Unified A Posteriori Error Control for all Nonstandard Finite Elements1 Martin Eigel C. Carstensen, C. Löbhard, R.H.W. Hoppe Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 19.05.2010 1 we know of Guidelines for Applicants M. Eigel (Humboldt) Unified ErrorThese Analysis EFEF, Warwick 2010 applying 1 / to 22the guidelines should help you as you think about Model Example Flux or stress field p in equilibrium equation g + div p = 0 is approximated by piecewise constant p` and yields equilibrium residual Z Res(v ) := (g · v − p` : D` v ) dx for v ∈ V := H01 (Ω; Rm ) Ω Endow V with norm kv kV := kDv kL2 (Ω) s.t. V ∗ ≈ H −1 (Ω) and Res(v ) v 6=0 kv kV k div(p − p` )kV ∗ = k Res kV ∗ := sup Estimation by edge residuals ηE := |E |(p` |T+ · νT+ + p` |T− · νT− ) on each interior edge E = ∂T+ ∩ ∂T− with outer unit normals νT± !1/2 p` |T+ X νT+ 2 νT ηE := |ηE | − E E ∈E M. Eigel (Humboldt) Unified Error Analysis p` |T − EFEF, Warwick 2010 2 / 22 Estimation of Equilibrium Error Up to data oscillation osc(g , ·), edge estimator ηE is reliable & efficient k Res kV ∗ ≈ ηE ± osc(g , elements ∪ edges) Remark: Edge residual estimator is equivalent to many others (cf. Ainsworth/Oden, Babuška/Strouboulis, Verfürth) Example: For triangulation of Ω ⊂ R2 and first-order conforming or nonconforming FEM p` := D` u` M. Eigel (Humboldt) and V`c := P1 (T` ; Rm ) ∩ V ⊂ ker Res Unified Error Analysis EFEF, Warwick 2010 3 / 22 Schemes & Applications CR CR BS Wilson KS KS Han Han Zhang NR (M) NR (M) Ming NR (A) NR (A) LLS CNR HMS DSSY Laplace CJY Stokes M. Eigel (Humboldt) Unified Error Analysis HMS Elasticity cf. C. Carstensen, Hu Jun, A. Orlando EFEF, Warwick 2010 4 / 22 Unified Analysis of. . . applications: Laplace, Stokes, Navier-Lamé, Maxwell equations. . . schemes: (all?!) conforming, nonconforming, tri/quad, mixed, mortar elements, dG, hanging nodes. . . M. Eigel (Humboldt) Unified Error Analysis EFEF, Warwick 2010 5 / 22 Goals of Unified Analysis Generalise analysis to cover many different discretisation schemes and applications in one framework Reduce repetition of similar mathematical arguments and focus on specific properties/difficulties No optimal constants but common point of departure and guiding principles M. Eigel (Humboldt) Unified Error Analysis EFEF, Warwick 2010 6 / 22 A Unified Approach Generic Approach For each Application: Verify kerrork ≈ kresidualk∗ For each Scheme: Determine discrete space V` ⊂ ker(residual) and design computable lower/upper bounds of kresidualk∗ Topics Mixed Setting for Unified A Posteriori Error Control Unified Equilibrium Estimator Analysis of Consistency Residual Applications: Poisson, Lamé, Stokes, . . . M. Eigel (Humboldt) Unified Error Analysis EFEF, Warwick 2010 7 / 22 Mixed Setting for Unified Analysis Abstract problem formulation: Given X` × Y` ⊂ X × Y , A : X × Y → (X × Y )∗ ` := `X + `Y ∈ (X × Y )∗ , find (x, y ) ∈ X × Y s.t. A(x, y )(ξ, η) = `(ξ, η) (PM) for all (ξ, η) ∈ X × Y Given a ∈ (X × X )∗ , Λ : Y → X , b ∈ (X × Y )∗ with b(·, v ) := a(Λv , ·) c ∈ (Y × Y )∗ , A(x, y ) := a(x, ·) − b(·, y ) + b(x, ·) + c(y , ·) (PM) then reads a(x, ξ) − b(ξ, y ) = `X (ξ) for all ξ ∈ X b(x, η) + c(y , η) = `Y (η) for all η ∈ Y M. Eigel (Humboldt) Unified Error Analysis EFEF, Warwick 2010 8 / 22 Mixed Setting for Unified Analysis Abstract problem formulation: Given X` × Y` ⊂ X × Y , A : X × Y → (X × Y )∗ ` := `X + `Y ∈ (X × Y )∗ , find (x, y ) ∈ X × Y s.t. A(x, y )(ξ, η) = `(ξ, η) (PM) for all (ξ, η) ∈ X × Y Given a ∈ (X × X )∗ , Λ : Y → X , b ∈ (X × Y )∗ with b(·, v ) := a(Λv , ·) c ∈ (Y × Y )∗ , A(x, y ) := a(x, ·) − b(·, y ) + b(x, ·) + c(y , ·) (PM) then reads a(x, ξ) − b(ξ, y ) = `X (ξ) for all ξ ∈ X b(x, η) + c(y , η) = `Y (η) for all η ∈ Y M. Eigel (Humboldt) Unified Error Analysis EFEF, Warwick 2010 8 / 22 Errors & Residuals in Unified Analysis Given approx. (x` , ỹ` ) ∈ X` × Y to (x, y ), define Res := ResX + ResY (consistency ) ResX := `X − a(x` , ·) + b(·, ỹ` ) = `X − a(x` − Λỹ` ) (equilibrium) ResY := `Y − b(x` , ·) − c(ỹ` , ·) Remarks: ỹ` ∈ Y close to y` , not necessarily discrete ResX involves piecewise gradient D` (y` − ỹ` ) of y` − ỹ` ∈ /Y Since A isomorphism, kerrork ≈ kresidualk∗ , i.e. kx − x` kX + ky − ỹ` kY ≈ k ResX kX ∗ + k ResY kY ∗ M. Eigel (Humboldt) Unified Error Analysis EFEF, Warwick 2010 9 / 22 Errors & Residuals in Unified Analysis Given approx. (x` , ỹ` ) ∈ X` × Y to (x, y ), define Res := ResX + ResY (consistency ) ResX := `X − a(x` , ·) + b(·, ỹ` ) = `X − a(x` − Λỹ` ) (equilibrium) ResY := `Y − b(x` , ·) − c(ỹ` , ·) Remarks: ỹ` ∈ Y close to y` , not necessarily discrete ResX involves piecewise gradient D` (y` − ỹ` ) of y` − ỹ` ∈ /Y Since A isomorphism, kerrork ≈ kresidualk∗ , i.e. kx − x` kX + ky − ỹ` kY ≈ k ResX kX ∗ + k ResY kY ∗ M. Eigel (Humboldt) Unified Error Analysis EFEF, Warwick 2010 9 / 22 [Preparation] Generic Equilibrium Error Analysis Two discrete spaces V`c ⊂ V and V`nc ⊂ H 1 (T` ; Rm ) with J Π V −→ V`c −→ V`nc (H1) ∃ H 1 -stable Clément-type operator J : V → V`c into (conforming) subspace V`c ⊆ V with first-order approximation property (H2) V`c and V`nc piecewise smooth w.r.t. shape-regular T` (H3) For p` ∈ L2 (Ω; Rm×n ) ∃ Π : V`c → V`nc s.t. ∀v` ∈ V`c ∀T ∈ T` kD(Πv` )kL2 (T ) . kDv` kL2 (ωT ) Z Z v` dx = Πv` dx T T Z Z p` : D` v` dx = p` : D` (Πv` ) dx Ω M. Eigel (Humboldt) Ω Unified Error Analysis EFEF, Warwick 2010 10 / 22 [Result] Generic Equilibrium Error Analysis S Thm.[CEHL10 + ]: Suppose RT ∈ L2 (T` ), RE ∈ L2 ( E` ) and Res : V`nc + V → R reads Z Z Res(v ) := RT · v dx + S RE · hv i ds E` Ω Suppose (H1)-(H3) and V`nc ⊂ ker Res Then 1/2 X 1/2 η` := hE kRE k2L2 (E ) = khE RE kL2 (S E` ) E ∈E` is reliable and efficient in the sense η` − osc(RT , T` ) − osc(RE , E` ) . k Res kV ∗ . η` + osc(RT , {ωz : z ∈ K` }) M. Eigel (Humboldt) Unified Error Analysis EFEF, Warwick 2010 11 / 22 [Result] Generic Equilibrium Error Analysis S Thm.[CEHL10 + ]: Suppose RT ∈ L2 (T` ), RE ∈ L2 ( E` ) and Res : V`nc + V → R reads Z Z Res(v ) := RT · v dx + S RE · hv i ds E` Ω Suppose (H1)-(H3) and V`nc ⊂ ker Res Then 1/2 X 1/2 η` := hE kRE k2L2 (E ) = khE RE kL2 (S E` ) E ∈E` is reliable and efficient in the sense η` − osc(RT , T` ) − osc(RE , E` ) . k Res kV ∗ . η` + osc(RT , {ωz : z ∈ K` }) M. Eigel (Humboldt) Unified Error Analysis EFEF, Warwick 2010 11 / 22 Analysis of Consistency Error Thm.[CEHL10 + ]: Given X = L2 (Ω), x` = D` y` ∈ X` = P0 (T` ; Rn ), Y = H01 (Ω), y` ∈ Y` = CR1 (T` ) and µ` := minη∈Y kx` − DηkL2 (Ω) µ` ≈ ≈ min kx` − D` η` kL2 (Ω) min khT−1 (y` − η` )kL2 (Ω) η` ∈P1 (T` )∩Y η` ∈P1 (T` )∩Y ≈ khT−1 (y` − Sy` )kL2 (Ω) −1/2 ≈ khE [y` ]kL2 (S E` ) 1/2 ≈ khE [D` y` · τE ]kL2 (S E` ) M. Eigel (Humboldt) Unified Error Analysis EFEF, Warwick 2010 12 / 22 Analysis of Consistency Error Thm.[CEHL10 + ]: Given X = L2 (Ω), x` = D` y` ∈ X` = P0 (T` ; Rn ), Y = H01 (Ω), y` ∈ Y` = CR1 (T` ) and µ` := minη∈Y kx` − DηkL2 (Ω) µ` ≈ ≈ min kx` − D` η` kL2 (Ω) min khT−1 (y` − η` )kL2 (Ω) η` ∈P1 (T` )∩Y η` ∈P1 (T` )∩Y ≈ khT−1 (y` − Sy` )kL2 (Ω) −1/2 ≈ khE [y` ]kL2 (S E` ) 1/2 ≈ khE [D` y` · τE ]kL2 (S E` ) M. Eigel (Humboldt) Unified Error Analysis EFEF, Warwick 2010 12 / 22 [Application] Laplace Equation Poisson model problem: ∆u = g in Ω and u = 0 on ∂Ω leads to primal mixed formulation with Z Z a(p, q) := p · q dx, Λu := D` u, b(q, u) = D` u · q dx Ω Ω Given g ∈ L2 (Ω), find (p, u) ∈ X × Y := L2 (Ω; Rn ) × H01 (Ω) s.t. A(p, u)(q, v ) = (g , v )L2 (Ω) for all (q, v ) ∈ X × Y Since A isomorphism kp − p` kL2 + ku − ũ` kH 1 ≈ k ResX kX ∗ + k ResY kY ∗ M. Eigel (Humboldt) Unified Error Analysis EFEF, Warwick 2010 13 / 22 [Application (cont.)] Laplace Equation Treatment of different schemes in the unified framework: Conforming FEM Discrete solution u` = ũ` ∈ Y defines discrete flux p` := Λu` = Du` . Consistency error vanishes, equilibrium residual treated as suggested previously. Nonconforming FEM Discrete solution u` defines discrete flux p` := D` u` . Same analysis for equilibrium residual while consistency residual kp` − D ũ` kL2 (Ω) can be bounded as before. Mixed FEM Discrete solution is discrete flux p` and u` ∈ / Y is Lagrange multiplier. Equilibrium residual reduces to osc(g , elements), consistency residual minũ` ∈H 1 (Ω) kp` − D ũ` kL2 (Ω) can be 0 bounded as in [Carstensen, Math. Comp. 1997]. M. Eigel (Humboldt) Unified Error Analysis EFEF, Warwick 2010 14 / 22 [Application] Stokes Equations R R Let a(u, v ) := − Ω uv dx, Λu := div u, c(u, v ) := Ω 2µε(u) : ε(v ) dx R `X (p, q) := − Ω pq dx and X := L20 (Ω; Rn ), Y := H01 (Ω; Rn ) With ε(v ) := symDv and deviatoric operator dev σ := σ − n1 (tr(σ))1 the linear operator A : X × Y → (X × Y )∗ reads A(σ, u)(τ, v ) := 1 (dev σ, dev τ )L2 (Ω) − (σ, ε(v ))L2 (Ω) − (τ, ε(u))L2 (Ω) 2µ A isomorphism. . . M. Eigel (Humboldt) Unified Error Analysis EFEF, Warwick 2010 15 / 22 [Application (cont.)] Stokes Equations Stokes problem: Given g ∈ L2 (Ω; Rn ), find (σ, u) ∈ X × Y s.t. A(σ, u)(τ, v ) = (g , v )L2 (Ω) for all (τ, v ) ∈ X × Y Conforming or nonconforming FEM yield u` and p` with σ = 2µε(u) − p1 and σ` = 2µε` (u` ) − p` 1 Error control: Given FE solution (σ` , u` ) to (σ, u), then kσ − σ` kL2 (Ω) . min 2µkε` (u` − ũ` )kL2 (Ω) + k ResY kY ∗ + k div` u` kL2 (Ω) ũ` ∈Y Examples: all known conforming and nonconforming FEM M. Eigel (Humboldt) Unified Error Analysis EFEF, Warwick 2010 16 / 22 [Application] Linear Elasticity Fourth-order elasticity tensor for λ, µ > 0, Cτ := λ tr(τ )1 + 2µτ for all τ ∈ Rn×n R Let a(σ, τ ) := Ω (C−1 σ) : τ dx, Λu := Cε(u) and 1 n X := L2 (Ω; Rn×n sym ), Y := H0 (Ω; R ) The linear operator A : X × Y → (X × Y )∗ then reads A(σ, u)(τ, v ) := (C−1 σ, τ )L2 (Ω) − (σ, ε(v ))L2 (Ω) − (τ, ε(u))L2 (Ω) A isomorphism, λ-independent operator norms of A and A−1 M. Eigel (Humboldt) Unified Error Analysis EFEF, Warwick 2010 17 / 22 [Application (cont.)] Linear Elasticity Navier-Lamé problem: Given g ∈ L2 (Ω; Rn ), find (σ, u) ∈ X × Y s.t. A(σ, u)(τ, v ) = (g , v )L2 (Ω) for (τ, v ) ∈ X × Y For conforming or nonconforming FEM, σ = Cε(u) and σ` = Cε` (u` ) Error control: Given FE solution (σ` , u` ) to (σ, u), kσ − σ` kL2 (Ω) . min kε` (u` − ũ` )kL2 (Ω) + k ResY kY ∗ ũ` ∈Y is robust for λ → ∞ Examples: Conforming FEM, Kouhia&Stenberg, PEERS M. Eigel (Humboldt) Unified Error Analysis EFEF, Warwick 2010 18 / 22 Conclusions for Unified Analysis Framework for unified a posteriori analysis covers large class of applications & discretisation schemes Similarities are exposed and encountered obstacles/challenges guide development of specific error estimators Approach doesn’t strive for most accurate/efficient estimators but rather provides an initial line of attack for as many problems as possible M. Eigel (Humboldt) Unified Error Analysis EFEF, Warwick 2010 19 / 22 Wrap-Up of Unified A Posteriori Analysis C. Carstensen: A unifying theory of a posteriori finite element error control (Numer. Math. 2005) C. Carstensen, Jun Hu, A. Orlando: Framework for the a posteriori error analysis of nonconforming finite elements (SINUM 2007) C. Carstensen, Jun Hu: A Unifying Theory of A Posteriori Error Control for Nonconforming FEM (Numer. Math. 2007) C. Carstensen, ME, R.H.W. Hoppe, C. Löbhard: A Unifying Theory of A Posteriori Error Control (2010 + ) M. Eigel (Humboldt) Unified Error Analysis EFEF, Warwick 2010 20 / 22 Extensions of Unified Analysis Unified Analysis has also been applied/extended to Maxwell Equations [C. Carstensen, R.H.W. Hoppe 2009] Mortar FEM and higher order FEM dG FEM [C. Carstensen, T. Gudi, M. Jensen 2009] Hanging nodes [C. Carstensen, Jun Hu 2008] M. Eigel (Humboldt) Unified Error Analysis EFEF, Warwick 2010 21 / 22 References C. Carstensen, ME, R.H.W. Hoppe, C. Löbhard: Unified A Posteriori Error Control, in preparation C. Carstensen: A unifying theory of a posteriori finite element error control, Numer. Math. 100 (2005) 617–637 C. Carstensen, Jun Hu, A. Orlando: Framework for the a posteriori error analysis of nonconforming finite elements, SINUM 45, 1 (2007) C. Carstensen, Jun Hu: A Unifying Theory of A Posteriori Error Control for Nonconforming Finite Element Methods, Numer. Math. (2007), DOI 10.1007/s00211-007-0068-z C. Carstensen, T. Gudi, M. Jensen: A unifying theory of a posteriori error control for discontinuous Galerkin FEM C. Carstensen, R.H.W. Hoppe: Unified framework for an a posteriori analysis of non-standard finite element approximations of H(curl)-elliptic problems M. Eigel (Humboldt) Unified Error Analysis EFEF, Warwick 2010 22 / 22