Source: Participation Rubric for Unit Development Directions: Assign one score for each partner Name Score Excellent=5 Did a full share of the work--or more Good=4 Did an equal share of the work EQUAL WORK Took the initiate in helping the group get organized EQUAL WORK Provided many ideas for the unit development Worked agreeably with partner(s) concerning times and places to meet Participated in discussions about unit EQUAL WORK Assisted other partner(s) TIME Work was ready on time or sometimes ahead of time COMMUNICATION Clearly communicated desires, ideas, personal needs and feelings Expressed frequent appreciation for other group members Usually shared feelings and thoughts with other partner(s) Rarely expressed feelings, preferences. Often encouraged and appreciated other partner(s) Gave feedback to others that dignified Gave feedback in ways that did not offend Often encouraged and appreciated other partner(s) Seemed to take the work of others for granted Sometimes hurt feelings of others with EQUAL WORK COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION Offered encouragement to other partner(s) Work was ready very close to the agreed time Average=3 Did almost as much work as others could be coaxed into meeting with other partner(s) Listened to others; on some occasions, made suggestions Seemed preoccupied with own lessons Work was usually late but was completed in time to be graded Poor=2 Did less work than others Did not meet partner(s) at agreed times and places Seemed bored with conversations about the unit Took little pride in own lesson Some work never got completed and other partner(s) completed the assignment Never spoke up to express excitement and/or frustration. Group members often wondered, "What is going on here?" Was openly rude when giving feedback feedback COMMUNICATION CTE HOME Accepted feedback from others willingly Contact the CTE for more information: 512-416-5866 Reluctantly accepted feedback Argued own point of view over feedback Refused to listen to feedback