ENo: NONE CPNo: CP-9415 File Ref: Cat. 240-66 Page: 1 of 16 CERTIFIED TEST REPORT ELFTM Current-Limiting Dropout Fuse June 1999. Replacas Rev. I dated 1Z19196 . @ Cooper Po,ver Systems, Inc. ENo: CP No: File Ref: Cat.240-66 NONE Page: 2 of 16 CP-9415 Design Tests for the ELF Current-Limiting Dropout Fuse per the following ANSI/IEEE Requirements: c37.40 c37.41 c37.47 CERTIFICATION Statements made and data shown are, to the best of our knowledge and belief, correct and within the usual limits of commercial testing practice. Engineering Manager Tomas I. Babic Project Leader Olean, NY Project Lead€r Franksville, Wl E No: CP No: NONE Ref: Cat.240-66 Page: 3of 16 File CP-9415 INTRODUCTION The Cooper Power Systems' ELF Fuse has been developed to provide a lull range, energy{imiting, silver-sand dropout fuse for use in an industry standard interchangeable cutout. This report details testing conducted to verify fuse performance and to verify that lhe fuse meets the requirements specified in the following ANSI/IEEE standards: c37.40 c37.41 c37.47 lnterruption Testinq . Minimum Current . Critical Current . Maximum Interrupting Level - (Refer to Table 1) Temperature Rise Characteristics & Lonq-Term Current Carrvina Capacitv Ti me- C u rre nt C haracte ri sti cs Mechanical Testino E No: CP No: File Ref: Cat.240-66 NONE Page: 4 of 16 CP-9415 INTERRUPTION TESTS REQUIREMENT Currenl-limiting fuses are required to operate and isolate other pieces of equipment on the electrical distribution system when overload and fault current conditions ate present. In the case of high available fault currents, the fuse must limit the current magnitude and energy to the protected equipment. OBJECTIVE The obiective of these tests were to verify the interrupting performance of the ELF fuse for use in applicalions up to the fuse's respective voltage rating, by testing according to the requirements specified in ANSI C37.41 and C37 .47. PROCEDURE Tests were run on production fuses which were assembled using established methods and procedures. Testing was conducted per ANSI C37 .41.6. Samples were mounted in standard interchangeable cutout mountings and testing was conducted at room temperature. TEST RESULTS The 8.3 kV, 15.0 kV, 23.0 kV, and 24.0 kV ELF fuse ratings successfully interrupted each respective test current. Fuse performance parameters derived from these tests are detailed in Table t and on pages I and |0. CONCLUSION The ELF fuses, forming a homogeneous series, successfully passed all interruption tests per ANSI C37.41 and C37.47 requirements. E No: CP No: Table File CP-9415 1: Performance Ratings Fuse Ratings Vdtage Ref: Cat.240-66 Page: 5 of '16 NONE Cutout Ratings Current Rating (A) Voltage 8.3 8.3 6 8.3 8.3 8.3 12 18 15 15 15 15 Rating (kv) 8.3 8.3 8,3 8.3 8.3 15.0 l5.o 20 25 30 40 50' 65', 80100' 6 8 Hating (kv) t5 15.0* 15.0* 15.O" 15,0 9y1 10 95/t't0 95/1 10 95/1 |0 95/110 25 125t150 I 24 26 7 6 125/150 12 18 1l 1l 25 27 34 43 24 26 lo 23 25 110 95/110 95i 1 t0 12V150 125t150 27 125t150 125t150 25 20 125l150 125t150 125/150 25 30 27 27 1251150 40r 27 27 23.0 6 27 23.0 R 27 23.0 23.0 12 l8 27 125/150 125t150 68 78 125t150 125t150 't251150 125/150 125/'t 50 125/t 50 91 114 109 11 t.l ea 48 65 75 39 46 62 7000 3t000 8600 30000 5200 7000 31000 31000 31000 31000 31000 31 000 31000 31000 31000 43000 43000 43000 43000 43000 43000 20000 43000 43000 43000 31000 31000 31000 31000 31000 31000 31000 13000 13000 8000 1300,0 2000 520 150 150 1350 2000 2900 4000 8000 16000 20000 32000 46000 520 1 24 26 23 25 33 31 4'l 39 39 34 43 43 50 t 41 48 65 46 11 11 | 150 1 150 1350 6 12 18 '1350 2000 2900 5100 5100 8000 '16000 7 I 150 150 62 39 170 't70 170 6500 1 | 150 150 1350 1 41 27 27 27 27 27 1 31000 31000 31000 31000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 31000 31000 16 34 43 6 8 12 100000 150000 11 125/r50 24.O 20000 32000 46000 520 't 'l 23 25 125/150 3t000 65000 '17 24 26 33 27 39oOO 12 25 27 30- Eooo 16000 1tl 125/150 125i150 23.0 31000 31000 o 16 27 27 20000 109 17 20 3t000 7 18 25' 1700 17000 114 125t150 125t150 12sh 50 23.O 1 2000 2900 4000 87 120 8 520 7 31 1l ll 17 16 Interupting Curaent (A rms symmelrical) 31000 31000 31000 31000 1 31 Maximum lq 4550 6500 7000 8600 150 1 150 o1 125/150 23.0 t8 48 65 39 46 62 25 27 )7 24.O 24.O 24.O 41 17 9v '1251150 50' 31 18 95/1 10 27 27 27 27 12 18 26 71 12V150 100' 16 23 25 95/110 27 27 27 27 27 27 65' 80' 17 95/1 10 95/1 10 30' 24.0 25 27 34 43 50 68 15 15 15 15.0" 15.0" 15.0- a '* 520 'l 1251150 15.0" 15.015.0* 6 t1 95/110 A L€t-Through (A2 x s) 7 tq 27 27 27 Maximum tr,let tQ (A2 x sl 11 95 120 8 't5 Minamum 8 95,/1 10 20 40 55'C 12 18 15 15 15 15 15 15 15.O 20 25 40rc 95/1 10 9V1 t0 18 12 18 2s"c 95/110 't5 15.0 15.0 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 atL (kv) Interruption Test Results Continuous Cufient Ratinqa (AmDs) 2000 2900 5100 520 150 150 1350 1 'I 215000 4550 6500 7000 8600 1 1700 4550 1700 17000 1 20000 39000 65000 100000 150000 215000 4550 6500 7000 8600 1 1700 17000 25000 25000 39000 65000 5200 7000 8000 10000 14000 20000 170 10000 13000 25 24 20 170 27 26 25 2000 14000 13000 For temperatures other than listed, a deration factor of 0.26% per "C can be applied. Mulli-barrel design 15 kV, 125/l50 kV BlL, 6 lhrough 25 A (single barrel pan numbers FAK44W6 through FAK,14W25) and 30 through 50 A (double barrel Dart numbers FAK44W30P. FAK44W4O. and FAK44W50) have been lesled and aooroved fo|l7.2 kV aoDlicalion. E No: CP No: NONE CP-9415 File Ref: CaL24O-66 Page: 6 of 16 TEMPERATUBE RISE CHABACTERISTICS & LONG-TERM CURRENT CANRYING CAPACITY REQUIREMENT ELF current-limiting fuses are required to carry any system steady state curent up lo the fuse's continuous current capacity without incurring temperature rises that would be detrimental to any of the fuse parts. The fuse's continuous current capacity is the maximum current level which the device can carry, when operating at a specific ambient temperature, without melting open. At this current level, the luse must not exceed the allowable temperature levels as detailed in standards. OBJECT'VE The objectives of these tests are to verify that the temperature rise of the fuse parts do not exceed the maximum allowable values specified in ANSI C37.40.3, Table 2 and also to determine the continuous current capacity of each of the ELF tuse ratings. PROCEDURE Tesls were run on ELF fuses which were assembled using established methods and procedures. The samples were mounted in standard interchangeable cutout mountings and tested per the requirements specified in ANSI C37.41. Current was supplied by a regulated current source. Temperature levels of the various current carrying parts were recorded throughout the duration ol the test. FESUTTS Temperature rises were below levels allowed in standards. The continuous current capacity for each respective ELF fuse rating is specified in the performance characteristics table located on page 5 ol this report. CONCLUSION The ELF fuse met the temperature rise requirements of ANSI C37.40, Table 2 and provides longterm conlinuous current ratings specified on page 5 of this report. E No: CP No: NONE Ref: Cat. 240-66 Page: 7 of 16 File CP-94'15 TIME CURRENT CHAFACTERISTICS TESTS REQUIREMENT Time-current characteristic curves are used primarily lor application selections and system coordinalion studies. These curves, minimum melt and total clear detail the performance data of a particular fuse design. OBJECTIVE The objective of these tesls were to establish lime-current characteristic curves for the following ELF fuse ratings: kV 15.0kV 6,8, 8.3 23.0 kV and 24.0 Note .: '12, 18,20,25,30, 40, 50, 65, 80 and 100 A 6,8, 12, 18,20,25,30,40and50A kV 6, 8, 12, 18, 20, 25' and 30" A 23kV fuse onlv PROCEDURE Tesls were run on ELF fuses that were assembled using established methods and procedures. "Minimum melt" time-current curves were developed using ANSI C37.41, section 12 requirements as a guideline. Testing was performed with the tuses in standard interchangeable cutout mountings to simulate actual field application. Testing was performed at room temperature. 'Maximum clear" time current characteristic curves were developed using ANSI C37.41, section 12 requirements as a guideline. For longer times, the fuse's melt time current characteristic, with an adjustment for production tolerances, were used to determine the fuse's maximum clearing characteristic. For shorter times, where arcing times are significant, high voltage interrupting lests were used to determine the fuse's maximum clearing time. RESULTS The attached minimum melt TCC curves on pages 11, 13 and 15 and the maximum clear TCC curves on pages 12, 14 and 16 were developed from the above testing. CONCLUSION The minimum melt and maximum clear time-current characteristics are on pages 'l 1-16 of this report. E No: CP No: File Ref: Cat.240-66 NONE Page: 8 of 16 CP-9415 MECHANICALTESTS REOUIREMENT The ELF fuse is required to withstand 200 open/close operations per ANSI/IEEE C37.41. OBJECTIVE The objective of this test is to verify the mechanical performance of the ELF fuse. PBOCEDURE Production fuses were assembled using established methods and procedures. Testing was conducted per ANSI/IEEE C37 .41. The tests were run by first closing the ELF fuse into an interchangeable cutout mounting and then opening the ELF luse from the same mounting. This was done the required number of times using normal operating procedures. RESULTS The ELF fuses passed all mechanical tests with no evidence of damage. CONCLUSION The ELF fuse meets the mechanical requirements as specified in ANSI/IEEE C37.41. E No: File NONE CPNo: Ref: Cat. 240-66 Page: 9 of 16 CP-9415 MAXIMUM PEAK ARC VOLTAGE for 8.3kV rated fuses 6 amps and above 15.0kV rated fuses 6 amps and above 23.0 & 24.0 rated fuses 6 amps and above 100 'r7o q) o) 960 o ()-^ :5U J (g 8+o E = .E so x (U 20 10 0 5 10 15 20 Circuit Voltage (kV) 30 35 E No: CPNo: NONE File Ref: Cat.240-66 10 of 16 CP-9415 MAXIMUM LET.THROUGH GURRENT for ELF Fuse .! ,. ,t .oJ .or .G.ra.o'.6.o.I $F of- l .a ,r .a.a l o a o roo9 "lsl- I "F "t c E : -r Y6 O. cL! 0- fI a F F Lrl l I tr I F t! I .J >.1 l ;.5 4., ,5 X r.. .J .01 .0. .c6.c6,qr.C€.@,1 .? .t AVA ILABLE CURRENT .+ IN .6 .7,3.9 | K iLOAMPERES ! a 5'6 ts9to (RMS Symme trt+ zo t. i co I ) 1-5tft 9 o $€orlosE E No: CP No: Ref: Cat.240-66 Page: 11 of 16 NONE File CP-9415 MINIMUM MELT Time Current Characteristic Gurves for 8.3kV ELF Fuse a ! | t I r.rr0 !o s € . oD.o! i I qtEp o{ 6 .6 bJ ui 9, .g a r o r o norg o.frxl IN AttE F ! ! A!!Sti tES F s ttapggg E No: CP No: NONE File Ref: Cat.24O-66 Page: 12 of CP-9415 16 MAXIMUM CLEAR Time Gurrent Gharacteristic Curves for 8.3kV ELF Fuse g E HgFEgg '; ' r.rrr.ra q.rmo|I tN E ! ! r!!€!t ^rfEFes t i qEgp$! E No: CP No: File NONE Ref: Cat. 240-66 Page: 13 of 16 CP-9415 MINIMUTU MELT Time Gurrent Gharacteristic Curves for 15.0kV ELF Fuse CLFFENT , e o r.r.rt q.FF€r{T !N {TP€A€S I lN Atf€FES E I t !!t!tl I g gt : t r ttntl E No: CP No: Ref: Cat.240-66 Page: 14 of 16 NONE File CP-94'15 MAXIMUM CLEAR Time Current Gharacteristic Curves for 15.0kV ELF Fuse dIRR€NT r $ { e&no,g IN ATP€F€S 9 t epElE E E ggEI t s ; CITRENT II t I trtttrl ^|.FE ES | | tttiltl E No: CP No: NONE File Ref: Cat.24046 Page:15of16 CP-9415 MINIMUM MELT Time Gurrent Gharacteristic Gurves for 23.0kV ELF Fuse CLFSENT s IN orro9 ATPEFES F I lt I Ettsg nr tggtEgE r rFsffs8 9 6 s 3 ! . r.n.'t C!AEMi n t I t!E!tt TN ^TftF€s E No: CP No: Ref: Cat.24O-66 Page: 16 of 16 File NONE CP-9415 MAXIMUM CLEAR Time Current Characteristic Curves for 23.0kV ELF Fuse ! qJfiR€NI IN ' o , . ForE E s sssttt! ^If,ERgS E s efigtgg! 6 'e6 = .g E. D t t 9tsPlsl 5.e.h.!E CI.RR€'.rT IN AIPERES Hr 9Esffsg co#rnpo*"rsystems Ouality lrom Cooper Industdes P.O. Box 1640, Waukesha, W|53187 @ Prinled on Recycted Papel MI