Conformational Studies on Peptides with Proline in the Right-Handed a-Helical Region R. SANKARARAMAKRISHNAN and SARASWATHI VISHVESHWARA" Molcwilar Bio-Physics Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 01 2, India SYNOPSIS The proline residues in proteins are known to play an important structural role. Recently, the role of a proline residue in the middle of right-handed a-helical segments of peptides has been the focus of attention. This role seems to be particularly important in the case of membrane proteins and in the tight packing of globular proteins. In the present study the right-handed a-helical region of the Ala-Pro dipeptide and of polypeptides containing this group have been investigated. Crystal structures of proline-containing a-helices from some proteins have been analyzed and energy minimization studies on some model fragments containing Ala-Pro in the right-handed a-helical conformation have been carried out using flexible geometry. The present calculations indicate that the right-handed a-helical region of conformational space is an energetically favored region that can also accommodate AlaPro in longer segments of right-handed a-helix. This is achieved due to minor variations in some of the internal parameters. Deviations in the backbone parameters of proline in the right-handed a-helix lead to a kink of about 23" in the helix axis. These deviations have been characterized and a set of standard values has been suggested for producing such a kink. These values can be used for model building and as starting points for further minimization studies. Previous energy minimization studies have been done using rigid geometry. This may explain why the minimum for Ala-Pro in the right-handed a-helical region has not been recognized thus far. INTRODUCTION T h e special role of proline in the secondary structure of proteins has long been recognized. It is known t o occur at the bends, a t t h e beginning of t h e helix, a n d is also known t o break helical structure^.'-^ These properties of proline have been attributed5 t o t h e rigidity of t h e pyrrolidine ring a n d t o t h e lack of a hydrogen o n t h e amide nitrogen, which otherwise would have participated in hydrogen-bond formation. T h e right-handed a-helical conformation for residues ( other t h a n glycine) preceding proline in t h e polypeptide chain has been characterized a s energetically It has, however been observed that about 8% of proline occur in t h e middle of helices.' Recent crystal structure analysisg of C 1990 ,John Wiles & Sons, Inc. CCC 000fi-3:,~.5/~0/~-40287 12 $04.00 Biopolymers, \'()I 30, 287-298 (1990) * T o whoin correspondence should be addressed. a number of globular proteins has shown t h a t t h e proline residue is indeed present in right-handed N helical segments where all t h e residues approximately adopt t h e parameters of a right-handed ahelix. I n such situations t h e proline residue introduces a bend of N 23" in t h e a-helix. T h e bending of helices on t h e surface of globular proteins may help in tight packing of t h e molecule. Also, a number of membrane proteins have right-handed a-helices containing proline residues,, which span t h e membrane." T h e detailed structure of such helices is not known a n d computer modeling of membrane proteins such as bacteriorhodopsin has been limited due t o t h e lack of information on t h e helical structure of peptides containing proline. Hence in t h e present study, a detailed structural analysis of t h e right-handed a-helical region of peptides containing proline has been carried out. Flexible geometry minimization has been carried out o n di- and polypeptides containing proline. Interesting information regarding the structure and geometries of these units '' 287 288 SANKARARAMAKRISHNAN AND VISHVESHWARA Table I Analysis of the Geometrical Parameters in Crystal Structures Containing Proline in the Right-Handed a-Helical Segment Protein" Codeb Myoglobin 82-96 (88) 3MBN Citrate synthase (5-27) (15) Citrate synthase (166-195) (183) Citrate synthase (166-195) (183) Alcohol dehydrogenase (324-336) (329) Average values Range of parameters 4p-4 4 - 3 4p-2 4p-1 4P +p-4 *P-3 +P-2 +p- +P up-4 up-3 up-2 up- 1 -71.8 -59.7 -38.9 -32.6 154.4 -170.2 lMBO -55.2 -69.1 -41.3 -37.3 -174.6 -169.4 2MBN -81.6 -86.9 -25.8 -29.2 173.1 179.8 lMBD -63.6 -63.9 -42.4 -42.6 178.6 -171.6 1MB5 -35.4 -76.8 -57.2 -35.4 -175.3 -176.9 -64.7 4CTS -81.1 -18.5 -40.1 163.3 -169.8 lCTS -58.2 -84.2 -31.7 -42.9 -177.7 -175.5 2CTS -62.3 -85.3 -25.1 -38.9 -175.9 -178.9 -76.8 3CTS -56.5 -32.1 -48.4 174.2 - 173.5 -62.3 4CTS -65.4 -25.6 -54.1 171.9 -159.9 -64.6 lCTS -86.8 -19.3 -22.5 167.3 -175.6 -62.4 -63.9 2CTS -37.2 -43.1 172.2 -177.0 -62.0 3CTS -60.3 -40.1 -40.1 173.5 -171.5 4ADH -79.3 -69.2 -24.9 -51.3 170.0 -166.5 -65.2 5ADH -67.1 -46.9 -14.9 -177.9 -176.3 -62.3 -73.8 -38.2 -33.8 174.5 -172.8 (-60, -85) (-55, -75) (-30, -45) (-25, -45) (-175, 165) (-180, -165) -87.7 -39.4 -179.2 -80.8 -34.4 -176.9 -77.6 -40.9 -177.6 -76.7 -28.5 -170.8 -81.9 -24.8 179.7 -74.0 -51.2 -176.5 -65.4 -32.2 -174.0 -65.7 -55.8 -175.7 -65.2 -43.1 -177.0 -92.9 -29.3 173.1 -93.9 -20.2 177.7 -71.2 -41.5 -169.2 -83.9 -29.2 -178.4 -70.7 -55.7 -171.0 -120.2 -42.9 179.7 -80.5 -37.9 -177.1 (-65, -90) (-25, -45) (-180, -170) 1 -38.8 -67.8 176.9 -53.9 -46.9 -179.7 -45.5 -59.7 179.6 -64.2 -38.1 174.1 -67.0 -47.5 179.5 -50.0 -54.9 169.8 -53.4 -56.1 -179.8 -43.5 -48.6 -176.6 -52.7 -67.9 177.2 -31.3 -49.7 -170.6 -47.9 -55.7 173.1 -38.9 -56.1 177.6 -39.9 -59.8 178.1 -40.1 -49.2 176.3 -38.3 -46.1 -175.4 -47.0 -53.6 178.7 (-35, -55) (-45, -65) (170, -175) UP -51.6 -44.0 178.4 -67.7 -38.8 -176.6 -56.2 -41.8 178.7 -70.4 -35.0 -177.2 -65.9 -33.7 179.1 -49.4 -55.1 -169.4 -60.1 -27.8 -176.5 -67.2 -33.9 -178.9 -63.2 -35.4 179.7 -80.2 -20.7 - 176.8 -48.2 -47.8 179.8 -64.0 -18.4 171.8 -57.0 -25.3 177.9 -58.8 -35.2 179.1 -65.1 -47.3 179.8 -61.7 -36.0 -179.4 (-50, -70) (-30, -45) (175, -175) p Kink Angle 72.2 26.2 70.6 29.3 67.3 23.3 72.4 29.6 66.2 41.0 60.5 26.2 76.1 25.5 67.8 25.7 69.6 26.2 85.2 25.1 79.5 25.9 94.6 24.2 84.0 25.4 69.0 22.4 74.1 11.8 The a-helical region and the position of proline residue is given for each protein. The coordinates of the proteins in this table are taken from Brookhaven Protein Data Bank and the codes corresponding to these proteins are given here. a PROLINE IN T H E RIGHT-HANDED a-HELICAL REGION 289 Table IIa Minimized Energies and Geometries for Ace-Ala-Pro-NHMe Dipeptide Proline Puckering Structure I (right-handed a-helical region) Structure I1 (left-handed a-helical region) Structure I11 (extended region) Down UP Down UP Down UP Planar Ala-Ala (right-handed a-helical region) h - 1 -38.9 -44.9 44.8 29.6 -64.6 -96.5 -111.3 -50.8 -53.9 -41.8 56.5 67.8 123.7 114.2 119.1 -34.8 @P $P -70.0 -56.9 -67.5 -52.8 -70.8 -51.9 -60.7 -59.3 -12.2 -28.2 -39.1 -44.8 -37.2 -43.6 -46.2 -28.2 27.6 -25.5 26.5 -28.5 27.4 -28.3 0.9 - x2 O1 O2 Energy (kcal/ mole) -36.5 36.1 -33.7 36.5 -33.5 35.8 0.1 - 115.2 115.0 113.1 114.7 109.4 108.9 108.9 112.9 121.0 120.9 118.9 119.2 119.7 119.9 119.7 117.2 -6.52 -7.54 -3.18 -2.56 -5.01 -4.12 -1.24 -23.54 Table IIb Minimized Energies and Geometries for Ace-Ala-Pro-NHMe with Crystal Structures as Starting Points Protein" Myoglobin (82-96) (88) Citrate synthase (5-27) (15) Citrate synthase (166-195) (183) Alcohol dehydrogenase (324-336) (329) a Codeb BMBN lMBO BMBN lMBD 1MB5 4CTS lCTS 2CTS 3CTS 4CTS lCTS 2CTS 3CTS 4ADH 5ADH #p-l -44.5 -44.8 -46.1 -46.3 -40.5 -45.6 -45.6 -46.2 -46.2 -46.0 -45.5 -45.8 -45.5 -45.8 -44.4 -43.3 -42.1 -41.2 -41.5 -53.1 -41.8 -41.8 -42.0 -41.5 -42.0 -42.7 -41.5 -41.8 -41.9 -43.1 4~ -57.3 -57.5 -55.3 -56.4 -71.4 -55.4 -57.2 -57.6 -56.3 -56.1 -56.6 -56.2 -57.1 -56.3 -56.8 *P -26.3 -25.1 -27.8 -27.4 -10.8 -28.9 -24.6 -26.8 -26.9 -26.3 -27.7 -26.8 -25.9 -27.4 -28.1 -25.8 -26.2 -27.1 -26.4 28.5 -27.0 -27.1 -25.1 -26.5 -26.8 -26.2 -26.7 -25.7 -26.4 -26.1 xz H1 Hz Energy (kcal/ mole) 36.5 37.0 36.9 36.9 -36.5 36.9 37.9 35.6 36.6 36.8 36.5 37.0 36.3 36.6 36.7 115.3 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.2 114.9 114.9 115.2 115.0 115.0 114.8 115.0 115.0 115.1 115.1 121.0 120.9 120.9 120.9 121.1 121.0 120.8 121.0 120.9 120.9 120.9 120.9 120.9 120.9 120.9 -7.51 -7.54 -7.60 -7.59 -6.54 -7.59 -7.55 -7.52 -7.60 -7.59 -7.51 -7.59 -7.57 -7.58 -7.54 See footnote a of Table I. See footnote b of Table I. has emerged. This was hitherto unrecognized because previous con formational studies have used rigid geometrical parameters and varied only the dihedral angles. In the present paper an attempt has also been made to provide standard parameters for right-handed a-helices with proline in the middle, based on crystal structure analysis and the flexible geometry minimization studies. These parameters can be used for model building studies, especially of membrane protein segments containing proline and can be used as starting geometry for further energy minimization studies. METHODS In order to characterize the kink produced by proline in the right-handed a-helix, two types of studies were Table I11 Minimized Energies for Various Conformational States of Ace-(Ala)4-Pro-NHMe Conformational State' AAAAA AAADA~ ACGDA Proline Puckering Energy (kcal/mole) Down UP Down UP Down UP -42.12 -41.78 -40.13 -39.32 -35.66 -35.31 a The notation refers to the conformational states of five residues of peptide. A, G = right-handed a-helical regions; C, D = extended regions. For further details see Ref. 7. The lowest energy conformation as found in Ref. 8 and is about 16 kcal/mole lower than the all right-handed a-helical conformer. 290 SANKARARAMAKRISHNAN AND VISHVESHWARA Table IV Minimized Energies and Geometrical Parameters in the Hexapeptide Ace-(Ala)4-Pro-AlaNHMe with Crystal Structures as Starting Points Protein" Myoglobin (88) @p-4 4p-3 4p-2 4p-1 4P +p-4 1cP-3 1cp-2 1cP-1 1cP Codeb wp-4 up-3 up-2 wp-1 UP 3MBN -47.5 -48.2 178.7 -52.4 -40.2 176.9 -48.6 -43.1 178.4 -49.8 -41.4 177.8 -50.8 -35.7 177.7 -54.4 -33.5 174.9 -49.1 -43.3 177.7 -53.5 -35.0 175.8 -57.0 -29.7 172.4 -47.8 -43.1 178.6 -49.9 -44.9 177.4 -48.8 -43.9 178.3 -47.8 -45.7 178.3 -47.7 -43.4 178.0 -48.9 -37.2 178.2 -50.2 -40.6 177.3 (-45, -55) (-35, -45) (175, 178) -65.5 -35.1 -176.4 -66.5 -35.0 -172.8 -68.8 -36.1 -174.2 -67.5 -36.8 -173.7 -72.7 -35.9 -173.0 -74.7 -42.8 -172.3 -65.7 -38.8 -174.5 -71.5 -36.9 -172.6 -75.1 -56.8 -172.3 -61.6 -38.8 -174.7 -63.2 -34.1 -177.8 -62.1 -38.3 -176.7 -62.2 -36.9 -176.7 -70.9 -39.5 -170.6 -64.2 -38.4 -171.8 -67.5 -38.7 -174.0 (-63, -75) (-35, -43) (-172, -177) -74.0 -45.9 -175.1 -81.2 -53.6 -167.8 -77.4 -48.9 -175.7 -78.9 -50.8 -175.2 -83.1 -52.3 -177.3 -70.6 -51.7 -175.2 -74.6 -51.2 -174.7 -78.5 -56.7 -174.3 -58.0 -50.2 -174.7 -81.9 -50.2 -172.7 -78.6 -39.1 -178.8 -78.4 -41.3 -176.2 -77.3 -44.7 --175.7 -77.8 -51.9 -175.6 -93.2 -49.7 -173.5 -77.6 -49.2 -174.8 (-70, -85) (-40, -55) (-173, -177) lMBO 2MBN lMBD lMB5 Citrate synthase (15) 4CTS lCTS 2CTS 3CTS Citrate synthase (183) 4CTS lCTS 2CTS Citrate synthase (183) 3CTS Alcohol dehydrogenase (329) 4ADH 5ADH Average values Range of values * The position of the proline residue in the a-helical region is given for each protein See footnote b of Table I. -35.9 -59.5 -179.2 -46.6 -49.8 177.8 -38.6 -57.3 -179.4 -35.8 -60.1 -176.4 -37.1 -58.9 -177.3 -46.5 -57.6 179.9 -34.4 -62.2 -175.7 -39.5 -58.9 -177.4 -50.8 -62.2 178.5 -33.4 -61.3 -174.5 -33.6 -57.1 179.1 -33.9 -61.2 -178.0 -31.9 -60.8 -176.8 -40.9 -56.2 179.9 -38.0 -54.8 -178.1 -38.5 -58.4 -178.5 (-35, -45) (-55, -65) (-177, 179) -65.8 -30.5 177.9 -53.4 -34.7 179.7 -65.7 -31.3 177.0 -63.5 -22.3 174.9 -60.7 -26.3 176.2 -65.3 -36.5 178.8 -61.7 -21.7 175.6 -63.3 -21.7 175.4 -66.4 -36.4 179.8 -63.9 -17.5 173.5 -59.7 -34.1 174.8 -63.2 -25.6 173.9 -59.8 -24.2 175.3 -63.5 -31.9 176.4 -65.3 -29.6 175.1 -62.8 -28.3 176.3 (-60, -65) (-20, -35) (175, 180) Energy (kcal/mole) -55.0 -53.6 -54.1 -53.8 -53.4 -54.4 -54.1 -52.9 -54.5 -53.8 -55.1 -54.5 -54.8 -54.2 -53.5 PROLINE IN THE RIGHT-HANDED a-HELICAL REGION carried out: ( a ) crystal structure analysis and ( b ) energy minimization. Crystal Structure Analysis Right-handed a-helical segments containing proline are found in myoglobin, 12-15 citrate synthase,16,17and alcohol d e h y d r o g e n a ~ e ' ~(Table ' ~ ~ I ) . The coordinates of these segments of proteins were taken from Brookhaven Protein Data Bank.20 T h e backbone conformational parameters of the four residues preceding proline were analyzed. The virtual dihedral angles made by consecutive C a atoms were also evaluated. T h e bend due to the proline residue was characterized as the angle between the two helical axes: one from the beginning of the helix to proline and the other from the proline t o the end of the helix. The algorithm suggested by Chou et a1.21was used to find the helical axis and the program was written for and run on an IBM compatible PC/AT. The kink angle in the segments given in Table I and in other proposed average structures described below was evaluated using this program. Energy Minimization Studies Energy minimization was carried out using the AMBER (assisted model building with energy refinement) adapted to run on a DEC-1090 computer. The partial atomic charges are those suggested by Singh and Kollman 24 and the various constants to evaluate the energy were from Weiner et a1.2s All atoms including the hydrogens were considered in the calculations. A distance-dependent dielectric constant t = Ril was employed in the evaluation of electrostatic interaction energies. All nonbonded interactions were calculated. The structure was refined until the rms gradient of energy was less than 0.1 kcal/ mole. R H Dipeptides and polypeptides of varying lengths containing Ala-Pro fragments were studied by this energy minimization technique allowing all the parameters t o vary. For minimization of the peptides Ace-Ala-Pro-NHMe, Ace- ( Ala)4-Pro-NHMe, and Ace- ( Ala),-Pro-Ala-NHMe, a steepest descent method was used for the first 500 cycles and then a conjugate gradient method was used until convergence. For the polypeptide Ace- ( Ala)ll-Pro-( Ace)11NHMe, the steepest descent method was used until convergence. Minimization was carried out on Ace-Ala-ProNHMe using the set of (6,I )), corresponding to the ideal right-handed a-helical region, extended conformation, and left-handed a-helical region in the conformational space as starting points. Standard geometries for the bond lengths and bond angles were chosen.26All of the three favored proline conformations (up, down, and planar) 27 were investigated. The results of these studies are given in Table IIa. T h e geometries of the dipeptide X-Pro from the crystal structures given in Table I were minimized, replacing the residue "X" by "Ala," the results corresponding to these studies are presented in T a ble IIb. The pentapeptide Ace- ( Ala)4-Pro-NHMe has previously been studied' using constrained bond lengths and bond angles. Some of the minimized geometries from this study were considered as starting points (Table 111) and have been reexamined allowing all the parameters t o vary during minimization. For the energy minimization studies of the hexapeptide Ace- ( Ala),-Pro-Ala-NHMe, crystal structures mentioned in Table I were taken as starting points. Four residues before proline and one residue after proline were replaced by "Ala." The results corresponding to these studies are presented in Table IV. H Figure 1. The conformational parameters of poly ( L-Ala) containing a proline residue in the middle. " R ' represents the alanine residue. The virtual dihedral angle is represented by broken lines. The symbol p in Table I represents the virtual dihedral angle c;-3-c;-*-c;-,-c;. 291 , ,oo 90 90 h;l (GGLOBIN {Residues 82-96) i 1 2 3 5 4 6 . 8 9 10 I1 CITRATE SYNTHASE (Residues 5 - 2 7 ) 90 1 0 4CTS t l i T 5 3 XTS C 3CTS Figure 2. Plots of virtual dihedral angles corresponding to the right-handed a-helical segments of some proteins [ ( a ) myoglobin, ( b and c ) citrate synthase, ( d ) alcohol dehydrogenase] containing proline in the middle. The numbers in the x axis represent the virtual dihedral angles sequentially and the corresponding values of these virtual dihedral angles are plotted in the y axis. In the x axis the symbol “1” represents the first virtual of the helical segment, where C: is the first C“ carbon dihedral angle ( Cp-Cp+1-Cp+2-Cp+3) atom of the helical segment. The virtual dihedral angle ( Cg-3-CE-2-Cg-l-Cg) (denoted as p in Table I ) corresponds to the marking “4” in ( a ) , “8” in ( b ) , “15” in ( c ) , and “3” in ( d ). PROLINE IN T H E RIGHT-HANDED a-HELICAL REGION CI T R AT E SY Id THAS E (Residues 166-195) 100 90 80 70 60 50 3 -1 0 3 $3 24 1 ALCOHOL DEHY D ROGENASE (Residues 324-336) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 1 2 3 5 4 0 Figure 2. 4ADH 7 6 + 8 5ADH (Continued from the previous page. ) 9 10 293 294 SANKARARAMAKRISHNAN AND VISHVESHWARA Finally, the polypeptide Ace- ( Ala ,-Pro- ( Ala)l,NHMe was considered for geometry minimization. Four starting conformations were chosen. In one case the backbone internal parameters of residues 172-193 reported by S. Remington et al.I7 in the crystal structure of citrate synthase (code: 2CTS ) '" were used. In the second case, the structure of residues 7-20 in the polypeptide was taken from the backbone internal parameters of alcohol dehydrogenase (code: 4ADH) 2o reported by Eklund et al., l8 and the remaining residues were considered to have values corresponding to an idealized a-helix ( 9 = -57.5", $ = -47.5' ) ." In the third and the fourth cases the parameters for three residues before proline and up to proline were taken as the average value of the crystal structures given in Table I, and the idealized a-helical values were taken for other parameters. The proline residue was considered in the up conformation in the third and down conformation in the fourth case. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Crystal Structure Analysis Previous a n a l y ~ e s ' , of ~ ,crystal ~~ structures were unable to locate directly the parameters responsible for the production of the kink in right-handed a helical polypeptides containing proline. Further analysis of proteins from Protein Data Bank files2" was therefore taken up. T h e parameters analyzed are shown in Figure 1 and the results are given in Table I. The data shows that the bond angles ( Np-l-CF-l-Cb-l) and ( C;-l-Cb-l-Np) are generally widened. The dihedral angles (9, $ ) from dP-:3to $p (Table I ) show considerable deviation from the standard values [ idealized theoretical values of (-57.5", -47.5") 2R and average values obtained from protein crystal structures (-63.8', -41.0")29]. The range and average values listed for @p-3 and @ p - 2 are generally more negative than the standard values, whereas #p-l is less negative. Also, the values of $p-3, $p'p-2, and $p are generally less negative than the standard value, and $p-l is more negative. The tabulated o values show that the peptide groups have deviated t o some extent from planarity. The and are generally around -175". Although and wp values deviate from planarity by a small amount, no definite pattern can be observed. T h e virtual bond lengths (C: -C:+l ) , bond angles (Cp-Cp+,-Cp+2), and the dihedral angles ((2;C p+I-Cz2-Cp+3) in the crystal structures as indicated in Figure 1 were analyzed. When compared with a standard right-handed a-helix, there was no significant change in any of the parameters except the virtual dihedral angle ( C;-:3-C&-CF-l-C;), denoted as p (Table I ) . The average value of the virtual dihedral angle"' ( C:-CF+l-C:+2-C:+3) in a standard right-handed a-helix is about 50". The p values that are given in Table I range from 65" to go', indicating the distortion introduced by proline. Plots of virtual dihedral angles of the helical segments containing proline in various proteins are shown in Figure 2ad. T h e virtual dihedral angle p corresponds to the markings 4, 3, 8, and 15 on the x axis in Figure 2a, b, c, and d, respectively. From these plots, it is clear that the value of p in all cases is higher than the other virtual dihedral angles. T h e distortion introduced by proline in the right-handed a-helix can also be characterized by the kink angle. The kink angles that are computed as given in methods section are also presented in Table I. With a few exceptions this value is between 20' and 30". Thus, by a detailed analysis of the crystal structures, it has been possible to identify the backbone parameters and the virtual dihedral angle that are responsible for the kink produced by proline in the right-handed a-helical region. A significant change in any of the parameters listed in Table I leads to a different value for the kink angle. Energy Minimization Studies Ace-Ah-Pro-NHMe. Energy minimization was car- ried out on Ace-Ala-Pro-NHMe as described in the methods section. The dipeptide and the relevant conformational parameters are represented in Figure 3. The results presented in Table IIa show that along with the extended and the left-handed a-helical regions the right-handed a-helical region for Ala-Pro is also energetically favorable. This is contrary to the previous studies, which considered the righthanded a-helical region to be energetically unfavorable due to steric contacts that fall outside the Ramachandran limit.26 These earlier studies used rigid geometrical parameters. The present study reveals that small adjustments in the bond lengths and angles can greatly offset the energy penalty, which is ascribed to a proline residue in the righthanded a-helical region. The results given in Table IIa also show that the puckered ( u p or down) conformations of proline are preferred and the planar conformation may be stable ( a local minimum) only when Ala-Pro takes up a conformation in the extended region. The geometrical parameters that give rise to the minimum energy conformations are also given in 'z7 PROLINE IN T H E RIGHT-HANDED 0-HELICAL REGION 295 Figure 3. The conformational parameters of Ace-Ala-Pro-NHMe. "R" represents the alanine residue. Table IIa. A comparison of structure I of Ace-AlaPro-NHMe, with the minimized structure of AceAla-Ala-NHMe in the right-handed a-helical conformat ion, indicates a few differences. T h e values of g p . and 1c,. are significantly different in structure I , the & p - , value being less negative and lc,-l being more negative than the corresponding values in the Ala-Ala dipeptide. T h e bond angles N-C"-C' ( 0 , ) and C"-C'-N (0,) are wider in Ace-Ala-ProNHMe. These trends are consistent with the analysis of crystal structures (Table I ) . These differences relieve the short contact between the -CH3 side group of alanine and the -C*HH, group attached to the irriido nitrogen t h a t was responsible for the high energy of this conformation in the earlier rigid geomet ry minimization studiess T h e x values, X I and x2, represent the orientation of the pyrrolidine ring ( u p and down). In structure I the dipeptide with the proline ring in the up conformation is more stable t)v about 1 kcal/mole whereas in structures I1 and 111. the down conformation is more favored. T h e results presented in Table IIb show that when diEerent crystal structure parameters for the Ala-Pro dipeptide are taken as the starting points, all minimize to the same point. Since different. starting geometries minimize to the same structure, the parameters obtained for structure I (Table IIa , and b ) can be considered as standard ones for the dipeptide in the right-handed a-helical conformation. Ace- (Ah),-Pro-NHMe. Energy minimization in which bond lengths and bond angles were allowed to vary was carried out on Ace- ( Ala),-Pro-NHMe using the minimized structures reported by Piela et al.' a s starting points. T h e different conformations and energies are given in Table 111. In the lowest energy conformation (-42.1 kcal/mole 1 , Ala-Pro takes right-handed a-helical conformation. This conformation for Ala-Pro was 16 kcal/mole above the minimum in the minimization studies performed using rigid geometry, indicating the importance of flexible geometry minimization in these systems. The geometrical features of the minimized structure are consistent with that of the Ala-Pro dipeptide in structure I (Table IIa) and with the crystal structure analysis (Table I ) . The q5p-l has become less negative (-40.4' for down and -44.2' for u p ) and the angles N-C"-C' and C"-C'-N have widened in comparison to that in Ala-Ala. T h e up-* value, in the rigid geometry minimization, was distorted to wP-, = - 1:3 1' for pro= - 138" for proline down and line up. In the present case, the peptide unit is almost planar ( wPpI = -178' ) . T h e values of x I and X L rep- Table V Minimized Energies of Ace-(Ala), I-Pro-(Ala),I-NHMe in the Right-Handed a-Helical Conformation Polypeptide Ace- (Ala),,-Pro-( A h ) -NHMe Ace-(Ala),,,-NHMe Starting Conformation Citrate synthase Alcohol dehydrogenase Average values of @p-3 to up taken from Tables I1 and Iii for proline-up Average values of @ p p - 3 to u ptaken from Tables I1 and I11 for proline-down Standard right-handed a-helix Energy (in kcal/mole) -3 12.03 - 3 1:3.28 -313.72 -313.71 - 34 2.25 296 SANKARARAMAKRISHNAN AND VISHVESHWARA resenting the proline up and down conformations are also similar to those given for structure I in Table IIa. Thus the right-handed a-helical region for AlaPro appears to be the preferred conformation, even when it is part of a polypeptide. To achieve this, minor variations of a definite nature takes place in the geometrical parameters of proline and the residues close to the proline. Minimization of Ace- (Ala)4-Pro-Ala-NHMe. The crystal structure analysis has shown that the backbone parameters in the right-handed a-helix containing proline deviated from the standard value by a small but significant amount and that the observed deviations extend over a pentapeptide unit that contains proline and four other preceding residues (Table I ) . This stretch of helix is represented by the dihedral angles beginning from 4pp-4 and ending with +bP as shown in Figure 1. Therefore the hexapeptide Ace- ( Ala )4-Pro-Ala-NHMewith proline as the fifth residue was considered for energy minimization studies. The backbone and the proline parameters observed in the crystal structures were taken as the staking points. The minimized energies of the hexapeptide Ace- ( Ala)4-Pro-Ala-NHMe range from -53 to -55 kcal/mole (see Table IV). The range and the average minimized parameters are also given in Table IV. The results generally Table VIa Standard"Bond Angles for the Proline Region in the Right-Handed a-Helical Segment Containing a Proline Residue Bond Angles Values (in degrees) 111.5 117.2 124.5 112.3 120.5 121.7 111.7 118.2 122.1 127.9 106.0 103.6 106.5 104.4 111.9 a Derived by averaging the values obtained on systems mentioned in Table IV and V. Table VIb Standard"Bond Angles and Dihedral Angles for the Proline Region (for both ProlineDown and -Up Puckerings) in the Right-Handed a-Helical Segment Values (in degrees) Angles a Proline-Down Proline-Up 116.9 123.9 114.8 119.0 122.1 112.7 -62.5 -42.8 -172.9 -70.3 -48.6 -171.1 -43.5 -55.6 -178.4 -64.2 -35.2 177.3 23.9 -31.3 -68.9 -37.9 -172.4 -75.9 -42.5 -174.3 -55.3 -50.6 171.7 -57.2 -43.9 179.9 -17.1 27.7 See footnote a of Table VIa. agree with the crystal structure analysis with 4pp-3, 4p-2being more negative and dpPlless negative than the standard values. The q P - 3 , # p - p , #p are less negative, and #p-l more negative, than the standard values. The values of 4pp-4 and # p - 4 , however, do not follow the crystal structure pattern. This is because the conformation of the regular structure of the helix is truncated in the hexapeptide. The u p - 3 and wp-2 values follow the same trend as the crystal structure values, deviating from planarity by about -5" to -10". The and wp are nonplanar to the extent of about -5" and + 5 O , respectively, a trend that was not clear from the crystal structure analysis. The range of the minimized values is less in comparison with the crystal structure range. The average values for 4pp-3 to # p , with the exception of #p-2 and $ p - l , are similar in the crystal structures (Table I ) and in the minimized structures (Table IV) . Studies on Large Fragments of Right-Handed a-Helix with Proline The above studies clearly show that a right-handed a-helical conformation can be taken up by X-Pro ( X = nonglycine residue) in a polymer. However, small distortions from the ideal values take place in the bond angles in the region of proline PROLINE IN T H E RIGHT-HANDED a-HELICAL REGION and in the backbone dihedral angles in the regions preceding proline. T o arrive a t a set of geometrical parameters for a polymer containing proline, Ace( Ala)ll-Pro-( Ala)ll-NHMe in the right-handed ahelical conformation was examined. Four starting conformations, the details of which are given in the methods section, were considered for minimization. These parameters along with the energies are given in Table V. T h e minimized energies are in the range of 312.5 k 1kcal/mole. T h e geometrical parameters obtained are also very close to each other and the average values of some of the parameters are given in Table VI. T h e overall helical structure with a kink angle of about 23" as shown in Figure 4 is retained. When compared with a standard righthanded a-helix two hydrogen bonds are lost in these structures. Due t o the absence of the amide proton in proline the hydrogen bond between the atoms Np and Q p - , (Figure 4) is lost, and the hydrogen bond between atoms N,,, and Op-3is lost due to the kink. Our studies on the hexapeptide fragment have shown that some of the backbone parameters depend on whether the proline is in the up or down conformation. T h e last two starting points in Table V correspond to the average structures given in Table I and IY for the (Ala)3-Pro-Ala region, the proline taking a n up conformation in one case and the down conformation in the other. For the parameters # p - 2 and the crystal structure average differs considerably from the hexapeptide-minimized values (Table I and IV) . Both cases were considered for minimization. Based on the above studies, a set of average parameters for a right-handed a-helix with proline has been obtained and are presented in Table VIa and b. Notable features are the widening of the backbone angles N,. ,-C;.-,-Cb-l and C;-l-Cb-l-Np by about 4 ' and so,respectively, and the shortening of the bond angle involving the proline ring carbon atoms. Three backbone angles depend on the conformation of the proline ring ( u p or down). The dihedral angles X 1 and X 2 represent the orientation of the proline, and these values are given in Table VIb. Since these values represent the parameters of proline in the right-handed a-helical region, they differ slightly from those previously suggested l5 based on the average of all types of proline structures. The deviation in the backbone dihedral angles 4p-3to wp show that, although the trends as observed in the crystal structures are maintained, a different set of values are obtained for the up and down conformations of proline. Particularly noticeable is the parameter, which deviates from planarity by +1.6" in the down conformation and by -8" in the up conformation. 297 I I Figure 4. The minimized structure of Ace- ( Ala),,-Pro( Ala),,-NHMe with its kink. The intrahelical hydrogen bonds are represented by broken lines. The hydrogen bonds NP+l * * Op-3 and NP * * * Op-4 are abs'ent. The details are given in the text. T h e set of parameters given in Table VI gives rise to a kink value of 22.1" and 20.5", respectively, for the up and down conformations, and the p values are 67" and 72", respectively. A variation in these parameters o f f lo or 2" will not significantly change the kink angle. SUMMARY By flexible geometry minimization studies, the righthanded a-helical conformation for X-Pro ( X = any 298 SANKARARAMAKRISHNAN AND VISHVESHWARA nonglycyl residue) has been shown to be a n energyminimum conformation. Previous studies could not identify this minimum since rigid geometry was used in the minimization studies. In the right-handed a helix some of the bond angles deviate slightly from the standard values in order to relieve steric contacts between the side chain of the preceding residue of proline and the methylene group attached to the imido nitrogen of proline. Small variations with a definite trend also occur in the backbone parameters. The right-handed &-helical conformation is also possible when the X-Pro unit is in the middle of a right-handed a-helical segment. The present energy studies support the crystal structure data analysis and two-dimensional 'H-nmr ~ t u d i e s . ~The ' insertion of proline in the right-handed a-helical segment causes the helix axis to bend by about 20"-30". Also, the virtual dihedral angle involving four C" atoms( C;-3-C&-C;-l-C;) is in the range of 65"-85" (average value of a virtual dihedral angle in a n a-helix is = 50" ) . Such a bend distorts the backbone parameters from the ideal helical values. These deviations extend t o 3-4 residues before proline, the parameters of the preceding residue being affected the most. The nature of deviations are characterized by the crystal structure data analysis and by energy minimization studies. The proline up and down conformations give rise to energetically equivalent a-helical structures involving slightly different sets of geometrical parameters. A set of standard parameters has been arrived a t for the bend region in a right-handed a-helix containing proline. These parameters can be used in model building and further energy minimization studies. We wish to thank Professor P. A. Kollman and his group for providing us the AMBER program, and Dr. N. Sreerama for helping us in adapting the AMBER onto the DEC1090 computer of our institute. REFERENCES 1. Anfinsen, C. B. & Scheraga, H. A. (1975) Adu. Protein Chem. 29, 205-300. 2. Robson, B. & Suzuki, E. (1976) J. Mol. 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