MBA Matrix Mihaylo College of Business and Economics BUAD 501

Mihaylo College of Business and Economics
MBA Matrix
Pre-requisites for the MBA program
BUAD 501
Pre-requisites: None –Must Complete in First Semester
MATH 135 / Quantitative
Preparatory Course
Pre-requisites: MQE exam –Must complete
within first year in the program / None
ISDS 513 / ISDS 361A
Pre-requisites: MATH 135 or
Quantitative Prep Course
Course Scheduling Guideline
(please cross out any waived courses when planning your schedule)
ACCT 510
MGMT 516
Pre-requisites: None
Pre-requisites: ISDS 513/361A
(may be taken concurrently)
MGMT 518*
ACCT 511
Pre-requisites: None
Pre-requisites: ACCT 510
MGMT 524*
ECON 515
Pre-requisites: MGMT 516
Pre-requisites: MATH 135 or
Quantitative Prep Course
Courses below are subject to restricted enrollment and students must
petition for classification prior to enrolling.
(See the Petition for Classification in your GSH)
FIN 517
ISDS 514
Pre-requisites: ACCT 510
Pre-requisites: ISDS 513/361A
MKTG 519
MGMT 515 / ECON 521 /
ISDS 551
Pre-requisites: None
Pre-requisites: none / ECON 515 / None
Elective 1
Elective 2
Pre-requisites: See course description
Pre-requisites: See course description
Elective 3
Elective 4
Pre-requisites: See course description
Pre-requisites: See course description
Capstone Buad 591
Pre-requisite: classified MCBE status, within six units of completion of study plan and in final
semester of program.
*Note: if you opt to take an alternative on your study plan you must be classified.
Class combinations NOT recommended: (Based on past student's experiences)
FIN 517 & ACCT 511 MGMT 518 & ECON 515
MKTG 519 & FIN 517 MKTG 519 & ACCT 511
How to use the matrix:
 Using your Advising Worksheet cross off any courses that are waived or not required.
 Try not to enroll in courses that are under evaluation.
 Then work Left to Right to choose courses for each semester.
 See your Graduate Student Handbook (GSH) for additional details.