitted to view or work on any previous pages when I return from being out of the testing room. I also understand Student Accessibility Services hours are Monday through Friday 8am-5pm and that there may be a change in SAS proctors during this exam/ quiz and that my exam/quiz will be collected 15 minutes prior to SAS closing during the academic year and 30 minutes prior to SAS closing during final examinations. Student Signature: _________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________ Exam/Quiz Apt: _________________________ Time: _______________________________ Date Rcvd: __________ Rcvd By: E D O __________ Staff Initial: __________ F Room Alone Computer JAWS Braille Terp Scribe Reader Proctor CD/TAPE DVD/VCR Start Time: ______________ Staff Initials: ________ End Time: ______________ Proctor Sheet by: Instructor CCTV SAS Enlarge: _______ Other: _________________________ Staff Initials: ________ Total time: ____________ Delivery information: Return Information: ZĞƚƵƌŶĞĚLJ͗WK&E^ Done by: ____________ Location:___________________________ KƚŚĞƌ͗ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ Date: _________ Time: __________ Delivered by: ____________ Date: ________ Time: ________ Delivered by: ____________ Date: ________ Time: ________ Pickup (Signature): _______________________________________ Rcvd by (Signature): _____________________________________ (Print): _______________________________________ (Print): _____________________________________