Web Connect Notification WAVES

Web Connect
Web Connect
WAVES (Wireless Audio Visual Emergency System) Web Connect provides
remote access and control of numerous independent WAVES Mass Notification
Systems (MNS) from a primary location to create wide-area coverage and
coordinated alerting and monitoring.
Often threats may encompass entire regions. WAVES Web Connect is capable
of communicating to multiple, independent, and geographically separated
WAVES MNS sites into a broader globally controlled system. WAVES Web
Connect provides remote access and control of numerous WAVES from a
primary location such as a Regional Operations Center or Corporate Security
Office to create wide-area coverage and coordinated alerting and monitoring,
expandable to essentially any scale. Geographically separated, local WAVES
can be monitored and controlled by WAVES Web Connect. The entire global
system can be controlled from any remote location via a zero footprint Graphical
User Interface (GUI) such as Internet Explorer running on a laptop or desktop.
Standard roles and privileges security measures are used to authorize access
to the system.
The local WAVES Integrated Base Stations (IBS) would be placed, for example,
in a facility’s security office or emergency operations center (EOC). The individual
WAVES continue to operate independently with local inputs; however, based on
pre-defined privileges, they accept and execute global commands from WAVES
Web Connect; they also provide status reporting to the global server.
The system is capable of working in an automatic mode and will automatically
trigger alerts in specified zones. Alternatively, manual alert activation can be
generated at the different hierarchical levels (either local or regional). This makes
the system usable for wide-area alerting such as a region-wide terrorist attack
or it may be utilized at the local level for alerting a specific housing area to fires
or chemical spills.
External interfaces are also provided for non-WAVES applications. Both the
local WAVES and the Web Connect can accept XML messages via Socket, file
transfer, or serial communication ports to execute WAVES scripts. This enables
integration with external Command and Control (C2) systems and ComputerAided Dispatch (CAD) Systems.
Remote Activation
WAVES can also provide you with the ability to remotely access an individual
base station and activate critical mass notification functions to your MNS. This
can be done using WAVES Web Connect through a networked computer.
Features &
Emergency alerts activated remotely from a networked computer
Remote access and control of numerous independent MNS sites
Fully customizable
Easily expandable
Security measures for system access
IT Requirements
The PC where WAVES Web Connect is installed, must be assigned a Static,
Public, routable IP address that is visible to the Web users’ IP network and
associated IBS and depends on Microsoft Message Queuing and Microsoft
Internet Information Services (IIS).
WAVES Web Connect
WAVES Web Connect at
Emergency Operations Center
Location A
Location B
Location C
Location D
Regional Alerting
Global Alerting
Mass Notification (Indoor and Outdoor) from remote location
Community Alerting/Public Warning
Industrial Disaster Alerting/Relief
Natural Disaster Alerting/Relief
Personnel Alerting
WAVES WC 07/11
NJ Location
273 Branchport Ave.
Long Branch, NJ 07740
P: 800-631-2148
F: 732-222-2588
Cooper Notification is
7246 16th Street East, Ste 105
Bradenton, FL 34243
P: (941) 487-2300
F: (941) 487-2389
(Roam Secure - RSAN)
103 West Broad Street, Suite 500
Falls Church, VA 22046
P: (877) 459-7726
F: (703) 294-6560