Organizational Leadership MBA Find Your Focus: MBA Find Your Focus: Accounting

MBA Find Your Focus:
MBA Find Your Focus: Accounting
What is Organizational Leadership?
o Organizational
Leadership: management that
provides inspiration, objectives,
operational oversight, and
other administrative
services within a business
o How to be a great executive
Why choose Organizational Leadership?
o Develops the soft skills, analytical tools, and leadership
development opportunities need to be a top executive
o Potential career as an executive within a company or organization
o Improve leadership skills that are important in any position within
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Top Executives
o Job growth 11% from 2012-2022
o Median annual wage range pay: $168,140
o High annual wage range pay: $187,200
o Important Qualities of a top executive: communication, decision-making,
leadership, management, problem solving, time management skills
Sample Courses
o MGMT 525 Seminar in Team Leadership Skills ( 3 units)
Graduate seminar and workshop to develop hands-on leadership skills to manage high-performance
work teams. Topics include methods for self-awareness, making oral presentations, interviewing,
stress management, supportive communication, problem solving, influencing and motivating others,
managing conflict, empowering, delegating and team building.
o MGMT 582 Organizational Development and Change ( 3 units)
Perspectives and theories on organization change and development. Students will be introduced to a
variety of concept skills and tools necessary to achieve organizational goals, deal with change and
become a successful change agent.
Career Opportunities
o Chief Executive Officer
o Directors
o Managers
o Vice President positions
o Leadership Development and
Center for Leadership
 Mission Statement: to develop the leadership capacity of students and the
Orange County community through education, training, and outreach.
 Provides a multiyear leadership development program that is designed to
give business students both an academic and real-world view of leadership.
 Supports Orange County organizations by providing a series of “Lunch and
Learn” events to learn about communication and organizational leadership
For more information, visit: CSUF CFL
Student Organizations
 MBA Association: to provide graduate business students with a
professional, educational, and social network comprised of
classmates, faculty, and administration at California State
University, Fullerton (CSUF).
For more information, visit: CSUF MBA Association
*for information on other business clubs, visit: Mihaylo Clubs
CSUF Mihaylo MBA Concentrations Website
CSUF Organizational Leadership Flyer
Business Dictionary: Organizational Leadership
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Top Executives