ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES 70.01 Communications Council 1. Issued: September 15, 2004 PURPOSE To recommend and promote agency-wide communications solutions which advance the image and priorities of the Texas Forest Service. Advise, recommend, and participate in the planning and development of projects within the scope of agency communication strategies. 2. MEMBERSHIP Members will be appointed by program leaders or area administrators for each of the following programs/areas: Central Texas / Oak Wilt Suppression Forest Pest Management Reforestation Urban Forestry Conservation Education Economic Development Forest Inventory Analysis Legacy/Heritage Forest 3. East Texas Districts Best Management Practices / Water Quality Forest Resource Protection Urban Wildland Interface VFD Assistance Prevention Executive Team Communications Manager (Chair) RESPONSIBILITIES The communications council shall: 3.1 Assist in the development of agency-wide communications strategies and key messages that promote the major priorities of the agency. 3.2 Review and recommend guidelines and standards to ensure consistency of all external communications to include media relations and print materials. 3.3 Assist in the development of a system to improve the flow of effective communication from and to all agency offices and employees. 3.4 Conduct an agency communications/public relations review to include print, electronic, events, and presentations. 3.5 Develop key agency themes and messages. 4. 3.6 Explore Web site design options for TFS home page that appeal to external target audiences. 3.7 Explore media training options for TFS employees. MEETINGS Meetings will be held once per quarter at the agency’s headquarters in College Station. 5. REPORTING RELATIONSHIP The Communications Council reports to the Executive Team through the Communications Manager. CONTACT: Communications Manager, 979/458-6606 Page 2 of 2