NYC Studio The Fashion School Kent State University TRANSIENT ADMISSION APPLICATION TO BE COMPLETED BY UNDERGRADUATE TRANSIENT STUDENT (Please print in ink or type.) ____________________________________________________ Social Security No.___________________ Last Name First Name Middle Initial Gender ___ F ___ M Former/Maiden Name_______________________ Date of Birth _______________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Home Address (Street or P.O. Box) ____________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip County ____________________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail Address Phone Ethnic information is used for reporting purposes only. Select one or more as appropriate: ____ Caucasian American (White) ____ American Indian or Alaskan Native ____ Hispanic or Latino ____ African American (Black) ____ Asian American or Pacific Islander ____ Non U.S. Citizen Are you a U.S. citizen? ___Yes ___ No If no, visa type? _____________________________________ Are you a permanent resident of the United States? _____ Yes _____ No If permanent resident, card number and date granted: ________________________________________ Have you previously enrolled in classes at any campus of Kent State University? _____ Yes _____ No If yes, have you ever been dismissed (____Yes ____ No) and reinstated (_____ Yes _____ No)? I plan to attend Kent State University: Year_________ Summer Fall Spring ____________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant Date TO BE COMPLETED BY COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY YOU ARE NOW ATTENDING This is to certify that____________________________________________________________________ Name of Student is in good standing and has a 2.50 GPA or above and is eligible for immediate re-enrollment at ______________________________________________________________________ Name of College or University City State Zip This student has permission to enroll as a transient student at Kent State University. ______________________________________________________________________ Signature of College/University Representative Title Date (Dean, Registrar, or other authorized academic official) Mail completed and signed form to: Young Kim NYC Studio Director Kent State University – NYC Studio th 315 West 39 Street #402 New York, NY 10018 4/12/13