The Strong Disorder Renormalisation Group and Tensor Networks Andrew M. Goldsborough , Rudolf A. Römer Department of Physics and Centre for Scientific Computing The University of Warwick A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) SDRG and Tensor Networks 10/10/2013 1/1 Tensor Networks, Holography and Disorder Andrew M. Goldsborough , Rudolf A. Römer Department of Physics and Centre for Scientific Computing The University of Warwick A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) SDRG and Tensor Networks 10/10/2013 1 / 25 A general wavefunction One site: σ1 G. M. Crosswhite and D. Bacon, Phys. Rev. A, vol.78, 012356, 2008. A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) SDRG and Tensor Networks 10/10/2013 2 / 25 A general wavefunction One site: σ1 Two sites: σ1 σ2 G. M. Crosswhite and D. Bacon, Phys. Rev. A, vol.78, 012356, 2008. A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) SDRG and Tensor Networks 10/10/2013 3 / 25 An L-site wavefunction ... σ1 σ2 σL Problem: The Hilbert space grows exponentially in L. That is: C σ1 ...σL has dL elements and quickly becomes impossible to calculate. A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) SDRG and Tensor Networks 10/10/2013 4 / 25 Simplifying C The most obvious ansatz for C is a product of single sites: σ1 A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) σ2 σ3 σL-1 SDRG and Tensor Networks σL 10/10/2013 5 / 25 This doesn’t work for quantum systems A simple example, 2 sites: a c ac ad σ1 σ2 σ1 σ2 C = , C = ⇒ C ⊗C = b d bc bd A product state: |↑i |↑i ⇒ C σ1 σ2 = 0 0 a=c=0 ⇒ 0 1 b=d=1 An entangled state: 1 1 √ (|↑i |↑i + |↓i |↓i) ⇒ C σ1 σ2 = √ 2 2 1 0 0 1 No solution for a, b, c, d. A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) SDRG and Tensor Networks 10/10/2013 6 / 25 Encoding entangled states How about the product of matrices? a σ1 Maσ1 C σ1 σ2 = = X Maσ2 σ2 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 =√ 2 0 1 1 = √ 4 2 Maσ1 Maσ2 a This is a matrix product state (MPS). A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) SDRG and Tensor Networks 10/10/2013 7 / 25 Matrix product states (MPS) The matrix product state can be generalised to any length chain: a1 σ1 |Ψi = X a2 σ2 X σ1 ,...,σL a1 ,...,aL−1 aL-2 σ3 σL-2 aL-1 σL-1 σL σ L−1 σL Maσ11 Maσ12a2 . . . MaL−2 aL−1 MaL−1 |σ1 , . . . , σL i The Hilbert space can be reduced by capping the size of the a indices, making large systems tractable whilst retaining entanglement information. U. Schollwöck, Anals of Physics, vol.326, pp.96192, Jan.2011 A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) SDRG and Tensor Networks 10/10/2013 8 / 25 General tensor networks In general a tensor network is a set of contracted tensors and can take any form. σ1 σ2 σ3 σ4 σ5 σ5 The structure of the network is key to its performance. A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) SDRG and Tensor Networks 10/10/2013 9 / 25 The matrix product operator (MPO) Not just wavefunctions can be represented as the product of tensors: σ1 σ'1 O= X σ1 ,...σL 0 σ10 ,...,σL b1 ,...,bL−1 σ3 ... σL-2 σ2 b1 σ ,σ10 Wb11 A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) σ'2 b2 σ ,σ 0 σ'3 ... σ'L-2 σL-1 bL-2 σL−1 ,σ 0 σ'L-1 σL bL-1 σ'L σ ,σ 0 L L L−1 Wb12,b22 . . . WbL−2 ,bL−1 WbL−1 |σ1 . . . σL i hσ10 . . . σL0 | SDRG and Tensor Networks 10/10/2013 10 / 25 The AdS/CFT correspondence minimal surface holographic dimension S. Ryu, and T. Takayanagi, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol.96, 181602, May 2006 A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) SDRG and Tensor Networks 10/10/2013 11 / 25 AdS/CFT and MERA Multi-scale entanglement renormalisation ansatz (MERA) G. Evenbly, and G. Vidal, J. Stat. Phys. 145, p.891918, 2011. A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) SDRG and Tensor Networks 10/10/2013 12 / 25 The strong disorder renormalisation group (SDRG) The Ma, Dasgupta, Hu (MDH) algorithm for the random anti-ferromagnetic (AFM) chain. Remove the strongest coupled pair of spins and take the energy of the singlet as the contribution to the total energy. Renormalise the coupling between the neighbouring spins. renormalise S. K. Ma, C. Dasgupta, and C. K. Hu, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol.43, p.1434, Nov.1979 A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) SDRG and Tensor Networks 10/10/2013 13 / 25 The numerical renormalisation group approach Keep multiple eigenvectors at each step to increase accuracy. Combine the blocks with the largest gap into a new block. Diagonalise the block keeping multiple eigenvectors. diagonalise the couplings to update the distribution of gaps. T. Hikihara, A. Furusaki, and M. Sigrist, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 60, p. 12116, 1999. A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) SDRG and Tensor Networks 10/10/2013 14 / 25 SDRG on matrix product operators Diagonalise the two-site components of the MPO tensors with the largest gap. Create isometric tensors wi from the set of eigenvectors. Contract the isometry to perform the renormalisation. renormalise contract where the isometries have the following properties: = A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) , SDRG and Tensor Networks = 10/10/2013 15 / 25 SDRG as a tree tensor network A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) SDRG and Tensor Networks 10/10/2013 16 / 25 Correlation Functions A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) SDRG and Tensor Networks 10/10/2013 17 / 25 Average holographic distance for SDRG Average path length for L=150 over 2000 disorder realisations. 20 DTTN ( x2 - x1 ) 2.941 ln | x2 - x1 | + 3.016 DTTN 15 10 5 0 1 10 100 | x2 - x1 | A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) SDRG and Tensor Networks 10/10/2013 18 / 25 Correlation functions L=150, AFM 0 < Ji < 2, 2000 disorder realisations. 10 0 1 2 << Sx . Sx >> SDRG m=10, 2000 seeds 5.81 exp[-0.624DTTN] 10 10 -2 -4 10 0 10 1 10 2 | x2 - x1 | A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) SDRG and Tensor Networks 10/10/2013 19 / 25 Entanglement Entropy SA|B = −TrρA log2 ρA A A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) SDRG and Tensor Networks 10/10/2013 20 / 25 Entanglement Entropy A A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) A' SDRG and Tensor Networks 10/10/2013 21 / 25 Entanglement Entropy for L=30 L=30, AFM 0 < Ji < 2 3 SDRG m = 20, disorder DMRG m = 20, no disorder 2.5 SA|B 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) 5 10 15 x SDRG and Tensor Networks 20 25 30 10/10/2013 22 / 25 Entanglement Entropy for L=30 L=30, AFM, 100 disorder realisations. 2.5 SA|B 2 SDRG m = 20 (average) SDRG m = 20 (average max) DMRG m = 40 DMRG m = 20 DMRG m = 10 1.5 1 1 - ∆J/2 < Ji < 1 + ∆J/2 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 ∆J A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) SDRG and Tensor Networks 10/10/2013 23 / 25 Conclusions Tensor networks give an efficint means of modelling quantum many-body systems. The numerical strong disorder renormalisation group naturally self-assembles a tree tensor network. The holographic geometry of the SDRG TTN enables it to capture correlation and entanglement. A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) SDRG and Tensor Networks 10/10/2013 24 / 25 Thank you! M. C. Escher, Circle Limit III, 1959. A. M. Goldsborough (Warwick) SDRG and Tensor Networks 10/10/2013 25 / 25