Prevalence of visual field defects following exposure to vigabatrin therapy: A systematic review M.J. Maguire1, K. Hemming2 , J.L. Hutton2, A.G. Marson1 (1) University of Liverpool, Dept of Neuroscience, UK (2) University University of Warwick, Dept of Statistics, Coventry, UK CUMULATIVE ESTIMATES BACKGROUND Vigabatrin is an efficacious antiepileptic drug licensed as add-on therapy in refractory epilepsy and used in infantile spasms. Daneshva r H,1 999 Kal vi ainen R,1999 Lawden MC, 1 999 Mi l le r NR, 199 9 Post-marketing surveillance identified strong and probably causative associations Wi l d JM,1999 Wo hl rab G, 19 99 Gross-Tsur V, 2000 Ian netti P, 2000 with bilateral visual field defects (VFD). Ma nuchehri K, 2000 Mi de lfart A, 2000 Nousi ainen I, 2001 Paul SR, 2001 Pel osse B, 2001 Roccel la M, 2 001 Toggweil er S, 200 1 Factors associated with an increased risk of a VFD in vigabatrin exposed Jensen H, 2002 Newman WD, 2002 Ni col son A, 20 02 patients have not been clearly identified. Schmi tz B, 2002 Van Der T orren, 200 2 Vanhatal o S, 2002 Ascaso FJ, 2003 McDonagh J, 2003 AIMS Ri ise P, 2003 Mo re no MC, 2005 Poj da-Wi l czek D, 2005 Ki nirons P, 2006 Ki nirons P, 2006 Tseng YL, 2006 We rth R, 2006 You SJ, 2 006 Wi l d JM, 2007 We report a systematic review ascertaining the magnitude of risk of VFDs and any .15 .61 Proportion with VFD clinical predictors of risk in epilepsy patients treated with vigabatrin. PREDICTORS OF RISK FOR VFD METHODS • Electronic searches of MEDLINE (1950-2007), SCOPUS (1960-2007), CINAHL (1982- Meta-regression of pooled random effects analysis of study and patient covariates for vigabatrin visual field studies (on a logi t-scale) 2007), Cochrane Epilepsy Group's Specialized Register (1993-2007), Cochrane Covariate Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) and DARE database were conducted. • No of studies Fully published reports of controlled or uncontrolled longitudinal or cross-sectional studies investigating the prevalence of VFDs by static or dynamic perimetry in partial epilepsy patients of any age treated with vigabatrin were included. • Outcomes were a) proportion with an overall VFD b) vigabatrin-attributed VFD, c) relative risk of a VFD . • % Visual field defect (all) Coefficient P value Study design (1: Longitudinal) 32 -0.23 0.37 Assessment method (1:H;2:G;3:Both)* 32 0.11 0.54 Assessor blinding (1: blind) 11 -0.48 0.44 Mean age (years) 21 0.29 0.07 Gender (1:male) 24 -0.29 0.89 Cumulative dose VGB (gm) 18 0.36 0.02 Mean length of treatment (days) 20 0.29 0.04 Mean Co-AEDs 15 -0.09 0.69 6 0.31 0.31 Mean epilepsy duration Study estimates were synthesised using inverse variance random effects models RESULTS RELATIVE RISK ESTIMATE Relative risk of a vigabatrin-attributed visual field defect for controlled studies (n=18) • Thirty-two studies were identified and published in full between 1999 and 2007 (10 child studies, 22 adult studies) Study ID • Four were non-English, 8 were funded and 7 were multi-centre studies. • Sixteen were cross-sectional studies and 16 were longitudinal studies investigating adult Nousiainen I (2001) Wild JM (2007) Jensen H (2002) Lawden MC (1999) Wild JM (1999) Kinirons P (2006) Newman WD (2002) Kalviainen R (1999) Schmitz B (2002) McDonagh J (2003) Miller NR (1999) Midelfart A (2000) Manuchehri K (2000) Daneshvar H (1999) Toggweiler S (2001) Moreno MC (2005) Subtotal (I-squared = 8.3%, p = 0.358) . child Wohlrab G (1999) Werth R (2006) Subtotal (I-squared = 0.0%, p = 0.412) . Overall (I-squared = 1.9%, p = 0.432) between 10 and 325 exposed vigabatrin patients . • Eighteen studies included control groups, with between 5 and 134 patients, equivalent to between 6% and 125% of the vigabatrin sample. RR (95% CI) % Weight 15.78 (1.01, 247.28) 80.75 (5.05, 1290.82) 7.00 (0.41, 120.16) 18.70 (1.20, 292.48) 1.94 (0.93, 4.04) 19.59 (1.26, 304.04) 8.06 (0.53, 122.00) 16.03 (1.01, 254.56) 4.63 (1.47, 14.61) 26.00 (1.65, 408.66) 13.14 (0.86, 199.72) 9.79 (0.68, 140.29) 6.05 (0.90, 40.87) 5.95 (0.38, 92.30) 7.76 (1.15, 52.39) 11.63 (0.73, 184.43) 6.00 (3.58, 10.07) 2.71 2.67 2.54 2.72 33.63 2.73 2.78 2.69 14.84 2.71 2.77 2.90 5.57 2.73 5.57 2.69 92.26 5.00 (0.68, 36.66) 21.08 (1.28, 347.72) 8.10 (1.60, 41.11) 5.13 2.62 7.74 5.49 (3.48, 8.65) 100.00 NOTE: Weights are from random effects analysis .00077 SUMMARY ESTIMATES PROPORTION VISUAL FIELD DEFECT (ALL CAUSES) (VIGABATRIN-ATTRIBUTED) Median studies 25th and 75 th Number of percentiles studies Median VFDs occur on average in half of adult epilepsy patients, and in one third of children, exposed to vigabatrin therapy. • Longer treatment duration, higher cumulative dose, and older age were all found to be significantly associated with increases in the likelihood of VFDs • Prescribing of vigabatrin should be reserved for those patients where there is no other safe alternative or where the patient has considered the benefit of ongoing treatment to outweigh the risk of visual field problems. percentiles 32 44 33, 60 7 29 17, 51 PROSPECTIVE COHORT 16 44 29,57 3 18 13,51 CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY 16 43 35, 62 4 35 27,47 HUMPRHEY FIELD STUDIES 9 37 29,53 1 24 - 14 43 33,54 3 18 13,53 29,51 BOTH ASSESSMENT METHODS • 25th and 75 th ALL STUDIES GOLDMANN PERIMETRY STUDIES 1291 CONCLUSIONS PROPORTION VISUAL FIELD DEFECT Number of 1 9 55 41,61 3 41 CHILD STUDIES 10 33 22,53 1 18 - ADULT STUDIES 22 48 40,61 6 29 17,51