An Investigation of the Use of 16 and 18 AWG Conductors for Power Branch Circuits in Industrial Machinery Applications for NFPA79 Small Wire Working Group by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Northbrook, IL 60062 August 10, 2001 Project Number 01NK27019 File Number E4273 Sponsored by Bussmann Div., Cooper Ind. Ellisville, MO 63021 Copyright 2001 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. authorizes the above named company and committee to reproduce this report provided it is reproduced in its entirety. i NOTICE In no event shall UL be responsible to anyone for whatever use or non-use is made of the information contained in this Report and in no event shall UL, its employees, or its agents incur any obligations or liability for damages including, but not limited to consequential damage arising out of or in connection with the use or inability to use the information contained in this Report. Information conveyed by this Report applies only to the specimens actually involved in these tests. The wire samples tested were provided by the applicant and UL neither selected the samples nor determined that they were representative of the finished assembly. The issuance of this Report does not constitute an endorsement of any proposed amendment to or existing text in any nationally recognized installation code or standard. This Report in no way implies any additional Listing, Classification, or Recognition by UL and does not authorize the use of UL Listing, Classification, or Recognition Marks or any other reference to UL in connection with the product or system. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS NOTICE..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... II TABLE OF CONTENTS .....................................................................................................................................................................................III BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................................................................1 SUMMARY OF RESULTS.........................................................................................................................................................................................2 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................................................................................3 INDUSTRY NEED TO UTILIZE SMALL CONDUCTORS .........................................................................................................................................3 EXISTING REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................................................................................................................3 INDUSTRY NEEDS...................................................................................................................................................................................................3 ENGINEERING A NALYSIS.......................................................................................................................................................................................3 Normal Operating Current.............................................................................................................................................................................4 Inrush Characteristics......................................................................................................................................................................................4 Thermal Withstand Ratings for Insulated Conductors - Various Methods.............................................................................................4 Determination of the Thermal Withstand Ratings for 16 and 18 AWG conductors.............................................................................8 Magnetic Withstand for Insulated Conductors............................................................................................................................................9 Selection of Overcurrent Protective Devices...............................................................................................................................................9 Testing.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 PLAN OF INVESTIGATION ........................................................................................................................................................................... 12 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS...............................................................................................................................................................................12 VERIFICATION OF SHORT -CIRCUIT PROTECTION OF CONDUCT OR................................................................................................................12 VERIFICATION OF OVERLOAD PROTECTION OF CONDUCTOR........................................................................................................................15 Motor Loads.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Non-Motor Loads........................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Inspection of Wire.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Insulation Dielectric Withstand Tests ........................................................................................................................................................ 16 TEST DATA, OBSERVATIONS, AND RESULTS .................................................................................................................................... 18 Test Data Sheet............................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Test Observations.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Assessment of Results.................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 IOGRAPHY............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 84 ANNEX A ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 86 ANNEX B ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 92 ANNEX C................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 93 INDEX ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 97 iii E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY In order to remain competitive in the global marketplace, United States industrial machinery manufacturers on the committee for NFPA79 (Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery) expressed the need to be able to utilize power circuit conductors which are smaller than 14 AWG, the existing minimum allowed for branch circuits in the United States. This report details the investigation and testing that was conducted to investigate the use of 16 and 18 AWG conductors for power branch circuits. Various fuse type overcurrent protective devices, including commercial fuses and special test fuses (unbrella) were used for the investigation. The testing considered the performance of 16 and 18 AWG conductors under these conditions: • • • Short Circuit Overload Use on various electrical systems Following the testing, the conductors were subjected to a dielectric withstand test on the insulation. The results of the study are summarized in the table below. 1 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Summary of Results Test # Test 1A Test 1B Test 1C Test 1D Test 1E Test 1F Test 2A Test 2B Test 2C Test 2D Test 2E Test 2F Test 3A Test 3B Test 3C Test 4A Test 4B Test 4C Test 5B Test 5C Test 6B Test 6C Test 6E Test 6F Test 7A Test 7B Test 7C Test 8A Test 8B Test 8C Test 9B Test 9C Volts Phase Current (Amps) LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 600 600 600 480 480 480 480 480 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 15 48 15 33 11 48 15 30 15 21 8 34 5000 10,000 50,000 5000 10,000 50,000 10,000 50,000 10,000 50,000 10,000 50,000 5000 10,000 50,000 5000 10,000 50,000 10,000 50,000 Overcurrent Protective Device Commercial Fuse Commercial Fuse Commercial Fuse Commercial Fuse Commercial Fuse Commercial Fuse Commercial Fuse Commercial Fuse Commercial Fuse Commercial Fuse Commercial Fuse Commercial Fuse Umbrella Fuse Umbrella Fuse Umbrella Fuse Umbrella Fuse Umbrella Fuse Umbrella Fuse Umbrella Fuse Umbrella Fuse Umbrella Fuse Umbrella Fuse Umbrella Fuse Umbrella Fuse Umbrella Fuse Umbrella Fuse Umbrella Fuse Umbrella Fuse Umbrella Fuse Umbrella Fuse Umbrella Fuse Umbrella Fuse 2 Wire Conductor Maximum I t Visual Inspection Size Thermal Let Through Observation Withstand (Amps 2 sec) (Amps 2 sec) 16 18,657 N/A No Visible Damage 16 18,657 N/A No Visible Damage 16 18,657 N/A No Visible Damage 16 18,657 N/A No Visible Damage 16 18,657 N/A No Visible Damage 16 18,657 N/A No Visible Damage 18 7,355 N/A No Visible Damage 18 7,355 N/A No Visible Damage 18 7,355 N/A No Visible Damage 18 7,355 N/A No Visible Damage 18 7,355 N/A No Visible Damage 18 7,355 N/A No Visible Damage 16 18,657 1,690 No Visible Damage 16 18,657 1,980 No Visible Damage 16 18,657 1,420 No Visible Damage 18 7,355 1,420 No Visible Damage 18 7,355 1,440 No Visible Damage 18 7,355 1,450 No Visible Damage 18 7,355 7,010 No Visible Damage 18 7,355 5,140 No Visible Damage 16 18,657 820 No Visible Damage 16 18,657 1,230 No Visible Damage 18 7,355 1,000 No Visible Damage 18 7,355 1,280 No Visible Damage 18 7,355 8,290 No Visible Damage 18 7,355 10,400 No Visible Damage 18 7,355 6,330 No Visible Damage 18 7,355 7,070 No Visible Damage 18 7,355 8,120 No Visible Damage 18 7,355 7,900 No Visible Damage 18 7,355 6,690 No Visible Damage 18 7,355 6,130 No Visible Damage 2 Dielectric Testing Results (Pass/Fail) Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 INTRODUCTION Industry Need to Utilize Small Conductors In order to remain competitive within the global marketplace, United States industrial machinery manufacturers on the committee for NFPA79 (Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery) expressed the need to be able to utilize power circuit conductors that are smaller than 14 AWG, the existing minimum allowed for branch circuits in the United States. Several proposals were written and submitted for NFPA79 adoption. However, a study was requested to confirm the theoretical engineering analysis utilized for the substantiation of the proposals. This Report details the results of that study. Existing Requirements The general requirements for the 1999 edition of National Electrical Code (NEC ) and the 1997 edition of NFPA79 Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery currently do not allow conductors smaller than 14 AWG to be utilized for power branch circuits. In the NEC the requirements are found in sections 210-19 and 310-5. In NFPA79 the requirements are found in subclause 15.3. Industry Needs The industrial machinery industry has recognized the need to utilize 16 and 18 AWG conductors for both motor and non-motor loads. Wire sizes of 0.75 mm2 and 1 mm2 are commonly applied where the load currents are very small in applications based upon IEC 60204-1 (Safety of Machinery – Electrical Equipment of Machines). Wire sizes of 0.75 mm2 and 1 mm2 have an ampacity similar to 18 AWG and 16 AWG wire respectively. Engineering Analysis An engineering-based analysis was completed on the properties of 16 and 18 AWG conductors. This analysis, developed by the NFPA Small Wire Working Group, and designed to cover typical “worst case” overcurrent conditions as might be found in various types of electrical distributions, is included here. 3 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS (Developed by the NFPA Small Wire Working Group) Background The analysis could best be summarized by the requirements in subclause 8.1.2 of NFPA79 shown here: (d) Load and circuit component characteristics. 1) Normal operating current. 2) Inrush characteristics. 3) Thermal withstand capability (I2 t). 4) Magnetic withstand capability (Ip). Normal Operating Current First normal operating current was considered per NFPA79 8.1.2 (d) (1). The UL standard for Industrial Control Equipment, UL508, provides ampacities for 16 and 18 AWG conductors. The information is summarized in Table 1 below as follows: Table 11 Wire Size 16 AWG 18 AWG Copper Conductors Insulation Rating 60°C 60°C Ampacity 10 amps 7 amps Inrush Characteristics Further engineering analysis explored the nature of the loads that the smaller conductors would supply. Research of the types of devices to be used for these loads was explored. As stated earlier, the desire from the NFPA79 committee was to utilize this small wire on motor and non-motor loads. For motor loads, the analysis included the use of motor starters for overload protection along with a branch circuit, overcurrent protective device for short-circuit protection. For non-motor loads, the analysis included the use of only a single branch circuit overcurrent device. Thermal Withstand Ratings for Insulated Conductors - Various Methods The next step in the analysis was to explore the withstand capabilities of the small wire, as required in NFPA79 subclause 8.1.2 (d) (3). Withstand capabilities of insulated cable pertains to the level of short-circuit current an insulated conductor can handle for a certain amount of time. Insulated conductors are components of an electrical system and are required to be protected against “excessive damage” per the NEC in section 110-10 and NFPA79 subclause 8.1.2. Research of available literature was conducted on the effects of short-circuit currents on insulated conductors. The findings of four different methods were analyzed to determine the most appropriate method to use for this analysis. The four different methods included: • • • • 1 Insulated Cable Engineers Association Standard P-32-382 Research conducted by William H. Middendorf “Grounding Electrical Systems for Safety,” Eustice Soares Onderdonk melting point Information obtained from UL508, August 22, 2000, Section 43 Table 43.2 4 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 The Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA) standard P-32-382 provides a standard physics formula for determining the short-circuit withstand of insulated copper conductors. The formula is as follows: 2 T2 + 234 I A t = 0.0297 log T + 234 1 I = Short-circuit Current – Amperes A = Conductor Area – Circular Mils t = Time of Short-circuit - Seconds T1 = Maximum Operating Temperature T2 = Maximum Short-circuit Temperature Physics Equation 1 – ICEA Conductor Withstand Formula This physics formula for determining the heat rise for a specific cross sectional area of copper was used to create a worst case condition for the wire. The formula utilized by ICEA was based upon an adiabatic process where all the heat is contained within the wire. ICEA, using the standard physics formula, determined maximum short-circuit temperatures for conductors with various types of insulation as shown: • Thermoplastic (150 °C) • rubber, paper, varnished cloth (200 °C) • Crosslinked Polyethylene & Ethylene Propylene Rubber (250 °C) The temperatures specified above designate the start of insulation damage. Using the most conservative approach, thermoplastic insulation (150°C) has the lowest short-circuit temperature of the types tested. Inserting 150 °C for T2 into physics equation 1, would generate I2 t values as shown in Table 2. Table 2 ICEA I2 t Withstand Limits for Copper Conductor, Thermoplastic Insulation (75°C) (No Insulation Damage) Wire Size Short-circuit Withstand I2 t 14 AWG 47,000 A2 s 12 AWG 120,000 A2 s 10 AWG 303,000 A2 s Studies conducted by William H. Middendorf of the University of Cincinnati explored the effects of short-circuit currents on insulated conductors. The studies were conducted to evaluate the damage levels referenced in the ICEA standard P-32-382. The purpose was to evaluate the accuracy of the ICEA damage levels. As a result, Middendorf derived withstand limits different from the levels achieved by ICEA. The withstand levels derived from this research were based upon the amount of I2 t that would cause the dielectric strength of the insulation to be half the value of untested wire. As expected, the I2 t levels required to reduce the dielectric strength of the wire were greater than those for 5 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 which there was no insulation damage (ICEA). The I2 t values resulting from this research are shown in Table 3. Table 3 Middendorf I t Withstand Limits for Copper Conductor, Thermoplastic (THW-75°C) Insulation (Insulation Damage to ½ of Original Dielectric) Wire Size Short-circuit Withstand I2 t 14 AWG 150,000 A2 s 12 AWG 450,000 A2 s 10 AWG 1,100,000 A2 s 2 Eustice Soares wrote, “Grounding Electrical Systems for Safety.” Soares provides another reference level for conductor withstand. Soares states that the validity rating for conductors corresponds to the amount of energy required to cause the copper to become loose under a lug after the conductor has had a chance to cool back down. This “validity” rating is based on raising the copper temperature from 75°C to 250°C. Using physics equation 1, the I2 t withstand levels of conductors that will become loose under a lug is shown in Table 4 below. Table 4 Soares I t Withstand Limits for Copper Conductor, (Copper No Longer Tight Under Lug) Wire Size Short-circuit Withstand I2 t 14 AWG 94,000 A2 s 12 AWG 238,000 A2 s 10 AWG 599,000 A2 s 2 The final method, by Onderdonk, provides the withstand level that represents the amount of I2 t required to cause copper conductors to melt. Onderdonk determined the short-circuit temperature to be 1083°C. Inserting this temperature into physics equation 1, the I2 t withstand levels for melting of copper is as shown in Table 5. Table 5 Onderdonk I t Withstand Limits for Copper Conductor, (Melted Copper) Wire Size Short-circuit Withstand I2 t 14 AWG 320,000 A2 s 12 AWG 804,000 A2 s 10 AWG 2,300,000 A2 s 2 In addition to the analysis just discussed, both United States and International standards were researched to explore procedures already utilized in the United States and other parts of the world for short-circuit protection of conductors. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) recommends the short circuit protection of insulated conductors, using the ICEA physics formula in equation 1, in standards: 6 E4273 • • • • Issued: 8-10-01 ANSI/IEEE 141-1993 (Red Book) sections 5.6.2 and 12.4.6 ANSI/IEEE 241-1990 (Gray Book) sections 8.5.6 and ANSI/IEEE 242-1986 (Buff Book) section 8.4.2 ANSI/IEEE 1015-1997 (Blue Book) section Various machinery standards also recommend the short circuit protection of insulated conductors using a formula similar to the ICEA physics formula in Equation 1, with conversion factors being the difference. These standards also state the insulation damage level for thermoplastic insulation is at 160°C as compared to the 150°C level used by ICEA. The machinery standards that suggest this approach include: • IEC60204-1 1997 section 13.1 and Annex C section C.4 • SAE HS-1738 2000 section 13.1 and Annex C section C.4 IEC60204-1 is the accepted machinery standard in Europe. SAE HS-1738 is the accepted machinery standard for the United States automotive industry. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standard 60364-4-43 1997 requires short-circuit protection of conductors, using a formula equal to physics equation 1 (with conversion factors being the difference), see equation 2. θ f + β I 2t = K 2 S 2 ln θ + β i K = conductor material constant = 226 for copper S = cross sectional area of conductor, mm2 θf= final temperature of conductor, °C θI= initial temperature of conductor, °C β = reciprocal of temperature coefficient of resistance for conductor material at 0°C, °C = 234.5 for copper Equation 2 – IEC Conductor Withstand Formula The Canadian Electrical Code (CEC), C22.1-98 Safety Standard for Electrical Installations, recommends the ICEA method for determination of conductor protection in Appendix B. After researching the above methods along with the ANSI, CEC, and International approaches, the safest approach was to analyze the withstand limits using the most conservative method. The physics formula, as promoted by ICEA, was the most conservative, see Table 6, as well as most used, and was therefore used to analyze 16 and 18 AWG insulated conductors. Table 6 ICEA I2t Withstand Limits Copper Conductor, Thermoplastic Insulation (75°C) Wire Size ICEA Middendorf Soares Onderdonk 14 47,000 150,000 94,000 320,000 12 120,000 450,000 238,000 804,000 10 303,000 1,100,000 599,000 2,300,000 7 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Determination of the Thermal Withstand Ratings for 16 and 18 AWG conductors Short-circuit Withstand Ratings Using physics equation 1 and cross sectional area from NEC Table 8, thermal I2 t withstand ratings for 16 and 18 AWG insulated conductors were calculated, see Table 7. Table 7 ICEA I t Withstand Limits Copper Conductor, Thermoplastic Insulation (75°C) Wire Size Short-circuit Withstand I2 t 18 AWG 7,355 A2 s 16 AWG 18,657 A2 s 2 Physics equation 1 could also be used to calculate the maximum short-circuit current an insulated conductor can withstand for a specified amount of time. This type of analysis was conducted at the NFPA79 committee meetings. See Annex A for details on this analysis. Medium Range Overcurrent Capabilities While the withstand temperatures of insulated cables under short-circuit conditions has been thoroughly researched, medium range overcurrent capability research is not as plentiful. This is partially due to the fact that this condition can not really be considered adiabatic, and the dissipation of heat from the conductor into the system varies greatly from installation to installation. Since the formula developed by ICEA, physics Equation 1, assumes an adiabatic condition, this would constitute a “worse case” condition for the conductor, with no heat loss to the system, and was used in this analysis for a conservative approach. The amounts of current that 16 and 18 AWG conductors could handle under overload conditions are summarized in Table 8 and Table 9. This type of analysis was conducted at the NFPA79 committee meetings. See Annex A for details on this analysis Table 8 16 AWG Withstand Overload Conditions (75°C)* Duration of Overcurrent (seconds) Withstand Current 1 137 5 61 10 43 * Data based upon formula in ICEA Publication P-32-382, See Equation 1 Table 9 18 AWG Withstand Overload Conditions (75°C)* Duration of Overcurrent (seconds) Withstand Current 1 86 5 38 10 27 * Data based upon formula in ICEA Publication P-32-382, See Equation 1 8 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Magnetic Withstand for Insulated Conductors Another step in the analysis is to analyze the magnetic withstand capabilities of the small wire, as required in NFPA79 subclause 8.1.2 (d) (4). The proper analysis of the magnetic withstand limits is best conducted via testing. This analysis is currently conducted in product testing via assurance that the conductor cannot pull out of any termination as a result of testing. For this investigation, the magnetic withstand capabilities will be addressed by testing. Selection of Overcurrent Protective Devices The major properties, current carrying capacity and short-circuit withstand required for proper application of insulated conductors have been determined. Now proper overcurrent protection needs to be determined. Using the properties that have been documented, overcurrent protective devices that will carry the rated current and protect the insulated conductor against overcurrents must be chosen. Short-circuit Protection The overcurrent protective devices will need to limit the energy let-through, of short-circuit currents, to a level below the short-circuit thermal withstand of the 16 and 18 AWG conductors as specified in Table 7. Knowing this, various overcurrent protective devices can be explored. UL/CSA/ANCE 248 Current Limiting Fuses Originally current limiting devices were chosen by the NFPA79 adhoc committee in order to easily cover the variety of fault current conditions that exist upon which the machine may be applied. Listed current limiting fuses are classified by umbrella limits published in the UL/CSA/ANCE 248 series of standards. The umbrella limits provide maximum permissible let through values for instantaneous peak current and I2 t for a specific class of fuse and ampere rating. In order for a current limiting fuse to achieve listing, the let through values of the fuse must be less than the umbrella limits required for that class and ampere rating of fuse. The umbrella limits governing current limiting fuses provide a sound way of performing engineering analysis. In addition to the UL/CSA/ANCE 248 series of standards, the UL White book, General Information for Electrical Equipment Directory, provides the umbrella limits for the various classes of current limiting fuses. Upon examination of the White book, the I2 t and peak let through currents of various current limiting branch circuit fuses were evaluated. Initially, Class CC fuses, 20 amps and below, were found to protect both the 16 and 18 AWG wire according to limits set forth. See Table 10. Class CC fuses 20 amps and below were used in the analysis that was conducted at the NFPA79committee meetings. See Annex A for details on this analysis Table 10 UL Class CC Umbrella Limits Current Rating 15 20 Between Threshold and 50KA Ip (A) I2 t (A 2 s) 3,000 2,000 3,000 2,000 At 100 KA Ip (A) 3,000 4,000 I2 t (A 2 s) 2,000 3,000 At 200KA Ip (A) 4,000 5,000 I2 t (A 2 s) 3,000 3,000 Further research of current limiting fuses using the umbrella limits, expanded the list of potential devices to include Class J, T, and CC fuses up to 30 amps. A review of the umbrella limits for the Class J, T, and CC 30 amp fuses showed that the maximum permissible I2 t limits for these fuses are less than the wire limits shown in Table 7. See Table 11 below: 9 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Table 11 UL Class of Fuse Current Rating Class CC Class J Class T (600V) 30 30 30 Between Threshold and 50KA Ip (A) I2 t (A 2 s) 6,000 7,000 6,000 7,000 6,000 7,000 At 100 KA Ip (A) 7,500 7,500 7,500 At 200KA I2 t (A 2 s) 7,000 7,000 7,000 Ip (A) 12,000 12,000 12,000 I2 t (A 2 s) 7,000 7,000 7,000 Overload Protection The overcurrent protective device needs to interrupt low level overloads prior to thermal damage of the conductor insulation. Two major types of branch circuit loads were included in this analysis, motor loads and non-motor loads. For motor loads, an overload relay as part of a motor starter, is used for this purpose. This motor starter is used in conjunction with a branch-circuit short-circuit protective device as it would be applied in the field. The standard used to investigate overload relays and motor starters is UL508. Overload relays can be classified according to their tripping time at 600 percent of their current rating. The classification is outlined in Table 12. Table 12 Class Designation for Overload Relays per UL508* Class Designation Tripping Time @ 600% (sec) Class 10 10 Class 20 20 Class 30 30 * Data based upon UL Standard 508 Table 146.1 For non-motor loads a single branch circuit overcurrent protective is used. This device must be capable of interrupting both short-circuit and overload currents. Current limiting fuses tested to UL/CSA/ANCE 248 undergo low level testing as outlined in Table 13. Table 13 UL248 Test Points* Test Level (% Rated Current) 135 200 * For fuses 30 amps and less Opening Time (min) 60 4 The data shown in Tables 12-13 provide reference levels for opening times of overcurrent protective devices under overload conditions. These levels are used to evaluate the performance of the various overcurrent protective devices compared to the withstand of 16 and 18 AWG conductors. This type of analysis was conducted at the NFPA79 committee meetings, See Annex A for details on this analysis 10 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Testing The next step in the process evaluates the suitability of 16 and 18 AWG insulated conductors for power branch circuits with actual testing. Testing was designed to cover a broad range of overcurrents, overload and short-circuit, in order to analyze the suitability of 16 and 18 AWG conductors for power branch-circuit application. The plan for investigation, test data and results, and analysis of the results are contained in the remainder of this report. 11 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 PLAN OF INVESTIGATION General Considerations In order to provide data to support the Engineering Analysis provided by the NFPA Small Wire Working Group, a test program was developed by the Working Group with three major principles: 1. Create tests using conservative approaches simulating worst case conditions - “Bus bar” testing from UL489 - Umbrella fuses for short circuit testing - 1’, 4’, and 100’ lengths of wire 2. Create tests to cover various types of electrical systems and grounding schemes - Full voltage, high current testing on each pole 3. Check validity of wire insulation via dielectric testing - Per UL83, Thermoplastic Insulated Wire and Cable , section 27 Test setups hinged around these three major principles and were used in the plan for investigation. UL standards 508, 489, and 248 were used as the base documents for the testing. The actual test configurations deviated from these test configurations only to create worst case conditions, and account for real application scenarios for industrial machinery. The test program explored the suitability of 16 and 18 AWG insulated conductors for use on power branch circuits. The test program was divided into two major categories: Verification of Overload Protection of Conductor and Verification of Short-circuit Protection of Conductor. Following the testing the conductor was tested for insulation damage via dielectric testing outlined in UL83, section 27. Verification of Short-circuit Protection of Conductor Testing was performed to investigate the short-circuit protection of 16 and 18 AWG cable. Development of the test setups was based upon creating tests that would cover the majority of the applications for which the wire would be installed. A conservative approach using “worst case” test situations was used for this development. The first step was to determine the test configuration for the short-circuit testing. In order to cover the variety of installations that could exist, it was determined that, initially, 1 foot and 100 foot lengths of conductor would be used in the testing, see Figures 1 and 2. Figure 1 – 1 foot Test Setup Figure 2 – 100 foot Test Setup 12 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 The 1 foot length would investigate the thermal and magnetic withstands of short runs of conductor inside a cabinet. The 100 foot test setup investigated the thermal and magnetic withstands of long runs of conductor. A conditional test with 4' of conductor was also used on the high fault level testing for the devices that passed the 1 foot test. The 4' length would provide an additional check on the magnetic withstand of the conductor. Figure 3 – 4 foot Test Setup Bolted fault conditions were used to coincide with existing testing configurations employed by UL in standards UL/CSA/ANCE 248, UL489, and UL508 and to give to a worst case short-circuit condition. The fault was created directly at the end of the run of the conductor, see Figures 1, 2, and 3. Connection to the test lab terminals followed the "bus bar" high fault circuit test configurations in UL 489. The "bus bar" test conditions in UL489 require 4' of #1 conductor feeding the line lugs of the OCP device and 10" of rated wire in the load side. One foot of rated wire was used instead of 10" for simplicity. For all the short-circuit testing using fuses, umbrella fuses were used. This follows the existing requirements in standards UL/CSA/ANCE248, UL489, and UL508 and creates a worst case situation, since any listed commercially available fuse will perform better than the umbrella fuses. See Annex B for data on umbrella fuses used in the test program. Note in Annex B that there is not an upper limit on the instantaneous peak current and I2 t let through when selecting umbrella fuses. In this testing, for example, the I2 t was more than double the umbrella limit. A wide variety of short-circuit current levels were used to cover the variance in installations and fault levels in the industry. The following short-circuit current levels were used in the testing: • 50,000 amps • 10,000 amps • 5,000 amps The 50kA level was chosen based upon UL/CSA/ANCE 248 fuse testing and the work conducted by the NFPA79 Committee. See annex A. Since the I2 t umbrella limit of Class CC, J, and T fuses are the same at 50, 100, and 200kA, the 50kA level was determined to represent the high short-circuit current testing level. The 50kA test was conducted on all of the branch-circuit short-circuit devices tested with varying power factors. The 10kA level is a common test level used in various UL standards for low level short13 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 circuit current testing. All of the branch-circuit, short-circuit devices were tested at this level. The 5kA test level was selected to cover the lower end of the short-circuit current spectrum. This testing was limited to the stand alone branch-circuit, short circuit devices and the 1' test configuration. The 1, 4, and 100 foot tests were performed at 480V, 3 phase with varying power factors. Conditional tests at a full 600V were performed on the branch-circuit, short-circuit devices that passed all the 480V testing, see Figure 1 for setup. This test sequence was conducted for the 5, 10, and 50kA tests. Additional test configurations were utilized to investigate various commonly used grounding schemes. The test configurations were used to verify the suitability of the conductors where the maximum possible I2 t, instantaneous peak current, and voltage would be imposed on the conductor pertaining to the various systems. The four main types of systems investigated were: Solidly grounded WYE Corner grounded Delta Resistance grounded WYE Ungrounded systems The three phase bolted fault test configuration described previously covered the solidly grounded wye system. Additional test configurations were used to investigate the remainder of the systems. A fault was created across one pole of the branch-circuit, short-circuit devices using line to line voltage. This would simulate a situation that could exist in these grounding schemes where single or multiple line to ground faults could impose line to line voltage across one pole of the device. The test setup is shown in Figure 4. 14 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Figure 4 – Test Setup for Corner Grounded Delta, Resistance Grounded Wye, and Ungrounded Systems The 50kA and 10kA fault levels were used for this test configuration. Only the stand alone branchcircuit, short-circuit devices were investigated. Verification of Overload Protection of Conductor At the end of the short circuit testing, the devices that passed were subjected to overload testing. In order to investigate overload protection of 16 and 18 AWG conductors, testing was performed to explore overcurrent protection for two different types of loads: motor loads and non-motor loads. Motor Loads In order to investigate motor branch circuits, motor starters were used in conjunction with branch-circuit short-circuit protective devices that they were listed with. Both class 10 and class 20 overload relays were used in the test program. Class 20 overload relays are more popular, but as shown below, the use of class 10 overloads could lead to a larger permissible load current. See Annex A for details on this analysis. As a result of the work conducted by the NFPA79 adhoc committee, limitations were placed on the load current for 16 and 18 AWG conductors depending on the class overload relay used. These current levels are shown in Table 15. Overload Relay Class 10 20 Table 15 Maximum Full Load Currents for Motor Loads 16 AWG 18 AWG Maximum Full Load Ampacity Maximum Full Load Ampacity 8 5 5.5 3.5 Two current levels were investigated on each test setup: • 15 Amps • 600% Maximum Full Load Ampacity 15 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 The first level was selected to link the overload testing with a common branch circuit current level recognized in the industry. The second level was selected to link up with UL508 testing for the overload relays and to simulate a locked rotor condition on a motor. The overload relay was sized according to the maximum permissible load current during the overload testing. Opening time was recorded for each test. Visual inspection and dielectric testing of the wire was conducted. Non-Motor Loads Testing in this area consisted of a single branch circuit overcurrent protective device sized per the ampacity of the conductor. As a result of the work conducted by the NFPA79 committee, limitations were placed on the load current for 16 and 18 AWG conductors, See Annex A for details on this analysis. These current levels are shown in Table 16. Note that these values are 80% of the ampacities shown in Table 1. Table 16 Maximum Full Load Currents (for Non-Motor Loads) 16 AWG 18 AWG Maximum Full Load Ampacity Maximum Full Load Ampacity 8 5.6 Two current levels were investigated on each test setup: • 135% Overcurrent Protective Device Rating • 600% of Maximum Full Load Ampacity The first level was selected based upon a common overload test level conducted on branch circuit overcurrent protective devices. The second was selected to simulate a higher level overload condition that might exist. Inspection of Wire In order to verify if a conductor passes the overload and short-circuit testing, a two step investigation was used. The first step is a common practice in testing today. Immediately following the tests, a visual inspection was performed on the conductor and observations were noted. Acceptability of Results Visual damage to the insulated wire including insulation damage, wire pulled out of terminal, or vaporization of the wire would result in a failure for the test. If a failure of the visual test resulted, the dielectric test was not conducted. Insulation Dielectric Withstand Tests The second step in the wire acceptance testing was a dielectric withstand test. It was determined that the dielectric withstand test in UL83, Thermoplastic Insulated Wire and Cable, section 27 would be used. Perform Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Test as specified in UL83 section 27. • Immerse as much of the insulation of the wire as possible in room temperature tap water for a period of not less than 6 hours. • With wire still immersed in the tap water, attach one lead of a dielectric voltage tester to the bare ends of the wire. Attach the other lead to a conducting material that is immersed in the water. • Apply 2000V to the wire under test for 60 seconds. 16 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Acceptability of Results The wire shall be able to withstand the applied voltage without breakdown for the said amount of time. See Annex C for a flow chart representation of the testing sequence used in this investigation. 17 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST DATA, OBSERVATIONS, AND RESULTS Data, observations, and results obtained from the testing in this study are outlined in this section. Results from each test are outlined in three main sections: Test Data Sheet This section provides information relating to the setup of the test, a description of the test, test circuit parameters, and test results. Test Observations This section provides a frame by frame view from the NTSC VHS video that was taken during the testing. The frames shown are the six frames surrounding the test. Assessment of Results This section links the results of the testing to the analysis that was conducted on withstand ratings of conductors prior to the testing. The data accumulated during the testing was compared to the withstands shown in Table 16. Table 16 ICEA I t Withstand Limits Copper Conductor, Thermoplastic Insulation Wire Size Short-circuit Withstand I2 t 18 AWG 7,355 A2 s 16 AWG 18,657 A2 s 2 18 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 1A Purpose: Verification of Overload Protection - Class 10 Overload Relay Description: 16 AWG type MTW wire Class 10 overload relay set at 8 Amps Protective device is a 20 Amp Class CC fuse 16 AWG Class 10 Relay Test Parameters Current: 15 A TEST DATA: Relay opened in 5 seconds Fuse did not open Results: Visual: No Visible Damage Dielectric: Passed 19 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Assessment of Results Test 1A: Overload relay opened in 5 seconds. Fuse did not open. There was no visible damage to the conductor. The conductor passed the dielectric test. 20 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 1B Purpose: Verification of Overload Protection - Class 10 Overload Relay Description: 16 AWG type MTW wire Class 10 overload relay set at 8 Amps Protective device is a 20 Amp Class CC fuse 16 AWG Class 10 Relay Test Parameters Current: 48 A (600%) TEST DATA: Relay opened in 2 seconds Fuse did not open Results: Visual: No Visible Damage Dielectric: Passed 21 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Assessment of Results Test 1B: Overload relay opened in 2 seconds. Fuse did not open. There was no visible damage to the conductor. The conductor passed the dielectric test. 22 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 1C Purpose: Verification of Overload Protection - Class 20 Overload Relay Description: 16 AWG type MTW wire Class 20 overload relay set at 8 Amps Protective device is a 20 Amp Class CC fuse 16 AWG Class 20 Relay Test Parameters Current: 15 A TEST DATA: Relay opened in 4.9 seconds Fuse did not open Results: Visual: No Visible Damage Dielectric: Passed 23 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Assessment of Results Test 1C: Overload relay opened in 4.9 seconds. Fuse did not open. There was no visible damage to the conductor. The conductor passed the dielectric test. 24 E4273 TEST #: Issued: 8-10-01 1D Purpose: Verification of Overload Protection - Class 20 Overload Relay Description: 16 AWG type MTW wire Class 20 overload relay set at 8 Amps Protective device is a 20 Amp Class CC fuse 16 AWG Class 20 Relay Test Parameters Current: 33 A (600%) TEST DATA: Relay opened in 3.13 seconds Fuse did not open Results: Visual: No Visible Damage Dielectric: Passed 25 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test 1D: Overload relay opened in 3.13 seconds. Fuse did not open. There was no visible damage to the conductor. The conductor passed the dielectric test. 26 E4273 TEST #: Issued: 8-10-01 1E Purpose: Verification of Overload Protection - Fuse Only Description: 16 AWG type MTW wire Protective device is a 10 Amp Class CC fuse 16 AWG Test Parameters TEST DATA: Fuse cleared in 5 min. 48 sec. Current: 13.51 A (135%) Results: Visual: No Visible Damage Dielectric: Passed 27 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test 1E: Fuse opened in 5 minutes 48 seconds. There was no visible damage to the conductor. The conductor passed the dielectric test. 28 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 1F Purpose: Verification of Overload Protection - Fuse Only Description: 16 AWG type MTW wire Protective device is a 10 Amp Class CC fuse 16 AWG Test Parameters TEST DATA: Fuse cleared in 4.6 seconds Current: 48 A (600%) Results: Visual: No Visible Damage Dielectric: Passed 29 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test 1F: Fuse opened in 4.6 seconds. There was no visible damage to the conductor. The conductor passed the dielectric test. 30 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 2A Purpose: Verification of Overload Protection - Class 10 Overload Relay Description: 18 AWG type MTW wire Class 10 overload relay set at 6 Amps Protective device is a 15 Amp Class CC fuse 18 AWG Class 10 Relay Test Parameters Current: 15 A TEST DATA: Relay opened in 6 seconds Fuse did not open Results: Visual: No Visible Damage Dielectric: Passed 31 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test 2A: Overload relay opened in 6 seconds. Fuse did not open. There was no visible damage to the conductor. The conductor passed the dielectric test. 32 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 2B Purpose: Verification of Overload Protection - Class 10 Overload Relay Description: 18 AWG type MTW wire Class 10 overload relay set at 6 Amps Protective device is a 15 Amp Class CC fuse 18 AWG Class 10 Relay Test Parameters Current: 30 A (600%) TEST DATA: Relay opened in 3 seconds Fuse did not open Results: Visual: No Visible Damage Dielectric: Passed 33 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test 2B: Overload relay opened in 3 seconds. Fuse did not open. There was no visible damage to the conductor. The conductor passed the dielectric test. 34 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 2C Purpose: Verification of Overload Protection - Class 20 Overload Relay Description: 18 AWG type MTW wire Class 20 overload relay set at 6 Amps Protective device is a 15 Amp Class CC fuse 18 AWG Class 20 Relay Test Parameters Current: 15 A TEST DATA: Relay opened in 5.8 seconds Fuse did not open Results: Visual: No Visible Damage Dielectric: Passed 35 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test 2C: Overload relay opened in 5.8 seconds. Fuse did not open. There was no visible damage to the conductor. The conductor passed the dielectric test. 36 E4273 TEST #: Issued: 8-10-01 2D Purpose: Verification of Overload Protection - Class 20 Overload Relay Description: 18 AWG type MTW wire Class 20 overload relay set at 6 Amps Protective device is a 15 Amp Class CC fuse 18 AWG Class 20 Relay Test Parameters Current: 20.96 A (600%) TEST DATA: Relay opened in 3.8 seconds Fuse did not open Results: Visual: No Visible Damage Dielectric: Passed 37 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test 2D: Overload relay opened in 3.8 seconds. Fuse did not open. There was no visible damage to the conductor. The conductor passed the dielectric test. 38 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 2E Purpose: Verification of Overload Protection - Fuse Only Description: 18 AWG type MTW wire Protective device is a 7 Amp Class CC fuse 18 AWG Test Parameters TEST DATA: Fuse cleared in 35 seconds Current: 9.51 A (135%) Results: Visual: No Visible Damage Dielectric: Passed 39 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test 2E: Fuse opened in 6 minutes 35 seconds. There was no visible damage to the conductor. The conductor passed the dielectric test. 40 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 2F Purpose: Verification of Overload Protection - Fuse Only Description: 18 AWG type MTW wire Protective device is a 7 Amp Class CC fuse 18 AWG Test Parameters TEST DATA: Fuse cleared in 5.4 seconds Current: 34 A (600%) Results: Visual: No Visible Damage Dielectric: Passed 41 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test 2F: Fuse opened in 5.4 seconds. There was no visible damage to the conductor. The conductor passed the dielectric test. 42 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 3A Purpose: Verification of Short-Circuit Protection - Low Level Description: 1 foot of 16 AWG type MTW wire per phase 3 phase bolted fault on line side of motor starter. Protective device is a 20 amp Class CC umbrella fuse. 1 AWG, 4’ 16 AWG, 1’ Motor Starter Short Created Here Test Parameters TEST DATA: Voltage: Current: pf: 3 Phase Clearing I2t x 10 A 1.03 B 1.53 C 0.81 482 Vac 5.2 KA 72 % Ip x 103 0.98 1.69 0.91 Results: Visual: No Visual Damage on any Phase Dielectric: Passed 43 Comments Fuse Opened Fuse Opened Fuse Opened E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test #: 3A Test 3A: Maximum Clearing I2 t Maximum Peak Current Ip = = 1,530 A2 s 1,690 Amps Maximum clearing I2 t let through during this test was below the calculated withstand level. There was no visual damage to any of the conductors. Video footage showed little activity, with minor movement of the conductors. All the conductors passed the dielectric test. 44 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 3B Purpose: Verification of Short-Circuit Protection - Medium Level Description: 1 foot of 16 AWG type MTW wire per phase 3 phase bolted fault on line side of motor starter. Protective device is a 20 amp Class CC umbrella fuse. 1 AWG, 4’ 16 AWG, 1’ Motor Starter Short Created Here Test Parameters TEST DATA: Voltage: Current: pf: 3 Phase Clearing I2t x 10 A 0.578 B 1.98 C 0.561 484 Vac 10.9 KA 76 % Ip x 10 3 1.15 2.31 1.35 Results: Visual: No Visual Damage on any Phase Dielectric: Passed 45 Comments Fuse Opened Fuse Opened Fuse Opened E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test #: 3B Test 3B: Maximum Clearing I2 t Maximum Peak Current Ip = = 1,980 A2 s 2,310 Amps Maximum clearing I2 t let through during this test was below the calculated withstand level. There was no visual damage to any of the conductors. Video footage showed little activity, with minor movement of the conductors. All the conductors passed the dielectric test. 46 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 3C Purpose: Verification of Short-Circuit Protection - High Level Description: 1 foot of 16 AWG MTW wire per phase 3 phase bolted fault on line side of motor starter. Protective device is a 20 amp Class CC umbrella fuse. 1 AWG, 4’ 16 AWG, 1’ Motor Starter Short Created Here Test Parameters TEST DATA: Voltage: Current: pf: Phase Clearing I2t x 103 A 0.77 B 1.42 C 0.24 482 Vac 53.6 KA 13.5 % Ip x 103 2.28 3.15 1.14 Results: Visual: No Visual Damage on any Phase Dielectric: Passed 47 Comments Fuse Opened Fuse Opened Fuse Did Not Open E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test #: 3C Assessment of Results Test 3C: Maximum Clearing I2 t Maximum Peak Current Ip = = 1,420 A2 s 3,150 Amps Maximum clearing I2 t let through during this test was below the calculated withstand level. There was no visual damage to any of the conductors. Video footage showed little activity, with minor movement of the conductors. All the conductors passed the dielectric test. 48 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 4A Purpose: Verification of Short-Circuit Protection - Low Level Description: 1 foot of 18 AWG type MTW wire per phase 3 phase bolted fault on line side of motor starter. Protective device is a 20 amp Class CC umbrella fuse. 1 AWG, 4’ 18 AWG, 1’ Motor Starter Short Created Here Test Parameters TEST DATA: Voltage: Current: pf: Phase A B C 482 Vac 5.2 KA 72 % Clearing I2t x 10 0.77 1.42 0.6 3 Ip x 10 0.83 1.65 0.83 Results: Visual: No Visual Damage on any Phase Dielectric: Passed 49 3 Comments Fuse Opened Fuse Opened Fuse Did Not Open E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test #: 4A Test 4A: Maximum Clearing I2 t Maximum Peak Current Ip = = 1,420 A2 s 1,650 Amps Maximum clearing I2 t let through during this test was below the calculated withstand level. There was no visual damage to any of the conductors. Video footage showed little activity, with minor movement of the conductors. All the conductors passed the dielectric test. 50 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 4B Purpose: Verification of Short-Circuit Protection - Medium Level Description: 1 foot of 18 AWG type MTW wire per phase 3 phase bolted fault on line side of motor starter. Protective device is a 20 amp Class CC umbrella fuse. 1 AWG, 4’ 18 AWG, 1’ Motor Starter Short Created Here Test Parameters TEST DATA: Voltage: Current: pf: 3 Phase Clearing I2t x 10 A 0.384 B 1.44 C 0.536 484 Vac 10.9 KA 76 % Ip x 10 3 0.797 2.07 1.42 Results: Visual: No Visual Damage on any Phase Dielectric: Passed 51 Comments Fuse Did Not Open Fuse Opened Fuse Opened E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test #: 4B Test 4B: Maximum Clearing I2 t Maximum Peak Current Ip = = 1,440 A2 s 2,070 Amps Maximum clearing I2 t let through during this test was below the calculated withstand level. There was no visual damage to any of the conductors. Video footage showed little activity, with minor movement of the conductors. All the conductors passed the dielectric test. 52 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 4C Purpose: Verification of Short-Circuit Protection - High Level Description: 1 foot of 18 AWG type MTW wire per phase 3 phase bolted fault on line side of motor starter. Protective device is a 20 amp Class CC umbrella fuse. 1 AWG, 4’ 18 AWG, 1’ Motor Starter Short Created Here Test Parameters TEST DATA: Voltage: Current: pf: Phase A B C 482 Vac 53.6 KA 13.5 % Clearing I2t x 103 0.77 1.45 0.14 Ip x 10 3 2.54 3.3 0.84 Results: Visual: No Visual Damage on any Phase Dielectric: Passed 53 Comments Fuse Opened Fuse Opened Fuse Did Not Open E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test #: 4C Test 4C: Maximum Clearing I2 t Maximum Peak Current Ip = = 1,450 A2 s 3,300 Amps Maximum clearing I2 t let through during this test was below the calculated withstand level. There was no visual damage to any of the conductors. Video footage showed little activity, with minor movement of the conductors. All the conductors passed the dielectric test. 54 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 5B Purpose: Verification of Short-Circuit Protection - Medium Level Description: 4 feet of 18 AWG type MTW wire per phase 3 phase bolted fault on line side of motor starter. Protective device is a 30 amp Class CC, J, and T umbrella fuse. 1 AWG, 4’ 18 AWG, 4’ Motor Starter Short Created Here Test Parameters TEST DATA: Voltage: Current: pf: 3 Phase Clearing I2t x 10 A 5.17 B 7.01 C 4.52 484 Vac 10.9 KA 76 % Ip x 10 3 2.15 3.54 2.15 Results: Visual: No Visual Damage on any Phase Dielectric: Passed 55 Comments Fuse Opened Fuse Opened Fuse Opened E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test #: 5B Test 5B: Maximum Clearing I2 t Maximum Peak Current Ip = = 7,010 A2 s 3,540 Amps Maximum clearing I2 t let through during this test was below the calculated withstand level. Video footage showed little activity, with minor movement of the conductors. All conductors passed the dielectric test. 56 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 5C Purpose: Verification of Short-Circuit Protection - High Level Description: 4 feet of 18 AWG type MTW wire per phase 3 phase bolted fault on line side of motor starter. Protective device is a 30 amp Class CC, J, and T umbrella fuse 1 AWG, 4’ 18 AWG, 4’ Motor Starter Short Created Here Test Parameters TEST DATA: Voltage: Current: pf: 3 Phase Clearing I2t x 10 A 4.75 B 5.14 C 1.17 484 Vac 53.6 KA 13.5 % Ip x 10 3 4.41 4.65 0.86 Results: Visual: No Visual Damage on any Phase Dielectric: Passed 57 Comments Fuse Opened Fuse Opened Fuse Did Not Open E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test #: 5C Test 5C: Maximum Clearing I2 t Maximum Peak Current Ip = = 5,140 A2 s 4,650 Amps Maximum clearing I2 t let through during this test was below the calculated withstand level. Video footage showed little activity, with minor movement of the conductors. All conductors passed the dielectric test. 58 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 6B Purpose: Verification of Short-Circuit Protection - Medium Level Description: 100 feet of 16 AWG type MTW wire per phase 3 phase bolted fault on load side of motor starter. Protective device is a 20 amp Class CC umbrella fuse. 1 AWG, 4’ 16 AWG, 1’ Motor Starter 16 AWG, 100’ Short Created Here Test Parameters TEST DATA: Voltage: Current: pf: Phase A B C 484 Vac 10.9 KA 76 % 3 Clearing I2t x 10 0.82 0.57 0.75 Ip x 10 0.64 0.49 0.96 Results: Visual: No Visual Damage on any Phase Dielectric: Passed 59 3 Comments Fuse Opened Fuse Opened Fuse Did Not Open E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test #: 6B Test 6B: Maximum Clearing I2 t Maximum Peak Current Ip = = 820 A2 s 960 Amps Maximum clearing I2 t let through during this test was below the calculated withstand level. Video footage showed little activity, with minor movement of the conductors. All conductors passed the dielectric test. 60 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 6C Purpose: Verification of Short-Circuit Protection - High Level Description: 100 feet of 16 AWG type MTW wire per phase 3 phase bolted fault on load side of motor starter. Protective device is a 20 amp Class CC umbrella fuse. 1 AWG, 4’ 16 AWG, 1’ Motor Starter 16 AWG, 100’ Short Created Here Test Parameters TEST DATA: Voltage: Current: pf: 3 Phase Clearing I2t x 10 A 1.23 B 0.65 C 0.62 484 Vac 53.6 KA 13.5 % Ip x 10 3 0.7 0.92 0.43 Results: Visual: No Visual Damage on any Phase Dielectric: Passed 61 Comments Fuse Opened Fuse Opened Fuse Did Not Open E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test #: 6C Test 6C: Maximum Clearing I2 t Maximum Peak Current Ip = = 1,230 A2 s 920 Amps Maximum clearing I2 t let through during this test was below the calculated withstand level. Video footage showed little activity, with minor movement of the conductors. All conductors passed the dielectric test. 62 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 6E Purpose: Verification of Short-Circuit Protection - Medium Level Description: 100 feet of 18 AWG type MTW wire per phase 3 phase bolted fault on load side of motor starter. Protective device is a 20 amp Class CC umbrella fuse. 1 AWG, 4’ 18 AWG, 1’ Motor Starter 18 AWG, 100’ Short Created Here Test Parameters TEST DATA: Voltage: Current: pf: Phase A B C 484 Vac 10.9 KA 76 % Clearing I2t x 10 3 1 0.7 0.51 Ip x 10 3 0.55 0.6 0.45 Results: Visual: No Visual Damage on any Phase Dielectric: Passed 63 Comments Fuse Opened Fuse Opened Fuse Did Not Open E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test #: 6E Test 6E: Maximum Clearing I2 t Maximum Peak Current Ip = = 1,000 A2 s 600 Amps Maximum clearing I2 t let through during this test was below the calculated withstand level. Video footage showed little activity, with minor movement of the conductors. All conductors passed the dielectric test. 64 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 6F Purpose: Verification of Short-Circuit Protection - High Level Description: 100 feet of 18 AWG type MTW wire per phase 3 phase bolted fault on load side of motor starter. Protective device is a 20 amp Class CC umbrella fuse. 1 AWG, 4’ 18 AWG, 1’ Motor Starter 18 AWG, 100’ Short Created Here Test Parameters TEST DATA: Voltage: Current: pf: 3 Phase Clearing I2t x 10 A 0.86 B 1.28 C 0.92 484 Vac 53.6 KA 13.5 % Ip x 10 3 0.61 0.59 0.52 Results: Visual: No Visual Damage on any Phase Dielectric: Passed 65 Comments Fuse Opened Fuse Opened Fuse Did Not Open E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test #: 6F Test 6F: Maximum Clearing I2 t Maximum Peak Current Ip = = 1,280 A2 s 610 Amps Maximum clearing I2 t let through during this test was below the calculated withstand level. Video footage showed little activity, with minor movement of the conductors. All conductors passed the dielectric test. 66 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 7A Purpose: Verification of Short-Circuit Protection – Low Level Description: 1 foot of 18 AWG type MTW wire per phase 3 phase bolted fault on line side of motor starter. Protective device is a 30 amp Class CC, J, and T umbrella fuse. 1 AWG, 4’ 18 AWG, 1’ Motor Starter Short Created Here Test Parameters TEST DATA: Voltage: Current: pf: Phase A B C 630 Vac 5 KA 76 % Clearing I2t x 103 6.73 8.29 4.67 Ip x 10 3 1.76 1.45 2.97 Results: Visual: No Visual Damage on any Phase Dielectric: Passed 67 Comments Fuse Opened Fuse Opened Fuse Did Not Open E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test #: 7A Test 7A: Maximum Clearing I2 t Maximum Peak Current Ip = = 8,290 A2 s 2,970 Amps Maximum clearing I2 t let through during this test was above the calculated withstand level. There was no visible damage to any of the conductors. Video footage showed little activity, with minor movement of the conductors. All the conductors passed the dielectric test. 68 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 7B Purpose: Verification of Short-Circuit Protection - Medium Level Description: 1 foot of 18 AWG type MTW wire per phase 3 phase bolted fault on line side of motor starter. Protective device is a 30 amp Class CC, J, and T umbrella fuse. 1 AWG, 4’ 18 AWG, 1’ Motor Starter Short Created Here Test Parameters TEST DATA: Voltage: Current: pf: Phase A B C 604 Vac 10.7 KA 71 % 3 Clearing I2t x 10 2.88 10.4 3.35 Ip x 10 1.55 3.86 2.42 Results: Visual: No Visual Damage on any Phase Dielectric: Passed 69 3 Comments Fuse Did Not Open Fuse Opened Fuse Opened E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test #: 7B Test 7B: Maximum Clearing I2 t Maximum Peak Current Ip = = 10,400 A2 s 3,860 Amps Maximum clearing I2 t let through during this test was above the calculated withstand level. There was no visible damage to any of the conductors. Video footage showed little activity, with minor movement of the conductors. All the conductors passed the dielectric test. 70 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 7C Purpose: Verification of Short-Circuit Protection - High Level Description: 1 foot of 18 AWG type MTW wire per phase 3 phase bolted fault on line side of motor starter. Protective device is a 30 amp Class CC, J, and T umbrella fuse. 1 AWG, 4’ 18 AWG, 1’ Motor Starter Short Created Here Test Parameters TEST DATA: Voltage: Current: pf: 3 Phase Clearing I2t x 10 A 6.22 B 0.19 C 6.33 608 Vac 52.7 KA 8.5 % Ip x 10 3 5.23 0.66 5.18 Results: Visual: No Visual Damage on any Phase Dielectric: Passed 71 Comments Fuse Opened Fuse Opened Fuse Did Not Open E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test #: 7C Test 7C: Maximum Clearing I2 t Maximum Peak Current Ip = = 6,330 A2 s 5,230 Amps Maximum clearing I2 t let through during this test was below the calculated withstand level. There was no visible damage to any of the conductors. Video footage showed little activity, with minor movement of the conductors. All the conductors passed the dielectric test. 72 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 8A Purpose: Verification of Short-Circuit Protection – Low Level Description: 1 foot of 18 AWG type MTW wire per phase 3 phase bolted fault on line side of motor starter. Protective device is a 30 amp Class CC, J, and T umbrella fuse. 1 AWG, 4’ 18 AWG, 1’ Motor Starter Short Created Here Test Parameters TEST DATA: Voltage: Current: pf: Phase A B C 482 Vac 5.2 KA 72 % 3 Clearing I2t x 10 6.06 7.07 4.76 Ip x 10 1.81 2.91 1.83 Results: Visual: No Visual Damage on any Phase Dielectric: Passed 73 3 Comments Fuse Opened Fuse Opened Fuse Opened E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test #: 8A Test 8A: Maximum Clearing I2 t Maximum Peak Current Ip = = 7,070 A2 s 2,910 Amps Maximum clearing I2 t let through during this test was below the calculated withstand level. There was no visible damage to any of the conductors. Video footage showed little activity, with minor movement of the conductors. All the conductors passed the dielectric test. 74 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 8B Purpose: Verification of Short-Circuit Protection - Medium Level Description: 1 foot of 18 AWG type MTW wire per phase 3 phase bolted fault on line side of motor starter. Protective device is a 30 amp Class CC, J, and T umbrella fuse. 1 AWG, 4’ 18 AWG, 1’ Motor Starter Short Created Here Test Parameters TEST DATA: Voltage: Current: pf: 3 Phase Clearing I2t x 10 A 1.68 B 8.12 C 2.95 484 Vac 10.9 KA 76 % Ip x 10 3 1.54 3.74 2.32 Results: Visual: No Visual Damage on any Phase Dielectric: Passed 75 Comments Fuse Did Not Open Fuse Opened Fuse Opened E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test #: 8B Test 8B: Maximum Clearing I2 t Maximum Peak Current Ip = = 8,120 A2 s 3,740 Amps Maximum clearing I2 t let through during this test was above the calculated withstand level. There was no visible damage to any of the conductors. Video footage showed little activity, with minor movement of the conductors. All the conductors passed the dielectric test. 76 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 8C Purpose: Verification of Short-Circuit Protection - High Level Description: 1 foot of 18 AWG type MTW wire per phase 3 phase bolted fault on line side of motor starter. Protective device is a 30 amp Class CC, J, and T umbrella fuse. 1 AWG, 4’ 18 AWG, 1’ Motor Starter Short Created Here Test Parameters TEST DATA: Voltage: Current: pf: Phase A B C 482 Vac 53.6 KA 13.5 % Clearing I2t x 103 4.21 7.9 2.3 Ip x 10 3 3.75 5.63 2.52 Results: Visual: No Visual Damage on any Phase Dielectric: Passed 77 Comments Fuse Opened Fuse Opened Fuse Did Not Open E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test #: 8C Test 8C: Maximum Clearing I2 t Maximum Peak Current Ip = = 7,900 A2 s 5,630 Amps Maximum clearing I2 t let through during this test was above the calculated withstand level. There was no visible damage to any of the conductors. Video footage showed little activity, with minor movement of the conductors. All the conductors passed the dielectric test. 78 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 9B Purpose: Verification of Short-Circuit Protection - Medium Level for Various Grounding Schemes Description: 10 inches of 18 AWG type MTW 1 phase bolted fault on line side of motor starter. Protective device is a 30 amp Class CC, J, and T umbrella fuse. 1 AWG, 4’ 18 AWG, 10” Motor Starter Short Created Here Test Parameters TEST DATA: Voltage: Current: pf: 3 Phase Clearing I2t x 10 A B C 6.69 484 Vac 10.9 KA 76 % Results: Visual: No Visual Damage Dielectric: Passed 79 Ip x 10 3 2.83 Comments Fuse Opened E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test #: 9B Test 9B: Maximum Clearing I2 t Maximum Peak Current Ip = = 6,690 A2 s 2,830 Amps Maximum clearing I2 t let through during this test was below the calculated withstand level. Video footage showed little activity, with minor movement of the conductor. The conductor passed the dielectric test. 80 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 TEST #: 9C Purpose: Verification of Short-Circuit Protection - High Level for Various Grounding Schemes Description: 10 inches of 18 AWG type MTW 1 phase bolted fault on line side of motor starter. Protective device is a 30 amp Class CC, J, and T umbrella fuse. 1 AWG, 4’ 18 AWG, 10” Motor Starter Short Created Here Test Parameters TEST DATA: Voltage: Current: pf: 3 Phase Clearing I2t x 10 A 6.13 B C 484 Vac 53.6 KA 13.5 % Results: Visual: No Visual Damage Dielectric: Passed 81 Ip x 10 3 3.81 Comments Fuse Opened E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Test #: 9C Test 9C: Maximum Clearing I2 t Maximum Peak Current Ip = = 6,130 A2 s 3,810 Amps Maximum clearing I2 t let through during this test was below the calculated withstand level. Video footage showed little activity, with minor movement of the conductor. The conductor passed the dielectric test. 82 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 REPORT BY: REVIEWED BY: GEORGE R. GOLDING Senior Project Engineer Conformity Assessment Services DAVID A. DINI Senior Research Engineer Research Department 83 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Bibliography Canadian Standards Association Std C22.1-98. Canadian Electrical Code, 1998 editon. CSA, Ontatario, Canada. Fink, Donald G., and H. Wayne Beaty. Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers, 13th edition. Mcgraw-Hill, Inc., 1993 Gregory, George D. “Single-Pole Short-Circuit Interruption of Molded-Case Circuit Breakers.” IEEE Industrial & Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference. IEEE, New York, 1999 Insulated Cable Engineers Association, Inc. “Short Circuit Characteristics of Insulated Cable” Insulated Cable Engineers Association Publication P-32-382. , 1969 International Association of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Std. ANSI/IEEE 141-1993. Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants, IEEE Red Book. IEEE, New York, 1993 International Association of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Std. ANSI/IEEE 241-1990. Electric Power Distribution for Commercial Buildings, IEEE Gray Book. IEEE, New York, 1990. International Association of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Std. ANSI/IEEE 242-1986. Protection and Coordination of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems, IEEE Buff Book. IEEE, New York, 1986. International Association of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Std. ANSI/IEEE 1015-1997. Applying Low-Voltage Circuit Breakers Used in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems, IEEE Blue Book. IEEE, New York, 1997 International Association of Electrical Inspectors. Soares Book on Grounding, 7th Edition. IAEI, Richardson, TX, 1999 International Electrotechnical Commission Std. 60364-4-43. “Protection Against Overcurrent.” , 1997 Middendorf, W.H. “Life Characteristics Of Insulated Wire Subjected To Short Time, High Current Faults.” IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation. Vol. EI-15 No.5, October 1980 Middendorf, W.H. “Life Characteristics of Medium Size Insulated Wire Subjected To Short Time, High Current Faults.” IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation. Vol. EI-20 No.3, June 1985 Middendorf, W.H. “Effects Of Short-Time, High-Current Faults On Aged, Insulated Wire.” IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation. Vol. EI-21 No.2, April 1986 National Fire Protection Association Std. ANSI/NFPA70. National Electrical Code, 1999 edition. NFPA, Quincy, MA 84 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 National Fire Protection Association Std. ANSI/NFPA79. Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery, 1997 edition. NFPA, Quincy, MA. Underwriter Laboratories Standard for Safety ANSI/ANCE/UL/CSA248. Low-Voltage Fuses. UL, Northbrook,IL, 2000. Underwriter Laboratories Standard for Safety ANSI/UL489. Molded-Case Circuit Breakers, Molded-Case Switches, and Circuit Breaker Enclosures. UL, Northbrook,IL, 2000. Underwriter Laboratories Standard for Safety ANSI/UL508. Industrial Control Equipment. UL, Northbrook,IL, 2000. 85 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 ANNEX A The following outlines the work and recommendations conducted by the NFPA79 committee. The new exceptions in NFPA79, prior to the ROP meetings, would read: 13.6 Conductor sizing. Conductors shall not be smaller than: 13.6.1 Power circuits No. 14 Exception 1: No. 16 shall be permitted where applied as follows: a) For non-motor power circuits of 8 amperes or less where protected in accordance with Clause 7 and with Class CC fuses rated at not more than 10 amperes,or b) For motor loads with a full load ampacity of 8 amperes or less, where protected with Class CC fuses at not more than 250% of full load ampacity, and Class 10 overload protection per UL 508, or c) For motor loads with a full load ampacity of 5.5 amperes or less, where protected with Class CC fuses at not more than 250% of full load ampacity, and Class 20 overload protection per UL 508, and d) Where part of a jacketed multiconductor cable assembly or flexible cord, or as individual conductors when used in a cabinet or enclosure. Exception 2: No. 18 shall be permitted where applied as follows: a) For non-motor power circuits of 5.6 amperes or less where protected in accordance with Clause 7 and with Class CC fuses rated at not more than 7 amperes, or b) For motor loads with a full load ampacity of 5 amperes or less, where protected with class CC fuses at not more than 250% of full load ampacity, and Class 10 overload protection per UL 508, or c) For motor loads with a full load ampacity of 3.5 amperes or less, where protected with class CC fuses at not more than 250% of full load ampacity, and Class 20 overload protection per UL 508, and d) Where part of a jacketed multiconductor cable assembly or flexible cord, or as individual conductors in a cabinet or enclosure. Substantiation: The present parts of NFPA 79-1997 15.3 were re-identified to match the numbering sequence. These proposed new exceptions permit the use of 16/18 AWG conductors, and factory assembled 16/18 AWG multi-conductor cables, in small motor branch circuit applications. This exception 86 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 will also allow a common, desirable, practice unutilized on small horsepower, multi-motor machinery. Wire sizes of 0.75 mm2 and 1 mm2 are commonly applied where the load currents are very small in applications based upon the IEC 60204-1. Wire sizes of 0.75 mm2 and 1 mm2 have an ampacity similar to 18 AWG and 16 AWG wire respectively. Conservative based calculations were evaluated relative to short circuit and overload concerns. After considering many variables, it was determined that a similar use of 18 AWG and 16 AWG wire would constitute a reasonable approach and give application guidance to a present practices under the detailed requirements as proposed in 13.6.1 Exceptions 1 and 2. In order to limit exposure to physical damage the use of these conductors would be limited to multiconductor cables, and to individual conductors when used in a cabinet or enclosure. The following information is provided to detail the evaluation process. 16 AWG Data Time Area (CM) Isc (Amps)1 .004 2580 2160 .008 2580 1527 .0167 2580 1057 0.1 2580 432 1 2580 137 5 2580 61 10 2580 43 20 2580 31 30 2580 25 1 Data based upon ICEA (Insulated Cable Engineers Association) insulation Damage Formulas UL508 Test Points Class Current @ 600% 2 10 40 20 33 2 Value shown in table is based upon 6 X the limited current specified in the proposed 13.6.1 UL 248 Test Point @ 50KA Time (sec) Max Current Allowed (Amps) .004 707 3 3 2 Current Level Extrapolated from UL I t limit by dividing out time (.004) 87 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 18 AWG Data Time Area (CM) Isc (Amps)4 .004 1620 1356 .008 1620 959 .0167 1620 664 0.1 1620 271 1 1620 86 5 1620 38 10 1620 27 20 1620 19 30 1620 16 4 Data based upon ICEA (Insulated Cable Engineers Association) insulation Damage Formulas UL508 Test Points Class Current @ 600% 5 10 30 20 21 5 Value shown in table is based upon 6 X the limited current specified in the proposed 13.6.1 UL 248 Test Point @ 50KA Time (sec) Max Current Allowed (Amps) .004 707 6 6 2 Current Level Extrapolated from UL I t limit by dividing out time (.004) The Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA) tables for insulation damage was used to create the worst case condition for the wire. The formula as developed by ICEA is based upon an adiabatic process where all the heat will be contained within the wire(conductor). This does not take into account the heat bleed off into the terminations and components. As a result, a damage curve was generated for thermoplastic insulation at 150 deg. C. This was the worst case of the three main types evaluated by ICEA which include: - thermoplastic (150 deg. C) rubber, paper, varnished cloth (200 deg. C) crosslinked polyethylene & ethylene propylene rubber (250 deg. C) This damage curve then supplied the worst possible condition to which the wire (conductor) would be subjected. After laying the groundwork for wire damage, various overcurrent protective devices were reviewed. Current limiting devices were decided upon in order to cover the variety of fault current conditions that could apply to a machine. Upon examination of Underwriters Laboratories (UL) “General Information for Electrical Equipment” (White Book), let-through I2 T of various current 88 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 limiting branch circuit fuses were considered. Selecting Class CC fuses and protecting 16 and 18 AWG wire according to UL limits allowed a maximum let-through current to be determined. Next, motor controller characteristics were explored. Based upon the information provided in UL508, test points were plotted on the time current curve to evaluate the performance of the overload device under long term heating conditions. (Note: Under these conditions there is a high probability the heat will be dissipated from the conductor into the terminals and associated components). Guidelines were selected for proper fuse sizing and maximum full load current rating of motors based upon the above data. The criteria for determining the maximum full load current rating was (1) the maximum current value the conductor could handle for the set amount of time (10 sec for class 10, etc.), (2) add 10% for a conservative heat bleed off factor, and (3) divide by 6 per the requirements of UL 508. This then derived the FLC value. 16 AWG 100 Time (sec) 10 Insulation Damage 16 AWG Class 10 1 Class CC Fuse Class 20 0.1 0.01 0.001 1 10 100 1000 Current (amps) 89 10000 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 18 AWG 100 10 1 Time (sec) Insulation Damage 18 AWG Class 10 Class 20 Class CC 0.1 0.01 0.001 1 10 100 1000 10000 Current (amps) Following the NFPA79 ROP meetings the wording of this section was revised to read: 13.6 Conductor sizing. Conductors shall not be smaller than: 13.6.1 Power circuits No. 14 Exception 1: No. 16 shall be permitted where applied as follows: a) For non-motor power circuits of 8 amperes or less where protected in accordance with Clause 7 and with branch circuit rated circuit breakers listed for use with No.16 wire or Class CC,J, or T fuses rated at not more than 10 amperes, or b) For motor loads with a full load ampacity of 8 amperes or less, where protected in accordance with Clause 7 and with branch circuit rated circuit breakers listed for use with No.16 wire or Class CC,J, or T fuses, and Class 10 overload protection per UL 508, or c) For motor loads with a full load ampacity of 5.5 amperes or less where protected in accordance with Clause 7 and with branch circuit rated circuit breakers listed for use 90 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 with No.16 wire or Class CC,J, or T fuses, and Class 20 overload protection per UL 508, and d) Where part of a jacketed multiconductor cable assembly or flexible cord, or as individual conductors when used in a cabinet or enclosure. Exception 2: No. 18 shall be permitted where applied as follows: a) For non-motor power circuits of 5.6 amperes or where protected in accordance with Clause 7 and with branch circuit rated circuit breakers listed for use with No.18 wire or Class CC,J, or T fuses rated at not more than 7 amperes, or b) For motor loads with a full load ampacity of 5 amperes or less, where protected in accordance with Clause 7 and with branch circuit rated circuit breakers listed for use with No.18 wire or Class CC,J, or T fuses, and Class 10 overload protection per UL 508, or c) For motor loads with a full load ampacity of 3.5 amperes or less, where protected in accordance with Clause 7 and with branch circuit rated circuit breakers listed for use with No.18 wire or Class CC,J, or T fuses, and Class 20 overload protection per UL 508, and d) Where part of a jacketed multiconductor cable assembly or flexible cord, or as individual conductors in a cabinet or enclosure 91 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 ANNEX B The following table shows the data for the umbrella fuses used in this testing: Umbrella Fuse Data Fuse Type 20A Umbrella #1 20A Umbrella #2 20A Umbrella #3 30A Umbrella #1 30A Umbrella #2 30A Umbrella #3 Test Current Amps x 103 52 52 52 52 52 52 Power Factor .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 UL/CSA/ANCE 248 I2 t Umbrella Limit (A 2 sec x 103 ) 2 2 2 7 7 7 92 Clearing I2 t A 2 sec x 103 3.47 4.17 4.36 13.6 14.4 14.4 UL/CSA/ANCE 248 Ip Umbrella Limit (Amps x 103 ) 3 3 3 6 6 6 Peak Let Through (Ip) Amps x 103 3.99 4.13 4.27 6.53 6.59 6.58 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 ANNEX C 93 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 94 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 95 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 96 E4273 Issued: 8-10-01 Index adiabatic, 5, 8 American National Standards ANSI, 6 bolted fault, 14 Bolted fault conditions, 13 class 10 overload relay, 15 class 20 overload relay, 15 conductor dielectric strength of, 5 Insulation Dielectric Withstand Tests, 16 magnetic withstand, 9 magnetic withstands, 13 maximum short-circuit temperatures, 5 short-circuit protection of, 6 short-circuit thermal withstand, 9 visual inspection, 16 withstand capabilities, 4 Electrical Code Canadian, 7 National, 3, 4, 8 fuse I2t, 9, 13 instantaneous peak current, 9, 13 grounding Corner grounded Delta, 14 Resistance grounded WYE, 14 Solidly grounded WYE, 14 Ungrounded systems, 14 various schemes, 12, 14 ICEA, 4, 5, 7, 8, 18 Standard P-32-382, 4 IEC, 7 IEC60364-4-43 1997, 7 IEC 60204-1, 3 Safety of Machinery - Electrical Equipment, 3 IEEE ANSI/IEEE 141-1993 Red Book, 6 ANSI/IEEE 241-1990 Gray Book, 6 ANSI/IEEE 242-1986 Buff Book, 6 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 6 Insulated Cable Engineers Association Standard P-32-382, 4 insulation damage, 5 Machinery Standards IEC60204-1 1997, 7 NFPA79, 3 SAE HS-1738 2000, 7 Middendorf, 4, 5, 6 NFPA79, 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 13, 16, 86 NFPA79 adhoc committee, 15 Onderdonk, 4, 6 Soares, 4, 6 UL White book, 9 UL248, 9, 10, 12, 13 UL489, 12, 13 "bus bar" high fault circuit test configurations, 13 “Bus bar” test high fault circuit test configurations, 12 UL508, 4, 10, 12, 13 UL83, 12 Insulation Dielectric Testing, 16 umbrella fuses, 12, 13 umbrella limits, 9 validity rating, 6 Withstand Ratings, 4 97