Document 13720664

Texas State Literacy Plan (TSLP) Online Course – Implementation Module Lesson 2 Transcript Narrator The ABC Elementary campus-­‐based leadership team is meeting to continue the process of working on an Action Step. Ms. Crimson So now we are on step 3. There is a lot here, so let’s see what we need to do first. Ms. Montero Well, there are lots of things to consider in making our plan, but the first thing is to look at resources. Mr. Green Yes, we want to review what resources are available to us to help us make a well-­‐informed plan. Ms. Jackson Well, for starters, I think we should review the module for E1 in the TSLP online course. Ms. Crimson Yes, that will help us make sure we really understand this Action Step. Mr. Winters And we can see if any of the links or “Learn More” resources are useful for our plan. Mr. Green I’ll get copies of our assignment from that lesson. We can see what “Next Steps” we identified when we reflected on that Action Step. Ms. Jackson What other information might we need to find? We have access to the TSLP Resource Library, but we should narrow down what we are looking for before we go searching. Mr. Winters Yes, that’s true. The Resource Library is very extensive. Ms. Montero Well, looking at the Indicators we selected, I think we need to find examples of ways to structure data analysis meetings. Ms. Crimson Yes, and some tools for assessing our current skills analyzing data to see what we are already doing well and what we need to improve in. © 2014 Texas Education Agency/The University of Texas Systems 1 Texas State Literacy Plan (TSLP) Online Course – Process Module Lesson 2 Transcript Narrator The team makes a plan for reviewing and searching through resources related to their selected Action Step and Indicators. They reconvene again after their research. Mr. Green has found some observation tools that could guide them in assessing current data-­‐use practices. Ms. Crimson has found recommendations for data analysis meeting procedures. Ms. Jackson Thank you, everyone, for sharing your findings. I think we are ready to start identifying the actions we will take to bring our plan to life. Mr. Green Yes, we will refine our plan and add more detail, of course. But for now, let’s brainstorm. What do we need to do to enact these Indicators? Ms. Crimson Well, we need to establish expectations for the grade-­‐level data analysis meetings. Ms. Montero And develop a model that teachers can follow. Mr. Green Yes, we could put it in the form of an agenda for them to follow in those meetings. Mr. Winters And then we’ll need to share these expectations with the rest of the staff. Ms. Jackson We also need to assess our current data analysis practice to see what the strengths and needs are across our staff. Mr. Green And research and identify what professional development topics would be most useful to help us move from where we are to more skilled use of data. Ms. Montero So we won’t know what professional development to schedule until we self-­‐assess and do our research, right? Ms. Crimson Yes, that’s right. But put that down as an action item, too: “Schedule professional development.” © 2014 Texas Education Agency/The University of Texas Systems 2 Texas State Literacy Plan (TSLP) Online Course – Process Module Lesson 2 Transcript Narrator The team records these action items in the template. To further refine their plan, they review each action item and ask themselves, “Are there any interim actions needed in order for this action item to happen successfully?” Through this process, the team identifies some additional action items and details. The more specific they make their plan, the easier it will be for them to implement and assess their progress. Mr. Green Well, we might make adjustments to this as we continue our work, but we have some concrete steps to start. Mr. Winters Now let’s look at the next part of the template. Ms. Montero The next part is “Defining Expected Outcomes.” The first question is “How will the activities you’ve planned lead to improved support for students?” Ms. Jackson This is a good question for us to consider. Let’s look back at our plan and talk about the connections between the work we plan to do and the goal of improved student literacy. Mr. Green Okay. Well, for one, we expect teachers to be more empowered to use data to differentiate their instruction. Mr. Winters And when teachers differentiate for students’ needs, the students receive the support they need. Ms. Jackson Good! What else? Narrator The team continues to hold their plan up to the scrutiny of this guide question, making sure they understand how each part of their plan will support student literacy. Ms. Jackson Okay. Now let’s look at the next piece. © 2014 Texas Education Agency/The University of Texas Systems 3 Texas State Literacy Plan (TSLP) Online Course – Process Module Lesson 2 Transcript Ms. Montero The guide questions say, “How will you know if your implementation has been successful? What do you expect to see staff and students doing that will indicate success?” Ms. Crimson Well, in the long run, we expect to have better grades and passing rates, right? But we need to identify short-­‐term indicators of success. Ms. Jackson Yes, need to be able to check our progress as we go, so let’s look again at the Indicators and what we plan to do. What would it look like? (Pause) Mr. Winters For one, we would see teachers following the model for data analysis meetings. Mr. Green Yes, we would see teachers going beyond data analysis and using their analysis to plan and deliver instruction. Narrator The team continues to describe what their expectations are in observable terms. In doing so, they are outlining the criteria they will use to monitor their progress and to determine their level of success in implementing their plan for this Action Step. © 2014 Texas Education Agency/The University of Texas Systems 4 