Monte Carlo Simulation of Interfaces David L. Cheung Department of Chemistry & Centre for Scientific Computing University of Warwick MIR@W day Monte Carlo: 07/03/2011 What is...? Soft matter liquids, liquid crystals, polymers, colloids, surfactants Interfaces liquid-liquid, liquid-gas solid-liquid membranes soft (energies≈ kB T ) fluidity order self-organization DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 2 / 31 Outline 1 Introduction 2 Nanoparticles at soft interfaces 3 Adsorption on polymer vesicles 4 Conclusions DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 3 / 31 Nanoparticles at soft interfaces Nanoparticles ◮ quantum dots, fullerenes, macromolecules, proteins... Soft interfaces ◮ liquid-liquid (oil-water), polymer blends, membranes.... Nanoparticle monolayer Nanoparticle stabilised droplet Adhesion of nanoparticles onto soft interfaces ◮ for ≈nm particles detachment energy 10 kB T A Böker et al Soft Matter 2007; S Bon et al Langmuir 2007 DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 4 / 31 Nanoparticle-interface interaction Nanoparticle self-assembly ◮ ◮ dynamics/kinetics capillary forces between nanoparticles: structure formation Adhesion strength not measured experimentally ◮ often estimated from continuum models Many contributions to interaction ◮ difficult to isolate different effects experimentally RP Sear et al PRE 1999 DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 5 / 31 Model Solvent ◮ non-additive hard sphere (Widom-Rowlinson) mixture 2 components A and B Vαβ (r ) = (1 − δαβ )Vhs (r , σ) ◮ (diameter σ ≈ 0.3 nm) demixes above critical density Nanoparticle ◮ hard-sphere (diameter 3-6 σ) Grand-canonical Monte Carlo simulations ◮ Free-energy profile (effective NP-interface interaction) βF (z) = − log P(z) ◮ Wang-Landau sampling B Widom & JS Rowlinson JCP 1970; FG Wang & DP Landau PRL 2001 DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 6 / 31 Why do we need Wang-Landau? P(z) Detachment energy≈ 10 kB T To accurately determine free energy profile need to sample uniformly across interface z DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 7 / 31 Interface structure Interface broadened by capillary waves ◮ ◮ interface width comparable to nanoparticle size (1-2 nm) bridging between nanoparticle and interface DLC & SAF Bon PRL 2009 DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 8 / 31 Nanoparticle-interface interaction Free energy profile 7 6 βF(zc ) 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 ◮ ◮ 2 4 zc / σ 6 8 10 long-range interaction (> Rc ) detachment energy: 1-10 kB T DLC & SAF Bon PRL 2009 DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 9 / 31 Nanoparticle-interface interaction Free energy profile 7 6 βF(zc ) 5 Rc = 1.5σ Rc = 2.0σ Rc = 2.5σ Rc = 3.0σ 4 3 2 1 0 0 ◮ ◮ ◮ 2 4 zc / σ 6 8 10 long-range interaction (> Rc ) detachment energy: 1-10 kB T detachment energy: ∝ Rc2 DLC & SAF Bon PRL 2009 DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 9 / 31 Can we use continuum theory? Free energy profile: F (z) = πγz 2 (z ≤ Rc ) 7 6 βF(zc ) 5 Rc = 1.5σ Rc = 2.0σ Rc = 2.5σ Rc = 3.0σ 4 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 zc / σ 6 8 10 Continuum theory in poor agreement with simulation ◮ underestimates interaction range → flat interface approximation DLC & SAF Bon PRL 2009 DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 10 / 31 More complex particles: Janus spheres Hemispheres of different (A-philic/B-philic) functionality 8 βF(zc ) 6 10 4 ∆=0 ∆ = 0.05 ∆ = 0.10 ∆ = 0.15 ∆ = 0.25 2 0 0 Detachment energy / kBT 12 2 4 zc / σ 6 8 10 8 6 4 2 0 0.05 0.1 2 0.15 0.2 βσ ∆γ Stability increases with ∆γ DLC & SAF Bon Soft Matter 2009 DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 11 / 31 More complex particles: Janus spheres Hemispheres of different (A-philic/B-philic) functionality 8 βF(zc ) 6 10 4 ∆=0 ∆ = 0.05 ∆ = 0.10 ∆ = 0.15 ∆ = 0.25 2 0 0 Detachment energy / kBT 12 2 4 zc / σ 6 8 10 8 6 4 2 0 0.05 0.1 2 0.15 0.2 βσ ∆γ Stability increases with ∆γ Continuum theory: overestimates detachment energy DLC & SAF Bon Soft Matter 2009; BP Binks et al Langmuir 2000 DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 11 / 31 Nanoparticles rotate Theory assumes fixed particle orientation nm-sized particles have significant orientation freedom Angle between particle orientation and z 0.8 <cosφ> 0.6 ∆γ 0.4 0.2 0 -10 -5 0 z/σ 5 10 DLC & SAF Bon Soft Matter 2009 DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 12 / 31 Fixing the orientation Stability increased ≈50% for fixed orientation Detachment energy / kBT 12 βF(zc ) 9 10 6 3 0 0 2 ◮ 4 zc / σ 6 8 10 8 6 4 2 0 0.05 0.1 2 0.15 0.2 βσ ∆γ fix orientation experimentally (E or B field?) DLC & SAF Bon Soft Matter 2009 DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 13 / 31 Nanoparticle-interface interactions Have used molecular simulation to study interaction of nanoparticle with liquid interfaces ◮ ◮ ◮ interaction is longer ranged than expected - capillary waves detachment energy is 1 − 10 kB T detachment energy ∝ Rc2 Comparison with continuum theory (Pieranski approximation) ◮ ◮ underestimates detachment energy underestimates range of interaction - neglect of capillary waves Janus particles ◮ more stable on interfaces, although orientational freedom important DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 14 / 31 Outline 1 Introduction 2 Nanoparticles at soft interfaces Nanoparticle-interface interactions Janus particles 3 Adsorption on polymer vesicles 4 Conclusions DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 15 / 31 Polymer vesicles Polymer bilayers forming a fluid-filled sac polymersomes - analogous to liposomes synthetic minimal cells Use of polymers enhances the mechanical stability compared to liposomes reaction vessels drug delivery vehicles V Ortiz et al, JPCB, 2005 DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 16 / 31 Armoured vesicles The stability of polymer vesicles may be further enhanced by a coating of nanoparticles This occurs in many naturally occuring systems bacterial S-layers nanopatterned calcium carbonate coating on coccolithophorids Can this be mimicked in synthetic, polymeric systems? Y. Shiraiwa, University of Tsukuba DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 17 / 31 Experimental system (Bon group, UoW) Vesicle: poly(n-butyl methacrylate)-b-(N,N-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) block co-polymer (1 µm radius) Nanoparticles: 120 nm and 200 nm diameter anionic polystyene latex particles Distinct packing patterns of nanoparticles on vesicle surface can we reproduce/predict these packings from simulations? DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 18 / 31 Simulations Monte Carlo simulations nanoparticles interact through modified LJ+Yukawa potential 24 r 12 req exp(−r /ξ) eq V (r ) = ǫ +A −2 r r r /ξ A is related to the charge density on the particle surface model vesicle as large sphere ◮ ◮ gradually add particles onto vesicle - NPs irreversibly adsorbed NPs move on the surface (modify normal move acceptance to ensure uniform sampling on spherical surface) DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 19 / 31 Comparison Packing patterns on polymer vesicles (after 14 hours annealing) and from simulations (insets) 56%, 78%, and 91% encounter probabilities (relative likelihood of smaller particle attaching to vesicle) Good agreement between experimental and simulation packing patterns DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 20 / 31 Controlling the pattern Study the effect of changing the the surface charge density 56 % small particles Increasing charge density→ 79 % small particles 91 % small particles DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 21 / 31 Adsorption on polymer vesicles Experimentally it has been shown that it is possible to coat polymer vesicles in ’nanoparticle-armour’ Using simple MC simulations can reproduce experimentally observed packing patterns on polymer vesicles Find changes in packing patterns with increasing surface charge density Further work is to quantify the simulation and experimental packing patterns DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 22 / 31 Conclusions Molecular simulation provides a powerful tool for the investigation of interfacial systems Gives molecular insight that is complementary to experimental studies ◮ ◮ ◮ test/refine theories study molecular details difficult/impossible to resolve experimentally gives precise control over the system parameters References: Nanoparticle-interface interactions DLC & S. Bon, Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 066103 (2009) DLC & S. Bon, Soft Matter, 5, 3969 (2009) Armoured vesicles R Chen et al, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 133, 2151 (2011) DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 23 / 31 Acknowledgements Collaborators Warwick Ale Troisi, Sara Fortuna, Dan Jones, Natalie Martsinovich, David McMahon, Jack Sleigh Stefan Bon, Rong Chen, Daniel Pearce Rebecca Notman Mike Allen, Paul O’Brien Paola Carbone, Andrew Masters (Manchester), Mark Wilson (Durham), Phil Cox (B’ham) Martin Oettel, Friederike Schmid (Mainz), Matthias Schmidt (Bayreuth/Bristol) Computers Centre for Scientific Computing, UoW Funding EPSRC, ERC, Leverhulme Trust, University of Warwick DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 24 / 31 DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 25 / 31 Model & method Study system using grand-canonical MC simulations ◮ ◮ simulations at different (solvent) chemical potentials βµ = 0.15...0.35 (βµc ≈ 0.04) confine system in z-direction: localises the interface near cell centre Calculate free energy profile ◮ βF (zc ) = − log P(zc ) ◮ find probability distribution using Wang-Landau sampling divide separation into overlapping windows ◮ Calculate interfacial tension FG Wang & DP Landau, PRL, 2001 DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 26 / 31 System-size dependence 1.8 1.5 1.5 1.75 1.45 1.7 1.4 1.65 1.35 Lx 1 0.5 0 0 2 4 6 zc / σ 1.6 10 12 14 16 Lx / σ 18 ∆F/∆FPier 2 β∆F βF (zc ) System-size dependence (lateral box length Lx ) 1.3 20 Consistent with decrease in γ ◮ ◮ interaction range increases barrier decreases DLC & SAF Bon PRL 2009 DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 27 / 31 Varying wettabilities Stability controlled by changing surface tensions ◮ ◮ Experimental systems: different γ for two components polystyrene-water: γ=32 mN m−1 polystyrene-hexadecane: γ=14.6 mN m−1 Simulate non-symmetric case ◮ ◮ ◮ use different radii for the two components RA/B = Rc ∓ ∆ Rc = 2.5σ and ∆ ≤ 0.1Rc βµ = 0.15 DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 28 / 31 Diversion: calculating γiP To make contact with continuum theories need to calculate γAP and γBP Bresme & Quirke ◮ free energy change from change in nanoparticle radius ∆F = (4πRc2 ∆R)P + (8πRc ∆R)γ 0.05 2 βσ γA/B 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 ∆/σ 0.2 0.25 ∆γ < 8 mN m−1 F Bresme & N Quirke, PRL 1998 DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 29 / 31 Towards the continuum limit As particle size increases continuum theory becomes more accurate 1.5 Rc 1 ∆F F 1.4 1.35 0.5 1.3 0 0 1.5 2 1 2 2.5 Rc / σ 3 3 4 z/Rc DLC & SAF Bon PRL 2009 DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 30 / 31 Not just hard spheres Binary Lennard-Jones fluid 40 35 ρ=0.50 ρ=0.60 ρ=0.69 Free energy / kBT Free energy / kBT 50 30 20 10 0 0 30 25 ε=0.00 ε=0.25 ε=0.50 ε=0.75 ε=1.00 20 15 10 5 2 4 zc / σ 6 8 10 0 0 2 4 zc / σ 6 8 10 Qualitative results same as for WR mixture Attractive NP-fluid interactions decrease NP stability DL Cheung (University of Warwick) MC simulation of Interfaces MIR@W 31 / 31