PRE-formance™ Complete The most complete turnkey solution for commercial construction projects – the ideal solution for commercial buildings with repetitive installations, such as hotels, condominiums, commercial and retail offices, hospitals and apartments. 13&GPSNBODF$PNQMFUFEFMJWFST t5PUBMQSFGBCSJDBUFECSBODIXJSJOHTZTUFNDVTUPNQSPEVDFEXJUI Eaton’s Crouse-Hinds Series components, labeled, packaged by room and floor, delivered to your exact location t-PXFSUPUBMDPTUPGPXOFSTIJQ t 4JNQMJGJFENBUFSJBMNBOBHFNFOUJNQSPWFENBUFSJBMIBOEMJOHBOE job site safety t'MFYJCJMJUZUPBMMPXTLJMMTFUBMMPDBUJPOUPNBUDIKPCSFRVJSFNFOUT t&MJNJOBUJPOPGKPCTJUFNBUFSJBMiQJMFTwBOEJOFGGJDJFOUTFBSDIJOHGPS pieces and parts at the job site t&MJNJOBUJPOPGKPCTJUFiFOHJOFFSJOHw t3FEVDUJPOPGPWFSBHFTBOETDSBQJODMVEJOHFYQFOTJWFXJSFBOE cable tUPMBCPSTBWJOHTPWFSUSBEJUJPOBMiTUJDLCVJMEwXJSJOH methods for greatly improved job site efficiency Hotels, Resorts & Conference Centers Educational Facilities Military Installations Condominiums US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 201 Commercial Products Catalog PRE-formance™ Assisted Living Centers & Medical Facilities 261 PRE-formance™ Complete From customized take-off and proposal, through kick-off meetings, mock-ups and status meetings, the focus is on delivering the custom solution that will drive job site productivity and help make your job a better job – faster, easier, safer and more profitable. Customized Solution Using Unique/Patented Products: t 1BUFOUFE6OJ.PVOU™ combination mounting and device plate t )PNF3VOOFS™ 8 x 8 or 12 x 12 box with patented clamping system; flush or surface mount cover available t2VJDL-PL™ Pro snap-in fittings listed for use with AC/MC, FMC or MCI-A t$VTUPNJ[FEIPNFSVOTBOEMBCFMJOHQSPWJEFTFBTZDJSDVJU identification during construction and for future maintenance requirements Detailed Proposal: t *ODMVEFTDPNQMFUFUSBOTQBSFODZBTUPXIBUJTJODMVEFEBOE everything needed for project approval submittals Hotel džĂŵƉůĞ Simple Description Duplex GFI Split Duplex Duplex + Data Split Duplex + Data Duplex + (2)Data Cooktop Dishwasher HVAC Switch 3-Way (2)Switches Wall Light Ceiling Light Downlight HomeRunner Box 33 2 1BR ADA 1BR 4 6 0 2 0 2 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 4 6 0 2 0 2 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 5 6 33 2 Cable Summary 1BR ADA 1BR 12-2 12-3 8-3 504 58 16 522 58 18 1 3 10 ADA STAN K ADA STU K CONF SUITE 3 3 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 3 0 1 1 0 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 4 0 1 1 1 6 5 0 2 1 2 1 1 0 2 2 1 1 2 5 7 8 1 3 10 ADA STAN K ADA STU K CONF SUITE 378 87 0 522 87 32 612 116 33 19 72 40 180 STAN K STU K STU QQ TOTAL 3 4 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 1 1 1 2 5 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 1 496 986 116 206 105 225 160 161 107 458 20 161 180 205 951 180 4 6 4 19 72 40 STAN K STU K STU QQ TOTAL 306 29 0 486 116 31 378 58 31 81666 14761 PRE-formance™ Project Take-off Summary Quotation Take-off Drawings Provided with Device Highlights and Quantity 262 US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 201 Commercial Products Catalog PRE-formance™ Complete Dedicated Project Management: t %FEJDBUFEGBDUPSZQSPKFDUNBOBHFNFOUBOEMPDBMTBMFT support and expertise t $VTUPNJ[FEQSPKFDUNBOBHFNFOUJODMVEFT - Gantt charts - Secure shared project folders - Conference calls and site visits PREͲformanceProjectCompleteFlowchart(750&Above)AssembliesperRelease ID TaskName Duration Start PREͲformanceCompleteProjectSequence Submittal/ProcurementProcess POAgreementReceived ProjectKICKOFFMeeting CreationofShopDrawing(s) ReceiptofSignoffDocumentation Request/ReceiptofAUTOCADDWGFilesfromContractor ProjectFollowͲupMeeting ShopDrawing(s)ͲREVISIONS/CORRECTIONS(OPTIONAL) ContractorFINALAPPROVAL/ProjectRelease MaterialOrdering SPAProcessEngineering EngineerProductionDocuments ProcurementofMaterial MockupProcess(OPTIONAL) ContractorIDMockupUnit(s) ProcurementofMaterial Production Ship/TransitofMaterial ContractorConfirmReceiptofMaterialOnsite PREͲformanceTeam(PM/Engineer)SiteVisit PossibleFieldModifications Production ScheduleProjectReleaseforProduction Production Ship/TransitofMaterial ContractorConfirmReceiptofMaterialOnsite 60days 10days 0days 0days 5days 5days 5days 0days 5days 0days 17days 5days 2days 10days 25days 0days 10days 5days 3days 0days 2days 5days 8days 0days 5days 3days 0days Wed1/1/14 Tue3/25/14 Wed1/1/14 Tue1/14/14 Wed1/1/14 Wed1/1/14 Wed1/1/14 Wed1/1/14 Wed1/1/14 Tue1/7/14 Wed1/1/14 Tue1/7/14 Wed1/1/14 Tue1/7/14 Tue1/7/14 Tue1/7/14 Wed1/8/14 Tue1/14/14 Tue1/14/14 Tue1/14/14 Wed1/15/14 Thu2/6/14 Wed1/15/14 Tue1/21/14 Wed1/22/14 Thu1/23/14 Fri1/24/14 Thu2/6/14 Thu2/6/14 Thu3/13/14 Thu2/6/14 Thu2/6/14 Fri2/7/14 Thu2/20/14 Fri2/21/14 Thu2/27/14 Fri2/28/14 Tue3/4/14 Tue3/4/14 Tue3/4/14 Wed3/5/14 Thu3/6/14 Fri3/7/14 Thu3/13/14 Thu3/13/14 Tue3/25/14 Thu3/13/14 Thu3/13/14 Fri3/14/14 Thu3/20/14 Fri3/21/14 Tue3/25/14 Tue3/25/14 Tue3/25/14 Finish Predecess 27 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Project:DRAFT_PREͲformancePro Date:Thu4/3/14 January2014 February2014 March2014 2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 3 6 9 April2014 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 2 5 8 PREͲformanceComple Submittal/ProcurementProcess 1/1 1/1 3 3 4 4 3,4,6,7,5 8 9 CreationofShopDrawing(s) ReceiptofSignoffDocumentation Request/ReceiptofAUTOCADDWGFilesfromContractor ProjectFollowͲupMeeting ShopDrawing(s)ͲREVISIONS/CORRECTIONS(OPTIONAL) 1/14 MaterialOrdering SPAProcessEngineering EngineerProductionDocuments ProcurementofMaterial 10 12 13 MockupProcess(OPTIONAL) 2/6 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 ProcurementofMaterial Production Ship/TransitofMaterial 3/4 PREͲformanceTeam(PM/Engineer)SiteVisit PossibleFieldModifications Production 3/13 Production Ship/TransitofMater 3/25 22 24 25 26 Task ProjectSummary InactiveMilestone ManualSummaryRollup Deadline Split ExternalTasks InactiveSummary ManualSummary Baseline Milestone ExternalMilestone ManualTask StartͲonly Progress Summary InactiveTask DurationͲonly FinishͲonly Slippage Page1 Customized Packaging/Labeling: t $VTUPNJ[FEQBDLBHJOHBOEMBCFMJOHUPTJNQMJGZKPCTJUF receiving and handling through job-specific cartons labeled by project floor, unit or area t &SHPOPNJDBMMZEFTJHOFECPYFTIFMQFMJNJOBUFUIF OFFEGPSTQFDJBMFRVJQNFOUBOEIFMQSFEVDFNBUFSJBM handling risks PRE-formance™ US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog PRE-formance™ Complete Customized Labels and Drawings: t $VTUPNJ[FEMBCFMTBOEESBXJOHTJNQSPWFKPCTJUFMBZPVUBOE provide comprehensive point-to-point connection data for faster JOTUBMMBUJPOBOEFMJNJOBUJPOPGiGJFMEFOHJOFFSJOHw Project Close-out Meetings: t 1SPKFDUDMPTFPVUNFFUJOHTUPSFWJFXQVODIMJTUJUFNTJGBOZ BOE share lessons learned PRE-formance™ PRE-formance™ Complete Features: t 4JNQMFFBTZUPJOTUBMM6--JTUFETPMVUJPOJEFBMGPSDPNNFSDJBM construction projects and improves job site efficiency t .PEFMFECZBSDIJUFDUTBOEEFTJHOFECZFOHJOFFSTUPNFFUFYBDU QSPKFDUSFRVJSFNFOUT t %FEJDBUFEGBDUPSZQSPKFDUNBOBHFNFOUBOEMPDBMTBMFTFYQFSUJTF and support t 1SPEVDUGMFYJCJMJUZBMMPXTGPSBEKVTUNFOUPOTJUFJGSFRVJSFE t 3FBMMPDBUFTMBCPSFMJNJOBUFTTDSBQBOENBUFSJBMQJMFTSFEVDFT spot buying and consolidates material ordering and receiving t )FMQTJNQSPWFKPCQFSGPSNBODFBOEQSPGJUBCJMJUZ 264 US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog