Document 13720665

Texas State Literacy Plan (TSLP) Online Course – Implementation Module Lesson 3 Transcript Narrator The ABC Elementary School campus-­‐based leadership team is meeting to complete their implementation plan for E1. Ms. Crimson All right. We are working on Step 3. Let’s continue where we left off last time. Ms. Montero Okay. The next guide question there says, “How will you support implementation, monitor progress, make adjustments, and ensure sustainability?” Mr. Winters Hmm. That’s a big question. Maybe we should take it one piece at a time. Mr. Green Right. Well, let’s start with what we’ll do to support implementation. Ms. Jackson Yes, and remember that we don’t want to just restate our action items. What can we do to support those action items? What do you think? Ms. Montero For one, we can integrate the message about using data whenever we work with other teachers, like when we plan with a colleague or meet with our grade levels. Ms. Crimson Yes, and as administrators, we can look for opportunities to reinforce the emphasis on using data whenever we interact with staff, not just in data meetings. Mr. Green Like through the staff newsletter and when I work with teachers and grade-­‐level teams across the campus. Narrator The leadership team identifies several ways to support their implementation plan and records them in the template. Next, they discuss each element of the guide question. They record their thoughts on monitoring and adjusting their plan as needed. And they identify several ways to ensure that the accomplishments of the plan will be sustained over time. © 2014 Texas Education Agency/The University of Texas Systems 1 Texas State Literacy Plan (TSLP) Online Course – Process Module Lesson 3 Transcript Ms. Montero The agenda we develop for the data meetings will support sustainability. It will help to create a routine for our campus. Mr. Green That’s right. We may need to refine it a little, but once we do, we can continue to use this routine in the future. Ms. Jackson Our staff will get better and better the more they apply it. Ms. Crimson And we will know exactly what to train new staff on as they are hired. Narrator After the team records their plans for supporting and sustaining their plan over time, they turn again to the guide questions in step 3. Ms. Montero “How will you prepare for challenges or problems you will need to solve? What support do you need?” Mr. Winters Before we start, let’s take a minute to review the action items in our plan. Mr. Green Yeah, and as you read each one, think about what potential challenges could be. Narrator The team reviews the action items they listed in the “Planning Implementation” section. Their goal is to identify potential challenges so they can plan how to avoid them or be ready to address them if these challenges arise. Ms. Montero Okay. So, as CBLT members, we’ll develop expectations and a standard agenda for data meetings, and model that for other teachers. Right now, I don’t feel comfortable with that. I feel like I have as much to learn as my colleagues do. Mr. Winters I know what you mean. We need to learn more ourselves, right? Ms. Jackson Definitely. This is a good point for the whole team. © 2014 Texas Education Agency/The University of Texas Systems 2 Texas State Literacy Plan (TSLP) Online Course – Process Module Lesson 3 Transcript Mr. Green Let’s start with the information that Ms. Crimson and I have gathered. We can take time to study that and, from there, see what more support we might need. Ms. Jackson Great. Let’s be sure to include that in our plan: time to build capacity within the CBLT. What other challenges might we encounter? Mr. Green Well, we’ll know more as we visit more data meetings, but I suspect we’ll run into a disconnect between the Tier I instruction that all students get and the interventions provided in Tiers 2 and 3. Ms. Montero That’s true. If you look at Level B and C of the first Indicator, it calls for “all providers of Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III instruction to communicate and collaborate on instructional decisions.” Ms. Jackson Well, we are starting at Level A, but we can lay the foundation for that collaboration when we develop the expectations, don’t you think? Ms. Crimson Yes, definitely. Let’s ensure that the intervention specialists meet with us. We can share with them what we are working on and get input from them. Mr. Green Great idea. That may be a good start to open up the communication and collaboration we want to have. Ms. Jackson Okay. Other challenges? Narrator The team continues to troubleshoot their plan, making note of potential challenges and the support that they will put in place to address these challenges. Mr. Winters Well, I think some teachers might wonder why we are all visiting their data meetings. Ms. Montero I hadn’t thought of that, but you’re right. And if we’re recording our observations, it might seem like they are being evaluated. © 2014 Texas Education Agency/The University of Texas Systems 3 Texas State Literacy Plan (TSLP) Online Course – Process Module Lesson 3 Transcript Ms. Jackson That is an important point, and it really speaks to the next guide question: “How will you communicate your plan to the school staff?” Ms. Crimson Yes, we definitely need to let staff know about our plan to visit data meetings—to put them at ease about the data we will be collecting. Mr. Winters Yes. As a teacher, I would feel better about having observers if I knew that the goal was to identify strengths and needs and not to evaluate teachers and teams. Ms. Jackson I agree. It looks like we’ll need to communicate our big picture plan before we start visiting data meetings. And then later, we’ll need to share the agenda and expectations that we develop. Mr. Green That takes us to the final guide question for step 3: “What is your implementation timeline?” Ms. Montero Yes. For each Indicator, we need to list the action items. And for each action item, we need to identify the due date, persons responsible, and the documentation to be collected. Ms. Crimson Yes, that’s on the summary page at the end of the template. Ms. Montero I’ve already entered the information from the earlier sections of the template. Mr. Winters Oh, I see. So this page will be an “at-­‐a-­‐glance” sort of thing for our plan? Ms. Jackson Yes, easy for us to refer to and to share with our staff, other members of the administration team, and folks at the central office who can support our work. Mr. Green Okay. So most of this page is based on the work we have already done. © 2014 Texas Education Agency/The University of Texas Systems 4 Texas State Literacy Plan (TSLP) Online Course – Process Module Lesson 3 Transcript Ms. Crimson Yes. So let’s complete the timeline, and then we can finalize the remaining details. Ms. Jackson And remember: This is one more opportunity to make sure we have been thorough. If we need to add more detail or additional action items, we can do that. Narrator The team works together to complete the timeline with a specific person assigned responsibility for each action item. Using the information from the planning pages of the template, such as the “Defining Expected Outcomes” section, the team members craft a statement of their rationale. Once their plan is complete, they will be ready to begin implementation. © 2014 Texas Education Agency/The University of Texas Systems 5 