Microscopic flow around a diffusing tagged particle: effects of fluctuations on the hydrodynamics description R. Vuilleumier Département de chimie Ecole normale supérieure – Paris Workshop on Molecular Dynamics – Warwick, June 5, 2009 Diffusion in a Lennard-Jones fluid I Friction from flow around the moving particle I Relationship between diffusion and viscosity D= 10000 identical LJ particles (T ∗ = 1.5, ρ∗ = 0.5) kB T cπηR I Flow boundary conditions? I Direct estimation of the flux? Stokes’flow A sphere with a (small) velocity v1 in an incompressible fluid of viscosity η I velocity field (slip boundary conditions – lab. frame): f 1 1 ~v (~r ) = cos θ ~er − sin θ ~eθ 4πη r 2r -4 -2 0 I drag force f : 2 f = 4πηRv1 I -4 friction ξ = 4πηR diffusion D = kB T ξ 4 = kB T 4πηR (Stokes-Einstein relation) -2 0 2 4 Velocity field: linear response Infinitesimal force force f applied on particle 1 since t = −∞ along x Averages of observables Z hAif 0 ≈ hAi0 + βf dthv1,x (t)Ai0 −∞ ≈ hAi0 + f × β h∆r1,x Ai0 ∆r1,x : displacement along x of particle 1 from t = −∞ to t = 0 A ≡ v1 : β h∆r1,x v1 i0 is the mobility Lenard-Jones fluid Above the critical point: T ∗ = 1.5, ρ∗ = 0.5 (σ = 1) 2 g(r) 1,5 1 0,5 0 0 2 4 6 r 8 10 12 10000 identical LJ spheres → L = 27.14 σ Velocity field: diffusing particle frame ρ~v (~r ) = βh∆r1,x (~vi − ~v1 ) δ(~r −~r1i )i Use of symmetry ? Velocity field: diffusing particle frame ρ~v (~r ) = βh∆r1,x (~vi − ~v1 ) δ(~r −~r1i )i = f (r ) cos θ ·~er + g (r ) sin θ ·~eθ Same symmetry as the Stokes flow around a sphere Velocity field: diffusing particle frame ρ~v (~r ) = βh∆r1,x (~vi − ~v1 ) δ(~r −~r1i )i = f (r ) cos θ ·~er + g (r ) sin θ ·~eθ 0 -0,2 vr(r) vθ(r) v -0,4 -0,6 -0,8 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 r 6 7 8 9 10 Velocity field: diffusing particle frame ρ~v (~r ) = βh∆r1,x (~vi − ~v1 ) δ(~r −~r1i )i = f (r ) cos θ ·~er + g (r ) sin θ ·~eθ -2 0 -1.5 -0,2 v -1 vr(r) vθ(r) -0,4 -0.5 -0,6 0 0.5 -0,8 1 -1 1.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 r 6 7 8 9 10 2 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Laboratory frame: backflow -4 -4 -4 -2 -2 -2 0 0 0 2 2 2 4 4 -4 -2 0 t=1 2 4 4 -4 -2 0 t = 10 2 4 -4 -2 0 t = 100 2 4 Density map δρ(~r ) = βh∆r1,x δ(~r − ~r1i )i = h(r ) cos θ -3 0,25 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 -0.08 -0.1 -2 0,2 δρ -1 0,15 0 0,1 1 0,05 2 0 0 2 4 r 6 8 10 3 -3 -2 -1 0 Force felt by the particle = applied force 1 2 3 Hydrodynamic flow – Boundary conditions Fit of an hydrodynamic flow with slip boundary conditions 0 1 0,8 -0,2 vr(r) vθ(r) vr(r) vθ(r) -0,4 v v 0,6 0,4 -0,6 0,2 -0,8 0 -1 0 2 4 6 r 8 Labo. frame 10 12 0 2 4 6 r Part. frame The normal velocity is non zero at contact! 8 10 12 Boundary conditions – normal velocity Correlation between the particle velocity and the presence of a particle at contact I velocity lower than the average tagged particle velocity I apparent normal velocity at contact Hynes, J. T., Kapral, R. et Weinberg, M., JCP 70, 1456 (1979). Dissipation through viscosity Velocity field in the long range part -0,9 -0,92 v -0,94 vr(r) vθ(r) -0,96 -0,98 -1 -1,02 4 6 8 r 10 12 14 I Momentum flux due to viscosity corresponds to only a force f = 0.76 injected in the fluid I Is there a dissipation term other than viscosity? Equation of motion for the velocity field At long times (laboratory frame): X ∇β hvi,α ·vi,β i1 (~r ) − hfj→i,α i1 (~r ) − ∇β hvi,α ·v1,β i1 (~r ) = hf1→i,α i1 (~r ) j6=1 Equation of motion for the velocity field At long times (laboratory frame): X ∇β hvi,α ·vi,β i1 (~r ) − hfj→i,α i1 (~r ) − ∇β hvi,α ·v1,β i1 (~r ) = hf1→i,α i1 (~r ) j6=1 Equation of motion for the velocity field At long times (laboratory frame): X ∇β hvi,α ·vi,β i1 (~r ) − hfj→i,α i1 (~r ) − ∇β hvi,α ·v1,β i1 (~r ) = hf1→i,α i1 (~r ) j6=1 Equation of motion for the velocity field At long times (laboratory frame): X ∇β hvi,α ·vi,β i1 (~r ) − hfj→i,α i1 (~r ) − ∇β hvi,α ·v1,β i1 (~r ) = hf1→i,α i1 (~r ) j6=1 0,05 0 2 4πr . <viv1>(r) -0,05 -0,1 I Momentum flux through a sphere of radius r I Contribution from the term hvi,α · v1,β i1 (~r ) -0,15 -0,2 -0,25 0 5 r 10 15 Role of the central particle fluctuations Asymptotic behavior of the velocity autocorrelation function 1 c(t) ≈ a0 t −3/2 with η+ρD η 0,1 a0 = 2kB T ρ1/2 : viscosity only 4πη 3/2 0,01 c(t) I 0,001 I a0 = T ρ1/2 2kB : 4π(η + ρD)3/2 including fluctuations 0,0001 1e-05 0,1 1 10 t 100 Evolution equations The evolution equations are modified ρ d~v dt dδρ dt ~ + η∇2~v + ρD∇2~v = −∇P ~ v (~r ) = D∇2 δρ − ∇ρ~ ~v =0 In regions where ρ ≈ cte., the solution still satisfies ∇~ Renormalisation of viscosity Hydrodynamique avec f = 1 et η → η + ρD -0,8 0,02 0,015 -0,85 vr(r) vθ(r) 0,01 v δρ -0,9 0,005 -0,95 0 -1 0 2 4 6 r 8 10 12 D = D0 + 14 -0,005 0 kB T 1 4π(η + ρD) R Bedeaux, D. et Mazur, P, Physica 73, 431 (1974). 2 4 6 r 8 10 12 14 Diffusion mechanism Most mobile configurations I Diffusion constant is the average of ∆r1,x · v1,x I How variations of this quantity correlate with the local structure ? Computation of h∆r1,x · v1,x δ(~r − ~r1i )i Most mobile configurations in a high density LJ fluid T ∗ = 0.785, ρ∗ = 0.8 -2 0.01 -1.5 0.005 -1 0 -0.005 -0.5 -0.01 0 -0.015 -0.02 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Elongated (de-structured) and squeezed solvation shell Water self diffusion at ambient conditions 0 1 vr(r) vθ(r) 0,8 -0,2 -0,4 v v 0,6 vr(r) vθ(r) 0,4 -0,6 0,2 -0,8 0 -1 0 5 10 15 r (A) Labo. frame 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 r (A) Part. frame Slip boundary conditions even for hydrogen bonded system! 25 Displacement inside the cage 0.1 6 0,08 0.08 0.06 4 δρ(r) a.dg(r)/dr 0,06 0.04 2 0,04 0 0 δρ 0.02 0,02 -0.02 -2 -0.04 -4 -0.06 0 -0,02 -0.08 -6 -0.1 -6 -4 I I I I -2 0 2 4 -0,04 0 5 10 6 The water molecule seems displaced in its cage. Except in its close vicinity The first shell is also destructured Characteristic retardation time τret = 350 fs 15 r (A) 20 25 Rotation of the water molecule coupled to diffusion Computation of h∆~r1 · ~b1 i 0,08 force 0,06 <∆r.b> O 0,04 H 0,02 0 0 H 2 4 6 8 10 t (ps) In liquid water, meanfreepath = 0.04 Å Conclusions Summary I I Hydrodynamic is valid already for r = 4 with slip boundary conditions Effects of the central particle fluctuations: I I Boundary conditions with non-zero normal velocity An additional dissipation term Some perspectives I Ions in water, hydrophilic and hydrophobic interactions I Solute-solvent coupling in transport phenomena I Glasses, silver halides, gaussian core particles, ionic liquids. . . I Diffusion mechanism of an excess proton in water, in membranes Table of contents Introduction Diffusion of a particle Velocity field and density map Boundary conditions An extra dissipation Velocity autocorrelation function Diffusion mechanism Water self diffusion Conclusions