Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Björn Sprungk joint work: O. Ernst (U Chemnitz), K. A. Cliffe, (U Nottingham) Workshop on Multiscale Inverse Problems Mathematics Institue, University of Warwick June 17–19, 2013 FAKULTÄT FÜR MATHEMATIK B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 1 / 40 Outline 1 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Problem setting and motivation Obtaining the prior Bayesian Inversion using MCMC Bayesian Inversion via EnKF 2 Gauss-Newton (preconditioned) MH-MCMC methods 3 Conclusions B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 2 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Next 1 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Problem setting and motivation Obtaining the prior Bayesian Inversion using MCMC Bayesian Inversion via EnKF 2 Gauss-Newton (preconditioned) MH-MCMC methods 3 Conclusions B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 3 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Problem setting and motivation Next 1 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Problem setting and motivation Obtaining the prior Bayesian Inversion using MCMC Bayesian Inversion via EnKF 2 Gauss-Newton (preconditioned) MH-MCMC methods 3 Conclusions B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 4 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Problem setting and motivation UQ Problem Radioactive Waste Repository Site Assessment Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Carlsbad, New Mexico B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 5 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Problem setting and motivation UQ Problem Radioactive Waste Repository Site Assessment Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Carlsbad, New Mexico Groundwater transport of radionuclides in transmissive Culebra layer B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 5 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Problem setting and motivation UQ Problem Radioactive Waste Repository Site Assessment Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Carlsbad, New Mexico Groundwater transport of radionuclides in transmissive Culebra layer Uncertainty in hydraulic conductivity source: Sandia National Labs B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 5 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Problem setting and motivation UQ Problem Radioactive Waste Repository Site Assessment Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Carlsbad, New Mexico Groundwater transport of radionuclides in transmissive Culebra layer Uncertainty in hydraulic conductivity Quantity of interest: travel time to boundary of WIPP site B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 5 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Problem setting and motivation UQ Problem Radioactive Waste Repository Site Assessment Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Carlsbad, New Mexico ECDF of log travel time 20 000 MC samples 1 Groundwater transport of radionuclides in transmissive Culebra layer 0.9 0.8 0.7 Uncertainty in hydraulic conductivity 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 M = 30 M = 100 M = 500 M = 1000 0.2 0.1 0 4 4.5 5 5.5 log t B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) 6 Quantity of interest: travel time to boundary of WIPP site Approach: Model uncertainty (lack of knowledge) stochastically. Propagate random input data to travel time. Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 5 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Problem setting and motivation Groundwater Flow Model Stationary Darcy flow q = −K ∇p q : Darcy flux K : hydraulic conductivity p : hydraulic head mass conservation div u = 0 u : pore velocity q = φu φ : porosity transmissivity T = Kb b : aquifer thickness Particle transport ẋ(t) = − T (x) ∇p(x) bφ x(0) = x0 x : particle position x0 : release location Quantity of interest s: log10 of travel time of particle to reach WIPP boundary, in particular, its cumulative distribution function (cdf). B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 6 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Problem setting and motivation PDE with Random Coefficient Mixed form of Darcy equations: T −1 (x)u(x) + ∇p(x) = 0, div u(x) = 0, p|∂D = p0 , x ∈ D. Model T as a random field (RF) T = T (x, ω), ω ∈ Ω, with respect to underlying probability space (Ω, A, P). B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 7 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Problem setting and motivation PDE with Random Coefficient Mixed form of Darcy equations: T −1 (x)u(x) + ∇p(x) = 0, div u(x) = 0, p|∂D = p0 , x ∈ D. Model T as a random field (RF) T = T (x, ω), ω ∈ Ω, with respect to underlying probability space (Ω, A, P). Assumptions: T has finite mean and covariance T (x) = E [T (x, ·)] , CovT (x, y) = E T (x, ·) − T (x) T (y, ·) − T (y) , x ∈ D, x, y ∈ D. T is lognormal, i.e., Z (x, ω) := log T (x, ω) is a Gaussian RF. CovZ is stationary, isotropic, and of Matérn type. B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 7 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Obtaining the prior Next 1 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Problem setting and motivation Obtaining the prior Bayesian Inversion using MCMC Bayesian Inversion via EnKF 2 Gauss-Newton (preconditioned) MH-MCMC methods 3 Conclusions B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 8 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Obtaining the prior WIPP Data 6 x 10 above median below median WIPP site boundary 3.595 transmissivity measurements at 38 test wells UTM Northing 3.59 head measurements at 33 test wells, used to obtain boundary data via statistical interpolation (kriging) 3.585 constant layer thickness of b = 8m 3.58 constant porosity of φ = 0.16 SANDIA Nat. Labs reports 3.575 [Caufman et al., 1990] [La Venue et al., 1990] 3.57 6.05 6.1 6.15 UTM Easting B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) 6.2 5 x 10 Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 9 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Obtaining the prior Prior Probabilistic Model of Transmissivity Merge transmissivity data with statistical model Given: Measurements of log transmissivity (xj , κj ), j = 1, . . . , N Assumptions: Linear model κ(x) = Pn i=1 βi fi (x) for mean Matérn covariance structure for fluctuations around mean Procedure: (1) {fi }ni=1 yield point estimates of parameters in Matérn covariance function via restricted maximum likelihood estimation (REML). (2) Krige RF log T : best linear prediction of κ(x) based on measurements (for Gaussian RF coincides with conditioning on observations). (3) Approximate log T by truncated Karhunen-Loève expansion. B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 10 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Obtaining the prior Matérn Family of Covariance Kernels σ2 c(x, y) = cθ (r ) = ν−1 2 Γ(ν) √ √ ν 2 νr 2 νr Kν , ρ ρ r = kx − yk2 Kν : modified Bessel function of order ν Parameters θ = (σ 2 , ρ, ν) σ 2 : variance ρ : correlation length ν : smoothness parameter Special cases: ν= 1 2 : ν=1: ν→∞: √ c(r ) = σ 2 exp(− 2r /ρ) c(r ) = σ 2 2rρ K1 2rρ 2 2 2 c(r ) = σ exp(−r /ρ ) exponential covariance Bessel covariance Gaussian covariance Smoothness: Realizations Z (·, ω) are k times differentiable ⇔ ν > k. B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 11 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Obtaining the prior Kriging Best unbiased linear prediction Given RF κ with known covariance and observations {κ(xj ) = κj }N j=1 , approximate by linear prediction E κ|{κ(xj ) = κj }N j=1 κ̂(x) = m0 (x) + N X mj (x) κ(xj ) j=1 such that it is unbiased E [κ̂(x)] = E [κ(x)] and optimal h i 2 E (κ̂(x) − κ(x)) → min ! m0 ,...,mN Variants: Simple Kriging (assumes known mean) Universal Kriging (assumes linear regression model for mean) B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 12 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Obtaining the prior Kriging WIPP results We assume constant but unknown mean κ̄(x) ≡ β. REML estimates for covariance: σ 2 = 18.9, ρ = 9865, ν = 0.59. 6 6 x 10 x 10 Universal Kriging Variance 18 −7 3.595 3.595 16 −8 −9 3.59 14 3.59 −11 −12 3.58 12 UTM Northing UTM Northing −10 3.585 3.585 10 3.58 8 −13 6 3.575 −14 3.575 4 −15 3.57 3.57 2 −16 6.05 6.1 6.15 UTM Easting B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) 6.05 6.2 5 x 10 Bayesian Inversion of WIPP 6.1 6.15 UTM Easting 6.2 5 x 10 Warwick, June 2013 13 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Obtaining the prior Parametrization of Input RF Karhunen-Loève expansion ∞ p X λm φm (x) ξm (ω) κ(x, ω) = κ̄(x) + m=1 converges in L∞ (D) and L2P (Ω), where {(λm , φm )}m∈N eigenpairs of covariance operator Z (C φ)(x) = φ(y) Covκ (x, y) dy, {ξm }m∈N ⊂ L2P (Ω), E [ξm ] = 0, D E [ξk ξm ] = δk,m . Truncation after M terms yields RF κM with ∞ h i X E kκ − κM k2L2 (D) = λm . m=M+1 B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 14 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Obtaining the prior WIPP KL Modes Conditioned on 38 transmissivity observations unkriged, m = 1, 2, 9, 16 kriged, m = 1, 2, 9, 16 B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 15 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion using MCMC Next 1 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Problem setting and motivation Obtaining the prior Bayesian Inversion using MCMC Bayesian Inversion via EnKF 2 Gauss-Newton (preconditioned) MH-MCMC methods 3 Conclusions B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 16 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion using MCMC The Inverse Problem Bayesian Approach exp(−κ)u = −∇p, div u = 0, p|∂D = p0 Further reduction of uncertainty using head measurements: Finite number of observations of p: y = Q(p) = Q(p(κ)) ∈ Rk . Measurement noise: d = y + ε, ε ∼ N(0, Γ) Prior measure µ0 for κ ∈ span{φ1 , . . . , φM } ⊂ L∞ (D) by measurements of κ B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 17 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion using MCMC The Inverse Problem Bayesian Approach exp(−κ)u = −∇p, div u = 0, p|∂D = p0 Further reduction of uncertainty using head measurements: Finite number of observations of p: y = Q(p) = Q(p(κ)) ∈ Rk . Measurement noise: d = y + ε, ε ∼ N(0, Γ) Prior measure µ0 for κ ∈ span{φ1 , . . . , φM } ⊂ L∞ (D) by measurements of κ Bayes theorem yields conditional distribution µd of κ|d dµd ∝ exp(Φ(κ)), dµ0 Φ(κ) = 1 kd − G (κ)k2Γ−1 , 2 G = Q ◦ p. Goal: Compute cdf of QoI s(κ) according to κ ∼ µd . B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 17 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion using MCMC Bayesian Inversion for WIPP Sampling from the posterior Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Construct Markov chain with stationary distribution µd . Sample sequence usually highly correlated, need for subsampling. Prior model for κ: κM (x, ξ) = φ0 (x) + M X φm (x) ξm , ξ = (ξ1 , . . . , ξm ) ∼ N(0, I ), m=1 Parametrization: prior on ξ ∈ RM instead of κ ∈ L∞ (D) µ0 ∼ N(0, I ) on RM , Data: head measurements d = (p(x1 ), . . . , p(xk )) ∈ Rk , here k = 33. Due to high dimension M: pCN-MCMC proposed in [Cotter et. al, 2012] B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 18 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion using MCMC WIPP: MH-MCMC Preliminary Results for M = 1000 ξ1 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 iteration B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 19 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion using MCMC WIPP: MH-MCMC Preliminary Results for M = 1000 ξ 1 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 iteration/100 B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 19 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion using MCMC WIPP: MH-MCMC Preliminary Results for M = 1000 Comparing pCN and standard Random Walk ACRF of Y(1) ACRF of Y(10) ACRF of Y(25) ACRF of Y(50) 1 1 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 0 0.2 100 200 300 lag lag lag ACRF of Y(100) ACRF of Y(200) ACRF of Y(300) 400 500 0 0 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 100 200 300 400 500 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 0 200 300 lag lag ACRF of Y(500) ACRF of Y(600) ACRF of Y(800) 400 500 0 0 1 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 100 200 300 lag B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 500 100 lag Bayesian Inversion of WIPP 200 300 lag 100 200 300 400 500 lag 1 0 0 400 ACRF of Y(1000) 1 0 0 300 0.2 100 lag 1 0 0 200 lag 1 0 0 100 ACRF of Y(400) 1 400 500 0 0 RW−MCMC pCN−MCMC 100 200 300 400 500 lag Warwick, June 2013 19 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion using MCMC WIPP: Posterior Data Fit Preliminary Results for M = 1000 Prior pressure head data fit (mean and 0.05/0.95 quantiles) 945 940 predicted pressure 935 930 925 920 915 910 905 905 910 915 920 925 930 935 940 observed pressure B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 20 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion using MCMC WIPP: Posterior Data Fit Preliminary Results for M = 1000 Posterior pressure head data fit (mean and 0.05/0.95 quantiles) 940 predicted pressure 935 930 925 920 915 910 905 905 910 915 920 925 930 935 940 observed pressure B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 20 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion using MCMC WIPP: Posterior Data Fit Preliminary Results for M = 1000 −3 2.2 x 10 Posterior data misfit−RMSE Relative RMSE 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 1 10 2 10 3 10 Length M of KLE B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 20 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion using MCMC WIPP: Posterior Data Fit Preliminary Results for M = 33 Posterior pressure head data fit (mean and 0.05/0.95 quantiles) 940 predicted pressure 935 930 925 920 915 910 905 905 910 915 920 925 930 935 940 observed pressure B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 20 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion using MCMC WIPP: Posterior distribution of ξ Preliminary Results for M = 1000 Empirical moments of posterior marginals 1.5 mean 1 0.5 0 −0.5 standard deviation −1 0 10 1 2 10 10 3 10 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0 10 1 2 10 10 3 10 dimension B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 21 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion using MCMC WIPP: Posterior distribution of QoI Preliminary Results for M = 1000 Particle trajectories according to prior B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 22 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion using MCMC WIPP: Posterior distribution of QoI Preliminary Results for M = 1000 Particle trajectories according to posterior B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 22 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion using MCMC WIPP: Posterior distribution of QoI Preliminary Results for M = 1000 ECDF of log travel time for prior and posterior 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 prior 0.2 posterior 0.1 0 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 log travel time B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 22 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion using MCMC WIPP: Posterior distribution of QoI Preliminary Results for M = 1000 ECDFs of log travel timel: prior (solid) and posterior (dashed) 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 M=10 0.5 M=33 M=50 0.4 M=100 0.3 M=300 M=500 0.2 M=1000 0.1 0 4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6 log travel time B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 22 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion via EnKF Next 1 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Problem setting and motivation Obtaining the prior Bayesian Inversion using MCMC Bayesian Inversion via EnKF 2 Gauss-Newton (preconditioned) MH-MCMC methods 3 Conclusions B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 23 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion via EnKF Inversion via EnKF Background EnKF derived from Kalman filter for state estimation for incompletely observed (stochastic) nonlinear dynamics. Yields linear update of state estimate and estimation error by linear update of the ensemble State estimation by mean of ensemble, estimation error by covariance of ensemble. Can be applied to time-independent problems, too, e.g. elliptic PDEs. B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 24 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion via EnKF Inversion via EnKF Background EnKF derived from Kalman filter for state estimation for incompletely observed (stochastic) nonlinear dynamics. Yields linear update of state estimate and estimation error by linear update of the ensemble State estimation by mean of ensemble, estimation error by covariance of ensemble. Can be applied to time-independent problems, too, e.g. elliptic PDEs. Recent application of linear Bayesian update for UQ for PDE models [Matthies et. al, 2012] ξ d (ω) = ξ(ω) + K(d − G (ξ(ω)) − ε(ω)), where K = Covξ,G (ξ) [CovG (ξ) + Covε ]−1 ∈ RM×k . ⇒ Yields posterior random variable ξ d instead of posterior measure µd . B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 24 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion via EnKF Inversion via EnKF Interpretation in Bayesian (statistics) context Set Y(ω) = G (ξ(ω)), D(ω) = Y(ω) + ε(ω) and ϕ̂(D) = E[ξ] + K D − E[G (ξ)] . ϕ̂(D) linear approximation of E[ξ|D] = ϕ∗ (D): ϕ̂ = argminϕ∈span{1,D} E kξ − ϕ(D)k2 B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 25 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion via EnKF Inversion via EnKF Interpretation in Bayesian (statistics) context Set Y(ω) = G (ξ(ω)), D(ω) = Y(ω) + ε(ω) and ϕ̂(D) = E[ξ] + K D − E[G (ξ)] . ϕ̂(D) linear approximation of E[ξ|D] = ϕ∗ (D): ϕ̂ = argminϕ∈span{1,D} E kξ − ϕ(D)k2 E[ξ d ] = ϕ̂(d) and Cov(ξ d ) = E[kξ − ϕ̂(D)k2 ] (independent of d) B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 25 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion via EnKF Inversion via EnKF Interpretation in Bayesian (statistics) context Set Y(ω) = G (ξ(ω)), D(ω) = Y(ω) + ε(ω) and ϕ̂(D) = E[ξ] + K D − E[G (ξ)] . ϕ̂(D) linear approximation of E[ξ|D] = ϕ∗ (D): ϕ̂ = argminϕ∈span{1,D} E kξ − ϕ(D)k2 E[ξ d ] = ϕ̂(d) and Cov(ξ d ) = E[kξ − ϕ̂(D)k2 ] (independent of d) In particular, for rd := ϕ∗ (d) − ϕ̂(d) Z Cov(ξ d ) = Cov(ξ|δ) + rδ rδ> pD (δ) dδ, Rk where pD density of P ◦ D−1 . B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 25 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion via EnKF Inversion via EnKF Results EnKF using nk even batches d = (d1 . . . , d33 ) = (d̄1 , . . . , d̄nk ) for nk updates. Posterior ECDFs of log travel timel 1 MCMC EnKF (nk=1) 0.9 0.8 EnKF (nk=3) 0.7 EnKF (n =11) k 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 3.8 4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 log travel time B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 26 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion via EnKF Inversion via EnKF Results Using Gaussian approximation with final ensemble mean and covariance for UQ. Posterior ECDFs of log travel timel 1 0.9 MCMC EnKF (nk=1) 0.8 EnKF (nk=3) 0.7 EnKF (nk=11) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 3.8 4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 log travel time B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 27 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion via EnKF Inversion via EnKF Results Prior pressure head data fit (mean and 0.05/0.95 quantiles) 945 940 predicted pressure 935 930 925 920 915 910 905 905 910 915 920 925 930 935 940 observed pressure B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 28 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion via EnKF Inversion via EnKF Results Posterior pressure head data fit (mean and 0.05/0.95 quantiles) 945 940 predicted pressure 935 930 925 920 915 910 905 905 910 915 920 925 930 935 940 observed pressure B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 29 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion via EnKF Inversion via EnKF Comparison with MCMC Errors relative to MCMC kκ(ξ MCMC ) − κ(ξ EnKF )kL2 (D) kκ(ξ MCMC )kL2 (D) k Cov(κ(ξ MCMC )) − Cov(κ(ξ EnKF ))kL2 (D)⊗L2 (D) k Cov(κ(ξ MCMC ))kL2 (D)⊗L2 (D) no. updates 1 3 11 MCMC B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) rel. error mean 0.5728 0.3333 0.3516 - rel. error cov 0.2752 0.2578 0.2785 - Bayesian Inversion of WIPP rel. data misfit 0.0026 0.0018 0.0017 0.0011 Warwick, June 2013 30 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion via EnKF Observations Need M = 300 KL modes to explain the data well. Main changes from prior to posterior in the first, say, 100 KL modes. For very high KL modes basically no change. Significant uncertainty reduction by incooperating head data (total variance reduced by 25%). Need to take into account M = 1000 KL modes for accurate estimation of posterior cdf of QoI. B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 31 / 40 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Bayesian Inversion via EnKF Observations Need M = 300 KL modes to explain the data well. Main changes from prior to posterior in the first, say, 100 KL modes. For very high KL modes basically no change. Significant uncertainty reduction by incooperating head data (total variance reduced by 25%). Need to take into account M = 1000 KL modes for accurate estimation of posterior cdf of QoI. Perspectives: Run inversion (MCMC) only in active dimensions where significant change from prior to posterior. Use surrogates for solving parametric PDE in these parameters for computing Hastings ratio. Estimate posterior cdf of QoI according to posterior in active and prior in inactive dimensions. B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 31 / 40 Gauss-Newton (preconditioned) MH-MCMC methods Next 1 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Problem setting and motivation Obtaining the prior Bayesian Inversion using MCMC Bayesian Inversion via EnKF 2 Gauss-Newton (preconditioned) MH-MCMC methods 3 Conclusions B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 32 / 40 Gauss-Newton (preconditioned) MH-MCMC methods Motivation Observation: Sufficiently small prior variance yields approx. linear relationship between ξ and p(ξ). Thus, for µ0 ∼ N(0, Σ0 ), ε ∼ N(0, Γ), posterior is approximately Gaussian, too, µd ≈ N ( K(d − G (0)), Σ0 − KLΣ0 ) , where L = ∇ξ G (0) and K = Σ0 L> (LΣ0 L> + Γ)−1 . [Cliffe & Jackson, 2001] B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 33 / 40 Gauss-Newton (preconditioned) MH-MCMC methods Motivation Observation: Sufficiently small prior variance yields approx. linear relationship between ξ and p(ξ). Thus, for µ0 ∼ N(0, Σ0 ), ε ∼ N(0, Γ), posterior is approximately Gaussian, too, µd ≈ N ( K(d − G (0)), Σ0 − KLΣ0 ) , where L = ∇ξ G (0) and K = Σ0 L> (LΣ0 L> + Γ)−1 . [Cliffe & Jackson, 2001] For target µd ∼ N(0, Σ) optimal Random-Walk proposal is q(ξ, dη) ∼ N(ξ, s 2 Σ). [Roberts & Rosenthal, 2001] B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 33 / 40 Gauss-Newton (preconditioned) MH-MCMC methods Example 1D toy problem −∇(exp(κ)∇p) = 0 in D = [0, 100], κ(x, ξ) = P10 m=1 cm ξm p(0) = 0, p(100) = 100, 1[ m−1 , m ] (x/100), 10 10 Qp = (p(15), p(35), p(65), p(85))> , ξm ∼ N(0, 1) iid, ε ∼ N(0, 0.01I4 ). Synthetic data: ξ true draw from µ0 p κ 1.1 100 90 1.05 80 1 70 0.95 60 0.9 50 40 0.85 30 0.8 20 0.75 0.7 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 0 x B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) 20 40 60 80 100 x Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 34 / 40 Gauss-Newton (preconditioned) MH-MCMC methods Example 1D toy problem −∇(exp(κ)∇p) = 0 in D = [0, 100], p(0) = 0, p(100) = 100, ACRF of ξ 5 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 standard RW 0.2 0.1 0 0 preconditioned RW 200 400 600 800 1000 lag B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 34 / 40 Gauss-Newton (preconditioned) MH-MCMC methods Example 1D toy problem −∇(exp(κ)∇p) = 0 in D = [0, 100], p(0) = 0, p(100) = 100, P κtrue (x) = m ξtrue,m 1[ m−1 , m ] (x/100) Synthetic data: ξ true ∼ N(1, 0.5 I10 ), 10 10 ACRF of ξ5 1 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.9 0.88 0.86 standard RW 0.84 0.82 0.8 0 preconditioned RW 200 400 600 800 1000 lag B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 34 / 40 Gauss-Newton (preconditioned) MH-MCMC methods Improvement Stochastic Gauss-Newton Local linearization for Random-Walk proposal: q(ξ, dη) ∼ N(ξ, s 2 Σ(ξ)), > −1 Σ(ξ) = Σ0 − Σ0 L> ξ (Lξ Σ0 Lξ + Γ) Lξ Σ0 , where Lη = ∇ξ G (η). B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 35 / 40 Gauss-Newton (preconditioned) MH-MCMC methods Improvement Stochastic Gauss-Newton Local linearization for Random-Walk proposal: q(ξ, dη) ∼ N(ξ, s 2 Σ(ξ)), > −1 Σ(ξ) = Σ0 − Σ0 L> ξ (Lξ Σ0 Lξ + Γ) Lξ Σ0 , where Lη = ∇ξ G (η). −1 Note Σ(ξ) = (LT is inverse Hessian of ξ ΓLξ + Σ0 ) 1 1 kd − G̃ (ξ)k2Γ−1 + kξ − ξ 0 k2Σ−1 0 2 2 with linearized G̃ (η) = G (ξ) + ∇ξ G (ξ)(η − ξ). B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 35 / 40 Gauss-Newton (preconditioned) MH-MCMC methods Improvement Stochastic Gauss-Newton Local linearization for Random-Walk proposal: q(ξ, dη) ∼ N(ξ, s 2 Σ(ξ)), > −1 Σ(ξ) = Σ0 − Σ0 L> ξ (Lξ Σ0 Lξ + Γ) Lξ Σ0 , where Lη = ∇ξ G (η). −1 Note Σ(ξ) = (LT is inverse Hessian of ξ ΓLξ + Σ0 ) 1 1 kd − G̃ (ξ)k2Γ−1 + kξ − ξ 0 k2Σ−1 0 2 2 with linearized G̃ (η) = G (ξ) + ∇ξ G (ξ)(η − ξ). Yields stochastic Gauss-Newton method (cf. [Martin et al., 2011]) s2 q(ξ, dη) ∼ N ξ − ∇ξ J(ξ) Σ(ξ), Σ(ξ) , 2 where J(ξ) = 21 kd − G (ξ)k2Γ−1 + 12 kξ − ξ 0 k2Σ−1 . 0 B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 35 / 40 Gauss-Newton (preconditioned) MH-MCMC methods Remarks on stochastic Gauss-Newton (sGN) −1 sGN is preconditioned MALA with preconditioner Σ(ξ) = (LT ξ ΓLξ + Σ0 ) , cf. [Girolami & Calderhead, 2011]. Σ(ξ) positive semi-definite in contrast to true Hessian of J. > −1 Computing Σ0 − Σ0 L> ξ (Lξ Σ0 Lξ + Γ) Lξ Σ0 requires only inverse of k × k-matrix ∇ξ G (η) easily computable via adjoint method. Since adjoint equations as original PDE, except for source term, they allow for the same surrogate (e.g. stochastic collocation). B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 36 / 40 Gauss-Newton (preconditioned) MH-MCMC methods Example 1D toy problem −∇(exp(κ)∇p) = 0 in D = [0, 100], Synthetic data: ξ true ∼ N(1, 0.5 I10 ), p(0) = 0, p(100) = 100, P κtrue (x) = m ξtrue,m 1[ m−1 , m ] (x/100) 10 10 ACRF of ξ5 1 0.9 standard RW 0.8 GN−preconditioned RW 0.7 MALA 0.6 sGN (A(s) = 0.55) sGN (A(s) = 0.25) 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 lag B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 37 / 40 Gauss-Newton (preconditioned) MH-MCMC methods Example 1D toy problem −∇(exp(κ)∇p) = 0 in D = [0, 100], Synthetic data: ξ true ∼ N(1, 0.5 I10 ), p(0) = 0, p(100) = 100, P κtrue (x) = m ξtrue,m 1[ m−1 , m ] (x/100) 10 MALA path in ξ5 GN−prec. RW path in ξ5 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 −1 −1 −2 −2 −3 0 2 4 6 iteration B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) 10 8 10 −3 0 4 x 10 Bayesian Inversion of WIPP 2 4 6 iteration 8 10 4 x 10 Warwick, June 2013 37 / 40 Gauss-Newton (preconditioned) MH-MCMC methods Example 1D toy problem −∇(exp(3κ)∇p) = 0 in D = [0, 100], p(0) = 0, p(100) = 100, P Synthetic data: ξ true ∼ µ0 , κtrue (x) = m 3cm ξtrue,m 1[ m−1 , m ] (x/100) 10 10 ACRF of ξ5 1 0.95 0.9 0.85 standard RW 0.8 GN−preconditioned RW MALA 0.75 sGN (A(s) = 0.57) sGN (A(s) = 0.22) 0.7 0 100 200 300 400 500 lag B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 37 / 40 Conclusions Next 1 Bayesian Inversion for the WIPP groundwater flow problem Problem setting and motivation Obtaining the prior Bayesian Inversion using MCMC Bayesian Inversion via EnKF 2 Gauss-Newton (preconditioned) MH-MCMC methods 3 Conclusions B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 38 / 40 Conclusions Concluding Remarks Bayesian Inversion / MCMC challenging for WIPP problem due to high parameter dimension and high chain correlation. Possible remedy: reduced set of active dimensions for Bayesian inversion, advanced MCMC methods and surrogates for solving PDE. B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 39 / 40 Conclusions Concluding Remarks Bayesian Inversion / MCMC challenging for WIPP problem due to high parameter dimension and high chain correlation. Possible remedy: reduced set of active dimensions for Bayesian inversion, advanced MCMC methods and surrogates for solving PDE. sGN methods exploit geometrical structure of posterior as stochastic Newton and Riemann manifold MCMC methods for possibly less cost Extension and further analysis of sGN (and preconditioned RW) to infinite dimensions to be done. B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 39 / 40 Conclusions Concluding Remarks Bayesian Inversion / MCMC challenging for WIPP problem due to high parameter dimension and high chain correlation. Possible remedy: reduced set of active dimensions for Bayesian inversion, advanced MCMC methods and surrogates for solving PDE. sGN methods exploit geometrical structure of posterior as stochastic Newton and Riemann manifold MCMC methods for possibly less cost Extension and further analysis of sGN (and preconditioned RW) to infinite dimensions to be done. Further goal: adaptive refinement of stochastic collocation surrogates for MCMC (necessary if posterior locates in tails of prior). B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 39 / 40 Conclusions Thank you for your attention! B. Sprungk (TU Chemnitz) Bayesian Inversion of WIPP Warwick, June 2013 40 / 40