Warwick, June 1-5, 2009 Multiscale modeling of Warwick, June 1-5, 2009 Multiscale modeling of lipid and surfactant systems lipid and surfactant systems Mikko Karttunen Dept. of Applied Maths, University of Western Ontario Web: www.softsimu.org. Email: mkarttu@uwo.ca Acknowledgements Younger Papers, parameters & movies: www. softsimu.org Slightly older Teemu Murtola PhD student Andrea Catte. PDF HDL cholesterol, nanodisks with proteins Maria Sammalkorpi (Princeton) Tomasz Róg (Tampere/Helsinki) postdoc, Academy of Finland Fellow Ilpo Vattulainen (Tampere/Helsinki) Mikko Haataja (Princeton) postdoc Samuli Ollila (PhD student) Perttu Niemelä (at VTT) Emma Falck (at Boston Consulting) Michael Patra (at Zeiss) Funding & resources: www.sharcnet.ca ...but where is London, Ontario... To be more precise: Dates back to 1793 - the city was founded 1826 Population: 352,395 (greater area: 457,720) Downtown London. What’s on the plate? Movies: www.softsimu.org Membrane dynamics: diffusion in single-component lipid membranes. Structure has been studied a lot but dynamics has received surprisingly little attention. A new mechanism is suggested. Surfactants. Micellation & micelle fission Coarse graining using structural data from MD. First using a simple system of NaCl & water and keeping solvent, then moving to a solvent free membrane. The “Mercedes-Benz” model for water & cold denaturation. Many time & length scales How to bridge the scales - no single method is applicable in all cases. Macroscale: Simulation: • times > 1 sec • lengths > 1µ • phase field models, FEM,… Experiment: Naked eye speed Light microscope 200 nm 0.2 nm ATOMS • electronic structure • ab initio, Green functions Electron microscope MOLECULES 20 nm 2 nm Subatomistic scale: ORGANELLES 2 µm accuracy • times ~ 10–15 – 10-9 sec • lengths ~ 1-10 Å • Molecular Dynamics, Monte Carlo CELLS • times ~ 10–8 – 10-2 sec • lengths ~ 10-1000 Å • DPD, coarse-graining Entity: 0.2 mm 20 µm Mesoscale: Atomistic scale: Scale: Aim: multiple scales in time and space Multiscale modeling of emergent materials: biological and soft matter. Murtola, Bunker, Vattulainen, Deserno, Karttunen, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2009, 11, 1869 ∂ ∂ The state dynamic variables from the! description. of∂the system c ct) at this mesos P (x,∂t)c==− −∇JVi · with + FCC · P (x, i Jthat = − ∇µ ∂xti=1: c {Q = with J+ =toJ̃,− t Level of description byColloidal ,∂Q PiSuspension }. the m ∂t is given ∂P i−∇J 3.2 Hydrodynamics 3 Mesoscopic Example: A i The FPE i corresponds ζ ζ # " level 2 is given by [22] ! ∂ ∂ Pi P (x, t). + k T ·ζ (Q)· + If the we looksection at theJwe motion of" ∂P the solvent molecules, we will see # concepts B a systematic ij contribution In mass this will illustrate the fundamental of thet where flux has proportional ! ∂P M k T i ∂ j i B ∂mass flux J ij ∂ where the has a systematic contribution pr CC each other resulting in a rapid motion. However, if we look “fro V · P (x, t) = − + F · P (x, t) different levels of description that to J̃ describe collo i i are used tential ofseveral the colloidal particles plus ai stochastic part with a var ∂t ∂Q ∂P i tential of=the colloidal particles plus aoftostochastic part J̃ CCis imade the multitude of molecules, a collective motion will be appreciate colloidal suspension of a collection small solid objects # " Here, V P /M , F is the effective force due the rest of colloidal to the transport coefficient c/ζ. the sake of simplicity, we hav i i i i !For ∂ ∂which Pfluid i thesimplic particles) of space the size of, say, a micron suspended in a such as, to the transport coefficient c/ζ. For the sake of in a region of move coherently (overwhelming small e exerted on particle i and ζ (Q) is a friction tensor depends on the po P (x, t). + k T ·ζ (Q)· + ij B a way that suspension is dilute, in such hydrodynamic interactions ij Fick Thermodynamics ∂P ∂P iappreciate j canM i kbest B T appreciat A roadmap of this section is shown in Fig. 1. the colloidal particles. The physical picture behind (4) be collision). It will be possible to slowly evolving wav ij suspension is dilute, in such a way that hydrodynamic Continuity equation No equation ofone motion Otherwise, obtains non-local in space equations [7]. When the s mathematically equivalent stochastic differential equations (SDE) sort of collective motion. The variablesinthat capture these collectiv CC one obtains non-local space equations we Otherwise, may use the ideal gas expression for the chemical potential µ[7]. = Here, Vi = Pi /Mi , Fi is the effective force due to the rest of colloid ! drodynamic variables. TheseClassical variables the mass density field CC 3.1 Microscopic Level: Mechanics 2are ζ (Q)·V dt + F̃ dQ = V dt and dP = F dt − j iparticle i iideal i friction to the usual diffusion equation D∇ c− ∇which J̃ ijwhere D = exerted on and ζ ijgas (Q)∂texpression isc a= tensor depends ondk the i we may use the for the chemical po Bi .T density fieldparticles. gr (z), and the energy density field defined by r (z), j(4) e the At colloidal The physical picture behind can be best appreci 2 expression for the diffusion coefficient. Equation (6) can be easily the most microscopic level, we ∂ can model a colloidal tomathematically the usual diffusion equation =equations D∇ c(SDE) − ∇suspensio J̃ whe t c! equivalent stochastic differential cretizing thesolid resulting stochastic diffusion equation with We the observe that the particles evolve according to their and they suspended objects are spherical and velocities we needfinite onlythat 6diffe deg expression for the diffusion coefficient. Equation (6) c mδ(r − q ), ρ (z) = i their positio r particles that! jected to forces due to the other colloidal depend on describing thedtstate of the object, the position Qζi and the moment CC discretization technique for stochastic partial differential equations [ (Q)·V dt + d F̃ dQ = V and dP = F dt − j i i i i ij i cretizing theFor resulting equation with and of velocities, −ζ .stochastic Note that a diffusion colloidal jconsider is moving, ij (Q) · Vjobjects mass. irregular we ifwould need particle also to oriei ! j Fokker-Planck Smoluchowski ert forces on etc. the technique colloidal particle i.gstochastic These are the result of theare hydro (z) =forces ppartial q discretization for differentia locities, The fluid in which solid colloidal su rthese i δ(r −particles i ), Friction tensor Diffusion that are captured at this according level of description throughand thethat frictio 3.6 interactions Macroscopic Level: Thermodynamics We observe at that particles evolve to velocities th i their scribed thethe most microscopic level by the positions qi and mome ζjected the particles arecolloidal also subject to stochastic forces dtheir F̃i that ar ! ij (Q).toFinally, forces due to the other particles that depend on posit of mass of the molecules constituting the fluid. Again, we assume ethat = ei scales δ(r − qiniof), matically described in(Q) terms of. Note Wiener processes. The variance these force r (z) Finally, might be interested in very long time which the andwe velocities, −ζ · V if a colloidal particle j is moving, j ij for simplicity. The microscopic state will be denoted by z = {q 3.6 Macroscopic Level: Thermodynamics by the Fluctuation-Dissipation theorem which, at this level of description, i ert forces onInthe colloidal particle i. These forces are the are result the hyd at equilibrium. this case, the only relevant variables theofdynam evolution of the microstate is governed by Hamilton’s equations, form dF̃i dF̃jthat = 2k ζ ij (Q)dt.at this level of description through the fric B Tcaptured interactions are those coarse-grained variables that are independent ofastime due towhen pari Finally, we might be interested in very long time scales If the colloidal particles are very far from each other, it happens where δ(r − q ) is a coarse-grained delta function (a function ζ ij (Q). Finally, the subject to stochastic forces dF̃i that i particles are also ∂H(z) ∂H(z) of the microscopic Hamiltonian, like total energy, or those coarse pension is dilute, we may expect that the mutual influence among colloidal pa , Q̇ = ,forc q̇ = atfinite equilibrium. In this case, the only relevant variables ar i i matically described in terms of Wiener processes. The variance of these small region and normalized to unity, see Fig. 2). In the a ∂p ∂P negligible and that the friction tensor is diagonal, this is ζ = δ 1ζ, where ζ i i ij Hamilto like mass and volume, thati (the are theorem constant parameters ijin the by the Fluctuation-Dissipation which, at this level of description the energy of particle sum of its kinetic energy plus the those coarse-grained variables that are independent of tim the friction coefficient. In this case, the SDE equivalent to the FPE (4)half decou ∂H(z) ∂H(z) volume ofdthe colloidal suspension be Classical Mechanics Hydrodynamics form F̃ F̃j = 2kBwith Tof ζ ijthe (Q)dt. i dcontainer ṗcalled = −Langevin , equations. Ṗcan −asunderstoo , to the interaction its It may appear a contrad ineighbours). i =Langevin set of independent equations, The equati of the microscopic Hamiltonian, like total energy, or ∂qifrom ∂Q Collisions in ps Collective motions If the colloidal in particles are very far each other,there as it happens wh i equ a confining potential the Hamiltonian. Obviously, is no evels of description in a colloidal suspension. Arrows denote the direction of dilute suspension predict that the velocity autocorrelation function of a colloida through adilute, set ofwefield variables (which have, in principle an infin pension is may expect that the mutual influence among colloidal mass and volume, that are constant parameters inthet thislike level ofexponentially. description because we are interested in theexperiments long time, m the Classical Mechanics level at the lower left hand corner to Thermodydecays As wewe have seen, this isthat at variance with of freedom). However, should note the above fields involv negligible and that theMethods friction tensor diagonal, this is ζ ij Karttunen, =for δijthis 1ζ,discrep where Español Mechanics of Coarse-Graining’ in Novel inbuoyant SoftisMatter Simulations, clear long-time tail for neutrally particles. The reason topP.right hand‘Statistical corner of the container offields the colloidal suspension can bo the volume system. delta functions are “smooth” (which have atosmall number the friction coefficient. In this case, the SDE equivalent the FPE (4) deco Vattulainen and Lukkarinen (Eds.), Springer Verlag (2004). tween theory and experiments for neutrally buoyant particles can only be attr • & backbone is a similar factor. For both maps surfactants important factors in dividing the map3 int 1.2. Lipids Lipids and&Lipid Bilayers orientation of the glycerol plane. A minim A B 45 C D 50 E F 55 Figs. T. Murtola, PhD thesis Figure 1.3: Examples of phases formed by lipids in water solution. Polar headgroups are shown in red, hydrophobic tails in blue, and water is not shown. (A) A spherical micelle. (B) A cylindrical micelle. (C) A bilayer. (D) An inverted hexagonal phase. Bilayers can bend to form, e.g., vesicles (E), and bicubic phases (F) are also posSchematic description of how SOM dat sible. Fig. 6 constructing coarse-grained representations (see Adapted from ref. 114. Membrane dynamics is vital! Zimmerberg et al, Science, 2005. Membrane dynamics Falck et al., JACS 130, 44 -08; PRL 97, 238102 -06 Falck et al., BJ 87, 1076 -04; BJ 89, 745 -05 A challenge for simulations at many different scales. Why? The role of fluctuations in membranes has been not been studied yet even the main transitions depends on them: continuous or weakly first order? Mechanisms behind lipid diffusion are still not well understood Living systems are not static (& they are typically out of equilibrium) The Singer-Nicholson fluid mosic model is not enough to describe dynamics Biology: rafts, signalling, lateral pressure, interactions with proteins, pore formation, etc. In addition: lipid composition matters and in all eukaryotic membranes cholesterol has a special role. We start by looking at diffusion. FIGURES FIGURES Membranes: role of rafts A Model 1 Niemelä et al., PLoS Comput. Biol. 3, e34 (2007) Vaino et al., J. Biol. Chem. 281, 348 (2006) a Activation in a raft b Altered partitioning Extracellular Dimerization Dimerization Antibodies, ligands Signalling An lig Signalling B Model 2 Simons,Clustering Toomre, Nature of Reviews Molec. Cell Biol. 2000; rafts triggers signalling Munro, Cell 2000 FIG. 1: GPI GPI Classic view: membranes are quite static. WRONG: Bilayers/membranes are dynamic! FIG. 1: signalling, etc. Biological systems are inherently complex at all levels; structure-function, FIGURES Membranes: role of rafts A Model 1 Niemelä et al., PLoS Comput. Biol. 3, e34 (2007) Vaino et al., J. Biol. Chem. 281, 348 (2006) a Activation in a raft b Altered partitioning Extracellular Dimerization Dimerization Antibodies, ligands Signalling An lig Signalling B Model 2 Simons,Clustering Toomre, Nature of Reviews Molec. Cell Biol. 2000; rafts triggers signalling Munro, Cell 2000 GPI FIG.GPI 4: Classic view: membranes are quite static. WRONG: Bilayers/membranes are dynamic! FIG. 1: signalling, etc. Biological systems are inherently complex at all levels; structure-function, the lateral pressure profile to alter the shape of the membrane Effect on proteins cavity occupied by the protein as it changes conformation from the closed to an open state. Then the work ∆W can The work against lateral pressure (p(z)) profile to change the shape of a cavity be occupied written by as:a protein as it changes conformation from closed to open: ! ∆W = p(z)∆A(z)dz, (1) In the case of MscL, the difference between the non-raft and raft cases where is the change in the cross-sectional area of is 3-9 k∆A(z) BT. This strongly supports the idea that the lipid environment regulates the This and has also strong influence on binding affinities and partitioning theactivity. protein p(z) is the pressure profile. Here, we use an (cytochrome). approach identical to that used in ref. [62], and identical val- ues for ∆A(z) for MscL as used in ref. [62], in which the These findings also provide support to the idea that changes in lateral pressure area unchanged in the middle the-98). membrane bemay is be kept very important in general anesthesia (R. of Cantor tween the two states. Error bars for ∆W have been calculated using results for different monolayers. It is, however, important to realize that ∆W depends on the second moment of the lateral pressure profile [62] and thus is susceptible to small changes of lateral pressure far from bilayer center. Therefore extra caution must be followed when interpreting these More: Niemelä, Ollila, Róg, Vattulainen, Karttunen, J. Struct. Biol, (2007). To jump or not to jump? Falck et al., JACS 130, 44 -08; PRL 97, 238102 -06 Over 300 ns, systems from 128 to 4608 lipids. T=323 K Existing paradigm: Lipid diffusion is rattle-in-a-cage, punctuated by jumps. Experimental results differ by 2 orders of magnitude. Interpretation: QENS: fast motion (König et al, J. Phys. II -92; Tocanne et al, Prog. Lipid. R. -94) FRAP: slow, random walk motion (Vaz & Almeida, BJ -91) rattle-in-a-cage has been demonstrated (Wohlert & Edholm, JCP, 2006) random walk has been demonstrated (Sonnleitner et al. BJ 1999) jumps have never been shown to exist - a hypothesis to interpret QENS exps. Our goal: Study the physical mechanism(s) behind lipid diffusion. For jumps to dominate: in a 30 ns trajectory one should observe about 4 discontinuous jumps per lipid. One can make a simple estimate using !2 ∼ 4Dt with D ≈ 1.5 × 10−7 cm2 /s and ! = 0.7nm In large systems, one should see 1000’s of jumps. Short times: correlations Falck et al., JACS 130, 44 (2008). Over 300 ns, systems from 128 to 4608 lipids. T=323 K Observation: in over 300 ns, less than 10 such jumps were seen (100 ps time scale) Lipid diffusion cannot be dominated by jumps Diffusion of individual lipids over 30 ns Then, what is the mechanism? RED: How do the lipids move in relation to their neighbors? Are the motions correlated? If so, what is the range and time scale? Conclusion: in short time scales, motions are strongly correlated, jumps do not dominate. Question: How about longer time scales? jumps look like this Short times: correlations Falck et al., JACS 130, 44 (2008). Over 300 ns, systems from 128 to 4608 lipids. T=323 K Observation: in over 300 ns, less than 10 such jumps were seen (100 ps time scale) Lipid diffusion cannot be dominated by jumps Then, what is the mechanism? How do the lipids move in relation to their neighbors? Are the motions correlated? If so, what is the range and time scale? Motions of nearest neighbors over 1 ns. Neighbor motions are correlated, no jumping out of cages. Conclusion: in short time scales, motions are strongly correlated, jumps do not dominate. Question: How about longer time scales? Long times: collective motion Falck et al., JACS 130, 44 -08; PRL 97, 238102 -06 Movies: www. softsimu.org Let’s vary the time window (1152 lipids, about 20 x 20 nm): 50 ps interval 500 ps interval 5 ns interval 30 ns interval Long times: collective motion Falck et al., JACS 130, 44 -08; PRL 97, 238102 -06 Movies: www. softsimu.org Flow patterns are not coupled to fluctuations of any particular structural quantity. The concerted motions probably arise from a complex interplay between density fluctuations, undulations and thickness fluctuations, lipid interactions, interactions between lipids and solvent molecules. These flow patterns may have an effect on biological functions, including signalling and pore formation. New paradigm: Lipid diffusion may be dominated by correlations and collective motions. s s Let’s move from the flatlands (c) 0.6 ns to spherical objects. !"# Figure 7 (f) 2.0 ns the same SDS molecules highlighted in dual molecule. The behavior of the blue Fission/fusion pathway Observed micelle fission pathway Elongated micelle Interdigitating stalk Proposed bilayer budding / fusion pathway Sammalkorpi, Karttunen, Haataja: Model: J. Phys. Chem. B 111:11722 (2007) Fission: JACS 130:17977 (2008) Salt: J. Phys. Chem B. 113:5863 (2009) Interdigitating stalk Micelles: fusion and fission Why? Membrane fusion and fission are fundamental to cellular function and survival. Examples: endo- and excytosis, recycling, viral entry & drug delivery All of the above are inherently dynamic processes involving complex kinetics Fusion - lot of research has been done (Jahn & Grubmüller): X-rays: evidence of a short stalk (Yang & Huang) Simulations: pore mediated pathway (Marrink & Mark) Fission: Difficult to access experimentally: pioneering work by Rharbi & Winnick who showed the importance of electrostatics on fragmentation Computationally: Pool and Bolhuis were the first to simulate fission with solvent and to study transition paths. Markvoort et al.: existence of a short stalk using CG-MD. SDS & Initial configuration 200-400 ns microscopic simulations: total over 2µs Parameters available at www.softsimu.org red: negative Simulation engine: Gromacs Random initial configuration Explicit water: SPC NpT ensemble Force-field: Gromacs/Gromos Explicit counterions & salt SDS model: verification of charge distribution with Gaussian Constraints: LINCS (SDS), SETTLE (water) : of special importance Electrostatics: PME A wide range of temperatures, and surfactant and salt concentrations fate molecule with the employed Gromacs atom types were studied. Micellation: salt & temperature CaCl2:323 K Fully 3D. Periodic boundary conditions NaCl; T=323 K T=293 K; no salt T=303 K; no salt Size distribution & evolution SDS molecules Band: micelle fusion events: strips combine fuzziness: classification was problematic Transition: 288 - 297 K test systems: 400 SDS & 200mMol with 50,000 waters 200 2 150 1 100 1 50 5 T=253 K 0 SDS molecules 0 (b) T = 293 K SDS molecules (a) T = 273 K 2 150 1 100 1 50 5 T=273 K 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 Time in ns 2 150 1 100 1 50 5 T=313 K; elongated T=323 K; slightly elongated (d) T = 323 K 50 100 150 200 Time in ns T=283 K 200 T=293 K 0 0 (c) T = 313 K 0 0 50 100 150 200 Time in ns 200 0 T=273 K; crystalline T=293 K; spherical 50 100 150 200 Time in ns T=263 K 50 100 150 200 Time in ns T=303 K 0 0 50 100 150 200 Time in ns Animation of fission Starting point: large micelle from simulations with CaCl2 Procedure: Remove CaCl2 Provides access to micelle fission kinetics: size changes surfactant motion deformations leakage complexation with large molecules free energy changes Sammalkorpi, MK, Haataja, JACS 2008 T=323 K, N(SDS)=186. Snapshots Sammalkorpi, MK, Haataja, submitted T=323 K, N(SDS) = 186; pre-equilibrated for 200 ns Decrease in salt concentration: Interdigitation: almost complete After 4 ns: formation of a dumbell with a long stalk Diameter of the neck: only slightly larger than the length of an SDS molecule High degree of ordering: the molecules almost almost gel-like After 6 ns: two micelles of (about) equal size Areas of negative curvature and splay-like conformations High degree of ordering: neighbors are highly correlated Agreement with experiments: increased salt -> decrease fission rate (Rharbi & Winnick) Animation of fission: halt NOTE: Periodic boundary conditions T=323 K, N(SDS)=186. It is possible to control and even to halt fission by varying the salt concentration and/or temperature. Intermediate maintained: for 30 ns (previous: fission after 6 ns) Stalk (transient) looks crystalline: Ordering: neighbors are highly correlated Interdigitation: almost complete Diameter of the neck: length of an SDS (a) T = 273 K (b) T = 293 K Physical mechanisms 1 Importance of electrostatic interactions: Upon changing the ionic strength, the Coulombic screening length changes which leads to strong fluctuations. Consequences: Fluctuations lead to the formation of the dumbell which shape fluctuates very strongly. Formation of a highly intedigitated neck:, stretchable and stable; low mobility, no contact with water. Counterions have a dual role: In a dilute system, counterions are not bound to the micelle but escape to the solution -> instability. But the same counterions help to stabilize the stalk which is cylindrical (condensation) Physical mechanisms 2 Lord Rayleigh, Phil. Mag. 14, 184 (1882). Deserno, Eur. Phys. J. E 6, 163 (2001). Rayleigh instability: Surface tension wants to minimize the area but the electrostatic repulsion leads to deformations. When the size of the droplet increases, capillary instabilities will break the droplet. Difficulty: Charge neutrality (Deserno 2001); the micelle is charged and surrounded by salt and counterions. Seen as pearl-necklace conformations in polyelectrolytes (Micka, Holm, Kremer, 1999). Ion condensation: Ions can condense on the surface or they can even penetrate the micelle. The two lead to different scenarios No penetration: condensation on the surface leads to screening of the electric field - the droplet size is increases Penetration: The Bjerrum length plays a crucial role and the equilibrium droplet become very large Cholesterol • In membranes (eukaryotic cells) • Four fused rings • Precursors for steroid hormones and bile acids – Sex hormones – Regulation of Na+ – Anti-inflammatory properties – Vitamin A: vision and pigmentation – Vitamin D: formation of bones – Vitamin E: antioxidant – RAFTS! Cholesterol seems to be unique in its ability to enhance raft formation! Nelson & Cox: Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 3rd ed. Cholesterol • In membranes (eukaryotic cells) • Four fused rings • Precursors for steroid hormones and bile acids – Sex hormones – Regulation of Na+ – Anti-inflammatory properties – Vitamin A: vision and pigmentation – Vitamin D: formation of bones – Vitamin E: antioxidant – RAFTS! Cholesterol seems to be unique in its ability to enhance raft formation! Nelson & Cox: Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 3rd ed. and Length Scales in Biological Systems Phase diagram: DPPC + cholesterol : Experimental phase diagram of DPPC/cholesterol mixture (data M. R. Vist and J. H. Davis, Biochemistry 29, 451 (1990) Lipids at different resolutions Figs: T. Murtola PhD thesis 1.5. Modeling and Simulations United-atom model: aliphatic hydrogens are not represented explicitly Coarser particle models: chemical identity is lost. Focus on generic behavior. Semi-atomistic/superatom model where each bead describes a few heavy atoms. Continuum models: describe a bilayer as an elastic manifold (upper) and/or to describe local structure (lower) ost and focus is on generic behavior. (D) Co Groups Fig. 6 Schematic description of how SOM data could be used DPPC-chol CG models Figure 4.1: C for details). positions of a layer. Chole gle particle, a DPPC. Paper dom to the ta All the models describe a single monolayer of the b Hence, membrane undulations and interactions be [II] T. Murtola, E. Falck, M. Karttunen, and I. Vattulainen. 2007. Coarse-grained model for phospholipid/ cholesterol bilayer employing inverse Carloare with thermodynamic constraints. JCP 126:075101. although theMonte latter implicitly included in the eff [III] T. Murtola, M. Karttunen, andlateral I. Vattulainen. 2009. Systematic coarse-graining from structure describe using that the structure can be adequately internal states: Application to phospholipid/cholesterol bilayer. JCP, accepted. interacting through isotropic pair interactions. The (COM) positions of (parts of) the molecules. The e [I] T. Murtola, E. Falck, M. Patra, M. Karttunen, and I. Vattulainen. 2004. Coarse-grained model for phospholipid / cholesterol bilayer. J. Chem. Phys., 121:9156– 9165. Henderson’s theorem Volume 49A, number 3 PHYSICS LETTERS 9 September 1974 Text A UNIQUENESS THEOREM FOR FLUID PAIR CORRELATION FUNCTIONS R.L. HENDERSON Department of Physics, University of Guelph, Guelph N1G 2W1 Ontario, Canada Received 5 August 1974 It is shown that, for quantum and classical fluids with only pairwise interactions, and under given conditions of temperature and density, the pair potential v(r) which gives rise to a given radial distribution function g(r) is unique up to a constant. Attempts are often made to deduce information function, the thermal average of the second term in (1) on molecular interactions in the liquid state by analysis is Henderson theorem function is analogous to the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem of theThe measured radial distribution g(r) 136, B864of(1964)): [e.g. 1(Phys. ]. UnderRev. the assumption only pairwise inter(! ~ o(ri-ri)) = r'). (2) actions, this work proceeds, for instance, by solution of one of the common integral equations or by fitting In the thermodynamic limit, n number 2 becomes n 2N, g(r), where The electron density, together with the (known) electron the measured data with computer simulation results. n is the average density, and g(r) is the radial distribucompletely defines thepotential Hamiltonian of system (within an additive It is usually assumed that, once a pair o(r) is tionthe function. foundconstant). which reproduces a given g(r), it is the only one The uniqueness theorem follows from an inequality which will do so. This unique relation is manifest in for the Helmholtz free energy. We consider two systhe integral equations, but, so far as this author is tems under identical conditions of temperature, aware, has not been demonstrated beyong the context volume and density, and described respectively by !f drdr'o(r-r')n2(r, A Henderson’s theorem will give rise to a unique pair correlation function (in the canonical ensemble). Henderson’s theorem assertsby that A (classical or quantum) system described thethe Hamilto-Given that two the pro reverse is also true: Two systems,bywhich have a Hamiltonian Classical or a quantum system is described the Hamiltonian nian a const inequality holds: of the form (1) and which feature the same have pair It mu potentials which differ at most by a trivial constant. uniquen (1) This uniqueness theorem follows as a beautiful application of the Gibbs-Bogoliubov inequality. For two systems with where the trace Hamiltonian and the following inequality holds for It gives a unique pair correlation function g(r). Hendersonʼs theorem says that the g(r) gives a The proof willfree give rise to a unique pairbecorrelation (in space. the their energies: unique Hamiltonian up to a constant. That can proven usingfunction the Gibbs-Bogoliubov inequality equality canonical ensemble). Henderson’s theorem asserts that the canonical average proper for H1Give (2) reverse is also true: Two systems, which have a Hamiltonian inequal of the form (1) and which feature the same have pair where denotes the (canonical) average appropriate for potentials at most a trivial twoby systems withconstant. Hamiltonians H1 and H2 . The key which point isdiffer that equality holds if and only if uniqueness theorem as a beautiful application isThis independent of all degreesfollows of freedom, which implies of the the Gibbs-Bogoliubov inequality. For two systems The above holds if pair and only if H2-H1can is independent all adegrees of freedom. g1(r) and g2(r) that potentials differ onlyofby constant. See theThenwith The samewhere inequat can differAppendix only by a constant. Hamiltonian and the following inequality holds for for a proof of this inequality. butions but state space. Consider now two systems which are identical in all retheir free energies: on some equality Hilbert Donʼt believe the above? Try the following: assume that there are 2 systems that are identical spects except that the pair potential in one is and the pair using the spectra except that the pair potentials are different. potential in the other is . The corresponding two parti(2) the classical and distributions are and . The uniqueness theorem asThen, if gcle 1(r) and g2(r) are identical, the above says that ity only holds serts that Write if down , then a constant. Now, u2(r)-u1(r)=constant. the freethe energies for is both systems youʼll if end upfor with 0<0. where denotes (canonical) averageand appropriate differ by point more than justequality a constant, the same holds forif . The key is that holds if and only , and thus equality in (2) cannot hold, i.e., we have if the classical case A particularly Inverse Monte Carlo Inverse Monte Carlo scheme DIRECT PROPERTIES MODEL Radial distribution functions Interaction potential INVERSE Inverse Monte Carlo: Dissipative Particle Dynamics: • Reconstruct potentials from experimental RDFs • Construct potentials from detailed simulations • Coarse-grained description • Energy transfer to microscopic degrees of freedom via collisions • Produces the canonical ensemble Fi = ! FijC + FijD + FijR j !i RDF dissipative conservative random 1.0 V PMF ( r ) " # k B T ln g ( r ) Lyubartsev, Karttunen, Vattulainen, Laaksonen, Soft Materials -04 Murtola, Falck, Karttunen, Vattulainen, JCP -05, -07 IMC Central idea of Inverse Monte Carlo: Adjust effective interactions to match the target RDF in an iterative fashion. Potentials: represented by a piecewise constant grid approximation Vα Sα potential in bin α number of particle pairs in that bin Relation to RDF: Np V !Sα " = gα Np Aα /V number of particle pairs in the system total volume of the system During each iteration, the derivatives of !Sα " with respect to Vβ can be calculated for all pairs We can then express the changes in !Sα " to the first order in terms of changes in Vβ as ∆!S" = A∆V Aαβ ∂Sα "Sα Sβ # − "Sα #"Sβ # = =− ∂Vβ kB T How to improve? converged within the numerical accuracy of the Monte Carlo simulations, the number of steps beTo increased to refine the effective interactions further. minimize finite-size effects: Surface tension constraint. To minimize finite-size effects to the effective interactions, the simulations during the IMC procedure should be carried out with a simulations during the IMC procedure should be carried out with a system that is identical in siz system that is identical in size to the system from which the target 45 the system from which the target RDFs were determined. In some potentials cases, the effective poten RDFs were determined. In some cases, the effective produced thisdoway do not generalize to larger produced in thisinway not generalize to larger systems. Forsystems. example, in the present study effective interactions for the largest cholesterol concentrations are too attractive to mainta For example: effective interactions may become too attractive to reasonably uniform density in the system. Instead, larger systems form dense clusters separ maintain uniform density. by empty space. Such behavior is clearly unphysical, and may result from the absence of exp However: larger systems form dense clusters separated by empty effects of water in the model. space, which is typically unphysical. Such condensation effects can be characterized by the surface tension of the coarse-gra One possible surface tension model. We define solution: the surfaceuse tension γ of the coarse-grained model as ! " $% 1 # 1 !Ekin " + fij rij , γ= V 2 i<j Murtola, Vattulainen, (2007). where !Ekin " Falck, = N kBKarttunen, T is the average kinetic JCP energy in the system, and the latter term is the vi Surface tension Condensation effects can be characterized by surface tension. We define the surface tension γ of the coarse-grained model as # 1 $ 1 γ= !Ekin " + V 2 i<j % fij rij virial If this is close to zero or negative in simulations of small systems, larger systems may not be stable. This is the case for the highest cholesterol concentrations. Situations where thermodynamic properties, particularly the pressure, of the coarse-grained model do not match the underlying atomistic model have also been encountered in other coarse-graining approaches. Proposed solutions include: 1. iterative adjustment of the pressure followed by re-optimization of the interactions 2. imposing additional constraints on the instantaneous virial due to effective interactions S. Izvekov and G. A. Voth, J. Chem. Phys. 123, 134105 (2005). D. Reith, M. Putz, and F. Müller-Plathe, J. Comp. Chem. 24, 1624 (2003). Notice One should note that the surface tension cannot be directly related to the surface tension in the atomistic simulations. This is because the effective potentials are in general volume dependent. Hence, the correct value of γ is not necessarily the same as the surface tension in the atomistic simulations, which has been proposed to be zero in equilibrium. Because of these considerations, the value of γ has to be fixed using other quantities. Here, we used area compressibility Models: note cholesterol alwats a single particle Model I Constrained in 2D Speedup: 8 orders of magnitude. System size: 100 nm x 100 nm Model II Model III - sn-1 & sn-2 are different - bonded interactions - centre of mass used - internal state: 1. orderd 2. disordered - Needs extra internal energy terms - sn-1 & sn-2 are different - bonded interactions - centre of mass used - 7 non-bonded - 10 bonded interactions Coarse-grained lipidmore model carerivatives requires scope of the present discuss not close, there is no guaron of the change is an ascent be too long. namic constraints As de- - Nielsen et al., PRE 59:5790 -99 of disordered tails (denoted as nd ) is required (or e no , the number of ordered tails). The Hamiltonia comes " H= Sα Vα + ∆End + Efluct δnd2 , α interactions, in particular in higher cholesterol concentrations. Further, severa Model I rnal states, i.e., al guess for fur10 DPPC-DPPC out a constraint, rent 5implemene very different 0 several of these chol-chol V(r) [kBT] DPPC-chol 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 r [nm] 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 40r [nm] 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 r [nm] Modeling Figure 4.2: Effective pairwise interactions from [I]. Adapted from [I] Figure 4.1: 0% for details) 4.7 % positions o 12.5 % layer. Cho 20.3 % gle particle DPPC. Pap 29.7 % dom to the 50.0 % Model II V(r) [kBT] 10 Text Text head - head tail - tail tail - chol head - sn-1 head - sn-2 head - chol chol - chol 5 0 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 15 sn-1 - sn-2 40 bond head - sn-2 bond head - sn-1 bond 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 -5 -5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 r [nm] 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 r [nm] 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 r [nm] sn-1 and sn-2 are different 2.0 V(r) [kBT] 4 2.5 V(r) [kBT] V(r) [kBT] V(r) [kBT] 4 0% 4.7% 12.5% 20.3% 29.7% 4.4. Simulations with Coarse-Grained Models V(r) [kBT] Model III 5 43 Murtola, Karttunen, Vattulainen, accepted for publication in JCP head - head o-o o-d head - o head - d head - chol d-d 0 0.02 E [kBT] 2 2 1 0 0.01 -1 -2 0 0 10 20 30 Efluct [kBT] V(r) [kBT] 4 0.00 V(r) [kBT] Chol. conc. [%] o - chol 5 d - chol chol - chol 40 0% 4.7% 12.5% 20.3% 29.7% 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 r [nm] 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 r [nm] 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 r [nm] Figure 4.4: Effective pairwise interactions from [III]. Ordered and disordered tails are marked with o and d, respectively. The small figure shows the energy difference Cholesterol & clustering at 20% 0.0 Cholesterol at approx. 20 % Text 1.0 80 60 y [nm] 0.8 S(k) ◦ 40 0.6 0.4 20 0 0 0.2 Murtola, Falck, Karttunen, Vattulainen, JCP (2007). 20 40 x [nm] 60 80 4.5. Atomistic Simulations Transferability between concentrations 1.5 0.4 1.0 0.2 5% 13% S(k) S(k) S(k) S(k) Figure 4.6: Potential transferability in [ 1.5 top diagram summarizes the transferab 0.4 5% 13% 0 1 2 tween different concentrations: the first + The first +/- stands for (qualitative) reproduction of 0.5 small behavior of S (k) 0.2 1.0 for (qualitative) reproduction of small k The second + for qualitative reproduction of the of S(k), the second + for qualitative rep nearest-neighbor 0 1 peak2 in S (k) 0.0 nearest-neighbor peak in S(k), and 0.5 of the 0.2 20% 30% sible third + for quantitatively nearly cor 2.0 Third + for quantitatively nearly correct S (k) away from the small k 0.1region. The figur away 0.0 from the small k region 0.2 20% 30% 1.5show the transferability between two tom 2.0 0.0 The solid lines solid line: the correct0.1 S(k) adjacent concentrations. 1.0 0 1 2 3 1.5 dashed line: by the transferred interactions correct S(k), and the dashed line the S(k) 0.0 1.0 0 1 2 3 the0.5 transferred interactions. The color of shows 0.5 0.0 the simulation concentration. The u 0also representative 5 10the transfer 15 ure is for In practise: very different potentials lead to the same RDF 0.0 /nm] k [2 the simpler models away from the small 0 5 10 15 P. G. Bolhuis and A. A. Louis, Macromolecules 35, 1860 (2002). Conclusions Fluctuations play an important role in defining membrane properties. A new paradigm for lipid diffusion is suggested. Neighborneighbor correlations and concerted motion may dominate. Biological importance: rafts, signalling, lateral pressure Coarse graining using structural data. IMC is possible approach. It does not come without problems but can be used to reach systems sizes over 100nm x 100nm Micelles: new fission mechanism for charged micells.